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Does Technology Substitute for Nurses? Staffing Decisions in Nursing Homes

Article in Management Science · March 2017

DOI: 10.1287/mnsc.2016.2695

59 409

3 authors, including:

Susan Feng Lu
Purdue University


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Articles in Advance, pp. 1–18 ISSN 0025-1909 (print), ISSN 1526-5501 (online)

Does Technology Substitute for Nurses? Staffing Decisions in

Nursing Homes
Susan F. Lu,a Huaxia Rui,b Abraham Seidmannb
a Krannert School of Management, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana 47907; b Simon Business School, University of Rochester,
Rochester, New York 14627
Contact: (SFL); (HR); (AS)

Received: May 20, 2015 Abstract. Over the past 10 years, many healthcare organizations have made significant
Accepted: October 13, 2016 investments in automating their clinical operations, mostly through the introduction of
Published Online in Articles in Advance: advanced information systems. Yet the impact of these investments on staffing is still
not well understood. In this paper, we study the effect of information technology (IT)-
enabled automation on staffing decisions in healthcare facilities. Using unique nursing
Copyright: © 2017 INFORMS home IT data from 2006 to 2012, we find that the licensed nurse staffing level decreases
by 5.8% in high-end nursing homes but increases by 7.6% in low-end homes after the
adoption of automation technology. Our research explains this by analyzing the interplay
of two competing effects of automation: the substitution of technology for labor and the
leveraging of complementarity between technology and labor. We also find that increased
automation improves the ratings on clinical quality by 6.9% and decreases admissions
of less profitable residents by 14.7% on average. These observations are consistent with
the predictions of an analytical staffing model that incorporates technology adoption
and vertical differentiation. Overall, these findings suggest that the impact of automation
technology on staffing decisions depends crucially on a facility’s vertical position in the
local marketplace.
History: Accepted by Chris Forman, information systems.
Supplemental Material: The online appendix is available at
Keywords: staffing • labor • automation technology • vertical differentiation • nursing homes

1. Introduction we aim to address the technology–nurse relation from

Will improved technology provide enough jobs? In a strategic-positioning perspective. Although the rela-
a recent Wall Street Journal article, former U.S. Trea- tion between technology and nurse employment has
sury Secretary Lawrence Summers voiced such a con- generated considerable interests among the public, the
cern (Summers 2014). Microsoft cofounder Bill Gates literature investigating the effect of information tech-
warned in 2014 that automation threatens all manners nology (IT)-enabled automation on staffing decisions
of workers, from drivers to waiters to nurses (Aeppel in individual facilities is relatively sparse.
2015). Similarly, but in a more optimistic tone, Marc We chose nursing homes as our study subjects. Com-
Andreessen, a well-known entrepreneur and software pared with hospitals, nursing homes provide a rel-
engineer, said in an interview that “software will atively clean setting to address the relation between
eat the world,” to express his view that information technology and labor, as both the structure of labor
technology will revolutionize all sectors of the econ- provision and the services are relatively homogeneous
omy, replacing old jobs with new jobs along the way (Norton 2000). Quality of care in a nursing home
(Anderson 2012). is mainly determined by nurses on a daily basis.
Over the past 10 years, advances in information IT-enabled automation may help reduce nurse tasks,
technology have been changing healthcare delivery by increase the utilization of nurse time, improve the
bringing digitization and automation into the indus- working environment for nurses, and strengthen the
try. As more and more healthcare providers have bonds between nurses and residents. Interestingly,
adopted technologies such as computerized provider adoption of IT-enabled automation has largely lagged
order entry (CPOE), the administration and delivery of behind in nursing homes compared with other health-
care have become streamlined and efficient (Agarwal care facilities, such as hospitals. According to Health
et al. 2010, Goh et al. 2011). As a result, policy mak- Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS)
ers and medical providers, especially nurses, want to data, more than 80% of hospitals had adopted CPOE
know, does technology substitute for nurses, the basic by 2011, while less than 40% of nursing homes had
labor force in the healthcare industry? In this study, implemented it.
Lu, Rui, and Seidmann: Staffing Decisions in Nursing Homes
2 Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–18, © 2017 INFORMS

We use the adoption of CPOE, an advanced infor- of the baby boomer generation, approximately $111 bil-
mation system, to measure the level of IT-enabled lion was spent on nursing home care in the United
automation in nursing homes. CPOE can help health- States in 2011, up from $92 billion in 2006 (Kolus
care providers streamline operations via automation, 2012). The entire nursing home industry is very com-
reduce medication errors, and improve resident safety petitive (Lu and Wedig 2013). According to the OSCAR
(Davidson and Chismar 2007). Using the Online Sur- data, on average, there are 13.7 nursing homes located
vey Certificate and Reporting (OSCAR) nursing home within a five-mile radius of each other. Compared with
data and the one-year lagged HIMSS CPOE data from hospitals, nursing homes provide relatively homoge-
2006 to 2012, we find that automation has no effect on neous services, and quality is mainly determined by
overall labor demand, but its effect on staffing deci- the nurses. They thus provide an ideal setting to inves-
sions depends crucially on a nursing home’s vertical tigate the relation between automation technology and
position in the local market. Our results show that the staffing input.
licensed nurse (LN) staffing level increases on average
7.6% in low-end nursing homes but decreases by 5.8% 2.1. Quality Mix and Vertical Differentiation
in high-end homes after CPOE is adopted. The out- Nursing home services are mainly paid for in one of
comes can be explained by the interplay of two com- three ways: Medicare, Medicaid, or private pay.1 Post-
peting effects of IT-enabled automation. On one hand, acute care services are generally paid by Medicare or
automation increases the marginal benefit of quality private insurers, and long-term care (LTC) services are
improvement from increased staffing. This complemen- largely paid by Medicaid. Currently, Medicare resi-
tarity effect helps a nursing home improve its compet- dents generate the highest per-resident revenue and
itiveness in its local market (McAfee and Brynjolfsson profit margins (average revenue of about $500 per res-
2008). On the other hand, the marginal effect of quality ident per day), while Medicaid residents generate the
on revenue diminishes as quality improves. Given that lowest (average daily revenue under $194).2 Hence, a
the marginal cost of staffing is relatively constant, an nursing home is often assessed in terms of its “qual-
increase in automation may actually lead to the substi- ity mix,” which is industry jargon describing the per-
tution of technology for labor, which we call the sub- centage of revenues from sources other than Medicaid
stitution effect. The complementarity effect dominates (Credit Suisse Equity Research 2001).
the substitution effect in low-end nursing homes but is Nursing homes generally prefer payment sources
dominated by the latter in high-end ones. such as private pay or Medicare because of their
Furthermore, we find that an increase in automation high margins, and these non-Medicaid patients typi-
leads to an increase in resident clinical outcomes. The cally gain admission first when there are not enough
results show that ratings on clinical quality increase beds (Nyman 1993). Although nursing homes are not
by 6.9% on average after a nursing home implements allowed to discriminate among residents based on their
CPOE, all else being equal. Interestingly, although payer types after admission (Grabowski et al. 2008),
CPOE adoption does not change the total number of nursing homes can (and do) screen applicants before
admissions, possibly because of capacity limits, it does admission. Federal and state regulations do not allow
nursing homes to demand cash payment before they
result in a 14.7% decrease in the admissions of Med-
accept a Medicaid resident or to ask the family of a res-
icaid residents, the least profitable type, regardless of
ident to sign a so-called private-pay duration-of-stay
a nursing home’s vertical position. These results echo
clause, which requires the resident not to use Medicaid
current industry trends, in which nursing homes strive
for a certain amount of time.3 However, nursing homes
for quality improvement as they chase lucrative res-
A10 have varying degrees of flexibility to choose whom
idents (Thomas 2015). Moreover, all these empirical
they admit and are typically not required to justify to
findings are consistent with the predictions of a staffing
the applicant why she is not admitted.4 In fact, the main
model that incorporates technology adoption and ver-
driver of quality competition among nursing homes is
tical differentiation. To the best of our knowledge,
attracting residents who are willing to pay more for
this is the first paper in the health IT literature that
better quality of care (Cohen and Spector 1996, Chen
theoretically and empirically addresses the impact of
and Grabowski 2015).
automation technology on nurse labor from a strategic-
Given the importance of quality of care in com-
positioning perspective.
petition for high-margin residents, vertical differ-
entiation in service quality naturally becomes an
2. Industry Background and important feature of the nursing home industry and
Literature Review is directly reflected by the star rating system provided
A nursing home is a place for the elderly or the dis- by the federal Nursing Home Compare (NHC) web-
abled who do not need to be in a hospital but still site (Konetzka et al. 2015).5 The NHC also publicly
require assistance in daily living activities and/or med- releases nurse-to-resident staffing ratios to help con-
ical care from professional nurses. Because of the aging sumers identify high-quality nursing homes. Konetzka
Lu, Rui, and Seidmann: Staffing Decisions in Nursing Homes
Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–18, © 2017 INFORMS 3

