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The table illustrates the outcomes of research done in Scotland among people aged

16-74 to assess their involvement in a variety of cultural activities over a 12-month-


Overall, the highest participation was seen in “Any Performance” in the 16-24 age
group, with 35%. In contrast, the lowest rate was in ‘Any Writing’ and ‘Computer
Based’ among people aged from 45 to 74.

In the age group from 16 to 24 all activities in the exception of Any performance and
any visual arts were much lower, at only 10-17 percent. As for the older age groups,
such as over 25s, the highest participation rate was seen in any performance at 22%. A
similar percentage of 22% was for the most popular activity for the 45-74 age group,

It can be seen that performance and crafts were the most popular, at over 19%,
whereas cultural purchases and visual arts were slightly less popular respectively at
16% and 15% . It is worth mentioning that very little interest was shown concerning
writing and computer-based activities.

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