DOTZ Game Sequence Redux 1.0

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Dawn of the Zeds 3rd Edition Game Sequence

1. Draw Event Card Actions (not in Chaos spaces exc. Pickles/Horatius/Refugees)

Move: Move 1 Player unit up to Move #; Can’t enter Start spaces
2. 4R Phase • Must stop when entering Chaos (exc. Pickles) or Zeds space
1. Raiders: Must move 1 space towards Town Center & fight
• Non-Start Zeds space = Hand-to-Hand combat +1💀💀
all units except Villagers/Refugees; Town Center: Lose
Supplies/Ammo = Raider strength & remove Raiders Forage: In named spaces only, 🎲🎲 on Forage Table
2. Rangers: May move 1 space in any direction • 2-dice abilities: Roll two dice and choose either result
3. Refugees: Must move number of refugees indicated on the • Natural Doubles = 2 x the outcome
card 1 space if possible, Zeds block movement;
Town Center: +1💀💀 and place in Refugee Camp Gunfire Attack: Spend 1x to shoot a unit in an adjacent space
4. Rescuers (Nat’l Guard): May move 1 space any direction (not into/from a Start space)
• Some units can make Long-Range Gunfire attacks;
3. Infection Phase No Long-Range on Tunnel track or through Town Center
1. +1💀💀 per Disease Spreader on a non-Start space Heal unit in Hospital Bed: One Heal per unit per Turn
2. Check for Outbreak on card: Yes or 🎲🎲🎲🎲 ≤💀💀 or Reach • Remove 1 Hit from a wounded unit and - 1💀💀;
end of track any time during turn (=Unchecked):
Discharge healed unit from Hospital to Town Center;
a) Reduce 💀💀 by 🎲🎲🎲🎲
Refugees discharged to Refugee Camp +1💀💀
b) Fate Draw for location track
• Units with EKG cannot perform actions or special abilities
c) Place Zeds unit (Super Zeds if Unchecked) in Chaos
space closest to Town Center; If none, Village space Build Improved Defenses: Spend 2x to build a Barricade
closest to Town Center (Start space for Tunnel)
d) Fight any Player units in the space • Max 1 per track (not Pickles/Horatius/Refugees)
e) Unprotected Villagers flip to Refugees and move 1 • Removed when Zeds advance out of Barricade space
space towards Town Center • Kingman can build Strongpoint (3x & not on same track
f) Resolve Fate card’s Plot Twist as a Barricade – never removed) and Minefield (2x + 1x
- removed after 2 Gunfire attacks on Zeds entering space)
4. Eat Phase
Research: Science Hero in Lab, Max one success per Turn:
• # on card = number of lost
Spend indicated on Current Research card & 🎲🎲:
• 🎲🎲 ≤ # Player units in Hospital Bed + Refugee Camp = -1 If successful, reveal new Current Research card
• Apply 1 hit per shortage to any Player units not with
EKG or in Refugee Camp Free Actions
a) Discharge: At any time: Move unit without an EKG marker
5. Zeds Phase to Town Center or move any unit to the Cemetery
Activate all tracks in order listed on Current Event card b) Equip: Once per turn: Move a non-VIP Refugee from Camp
• If no Zeds on track: place a new Regular Zeds unit on the to Cemetery and move a reduced-strength Regular Civilians
track’s Start space; it does not move this turn unit of your choice from Cemetery to Town Center
• Move Zeds/Mobs one at a time 1 space (unless blocked),
from closest to furthest from Town Center and: Zeds Pressure Events
o Catacombs: one at a time, strongest first
o Check for Hello/Goodbye Events • Move 1 Zeds/Mob (strongest to weakest) which can
advance per extra player (Tie: Closest to Town Center then
o Unprotected Refugees devoured (+2💀💀)
player choice) (Real Zeds: Max 1 event per Track)
o Resolve any combat
o Place Chaos if none & alone in named space • : Add 1 new Zeds unit per extra player to Start spaces of
o Real Zeds: If Blocked, exchange stronger Zeds with tracks with fewest Zeds (Tie: player choice)
weaker (Super Zeds always considered stronger);
Max 1 event per Track Stacking Limits
• 2 Player units per space at the end of any Move
6. Action Phase – See Over o Refugees/Villagers stack for free except in Hospital
o Unlimited: Town Center and Catacombs
7. Housekeeping Phase • 2 Zeds units per space (2 Zeds = Mob)
1. Set Event Action marker to 0 & Flip Action markers Unspent o Disease Spreaders stack for free
2. Remove 1 Chaos and +1💀💀 in each Chaos space with Player o Overstack: Stronger unit stays closer to Town Center
units (not Pickles/Horatius/Refugees) or Raiders • Tunnel: Catacombs = Unlimited (but no Mob); Start &
3. -1💀💀 if Antidote discovered; -1💀💀 if Elwood Berra in play Basement = 2; All others= 1
Combat Procedure Infection Track Reminder
No Hand-to-Hand Combat in or Gunfire into/out of Start spaces! +1💀💀 Hand to Hand combat with Zeds
1. +1 💀💀 (Hand-to-Hand) or -1 (Gunfire) +1💀💀 Each successful Saving Roll to Hospital Bed
2. Determine Initial Column +1💀💀 Each Disease Spreader on a non-start space
a. HtH: Compare Strength of all Zeds to 1 Player unit during Infection Phase
• Catacombs: Fight all Zeds one at a time +1💀💀 Each time a Refugee unit enters Refugee Camp
b. Gunfire = Attacker Strength +1💀💀 Each time a unit restores order on a Chaos space
3. Apply Column Shifts including single best Terrain shift if Each time a Refugee unit is Devoured by Zeds
defending in a named, Barricade, or Strongpoint space
-1💀💀 Each time a Heal action is performed
4. 🎲🎲🎲🎲 on HtH / Gunfire Table
-🎲🎲🎲🎲💀💀 Each time an Outbreak occurs
5. Apply Hits
-1💀💀 End of Housekeeping if Antidote discovered
• Only Player unit chosen to fight takes Hits, Ignore
excess Hits! -1💀💀 End of Housekeeping if Elwood Berra is in play
• You may apply Hits to Zeds Mobs in any combination,
Disease Spreaders last (and they make a Saving Roll) Super Zeds
o Killed Zeds to cup, remove Super Zeds from play Ignore Hits on 1-3
6. Saving Rolls (optional for killed Player units)
HtH combat causes additional 💀💀
Player Unit Cemetery Hospital Bed+EKG, +1💀💀 Moves +1 space when activated
Disease Spreader Start space Remove from play Break Barricades & no defensive Terrain shift