et al. (2008) show that high staffing ratios are positively CPOE. One of the nurses interviewed in Ground (2008)
associated with high quality in nursing homes. Natu- made the following comments on CPOE: “Makes nurs-
rally, nurse input serves as a critical proxy for quality. ing job easier. Not trying to find chart with orders. Not
Interestingly, the variation of nurse-to-resident staffing trying to decipher handwriting. Don’t have to enter
ratios is very large across nursing homes (Chen 2008). orders. Decreased stress because job is clear” (p. 280).
According to the 2006 staffing information released The benefits of CPOE in nursing homes have also
by the NHC, the dispersion of LN hours per resident been studied. Besides the potential benefits of reduc-
day (HPRD) between the 1st percentile and the 99th ing medical errors, CPOE increases labor flexibility
percentile is 4.59, suggesting that nursing homes offer via process improvement (Felan et al. 1993). Subrama-
services at different quality levels and target different nian et al. (2007) point out that in LTC facilities with
consumer segments. CPOE, nurses are likely to spend less time placing
orders directly; less time verifying drugs with order;
2.2. Technology and Workflow less time identifying, locating, and preparing drugs;
CPOE has long been regarded as a powerful tech- less time administering drugs; and less time document-
nology to reduce medication errors and to increase ing administration of drugs. For example, under a tra-
efficiency in medication administration.6 It affects the ditional paper-based system, after a physician writes
workflow of both physicians and nurses by replacing down prescriptions for residents in a nursing home,
traditional methods of placing medication orders (e.g., nurses at the facility need to transcribe the prescrip-
paper prescriptions, verbal, fax) with an integrated tions and input them into the facility’s system. More
electronic system. Eisenberg and Barbell (2002) outline often than not, nurses have to communicate with the
the eight steps to optimize physician workflow using physician to verify those prescriptions to ensure accu-
CPOE. Niazkhani et al. (2009) review the literature racy and avoid errors. After the physician signs off,
on the effects of CPOE and highlighted the workflow the nurses order the medicine from a pharmacy. With
advantages such as legible orders, remote accessibility CPOE, a physician can directly enter the prescriptions
of the system, and the shorter order turnaround time. in the computer system, which then sends the medicine
The specific impact of CPOE on nurses, however, is less orders to the pharmacy electronically and also updates
well understood. the medical records of the residents. Clearly, the adop-
Traditionally, nurses are swamped with tasks such tion of CPOE can improve prescription efficiency and
as hunting for supplies, tracking down medications, reduce the workload for nurses.
filling out paperwork at the nurse station, and look-
2.3. Technology and the Nurse Labor Market
ing for missing test results. According to Worth (2008), The nurse labor market is subject to cycles of short-
most nurses spend less than half of their time help- age and surplus. Since the late 1990s, the market has
ing patients. A Novant health study found, in a 2010 been characterized by a shortage of nurses, which has
internal audit for Presbyterian Medical Center, that triggered a rise in nurses’ wages (Rother and Lavizzo-
nurses were involved in direct patient care at the bed- Mourey 2009). After the introduction of the Affordable
side for only 2.5 hours in each 12-hour shift.7 Clearly, Care Act, which emphasizes prevention and patient
the use of expensive professional nursing time is very experience, nurses tend to play substantial roles. More-
inefficient. Moreover, the wasted time is frustrating for over, with an aging society and the retirement of the
nurses, which might lead to poor care for patients. The baby boomer generation, nurses likely will be in high
Novant analysis shows that bedside time got a boost A14
demand in the long run. The Bureau of Health Pro-
after automation technology was installed. At Presby- fessions estimates that the shortage of nurses in the
terian Medical Center, the implementation of automa- United States will grow to 800,000 vacancies by 2020.
tion technology reduced by 42 minutes the amount of As we discussed in the previous section, technol-
time spent paging other nurses, copying and faxing, ogy can significantly enhance nurses’ productivity. For
and tracking down tests. example, documenting resident health conditions is
Ground (2008) compares the amount of time that a significant part of many nurses’ jobs. Nurses rou-
nurses spent performing different task groups for tinely spend 15%–25% of their workday document-
paper-based and CPOE intensive care units during ing resident care—in some cases, considerably more
observations of roughly 32 hours. She finds that (Gugerty et al. 2007). Information technology can
the amount of time spent by nurses on the conver- reduce redundant documentation and streamline the
sational task group decreased from 671.22 minutes collection and retrieval of resident information, thus
(paper based) to 490.86 minutes (CPOE based) and the increasing the efficiency of the entire nursing work-
time spent by nurses on the documentation/reading force. In fact, the National Advisory Council on Nurse
task group decreased from 427.47 (paper based) min- Education and Practice (NACNEP) recognized that
utes to 322.42 minutes (CPOE based), suggesting the IT can address the nursing shortage and key chal-
enhanced productivity resulting from the adoption of lenges related to nurse productivity (NACNEP 2009).
Lu, Rui, and Seidmann: Staffing Decisions in Nursing Homes
4 Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–18, © 2017 INFORMS

The nurse workforce is aware of the impact of health The paper most relevant to ours in this stream of
information technology on their careers. For example, literature is the one by Autor et al. (2003; hereafter
in an article published in the January/February 2014 referred to as ALM), which focuses on how comput-
issue of National Nurse, the rollout of electronic health erization alters job skill demands. They argue that
records systems was identified as one of the danger- computer capital substitutes for workers in perform-
ous trends that nurses must know about. It was argued ing routine tasks and complements workers in per-
that health IT will “maximize earnings by limiting forming nonroutine tasks. As we do, they develop an
healthcare providers’ use of independent judgment in analytical model to derive hypotheses, which are then
treatment options” (National Nurse Staff 2014, p. 14) tested using empirical data. Despite some similarities
and “ultimately remove people—face-to-face contact— in modeling, there are important differences between
from healthcare” (p. 15). the two papers. First, the ALM model is developed for
2.4. Literature Review an industry-level analysis. Indeed, the paper suggests
Our work contributes to the health IT literature. A large that the agent’s objective function, a form of the Cobb–
branch of this literature investigates the impact of Douglas production function, represents the “produc-
health IT adoption on quality or health outcomes tion function of a single industry.” This is suitable for
offered by medical providers (Athey and Stern 2002, their study because their empirical strategy is to use
Parente and McCullough 2009, Miller and Tucker 2011, the variation in routine task intensities among differ-
Bhargava and Mishra 2014). Besides, Dranove et al. ent industries to test the effect of computerization on
(2014) study the cost savings of health IT adoption. job skill demand. By contrast, our model is built with
Niazkhani et al. (2009) review studies about the effect individual nursing homes in mind. Therefore, while
of the adoption of CPOE on clinical workflows. Lee the ALM model offers a cross-industry macro view of
et al. (2013) use a production function correcting for how IT affects demand for labor, our model offers a
endogenous input choices to estimate the impact of within-industry micro view of how IT affects demand
health IT investment on productivity. Surprisingly, for labor in individual firms. Second, because of the
there are few papers in this literature studying the differences in data granularity and research scope, our
effect of health IT adoption on nurses, the major labor model emphasizes the moderating role of vertical dif-
force in the healthcare market. ferentiation on IT’s impact on labor, which clearly is
More broadly, our work relates to the literature about not the focus of the ALM study because their unit of
the impact of technology on labor market, which has analysis is industry rather than firm. This also partly
interested economists long before the emergence of explains why this aspect is largely overlooked in the
information technology (Griliches 1969). The inven- literature. Third, the time horizon between the ALM
tion and widespread use of computer technology over model and our model also differs significantly. Our
the past half century has largely fueled this interest, model is developed with a short-term time horizon
especially with respect to the impact of technology on in mind, while that of ALM is a general-equilibrium
wage inequality. In particular, the rising wage inequal- model where workers self-select among occupations to
ity since the 1980s has been attributed to a rise in the clear the labor market.
demand for highly skilled workers due to a burst of This study is relevant to a small set of papers exam-
new technology—the hypothesis known in the liter-
ining the substitution of IT resources for labor. Dewan
ature as the skill-biased technical change hypothesis. A20
and Min (1997) formulate a constant elasticity of sub-
Using data from the Annual Survey of Manufactures,
stitution (CES)-translog production function with IT
the Census of Manufactures, and the NBER trade data,
capital, non-IT capital, and labor as inputs, and annual
Berman et al. (1994) investigated the shift in demand
value added by a firm as the output. They find IT capi-
away from unskilled and toward skilled labor in U.S.
manufacturing over the 1980s and conclude that pro- tal is a net substitute for ordinary labor in all economic
duction labor-saving technological changes were the sectors. Chwelos et al. (2010) find that the increasing
chief explanation for this shift. Autor et al. (1998) share of IT investment comes at the expense of labor
find that the strong and persistent growth in relative through labor substitution. Furukawa et al. (2011) esti-
demand favoring college graduates from 1940 to 1996 mate a translog production function and find that IT
is related to the intensity of computer usage. Krusell has a substitutability effect on low-skilled labor and
et al. (2000) consider a four-factor production func- an even stronger complementarity effect on higher-
tion, and their estimations suggest that the declining skilled workers. Bresnahan et al. (2002) find that com-
price of equipment capital can explain a large share puters and skilled labor are relative complements. Our
of the rise in relative demand for skilled workers in paper contributes to this line of literature in three ways.
the United States. Acemoglu (2002) surveys many theo- First, we focus on how vertical differentiation affects
ries and, after gathering evidence, proposes a unifying the impact of IT adoption on a firm’s strategic staffing
framework. decisions. Second, we find that the relative strength of
Lu, Rui, and Seidmann: Staffing Decisions in Nursing Homes
Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–18, © 2017 INFORMS 5

