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Developing an interactive SDG Localisation Dashboard (Web and Mobile Application) for
Government of Mizoram

1. Background

The UN General Assembly in September 2015 adopted a global development vision called
Transformingour World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The 2030 Agenda is “a
plan of action for people, planet and prosperity”. It lays out 17 new Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) and 169 targets to stimulate global action on issues critical to humanity and the planet.
To implement and monitor the ambitious SDG targets, the Government of Mizoram has partnered with
UNDP to develop an interactive SDG Dashboard platform (Web and Mobile App) reflecting the State’s
performance on the SDGs State-wise, District-wise and Village-wise based on the indicators of the
State’s SIF, DIF and LIF.

National Indicator Framework (NIF)

MoSPI has developed a National Indicator Framework (NIF) for monitoring SDGs Goals and
associated targets using statistical indicators to measure the outcomes of the policies to achieve
the targets underdifferent SDGs. The NIF aims to provide appropriate direction to the policy makers
and the implementersof various schemes and programmes.

State Indicator Framework (SIF)

The States have the primary responsibility for follow‐up and review, at the state, district and local
government levels with regard to the progress made in implementing the SDG goals and targets and
their achievements. To achieve and implement the NIF States have to develop their own State
Indicator Framework (SIF) based on their individual critical development priorities, data
requirements, available infrastructure and resources.

As the monitoring requirements at the State level are very different, the States further adapt NIF
as pertheir policy/local needs. For example, States requires more disaggregated data not only
vertically (districts, sub‐districts and lower level) but also horizontally (sex, classes, social groups,
rural ‐urban, marginalised population groups – persons with disabilities, elderly, children, among

For timely implementation and real‐time monitoring of the package components, there is a felt
need ofreporting tool using SIF:
 The SIF Dashboard can be seen as a set of process or output Indicators contributing
to theoutcome indicators of the NIF
 To ensure data driven decision making with regard to policies and financial
allocations todepartments and schemes
 Identification and designation of nodal Department and officers concerning identified
targets and State indicators
 To assess the gaps technical, financial and human resources can also be undertaken at
state anddistrict level
 Bring out State SDG Index and District SDG Index and rank the districts so as to promote
healthycompetition among the districts for achieving the SDGs goals and targets.

District Indicator Framework (DIF)

To strengthen the SDG goals and its impact at every individual, UNDP is in process of implementing
SDGindicators or relevant process and output indicators via District Indicator Framework (DIF)/
Village Indicator Framework (VIF)/ULB Indicator Framework (ULBIF). This DIF/VIF/ULBIF will act
as a base datafor SIF & NIF and will consist:
 Status of district/village (panchayat)/Urban Local Bodies on SDG indicators or relevant
process and output indicators
 Budget allocations & expenditure details for financial year
 Functional classification of expenditure budget‐ Economic/ Social/ General Services
 Budgetary alignment of welfare schemes with relevant SDGs
 Financial Devolution to Local Bodies (PRIs/ ULBs)
List of all Schemes‐ State Schemes/ Central Schemes/ Centrally Sponsored Schemes; District
Treasuryroute/ non treasury route schemes.

To further strengthen the monitoring of SDGs as the local level, the state of Mizoram is going for
Village Level and Urban Level Indicator frameworks. Thus for the first time in the country, this
dashboard will showcase the performance of Villages and Urban councils on SDG Indicators.

UNDP has developed few dashboards and the some of them are SDG Punjab Dashboard, SDG
Tool Uttarakhand etc. The selected agencies can take cue from these dashboards and develop
similar dashboard with the different functionalities for Mizoram. (UNDP is not expecting any
customization of source codes for this portal)

2. Objectives:

SDG Localisation Dashboard

i. SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) Dashboard is a data‐driven interactive platform

