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SCG- Core Team Recruitment

Below you will find a set of questions, you need to prepare solutions
to them and present them in a document of pdf format. In your
submission also include your 1st and 2nd preference of the position
you will be applying from the list below. Additionally it would be great
to read about your USPs.

Task for Head Positions


1). Give a detailed timeline of all activities you plan on doing for the next 1 year
as a head? Include all recurring events as well as a long term project.

2). How will you solve the problem of inactive/non-performing members?

3). Any other commitments you have? (Academics, societies, PORs held etc)

4). You are handling the research department of our society and a client has
approached us in a hope of getting valuable solutions to its failures in bills
receivables and margins stability. You have understood the scenario and need to
come up with those solutions and reflect on how you can as the project lead use
each department's skills in this case that not only ease out the problems of the
client as well as make you stand out as a good project lead?

5). Would you be willing to let go the opportunity to collaborate with a known or
popular consulting society because of the fact that some of the members are
quite unfamiliar with handling a real world consulting project? If yes then how can
you compensate for it and if no then what can you do to not let that issue harm
your society's reputation?

6). How can you use your networking and engagement skills to make our social
media pages grow more?
7) List out the problems you have faced in SCG till now

8) Any other thing you wish to share

Positions available:
1. President
2. Vice President
3. Research Head
4. PR & Outreach Head
5. Marketing Head

Team SCG

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