7. Defeat = Retreat all friendly units Move again after winning HtH combat
• Attack enemy units if retreating into their space
Recover 1 Hit when activated
• Zeds towards their track Start space; If Overstacked:
a) Continue retreating weaker unit(s)* Enemy always retreats after combat
b) In Start space: Move to any other Start space*
c) No free Start space: Return to cup (Regular) or Super Weapons
Eliminate (Super) Zeds Knuckles 1  in HtH attacks (not when defending)
*Real Zeds: Exchange stronger with weaker units Hypo Z Gun 1  for all Gunfire attacks
• Player units toward Town Center when defending or Phosphor Ammo Zeds retreat if 2+ Gunfire Hits
the space they attacked from when attacking 4 Hits (distribute evenly, incl. Disease
Gas Grenade
a) If Overstacked: Continue retreating, leaving Spreaders) + 1 Chaos in adjacent space
either unit as possible Zeds Treats Inflict +1 Hit when defending
• Raiders retreat toward their track’s Start space
• Refugees do not retreat (+2💀💀; May make Saving Roll)
Tunnel Track
• Villagers flip and retreat if left alone with Zeds • No Long-Range Gunfire attacks
8. Place Chaos if Zeds gain control of a named space • Stacking is 1 unit per space except unlimited in Catacombs
(but no Mob) and 2 units in Start & Town Center Basement
Zeds Movement Reminder • Catacombs: All units (except Red Diamond ) 🎲🎲 to leave,
• Village space: Release Defiant Civilians; Villagers may flee Zeds move individually (strongest to weakest):
• Goodbye Events: Destroy Barricade; Catacombs Roll; 1-3 = leave; 4-5 = stay in Catacombs; 6 = make a Lost roll
Pickles’ Bark; Reanimator Zeds Heal • Lost roll: 🎲🎲 and place unit on that # space on Tunnel track
• Hello Events: No Entry marker; Johnson’s Traps; Kingman’s & resolve any combat; If it is the same space the unit was
Perimeter and Minefield; Devour Refugees if alone; on, it is eliminated without any Saving Roll
Uncontested named space = Chaos; Pickles’ Stealth; Ferry/
Bridge Collapsed; Alyssa’s Assassin Strike; Stench attack End Game
• Town Center: Game Over! • Win if you reach the END card without losing
• Lose when a Zeds unit enters Town Center (before combat)
Chaos/Zeds Control or when you must place Chaos and there are none left
• Place Chaos in named spaces where Zeds (incl. Disease
Spreaders) are alone; These spaces are Zeds controlled Epilogue
• Player units cannot Move or Act in Chaos spaces except to +1 Per Hero/Civilian/National Guard alive
defend and retreat +3 Per Refugee/Villager alive
+1 If Superweapon/Antidote discovered
Fate Draws +1 If Ammo > 1; if Supplies > 1; If 💀💀 < 7
1. Draw a Fate card to determine Location -1 Per Chaos marker on map
2. Conduct Event or place new Zeds/Super Zeds -1 Per Event card remaining if you lost
3. Play this Fate Card (Plot Twist) or Hold for Later

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