substitution and complementary effects shapes the dif- study, and each nursing home, after observing its real-
ferent labor decisions for individual firms within an ized θ value, optimally selects the quality level.
industry. Third, this is the first paper using the nursing We assume that R(q, θ) is increasing in q, which
home setting to document the relation between staffing implies that a nursing home with high quality care has
decisions and adoption of automation technology. high average revenue per resident. The rationale is that
high-quality nursing homes are more likely to attract
3. Development of Hypotheses profitable residents than low-quality nursing homes.9
To develop testable hypotheses, we build a model to Apparently, R(q, θ) must satisfy limq→∞ ∂R/∂q  0
analyze a nursing home’s optimal staffing decision. We because R(q, θ) is necessarily capped by the revenue
denote by s the number of staff and by d the number of per resident from the most lucrative residents. A styl-
residents. Hence, the nurse-to-resident ratio is r ≡ s/d. ized way to incorporate this requirement is to assume
This staffing ratio is a major determinant of the qual- that R(q, θ) is concave in q; that is, ∂2 R/∂q 2 < 0. Finally,
ity of care provided by a nursing home (Konetzka et al. we denote the average wage paid to LNs by w.
2008). An important factor that moderates the quality We assume a fixed occupancy rate, which implies
of care provided by a nursing home with a given nurse- a fixed total number of residents for a nursing home
to-resident ratio is the degree of IT-enabled automation, with a given number of beds.10 The rationale is that
which is represented in our model by a positive and nursing homes can fill their vacant beds with Medicaid
continuous number, k. Given the staffing ratio r and residents, who are typically in excess demand, and the
the automation level k, the quality of care is q  Q(r, k). certificate-of-need (CON) law restricts nursing home
We require Q to be increasing in both r and k. Note expansion (Harrington et al. 1997). This assumption
that because the optimal staffing ratio is endogenous, simplifies our analysis and allows us to focus on the
the assumption on the monotonicity of Q does not sug- average revenue per resident, which is of particular
gest that an increase in automation will necessarily lead importance to nursing homes. For ease of notation, we
to an increase in quality. For example, if an increase in normalize the total number of residents to 1.
automation level k leads to a decrease in staffing ratio r, To understand how an increase in automation affects
the overall effect on quality is ambiguous. This mono- the optimal staffing decision and the implication for the
tonicity assumption states that, ceteris paribus, nurses quality of care provided, we treat the staffing decision s
equipped with automation technology can work more as the decision variable and treat the automation level
efficiently in a nursing home and spend more time with k as a parameter. Essentially, we model how a nurs-
residents, thereby providing better care. This assump- ing home should optimally determine its quality level
tion is consistent with the empirical evidence on the by choosing an appropriate staffing level. Mathemat-
benefits of IT-enabled automation for nurse productiv- ically, we can write the surplus revenue optimization
ity and the general view that computerization improves problem as follows:11
productivity (Brynjolfsson and Hitt 2003). A23
Although each state’s Medicaid program is differ- max V(s)  R(q, θ) − ws.
ent, the margin from an average Medicaid resident
is generally the lowest compared with Medicare or Note that because k is not a decision variable in our
private-paying residents. Because prices for Medicare model, the cost of investing in technology is normal-
and Medicaid residents are heavily regulated by the ized to 0. We denote the solution to the optimization
government, a nursing home’s quality of care becomes problem by s ∗ and the associated quality of care by q ∗ .
an increasingly important factor in the competition for Our analysis examines how an increase in automation
profitable residents. To focus on this unique indus- level k in a nursing home affects its optimal staffing
try characteristic, we model a nursing home’s average decision s ∗ and the implication for the resulting qual-
revenue per resident as a function R(q, θ), where q is ity q ∗ . To this end, we assume the following functional
the quality of care offered by the nursing home and forms of Q(r, k) and R(q, θ):
θ ∈ [ θ, θ̄] is a parameter to introduce heterogeneity
among nursing homes. As we show later, a natural Q(r, k)  rk,
interpretation of this parameter θ is a nursing home’s R(q, θ)  λ(1 − αθe −Aθq ) + (1 − λ)(1 − βθe −Aθq ),
brand equity, which reflects consumers’ perception of
its quality.8 In the short run, a nursing home may be where (1 − αθe −Aθq ) is the average revenue per res-
able to adjust its quality level but is unlikely to change ident from short-term residents (typically Medicare
consumers’ perception about its brand. Because our and private-pay residents), (1 − βθe −Aθq ) is the aver-
empirical study focuses on a seven-year sample period, age revenue per resident from long-term residents
we assume θ is exogeneous during this period. From (typically Medicaid and private-pay residents), and
the modeling perspective, one can think of the value λ and (1 − λ) are their respective weights.12 Clearly,
of θ as being picked by nature at the beginning of our Q(r, k) and R(q, θ) satisfy the following properties:
Lu, Rui, and Seidmann: Staffing Decisions in Nursing Homes
6 Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–18, © 2017 INFORMS

∂Q/∂r > 0, ∂Q/∂k > 0, ∂R/∂q > 0, ∂2 R/∂q 2 < 0, the substitution effect for high-end nursing homes. We
and limq→∞ ∂R/∂q  0. We define b  λα + (1 − λ)β therefore propose the following hypotheses for empir-
p impose the technical assumption 0 < θ < θ̄ <
and ical testing.
we 2 /Akb, which allows us to interpret the parameter Hypothesis 1. An increase in automation leads to a
θ as the vertical position of a nursing home within its decrease in the nurse-to-resident ratio for a nursing home
competitive market as shown in the following result. with a high vertical position.
Proposition 1. The optimal staffing level s ∗ , the optimal Hypothesis 2. An increase in automation leads to an
quality level q ∗ , and the average revenue per resident increase in the nurse-to-resident ratio for a nursing home
R(q ∗ , θ) are increasing in θ. with a low vertical position.
To understand how an increase in automation affects
a nursing home’s quality and the average revenue 4. Data
per resident, we evaluate the signs of ∂q ∗ /∂k and This study incorporates two primary data sources:
∂R(q ∗ , θ)/∂k in the next proposition. the 2006–2012 OSCAR data and the 2005–2011 HIMSS
Proposition 2. The average revenue per resident R(q ∗ , θ) data. The OSCAR data cover all Medicare-certified and
and the optimal quality level q ∗ are increasing in the automa- Medicaid-certified nursing homes operating through-
tion level k. out the United States. The database includes various
characteristics (e.g., beds, payer types, resident health
Finally, to examine how an increase in automation status, staffing information). The HIMSS data provide
affects a nursing home’s optimal staffing decision, we detailed information on information technology appli-
need to evaluate the sign of ∂s ∗ /∂k. The following cations adopted by many health facilities, including
proposition summarizes the results. nursing homes. We manually merged these two data
Proposition 3. An increase in automation leads sets using the name, zip code, and phone number of
p to an
increase in a nursing home’s staffing level if θ < we/Abk, individual nursing homes. In total, we located 2,119
but itpleads to a decrease in a nursing home’s staffing level if nursing homes and constructed a seven-year, unbal-
θ > we/Abk. anced panel with 12,313 observations.
In addition, we supplemented the primary data
The above result suggests that the effect of automa- sources with the Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) cost
tion on the optimal staffing level is more subtle than reports, which offer information on resident admis-
its effect on the optimal quality level. An increase sions (Lu 2015). We also use the Current Popula-
in automation may lead to an increase or decrease tion Survey (CPS) Outgoing Rotation Group Annual
in the optimal staffing level depending on a nurs- Merged Files, which provide information on individ-
ing home’s vertical position. Intuitively, the use of ual working hours, wages, and occupation codes. This
automation makes health workers more productive, data set is the major source for the Bureau of Labor
so the marginal benefit in quality improvement from Statistics to derive employment and wage information.
more staff increases. This complementarity effect has its The market demographics are obtained from the Area
root in the property of the quality function Q(r, k) Resource Files, which draw health information from
(i.e., ∂2 Q/(∂r∂k) > 0). Because quality improvement an extensive county-level database assembled annually
eventually translates to a better quality mix and thus from more than 50 sources.13 Table 1 reports the sum-
higher margin, this complementarity effect of automa- mary statistics of the key variables. In the following,
tion encourages a nursing home to increase its staff. we describe nursing home staffing measures, vertical
Although an increase in quality leads to a better position, and the adoption of CPOE in detail.
quality mix and thus increases revenue, the marginal
benefit of quality improvement for revenue diminishes 4.1. Staffing Measures and Vertical Position
as the quality level keeps increasing because the aver- Generally, a nursing home employs three types of
age revenue per resident is concave in quality. The nurses: registered nurses (RNs), licensed practical
marginal cost of staffing, however, is relatively con- nurses (LPNs), and certified nurse aides (CNAs). RNs
stant. Thus, for nursing homes that already have high observe, assess, and record residents’ symptoms and
quality (i.e., those with higher values of θ, according to progress. RNs also collaborate with physicians in treat-
Proposition 1), an increase in automation may actually ment, administration of medications, and development
lead to the substitution of technology for labor. The sub- of care plans (Konetzka et al. 2008). In many nursing
stitution effect has its root in the property of the average homes, LPNs are primarily responsible for adminis-
price function (i.e., ∂2 R/∂q 2 < 0). The coexistence of the tering medication and serve as imperfect substitutes
two effects explains the intuition behind Proposition 3: for RNs for some tasks (Castle 2008). CNAs provide
the complementarity effect dominates the substitution the bulk of one-on-one care, including assistance with
effect for low-end nursing homes but is dominated by basic life activities such as bathing, dressing, eating,
Lu, Rui, and Seidmann: Staffing Decisions in Nursing Homes
Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–18, © 2017 INFORMS 7