thatsupports tracking and monitoring of the United Nation's goals in line with NIF, SIF,
ii. SDG Dashboard can be accessed by Chief Minister, Chief Secretary, UNDP, Principal
Secretaries, Department HODs, Under Secretaries, Directors, Deputy Commissioners,
and other officials along with limited access of reports/ graphs to citizens via public
iii. User allocations as per roles/ Departments/ Districts/ Panchayat’s Raj Institutions
(PRIs)/ Blocks
iv. End to end NIF, SIF, DIF and VIF/ULB‐IF Configuration across all Departments
v. Data capturing as per indicators mapped to Departments, Schemes, Districts,
vi. Graphical charts and periodic status for SDG Goals, Targets, NIF, SIF, DIF and VIF
indicatorsstatus, progress and targets
vii. Comparison charts and evaluation for KPIs progress and evaluation
viii. Individuals (officials/ users/) KPI’s periodic performance evaluation
ix. Downloadable reports in various formats like excel, pdf, xml etc.
x. Additional options for uploading report, document, and on sight photos related to
schemes/projects with clear date, time, latitude and longitude.
xi. Provide technical support for UNDP/ GOI/ Government of Mizoram departments and
IT/partner teams
xii. End to end product life cycle management
xiii. Periodic development, enhancement and updates as per the state/ UNDP
requirement/technology updates
xiv. Database & data security management in sync with State Government IT teams
xv. Operations & Maintenance
xvi. Systematic handover after x period with all documentations (technical and non‐
xvii. Platform should be open-source, compatible and easy to migrate over the NIC/State
Data centre servers.
xviii. To generate classified report on financial allocation, expenditure and achievement of
targets each sector‐wise, department‐wise, SDG Goal‐wise, SDG Target‐wise, and SDG‐
indicator wise for course correction.
xix. Integration with other IT systems of Mizoram State for the monitoring of financial
allocation,expenditure and achievement targets at all level (district/department etc.)
xx. Direct data punching facility at the level of District and Panchayat/Village/Urban Local
Bodies level for direct updation of data where it is not available on any IT Platform
xxi. Auto alert systems like emails or pop‐up on every drastic or user defined parametric
changes in the indicator over a span of time.
xxii. Dashboard should contain the provision of Admin level management of users,
indicators, departments, mapping of indicators, institution hierarchy etc.
xxiii. Dashboard should able to generate indexes likes District Index, Panchayat Index, ULB
Index with provision to select indicators required for index generation out of long list
The SDG Dashboard will have login functionalities. SDG Dashboard user-interface for the public
should also be developed with limited access.

Dashboard configuration and accessibility of users as per their role, department access and rights

i. State Super Admin (Technology + Business)

ii. State Super Admin (Business user only)
iii. UNDP Admin (Technology + Business)
iv. Chief Minister (Admin)
v. Chief Secretary (Admin)
vi. Principal Secretary or Administrative Heads (Admin)
vii. Department HODs (Sub Admin)
viii. District users
ix. PRIs/ULB users
x. Block users
xi. Data entry users
xii. Read only users
xiii. Reporting users
xiv. Public access/ Citizens users
xv. Others


SDG Localisation Dashboard

a. Major modules
i. Summary Dashboard (interconnected with drill down approach) for all SDG Goals,
Targets,Departments, Schemes, Budget etc.
ii. Showcase National Indicator Framework
iii. Showcase State Indicator Framework
iv. Showcase District Indicator Framework
v. Showcase Local/Village Indicator Framework
vi. Local Bodies (PRIs/ULBs) Module
vii. Citizen Dashboard (Public access)
viii. Department wise SDG periodic goals
ix. Budget allocation & expenditure for SDG Targets & Indicators
x. Scheme Targets & Achievement by SDG Targets & Indicators
xi. Detailed Activities in line with Output/ Outcome/ Process and their KPIs
xii. Schemes, Departments & Sectors contributing to the SDG
xiii. Prospective target allocation
xiv. Users | User management module for Chief Secretary | Department HOD |
Departmentusers etc.
xv. Home | To access Home screen
xvi. Search | To search activity, package, sub activity, District, feature, etc.
xvii. Alert messages to users like departments, districts etc. on every current orders/
decisions/ activities etc. through emails
xviii. Others | More modules can be added during development (as per requirement)
xix. SDG Index – State, District, Village, Urban Local Bodies
xx. Option to connect with SDG Cell Website

b. Standard functionality required

i. Create, Read, Update & Delete
ii. Active/ Inactive module
iii. User allocation
iv. Data input at different hierarchy via users
v. Images/ banner change
c. Login Option
i. Email based/ Mobile Number
ii. OTP based
iii. Forget password

d. Functionality as per roles

i. Create, Read, Update & Delete
ii. Viewer, Administrator, Approvers, Activity update, Data entry, Modules
allocated,Department allocated, etc.

e. Multiuser hierarchy – As defined

f. Activity wise Data input (for e.g. Milestone, %, Revenue, Qty, Area, etc.)