Table 1. Summary Statistics

Variable Mean SD Definition

Technology adoption
CPOE 0.20 0.40 Equals 1 if CPOE was adopted last year
Hospital_CPOE 0.24 0.31 Hospital CPOE adoption rates last year
Staffing measures
LN HPRD 1.91 0.97 Licensed nurse hours per resident day
RN HPRD 1.00 0.74 Registered nurse hours per resident day
Vertical position
Position 1.42 0.99 Initial distance from the minimum staffing requirement
High End 0.47 0.50 Equals 1 if the position is above median
Control variables
Percentage of Medicaid 0.55 0.27 Percentage of Medicaid patients
Beds 100.70 79.30 Total beds (weighted by 100 in regressions)
ADL Index 8.21 3.68 ADL index describing patient health status
HHI Competition 0.03 0.03 Competition measure at the county level
Log Income 10.46 0.57 Log of income per capita at the county level
Log Elderly Population 9.76 1.67 Log of the elderly population at the county level

Notes. Number of observations is 12,313. Unit of observation is nursing home/year.

toileting, and walking. In this study, we study all types staffing standards provide an exogenous lower bound
of nurses with an emphasis on licensed nurses, includ- for the staffing level in each individual market. We use
ing both RNs and LPNs. these lower bounds to localize the staffing level for each
The OSCAR data include the total hours worked nursing home. In other words, we define the vertical
over a two-week period for all types of nurses. The position for each nursing home as its initial staffing
OSCAR staffing information is reliable and suitable for level relative to the imposed state or federal standards.
our study. The data have been widely used in the health We first calculate the difference between the staffing
economics literature for various staffing-related stud- level in each nursing home and the corresponding state
ies (Harrington et al. 2000, Lu and Lu 2016). Moreover, or federal minimum LN staffing ratio for a 100-bed
the staffing information released by the federal report nursing home. Since the staffing level changes with the
cards at the Nursing Home Compare is based on the adoption of CPOE, we use the 2005 staffing data, one
OSCAR data. We therefore use the OSCAR data to cal- year before our sample period, to construct the ini-
culate HPRD for LNs. tial distance for each nursing home, and we name this
The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987 variable Position.14 Next, we define a binary variable
established minimum staffing standards for nursing describing vertical quality, High End, which equals 1 if
homes. The law requires nursing homes to have an RN the initial distance is above the median of Position and
on duty eight consecutive hours per day for seven days 0 if below. This helps us to filter outliers. In the robust-
a week and requires a licensed nurse (either an RN ness check, we define a relative position measure using
or LPN) to be on duty for the two remaining shifts a county as a market.
each day seven days a week. According to Harrington We use the LN staffing ratio instead of other staffing
(2010), for 100 residents, the minimum HPRD for ratios as the benchmark to calculate the initial distance
licensed nurses is 0.30 by the federal regulation. Many mainly because almost all the states and the federal
states have imposed their own requirements concern- regulation have minimum staffing standards for LNs,
ing minimum staffing standards. Some states set stan- while only a few of them impose separate mandates for
dards higher than the federal ratio, while other states RNs, LPNs, or CNAs. Using the minimum LN staffing
lower the ratio based on their situations. Harrington ratio allows us to fully use the national health IT sam-
(2010) converts the different state standards to a uni- ple. For robustness checks, we also use the minimum
form format: LN hours per resident day for a 100-bed RN staffing ratio for normalization.
nursing home. As of 2004, 22 states had established
minimum staffing ratios for licensed nurses that were 4.2. CPOE Adoption
higher than the federal ratio. The state minimum LN CPOE is a sophisticated type of electronic order entry
ratios vary considerably across states, and their disper- and involves provider entry of orders that are com-
sion is about 1.0 LN HPRD. municated over a computer network to medical staff
Nursing homes with the same staffing levels but within an organization and to different health sec-
located in different states may be positioned differently tors, such as hospitals, nursing homes, and home care
in their own markets. Fortunately, the state minimum providers (Zhang et al. 2016).15 CPOE also provides
Lu, Rui, and Seidmann: Staffing Decisions in Nursing Homes
8 Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–18, © 2017 INFORMS

error checking for duplicate or incorrect doses or tests. CPOE adoption, IT. Note that High End is a dummy
We select CPOE as our subject for two reasons.16 First, variable. Therefore, the coefficient β 1 captures the effect
we study the impact of automation technology on of CPOE adoption on staffing for a low-end nurs-
labor. CPOE is a great candidate as it links differ- ing home with its initial staffing level below median.
ent medical personnel within a nursing home auto- If β 1 > 0, this suggests that the adoption of CPOE
matically, which significantly reduces hours spent on increases staffing in nursing homes at the low end in a
clinical documentation and changes traditional work local market. The coefficient β 2 captures the differential
practices. Second, CPOE has been adopted relatively effect of CPOE adoption. If β 2 < 0, this indicates that,
recently, and there have been large variations in the in comparison with a nursing home with low vertical
adoption decisions across nursing homes over the position, a nursing home at the high end is associ-
years. In 2005, only 9.4% of nursing homes had adopted ated with a smaller increase or a greater reduction in
CPOE, and just 31.8% had done so by 2011. staffing due to the adoption of CPOE. Hence, β1 + β2
captures the CPOE effect on staffing decisions for a
5. Empirical Methods nursing home at the high end in a local market.
5.1. Specification for Average Effect
5.3. Identification Strategy
We assess the effect of CPOE adoption on nursing
The econometric challenge in estimating the coeffi-
home staffing decisions using the following specifica-
cients of the specifications above is that the adoption
tion, where the unit is a nursing home in a specific
of CPOE may be correlated with other (unobserved)
decisions related to staffing. For example, the manage-
Yist  α 0 + α 1 IT is, t−1 + α2 X ist + α 3 Z ist rial incentives in a nursing home could simultaneously
affect decisions about both staffing and the adoption of
+ α4 States × Yeart + α i + α t + ε ist , (1)
CPOE. There might be a reverse causality issue as well.
where Yist represents the staffing level in nursing home For example, nursing homes that intend to increase
i in state s in year t; ITis, t−1 is a one-year lagged binary their staffing level may be more likely to adopt CPOE
variable that equals 1 if a nursing home adopts CPOE to maintain their competitiveness.
and 0 otherwise. Hence, the coefficient α 1 captures the To establish a causal link between CPOE adoption
effect of CPOE adoption on the dependent variable Yist . and the staffing decision in nursing homes, we intro-
In this two-way fixed-effect model, X is a vector of duce an instrumental variable approach. Miller and
nursing home characteristics, including the percent- Tucker (2009) show the network effect that greater
age of Medicaid residents, resident health status, and adoption by other hospitals should lead to greater net-
total beds Z is, t is a vector of market characteristics at work benefits for health IT. The network benefits may
the county level, including the intensity of competi- lead to learning effects (Karshenas and Stoneman 1993)
tion as measured by the Herfindahl index, the log of and also reduce the costs of transferring information
income per capita, and the log of the population. A vec- across the network. As a result, hospitals are respon-
tor of variables, States × Yeart , represents state-specific sive to past adoption by other local hospitals. Dra-
linear trends, which helps to control for the potential nove et al. (2014) suggest that the costs of adopting
unobserved trajectories at the state level. In addition, IT systems depend on the local market for IT services,
we control the nursing-home fixed effect (α i ) for time- which is shared by hospitals and nursing homes in the
invariant unobserved factors and the year effect (α t ) for same market. Following these studies, we construct an
yearly trends; ε is the error term. The standard errors instrumental variable, Hospital_CPOE, measuring the
are clustered by nursing home. yearly hospital CPOE adoption rates in the local mar-
ket, which is defined by county. We argue that this is
5.2. Specification for Heterogeneous Effect a valid instrumental variable because nursing homes
We are most interested in how CPOE adoption dif- may share the same network effects or IT resources
ferentially affects staffing for nursing homes with with hospitals in the local market. However, the adop-
different vertical positions. We use the following spec- tion behavior of all the hospitals in the local market
ification to estimate the differential effects of CPOE should not directly affect the quality and staffing deci-
adoption on nursing home staffing: sions of individual nursing homes.
We conduct two tests to bolster the underlying
Yist  β0 + β 1 IT is, t−1 + β 2 IT is, t−1 × High_Endis0 + β3 X ist assumption that hospital CPOE adoption is exogenous
+ β 4 Z ist + β5 States × Yeart + β i + β t + ε ist . (2) to nursing home outcomes. First, a range of unob-
served local labor market factors could be correlated
This specification is similar to specification (1). We add with local hospital adoption of CPOE and nursing
in an interaction term by interacting the initial verti- home staffing. To alleviate this concern, we obtained
cal position of each nursing home, High End, with its the nurse labor supply and wage information from the
Lu, Rui, and Seidmann: Staffing Decisions in Nursing Homes
Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–18, © 2017 INFORMS 9

Table 2. The Impact of Hospital CPOE on Nurse Labor Market

Dependent variable: State Nurse Supply State Hospital Nurse Supply Wage: Hourly Rate (¢)

Nurse type: RN LPN RN LPN RN LPN

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Hospital_CPOE −0.001 −0.0002 −0.002 −0.00001 −200.881 −531.14

(0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (0.001) (141.867) (381.591)
State fixed effects Y Y Y Y Y Y
Year fixed effects Y Y Y Y Y Y
Observations 357 354 357 354 356 355
R-squared 0.089 0.026 0.095 0.028 0.279 0.082

Note. Robust standard errors in parentheses are clustered by state.

p < 0.01; ∗∗ p < 0.05; ∗ p < 0.1.

CPS data from 2006 to 2012. Table 2 shows the impact a dummy variable that equals 1 if a county has a
of hospital CPOE adoption on the nurse labor market. large change in hospital CPOE rates since the event
Columns (1) and (2) show the impact on nurse sup- year (year 0) and 0 otherwise. The coefficient is 0.019
ply of RNs and LPNs, respectively. Nurse supply is with p  0.396, suggesting that the change in hospital
measured by the total number of nurse full-time equiv- CPOE has no effect on nursing home staffing. Then, we
alents at the state level divided by state population. replace this dummy variable with a series of dummy
Columns (3) and (4) report the results of nurse supply variables relative to year 0, the year in which local
to hospitals identified by industry codes. This helps hospital CPOE adoption increased. Figure 1 shows the
us to see whether there are any shifts in the supply effects of hospital CPOE adoption on nursing home
of nurses between acute care and long-term care seg- staffing using four or more years before hospital adop-
ments.17 Columns (5) and (6) show the hospital CPOE tion as the base period. All the coefficients are small
effect on the hourly rate for nurses. The columns with and insignificant before and after the hospital adopts
odd (even) numbers report the results of RNs (LPNs). CPOE, suggesting that staffing in nursing homes did
Turning to the results, all of these coefficients are small not change in response to the adoption of CPOE by
and insignificant after controlling state fixed effects and hospitals. This test also helps alleviate the concern that
year fixed effects. There is no evidence indicating that nursing homes might change their staffing levels in
the adoption of CPOE by hospitals changes the labor anticipation of the local hospitals’ adoption of CPOE.
supply and wages in the licensed nurse markets. Furthermore, we empirically test whether our instru-
Second, we restrict the sample to regions with no mental variable satisfies the inclusion restriction using
change or only one change in hospital adoption from two tests, the results of which are reported in Table 3.
2006 to 2012. Doing so, we identify 391 counties with First, we check whether the hospital adoption rate,
one change in hospital CPOE adoption and 486 coun- Hospital_CPOE, has a weak instrumental variable prob-
ties with no changes over the sample period. We define lem. The Kleibergen-Paap rk Wald F-statistic is large

Figure 1. The Impact of Hospital CPOE Adoption on Nursing Home Staffing




– 0.05

– 0.10

– 0.15

– 0.20
Four or more Three years Two years before One year before Adoption year Years after
years before before adoption adoption adoption adoption

Notes. The base period is four or more years before hospital CPOE adoption. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals.
Lu, Rui, and Seidmann: Staffing Decisions in Nursing Homes
10 Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–18, © 2017 INFORMS

Table 3. Average Effects of Nursing Home CPOE Adoption reports the ordinary least squares (OLS) results. Col-
on Staffing (Dependent Variable  LN HPRD) umn (2) shows the results in the first-stage estimation,
followed by the two-stage least squares (2SLS) results
Average effect
in column (3). The OLS coefficient of CPOE in col-
OLS First stage 2SLS umn (1) is 0.006 and insignificant. After implementing
(1) (2) (3) the instrumental variable, the coefficient remains small
CPOE 0.006 −0.001 and insignificant. This finding suggests that there is
(0.019) (0.039) no significant association between CPOE adoption and
Hospital_CPOE (IV) 0.552∗∗∗ average nurse staffing levels.
(0.022) This set of results is consistent with the results for
Nursing home Y Y Y nurse labor markets in Table 2. The lack of significant
dummies results might have contributed to the sparsity of litera-
Year dummies Y Y Y
ture on the impact of health IT on labor compared with
Individual state Y Y Y
linear trends the rich literature studying the quality implications of
Time-varying controls Y Y Y health IT.
Weak identification Kleibergen-Paap rk Wald
test F-statistic: 622.17∗∗∗ 6.2. Heterogeneous Effects
Observations 12,313 12,313 12,250 We further analyze the changes in staffing across nurs-
Within R-squared 0.044 0.272 0.044 ing homes. We differentiate nursing homes by their
Number of providers 2,119 2,119 2,056 initial vertical positions. Table 4 reports the heteroge-
Notes. Robust standard errors in parentheses are clustered by nurs- neous effects of CPOE adoption on staffing, with an
ing home. Time-varying controls include Percentage of Medicaid, Beds, emphasis on LNs. The dependent variables are nurse
ADL Index, HHI Competition, Log Income, and Log Elderly Population. HPRD for LNs and RNs, respectively. We report the
p < 0.01; ∗∗ p < 0.05; ∗ p < 0.1.
results using OLS and 2SLS following specification (2)
with different measures of vertical position.
(622.17), allowing us to easily reject the null hypothe- The coefficient of CPOE in column (2) is 0.282 at the
sis of a “weak instrument.” Second, in the first-stage 1% significance level, suggesting that nursing homes
regression, we observe the correlation between a with the lowest staffing levels in their markets hire
nursing home’s CPOE adoption decision and local more LNs after the adoption of automation technology.
hospitals’ CPOE adoption rates is 0.552 at the 1% sig- The coefficient of the interaction term, CPOE × Position,
nificance level. This suggests that CPOE adoption deci- is negative and significant. The coefficient suggests that
sions in nursing homes are significantly influenced an increase by one standard deviation in initial staffing
by the adoption decisions made by hospitals in the distance (Position) reduces the staffing increment by
local markets. We therefore can use the hospital CPOE 0.170 HPRD compared with the base outcome. When
adoption rates, Hospital_CPOE, as the instrumental the Position is above a certain threshold, the nursing
variable for our key explanatory variable IT in both home may use fewer LNs. The overall patterns are con-
specifications. sistent with the OLS results in column (1).
In column (3), we replace the continuous vertical
6. Empirical Results position measure with a binary variable, High End.
In this section, we report our empirical results regard- The positive coefficient of CPOE suggests that low-end
ing the impact of CPOE adoption on staffing decisions nursing homes increase LN staffing by 0.145 HPRD, or
in nursing homes. We first show the average CPOE 7.6% from the mean. The joint F-test shows that CPOE
effect on nursing home staffing decision. Then, we adoption reduces the use of LNs by 0.110 HPRD in
show how the effect of CPOE adoption on a nursing high-end nursing homes, a 5.8% reduction from the
home depends on the nursing home’s vertical posi- mean.
tion. Consistent with our hypotheses, we find that after To show that our results are not sensitive to the choice
the implementation of CPOE, high-end nursing homes of minimum staffing ratio, we also use RN mini-
reduce staffing while low-end nursing homes increase mum staffing ratios as alternative cutoffs for the cal-
staffing. This section ends with a series of robustness culation of vertical position. Although only a few
checks and relevant tests. states impose separate mandates for RNs, Harrington
(2010) estimates different state standards to a uniform
6.1. Average Effect format—RN hours per resident day for a 100-bed nurs-
Table 3 reports the impact of the adoption of CPOE ing home. Columns (4) and (5) report the heteroge-
on staffing using specification (1). This table covers neous effects using the estimated RN minimum staffing
results using the licensed nurse hours per resident ratios. The results remain robust both quantitatively
day (LN HPRD) as the dependent variable. Column (1) and qualitatively.
Lu, Rui, and Seidmann: Staffing Decisions in Nursing Homes
Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–18, © 2017 INFORMS 11