g. Customizable Rule matrix for evaluating the Activity performance

h. Budget management & integration

i. Vertical/ Department/ activity wise split & management

ii. API integration with existing Finance systems – State and District and other levels
iii. Add/edit/delete values

i. Admin Panel GUI driven (drag n drop/ enable n disable/ other interactive ways)
configurable panel for implementing changes in modules, users, module accessibility,
reports, Dashboard access etc. via simple clicks/guided steps.

j. Dashboard

i. User role wise & Department wise activities performance dashboard

ii. Area maps representation & reporting (e.g. District/ village(panchayat)/ULB wise
iii. Dashboard based on user roles
iv. Status indicators
v. Citizen Dashboard (Public access)
vi. Department wise SDG goals periodic status & performance
vii. Budget allocation & expenditure for SDG Targets & Indicators
viii. Scheme targets & achievement for SDG Targets & Indicators
ix. Schemes, Departments & Sectors contributing to the SDG along with comparisons
x. Filtration of reports by various categories (like Sex, Rural/Urban, Category wise (SC, ST,
OBC, General), Literacy (Literate/Non literate), Employment
(Employed/Unemployed), Occupation (Agriculture/Non‐Agriculture) and querying all
reports District wise/ ULB/ PRIswise)
xi. Periodic selection (Year/Quarter/Monthly ‐ Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4)
xii. Govt of India, State specific and joint schemes status
xiii. Individual users/ officials KPIs report/ status
xiv. Provision to fetch data through APIs as and where it will be available.
k. Reports/ Status

i. To view progress of the central and state schemes

ii. Milestones achieved
iii. Activities status
iv. Percentage of work completed
v. Sharing the report
vi. Download report via Excel/PDF
vii. Share report to Email, Social media, others
viii. Graphical/tabular presentation of data related to SDGs, Budgets, Indexes etc.

l. Search

i. SDG Goals
ii. Scheme name
iii. Department name
iv. Activity name
v. Sub activity name
vi. District name
vii. PRIs/ ULBs
viii. Budget Heads
ix. Village
x. Official/Users

m. KPIs management
i. Create, Read, Update & Delete
ii. Defining milestones
iii. Accepting respective values
iv. Uploading supporting documents (PDF, Word, Excel, PPT, TXT etc.), images,
Lat/Longcoordinates, URLs, Social media URLs
v. Duration based edit/changes configuration
vi. Approval/ Edit
vii. Evaluating those values as per rule defined

n. SDG Index
i. District/PRI/ULB Index dashboard with calculations based on the positive and
negativeindicators along with comparison among different districts/PRIs/ULBs
ii. District/PRI/ULB Index should be calculated based on selected indicators from the
long list of DIF/PRI/ULB Indicators


a. Security audit by Cert‐In empaneled agency covering functional testing, vulnerability

assessment and penetration testing)
b. Hosting of the application till the time it is shifted to NIC/Govt. server
c. End to end deployment of NIC/Govt server


a. Open‐source technology (Only)

b. Hosting on Cloud /data center (independent of any hosting platform)
c. Limited external dependencies
d. Technology platform should be scalable with minor changes and compatible with
NIC/Govt. Servers (not very high-end platforms)


Technology partner can deploy the solution in phases with below indicative features:

Phase I Dashboard
i. Creation of dashboard with masters and state specific indicators
ii. Integration with Central Govt Services related to SDG
iii. Summary Dashboard (interconnected with drill down approach) for all SDG Goals,
Targets, Departments, Budget, scheme etc.
iv. NIF Module
v. SIF Module
vi. Department wise SDG periodic goals
vii. Budget allocation & expenditure for SDG Targets & Indicators
viii. Scheme Targets & Achievement by SDG Targets & Indicators
ix. Schemes, Departments & Sectors contributing to the SDG
x. Users | User management module for Chief Secretary | Department HOD |
Departmentusers etc.
xi. Current FY data and representation
xii. Home | To access Home screen
xiii. Documentation (Technical, Screen Shots, Coding, SRS etc.)

Phase II
i. Integration with other IT systems running in the State for collection of
District leveldata and below
ii. Planning for Next Year
iii. DIF Module
iv. Local Bodies (PRIs/ULBs) Module
v. Search | To search activity, package, sub activity, District, feature, etc.
vi. Periodic selection (Year/Quarter ‐ Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4)
vii. Area maps representation & reporting (e.g. District wise SDG Status)
viii. Data entry module for non‐IT platform data collection
ix. Documentation (Technical, Screen Shots, Coding, SRS etc.)