Table 4. Heterogeneous Effects of Nursing Home CPOE Adoption on Staffing (Dependent

Variable  Hours per Resident Day)

Licensed nurses Registered nurses

Minimum LNs Minimum RNs


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

CPOE 0.106∗∗∗ 0.282∗∗∗ 0.145∗∗∗ 0.154∗∗∗ 0.073∗∗

(0.036) (0.062) (0.046) (0.040) (0.029)
CPOE × Position −0.065∗∗ −0.172∗∗∗ −0.145∗∗∗
(0.029) (0.042) (0.044)
CPOE × High End −0.255∗∗∗ −0.109∗∗
(0.071) (0.047)
F-test: CPOE + −0.110∗∗ −0.036∗
CPOE × High End
Nursing home dummies Y Y Y Y Y
Year dummies Y Y Y Y Y
State linear trends Y Y Y Y Y
Time-varying Y Y Y Y Y
Observations 12,313 12,250 12,250 12,250 12,250
Within R-squared 0.046 0.040 0.041 0.057 0.058
Number of 2,119 2,056 2,056 2,056 2,056

Notes. Robust standard errors in parentheses are clustered by nursing home. Time-varying controls
include Percentage of Medicaid, Beds, ADL Index, HHI Competition, Log Income, and Log Elderly Population.
p < 0.01; ∗∗ p < 0.05; ∗ p < 0.1.

In general, the results in Table 4 support our hy- years after adoption. The base period is four or more
potheses that low-end nursing homes increase their years before adoption. Figure 2 shows that prior to
staff while high-end ones decrease their staff after the CPOE adoption, the LN staffing trends in either high-
implementation of CPOE. As a strategic provider, low- or low-end nursing homes are relatively stable, as the
end nursing homes adopting new technologies may coefficients are small and insignificant. However, after
invest more in nurses to increase their competitive- the initial adoption, the staffing in the low-end nurs-
ness in the local market, while high-end ones may have ing homes increases substantially while the staffing
incentives to cut staffing in order to contain costs. demonstrates a weakly decreasing trend in high-end
nursing homes. The timing of the impact of CPOE in
6.3. Robustness Checks and Relevant Tests each subsample suggests that there is not a noticeable
There are many possible reasons for the differences trend in an omitted variable driving the estimates for
between the OLS and instrumental variable (IV) either high-end or low-end nursing homes.
results. For example, some omitted variables may be Next, we discuss whether the differential effect of
correlated with both CPOE adoption and staffing. CPOE adoption between the two subsamples could be
Nursing homes may also anticipate the adoption of related to preexisting difference in trends. The F-tests
CPOE and change their staffing levels in advance. show that the difference between one year before adop-
In addition, it might be possible that unobservable tion and the adoption year across the two groups is
changes in staffing drivers are associated with CPOE very small and insignificant (p  0.758).18 Hence, right
adoption differently across nursing homes with differ- before the adoption, there is no statistically significant
ent market positions. evidence of different trends for the two groups. With
We first examine the timing of the relationship three years back before adoption, however, there does
between CPOE adoption and changes in staffing for appear to be a pretrend in the estimated coefficients.
nursing homes of different vertical positions. To do We suspect that this might have been driven by unob-
so, we run our baseline specification using two sub- served differences between late adopters and others.
samples but replace the measure of adoption with To alleviate concerns about possible selection issues,
dummies for three years before adoption, two years we have included nursing home and year fixed effects
before adoption, one year before adoption, the year and many control variables in the estimation. Never-
of adoption, one year after adoption, two years after theless, we also explore alternative IVs, controls, and
adoption, three years after adoption, and four or more specifications by running eight robustness checks and
Lu, Rui, and Seidmann: Staffing Decisions in Nursing Homes
12 Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–18, © 2017 INFORMS

Figure 2. Coefficients by Years from Nursing Home CPOE Adoption

Low end High end


– 0.1

– 0.3

– 0.5
Four or Three years Two years One year Adoption One year Two years Three years Four or
more years before before before year after after after more years
before adoption adoption adoption adoption adoption adoption after
adoption adoption

Notes. The base period is four or more years before nursing home CPOE adoption. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals.

several additional tests. Table 5 reports the results of that it might pick up location-specific time-varying
robustness checks. unobservables. To alleviate this concern, we obtain
First, a nursing home’s market position may depend the hospital/nursing home affiliation information and
heavily on its staffing level relative to other nursing construct an alternative instrumental variable that
homes within a local market. For example, more res- measures the yearly nonaffiliated hospital CPOE adop-
idents have private insurance and demand for high tion rates in the local market. In constructing this alter-
quality in high-income areas than in low-income areas. native IV, we exclude the local hospital(s) with which
Their different willingness to pay for quality may affect a nursing home is affiliated and divide the number
a nursing home’s entry and positioning decisions. In of nonaffiliated hospitals that adopted CPOE by the
this robustness check, we replace the absolute posi- total number of nonaffiliated hospitals in the local mar-
tion measure with a relative position measure within ket in a given year. Therefore, nursing homes in the
a county. We define a dummy variable that equals 1 if same region may have different values of this instru-
a nursing home’s initial position is above county aver- ment because of their different affiliation statuses with
age and equals 0 otherwise. The results in column (1) local hospitals. This IV is positively correlated with the
show that the CPOE adoption effect on staffing across CPOE adoption decision in each nursing home and
vertical positions is consistent with our main findings does not have a weak IV problem (its Kleibergen-Paap
in terms of the sign and significance. rk Wald F statistic is 90.3). Column (2) in Table 5 reports
Second, the instrument, Hospital_CPOE, relies on the results using this alternative IV, and the results
variation at the regional level. We are concerned remain robust.19

Table 5. Robustness Checks (Dependent Variable  LN HPRD (2SLS))

Alternative measures, controls, and specifications

Relative Control Control

position IV NH IV HSA IV HRR supply/Wage other IT apps GMM Diff-in-diff (OLS)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

CPOE 0.221∗∗∗ 0.127∗ 0.103∗∗ 0.216∗∗ 0.146∗∗∗ 0.147∗∗∗ 0.146∗∗∗ 0.049∗∗∗

(0.070) (0.072) (0.044) (0.110) (0.046) (0.050) (0.046) (0.017)
CPOE × High End −0.258∗∗∗ −0.393∗∗∗ −0.183∗∗∗ −0.443∗∗∗ −0.257∗∗∗ −0.251∗∗∗ −0.255∗∗∗ −0.082∗∗
(0.078) (0.116) (0.063) (0.149) (0.071) (0.071) (0.072) (0.037)
Time-varying controls Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Nursing home dummies Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Year dummies Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
State linear trends Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Observations 12,250 12,408 10,448 10,459 12,237 12,237 12,067 12,313
Within R-squared 0.041 0.032 0.04 0.026 0.041 0.042 0.041 0.044
Number of providers 2,056 2,061 1,995 1,997 2,056 2,056 2,041 2,119

Notes. Robust standard errors in parentheses are clustered by nursing home. Time-varying controls include Percentage of Medicaid, Beds, ADL
Index, HHI Competition, Log Income, and Log Elderly Population.
p < 0.01; ∗∗ p < 0.05; ∗ p < 0.1.
Lu, Rui, and Seidmann: Staffing Decisions in Nursing Homes
Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–18, © 2017 INFORMS 13

Third, we replace county with hospital service areas Table 6. Effects of Nursing Home CPOE Adoption on CNA
(HSA) or hospital referral region (HRR) and construct Staffing (Dependent Variable  Hours per Resident Day)
instrument variables using the new market definitions
respectively. Both IVs are positively associated with Certified nurse aides (CNAs)
nursing home CPOE adoption. The results are reported OLS 2SLS 2SLS 2SLS
in columns (3) and (4) of Table 5 respectively. Overall, (1) (2) (3) (4)
they are consistent with our theory predictions.
CPOE −0.012 0.026 0.150∗∗ 0.105∗∗
Fourth, certain nurse labor market factors may affect (0.023) (0.019) (0.062) (0.051)
both nursing home CPOE adoption and staffing deci- CPOE × Position −0.085∗∗
sions. To control for that, we add supply and wage (0.036)
information for RNs into the regression. The coeffi- CPOE × High End −0.166∗∗
cients in column (5) show no change in sign and signif- (0.067)
icance, and little change in magnitude. Nursing home dummies Y Y Y Y
Fifth, we choose CPOE as the study subject mainly Year dummies Y Y Y Y
because this is one of the few automation technolo- State linear trends Y Y Y Y
Time-varying controls Y Y Y Y
gies among the major health IT applications. However,
Observations 12,313 12,250 12,250 12,250
nursing homes may also adopt other health IT applica-
Within R-squared 0.021 0.021 0.019 0.020
tions such as a clinical data repository, clinical decision Number of providers 2,119 2,056 2,056 2,056
support systems, order entry, or physician documen-
tation at the same time. One may be concerned that Notes. Robust standard errors in parentheses are clustered by nurs-
ing home. Time-varying controls include Percentage of Medicaid, Beds,
CPOE could be a proxy of other health IT applications ADL Index, HHI Competition, Log Income, and Log Elderly Population.
that affect labor. We include the adoption information ∗∗∗
p < 0.01; ∗∗ p < 0.05; ∗ p < 0.1.
of the other relevant health IT applications in the speci-
fication. If CPOE were merely a proxy for other changes
that affect labor, we would expect the results to disap- 7. Extension
pear. The coefficients after controlling other health IT Given the significant impact of CPOE on staffing level
adoption variables (column (6) of Table 5) show that and the close tie between staffing and quality, which
our main results are robust. naturally affects patient demand, we would like to
Sixth, 2SLS is a very particular case of a general- examine how overall quality and patient admission are
ized method of moments (GMM) estimator for a par- affected by CPOE adoption. These tests also shed light
ticular choice of weighting matrix under conditional on the mechanism of CPOE’s impact and further con-
homoscedasticity. Baltagi et al. (2000) suggest that the nect the empirical data with our analytical model.
2SLS estimates might be biased if the homogeneity
assumption is not satisfied. To address the concern of 7.1. Effect on Clinical Quality
possible heteroscedasticity, we conduct a GMM test The impact of CPOE on quality of care offered by med-
and report the results in column (7) of Table 5. The ical providers has been widely studied in the literature
results after relaxing the homogeneity assumption are (e.g., Parente and McCullough 2009). Overall, most of
robust both quantitatively and qualitatively. the studies show that quality improves after the imple-
Seventh, we show the difference-in-difference results mentation of CPOE. Subramanian et al. (2007) suggest
in column (8) where signs and significance levels of that CPOE can reduce medical errors and preventable
key variables are the same as those in column (3) of
A33 drug-related injuries in the long-term care facilities.
Table 4. Besides, we conduct another robustness check
We investigate the quality implication of CPOE in the
by clustering the standard errors at the county level,
nursing home setting.
since the level of variations in the instrumental variable
We use the publicly available five-star quality rat-
is at the county level in the first-stage regression. The
results remain robust.20 ings from 2008 to 2012 as our clinical quality mea-
We further examine the impact of technology adop- sure.21 After the implementation of the Nursing Home
tion on less-skilled nurse types, CNAs. This evidence Quality Initiative in 2002, the Centers for Medicare
should help flesh out the answer to the question posed & Medicaid Services (CMS) developed a set of qual-
at the beginning of the paper about how the adop- ity indicators to describe the quality of care provided
tion of automation technology affects the demand for in nursing homes.22 These measures address a broad
nurses. Table 6 shows that the CNA staffing level range of functioning and health status in multiple care
decreases by 2.3% in high-end nursing homes but areas and have been validated and endorsed by the
increases by 3.9% in low-end homes after the adoption National Quality Forum. To improve the information
of automation technology. It seems that the impact of available to consumers, the CMS has constructed the
CPOE is relatively smaller on low-skilled types than on five-star quality ratings based on the scores of this set
high-skilled ones. of quality measures since 2008 (Konetzka et al. 2015).
Lu, Rui, and Seidmann: Staffing Decisions in Nursing Homes
14 Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–18, © 2017 INFORMS

The five-star quality ratings cover 10 dimensions of Column (3) shows that the 2SLS coefficient is 0.198 at
resident clinical outcomes. The CMS uses a formula to the 10% significance level, suggesting that the adop-
translate the scores for these 10 indicators into a risk- tion of CPOE increases the quality ratings for a nursing
adjusted score for each nursing home. On the basis home by 6.9%, all else being equal. Overall, the results
of the quintile cut points, the CMS assigns stars to in Table 7 show that the adoption of CPOE helps to
different nursing homes. For example, nursing homes improve residents’ clinical outcomes, which is consis-
whose risk-adjusted scores are above the 80th per- tent with the prediction of Proposition 2. For high-end
centile within each state receive five stars, and those nursing homes, the quality improvement may come
below the 20th percentile get just one star. from the efficiency gain as a result of the adoption of
We select the quality ratings as the measure of CPOE and through reduced medical errors. For low-
resident clinical outcomes in this study for two rea- end nursing homes, in addition to the direct benefits
sons. First, the quality ratings are based on the per- of CPOE adoption, the quality also improves thanks to
formance of the measures that address residents’ the indirect effect of CPOE adoption: the increase in
functioning and health status in multiple care areas staffing.
(Werner et al. 2013). Second, and more important,
this is a risk-adjusted outcome measure, which helps 7.2. Effects on Admissions
to alleviate the concern that outcome measures are We explore two dimensions of demand: quantity and
skewed because severely ill residents select good nurs- composition. The quantity dimension is measured
ing homes. Besides, we acknowledge that changes in by total admissions, covering three types of resi-
resident sorting could affect clinic outcomes, though dents: Medicare, Medicaid, and private-pay residents.
we have controlled the time-varying resident compo- Among these types, both Medicare and private-pay
nent measure to alleviate the concern. residents are very profitable, and demand for high
Table 7 reports the results regarding the adoption quality; Medicaid residents are the least profitable,
of CPOE and clinical outcomes. Column (1) reports with excess demand. In fact, many Medicaid residents
the overall effect on quality ratings using OLS. The are put on a long waiting list. It would be interesting to
coefficient is positive and insignificant. Column (2) see, based on this institutional background, the impact
shows the first-stage results, suggesting that the IV is of CPOE adoption on resident composition, which can
highly correlated with the adoption measure. More- be measured by total Medicaid admissions.
over, this IV does not have the weak IV problem, We obtained the admission measures from SNF
since the Kleibergen-Paap rk Wald F-statistic is 241.20. cost reports for 2006–2012.23 Since different nursing
homes file their cost reports covering different report-
Table 7. Effects of Nursing Home CPOE Adoption on ing periods, we calculate the daily information for
Clinical Quality (Dependent Variable  Clinical Quality) all these variables and take the log transformation of
them. Table 8 reports the 2SLS results on demand.
Five-star ratings Columns (1) and (2) use the log of average daily total
Ratings on quality measures admissions as the dependent variable. The results in
column (1) show that there is no significant correla-
OLS First stage 2SLS tion between CPOE adoption and total admissions,
(1) (2) (3)
suggesting that overall demand may not change sig-
CPOE 0.008 0.198∗ nificantly after the implementation of CPOE. This is
(0.046) (0.102) understandable given that admissions are capped by
Hospital_CPOE (IV) 0.540∗∗∗ the number of beds, which cannot be easily changed
because of CON laws. This finding also supports our
Nursing home Y Y Y
model assumption on fixed total demand. Column (2)
Year dummies Y Y Y shows that there is no significant difference in admis-
Individual state Y Y Y sion changes for both types of nursing homes.
linear trends Columns (3) and (4) use the log of the average daily
Time-varying controls Y Y Y Medicaid admissions as the dependent variable. The
Weak identification Kleibergen-Paap rk Wald results show that nursing homes that adopted CPOE
test F-statistic: 241.20∗∗∗
admitted 14.7% fewer Medicaid residents than those
Observations 8,634 8,632 8,489
Within R-squared 0.057 0.28 0.054 that had not adopted CPOE. This is consistent with
Number of providers 2,004 2,002 1,859 the result in Proposition 2 that an increase in automa-
tion leads to an increase in average revenue per res-
Notes. Robust standard errors in parentheses are clustered by nurs-
ing home. Time-varying controls include Percentage of Medicaid, Beds, ident, which is directly related to a decrease in the
ADL Index, HHI Competition, Log Income, and Log Elderly Population. percentage of Medicaid residents, the least profitable
p < 0.01; ∗∗ p < 0.05; ∗ p < 0.1. type. There is no significant difference in changes
Lu, Rui, and Seidmann: Staffing Decisions in Nursing Homes
Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–18, © 2017 INFORMS 15