Phase III
i. VIF Module
ii. Individual users/ officials KPIs report/ status
iii. Area maps representation & reporting (e.g. Village (Panchayat) wise SDG
iv. Filtration of reports by Gender, Rural/Urban, Category wise (SC, ST,
OBC, General),Literacy (Literate/Non literate), Employment
(Employed/Unemployed), Occupation (Agriculture/Non‐Agriculture)
and querying all reports District wise/ ULB wise
v. Govt of India, State specific and joint schemes status
vi. Citizen Dashboard (Public access)
vii. Others | More modules can be added during development (as per
viii. Documentation (Technical, Screen Shots, Coding, SRS etc.)

ix. Mobile Apps

Phase IV

I. Post delivery operations/ hosting

II. Documentation (Technical, Screen Shots, Coding, SRS etc.)


Key Deliverables

SDG Dashboard
1. Web/ Mobile Application (Android/iOS) for accessibility and data entry
2. LIVE & deployable platform covering
i. Architecture
ii. Security policy
iii. Design Diagram
iv. All modules and their functionality
v. Logical constructs
vi. Database architecture
vii. API’s / 3rd party system connectivity process
viii. Others
3. Source code for web application and mobile app ( android and iOS) along with all
associateddocumentation ( technical)
4. User manual/Training manual for the end users of the system at state/district and block
5. Facilitate training to the end users at Mizoram
6. Test report for the testing done on the staging server of NIC/ NIC empanelled agency
7. Security audit clearance certificate
8. Hosting on agency provisioned server till the time application is shifted to NIC/govt
9. Deployment at State Govt servers/ NIC data centre

10. Browser Compatibility

The SDG dashboard should be compatible with latest version/s of Edge, Chrome,
Internet Explorer and Mozilla Browsers. The applications (SDG Dashboard) should be
responsive and interactive.

Mode of Data entry

There will be provision of making data entries Online (web/mobile interface – responsive one) – The
data entry for the indicators by the district departments and verification by State level departments will
be done online.
The Department of Planning, Programming, Monitoring and Statistics shall be the owner of the data
available in the dashboard.


o System Requirement Specification (SRS)

o Design Document
o Provide One year of continuous maintenance and support for resolving bugs in the application
o Capacity Building of DES/District admin staff to be able to update the data, maintain the
o Capacity building of departments/state officials to input the data via the data input tool
o Development of additional widgets
o Open APIs
o Database architecture
o System Manual (Technical Document including updation for every new version of the
Application based on enhancements/bug fixing)
o User Manual (including updation for every new version of the application)
o Security audit report
o Application installation guide (with pictorials) including infrastructure recommendation
o Working copy of the source code (for the latest version of the application) (including the Data
Flow Diagrams)
o Detailed information about the external dependencies (if exists) along with complete
documentation of Mobile and Web Applications (Dashboard)

11. DURATION OF THE ASSIGNMENT ( 1 year from the start date of the contract)

i. 4 months for the design, development and deployment of Mobile Apps & Dashboard
including the data migration activity and availability of Android & iOS mobile app on
play store
ii. 8 months of post deployment support.

12. Following Key Positions:

Team Leader:
 Qualification: Post Graduate/Graduate Degree inIT/Administration/Computer
Science/ Computer Applications
 Experience: Minimum 7 years of experience in management of IT
systemdevelopment/Implementation of Management Information Systems. Handle at least 4
implementation projectsand having strong knowledge inthe field of development sectors.
 Skills: Professional skills in project management, system design and development, database
design and development,operations and teamleadership.

Key Team Members:

1. Product Management/Project Management Expert
 Qualification: Post Graduate/Graduate Degree in IT
/Computer Science/Computer Applications
 Experience: Minimum 5 years of experience in management of IT system
development/Implementation of Management Information Systems. Working experience and
strong knowledge in as UI developer – Business Analysts/designers/ frontend UI developers/
backend developer/full stack developers/ android app develops/ iOS app developers/ data
visualizer etc.Handle at least 3 implementation projects and having strong knowledge inthe field
of development sectors
 Skills: Professional skills in project management, system design and development, database
design and development,operations and teamleadership, requirement analysis and

2. Software Development/ Product Management Expert

 Qualification: Post Graduate/Graduate Degree in IT
/Computer Science/Computer Applications
 Experience: Minimum 4 years of experience in development of IT system /Management
Information Systems/ Dashboard Development/Mobile Application Development.
 Skills: Professional skills as UI developer – Business Analysts/designers/ frontend UI
developers/ backend developer, fullstack developers, androidapp develops, iOS app
developers, data visualizer etc.

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