Table 8. Effects of Nursing Home CPOE Adoption on Our findings suggest that the relation between
Total Admissions and Medicaid Residents (Dependent staffing and automation adoption is mixed. It depends
Variable  Log of Daily Admissions (2SLS)) crucially on the relative strength of the two oppos-
ing effects, complementarity and substitution, in dif-
Resident composition
ferent types of nursing homes. Our theoretical model
Total admission Medicaid admission indicates that the complementarity effect dominates
(1) (2) (3) (4)
the substitution effect in low-end nursing homes. To
increase their competitiveness in the local marketplace
CPOE 0.006 0.138 −0.147∗∗ −0.201∗ and attract lucrative residents, such nursing homes
(0.086) (0.147) (0.072) (0.112)
have greater incentives to hire nurses after they adopt
CPOE × Position (0.079) 0.038
the automation technology. By contrast, the substitu-
(0.057) (0.052)
tion effect dominates the complementarity effect in
Nursing home Y Y Y Y
dummies high-end nursing homes. Since automation technology
Year dummies Y Y Y Y significantly increases the utilization of nurse time, but
State linear Y Y Y Y the marginal benefit of providing additional quality is
trends relatively low, these high-end nursing homes are likely
Time-varying Y Y Y Y
to reduce their staffing to contain costs. These insights
complement the current understanding of the impacts
Observations 11,017 11,017 9,548 9,548
Centered R-squared 0.282 0.282 0.055 0.054 of information technology on labor from the macro-
Number of providers 1,880 1,880 1,630 1,630 economic perspective.
The fact that the average effect of the adoption
Notes. Robust standard errors in parentheses are clustered by nurs-
ing home. Time-varying controls include Percentage of Medicaid, Beds, of a health IT system on nursing home staffing is
ADL Index, HHI Competition, Log Income, and Log Elderly Population. not statistically different from zero while the analy-
p < 0.01; ∗∗ p < 0.05; ∗ p < 0.1. sis through the perspective of vertical position reveals
a very different and much richer story demonstrates
in Medicaid admissions in terms of vertical position. the importance of using the right “microscope” to dis-
Table 8 thus delivers an interesting message. The num- sect the data. In particular, our research suggests that
ber of Medicaid admissions is negatively associated an organization’s vertical position is potentially impor-
with CPOE adoption, even though the total admissions tant when studying the implications of IT for labor
remain unchanged. This finding, combined with the decisions.
results on the quality implication of CPOE adoption, One potential limitation of our study is the use of
provides further evidence that quality improvement the HIMSS data, which cover a small set of nursing
may increase profit margin, supporting our modeling homes. Although nursing homes in the HIMSS sam-
assumption regarding R(q, θ). These findings also sug- ple share similar occupancy rates and resident profiles
gest that embracing health IT may be a great opportu- with the entire nursing home population, surveying a
nity for a facility to improve its vertical position in the broader set of nursing homes may be helpful for other
local market. IT-related nursing home research.
Our findings have important implications. For indi-
vidual nurses, automation technology does not nec-
8. Conclusion essarily result in reduced job opportunities. Nurses
We study the effect of IT-enabled automation on can anticipate their prospective employment status by
the staffing decisions of healthcare providers using a recognizing the vertical position of the nursing home
unique data set covering 2,119 surveyed nursing homes where they are working or will work. For a nursing
in the United States over a seven-year period. We find home, the effect of technology adoption on staffing
that the adoption of IT-enabled automation technology decisions largely depends on its vertical position in
decreases staffing in high-end nursing homes while the marketplace. When IT adoption becomes the new
it increases staffing in low-end homes. We also find trend, managers can follow either a revenue expan-
that the adoption of advanced information technol- sion strategy or a cost reduction strategy, depending
ogy increases the ratings on clinical quality by 6.9%, on the nursing home’s vertical position. We believe
on average, and changes resident composition in the that these managerial implications can be generalized
form of a 14.7% decrease in the admissions of Medicaid to other labor-intensive industries such as day care
residents, the least profitable type, regardless of the and education, where quality is positively correlated
nursing home’s vertical position.24 All these results are to staffs serving customers. However, one should be
consistent with the predictions of a theoretical model cautious and not overgeneralize our findings to indus-
that incorporates technology adoption and vertical dif- tries in which vertical positioning might be less likely
ferentiation. to be connected with labor. For policy makers, our
Lu, Rui, and Seidmann: Staffing Decisions in Nursing Homes
16 Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–18, © 2017 INFORMS

results show that adoption of health IT improves qual- does not unlawfully discriminate against applicants. However, nurs-
ity in the nursing home industry, so the government ing homes have discretion in making admission decisions and are not
should provide subsidies to nursing homes to encour- required to admit every applicant.” See
age adoption. 5
For example, HCR Manor Care is a company with many high-end
Future work along this research line can consider A44
nursing homes. It owns a premium brand name, ManorCare, with
two important questions. One is the interoperability most of its units rated five stars. By contrast, Kindred, which is one of
issues of CPOE. Recently, the Office of the National the largest nursing home chains, mainly targets Medicaid residents
Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) and provides a relatively lower quality of care. Hence, most of its
asked health facilities to meet the standards and units are low-end nursing homes rated three stars. Corresponding to
this vertical position strategy, Kindred seldom uses a brand name for
obtain ONC certification. How should different orga-
its individual units so as to minimize the negative externality across
nizations share records? What are the unexpected sibling units (Brickley et al. 2016).
consequences of sharing medical records? These are 6 A45
important research topics. The other is to separate the -lessons/computerized-provider-order-entry-inpatient/inpatient
IT vintage effect from the process learning effect of -computerized-provider-order-entry-cpoe.
7 A46
health IT on productivity. This requires more detailed See Landro (2014). The source of Novant health study is the
data sets, structural models, or other new identification 2013 Novant nursing annual report, which can be downloaded at
8 A48
Acknowledgments In the nursing home industry, “potential customers and key stake-
A37 holders form mental images and perceptions of the nursing facilities
This paper was previously circulated as “Is Technology Eat-
that they are familiar with, have seen advertised, or have heard about
ing Nurses? Staffing Decisions in Nursing Homes.” The
in a media report or from friends and neighbors. People use such
authors are grateful to department editor Chris Forman, the
perceptions to rank a particular facility and its services in relation to
anonymous associate editor, and the three anonymous ref- the other facilities in the community. People rank a facility in terms
erees for their constructive comments. The authors thank of how favorably they view a given facility” (Singh 2004).
Dallas Nelson from University of Rochester Medical Cen- 9
Empirical evidence also suggests that the proportion of Medicare
ter for useful discussion and arranging nursing home visits and private-paying consumers is positively correlated with the LN
for the authors. The authors also thank seminar participants staffing ratio increases. For details, refer to the Figure A1 in the online
at the University of Texas at Dallas, Tel Aviv University, appendix, where we plot the distribution of quality mix across 100-
2015 Workshop on Health IT and Economics (WHITE), 2015 quintile LN staffing ratios.
National Bureau of Economic Research Digital Economics 10
The average occupancy rates remain stable over the years in spite
Workshop, 2015 Conference of Information Systems and of the increasing adoption of CPOE. For details, refer to the Figure A1
Technology (CIST), INFORMS Healthcare 2015, 2015 Manu- in the online appendix, where we plot nursing home occupancy rates
facturing and Service Operations Management Conference, over years. In Section 7.2, we also empirically test this assumption
and Production and Operations Management 26th and 27th that the total number of residents does not vary after the adoption of
annual meetings for helpful discussions. CPOE.
About 30% of nursing homes are nonprofit organizations or gov-
Endnotes ernment owned. However, this does not mean that these organiza-
1 A38 tions do not care about their bottom lines. They differ from for-profit
The distribution of the three types of residents in 2006 was 64.8%
Medicaid, 13.4% Medicare, and 21.0% privately paying. nursing homes by not distributing its surplus income to the organi-
zation’s directors as profit or dividends. To avoid confusion, we use
These daily rates are taken from the quarterly report filed by the term “surplus revenue” to denote the difference between revenue
Genesis Healthcare on May 8, 2015. Medicare pays for the first and expense.
20 days at full cost, and the difference between $114 per day and the 12
A40 The exponential utility function form is often used in the eco-
actual cost for up to another 80 days (per the Balanced Budget Act
of 1997). nomics and business literature (Malamud et al. 2013, 2016) to model
increasing and concave utility preference. We adapt it here to cap-
Because of nursing homes’ strong incentives to admit applicants ture the increasing and concave relation between average revenue
with more payments from sources other than Medicaid, such prac-
A41 per patient and nursing home quality, which gives us nice analytical
tices were, in fact, quite prevalent. The U.S. Congress Special Com-
tractability. Our analytical results can also be obtained using alter-
mittee on Aging held a public hearing on “discrimination against the
native functional forms such as a quadratic function with restricted
poor and disabled in nursing homes” in 1984 to investigate this issue.
A42 domain.
According to one witness named Jody Moser, who used to work as 13 A50
the admissions director of a nursing home in Tennessee, the nursing See
home kept two waiting lists, one for private-pay patients and one for 34043.
Medicaid patients, and only took Medicaid patients when it could An alternative way to define the vertical position is to use star rat-
not fill a bed with private-pay patients. For more details, see the ings. Unfortunately, the star ratings are only available since Decem-
Hearing Before the Special Committee on Aging, United States Senate, 98th ber 2008. The ratings of some nursing homes are contaminated
Cong., 2nd sess. (1984) (available at because they had adopted CPOE by then.
imo/media/doc/publications/1011984.pdf). 15
During the sample period, CPOE was mainly used across medical
4 providers within an organization. Some nursing homes can commu-
Different states have different rules regarding nursing home admis-
sions. For example, the rule of the state of New York states that “each nicate with their affiliated hospitals or local health providers using
nursing home is required to develop an admission policy and pro- the software provided by the vendor Epic (Li 2014). In this study, we
cedure that is in accordance with state and federal regulations and focus on the intraorganization information system.
Lu, Rui, and Seidmann: Staffing Decisions in Nursing Homes
Management Science, Articles in Advance, pp. 1–18, © 2017 INFORMS 17

16 A51
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