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The bar chart shows the distribution of students by ……… across six art-based
disciplines at a UK university.

Overall, the chart shows that while females ………….. males in most disciplines, the
gender gap for each subject was not significant with the notable …………. of
philosophy, where female students outnumbered their male counterparts by
almost three to one.

Regarding male enrollment, art and design was the only subject with more men
than women at a ratio of 120 to 90. Language based subjects, namely linguistics,
English Language and Literature, and communication and media studies, were the
most ……….. subjects for male students. The least attracted subject for males was
………… with only 50 students involved.

Looking specifically at female enrolled numbers, a higher proportion of females

enrolled more than males across ……….. of the six subjects. Like men, female
students are also drawn to language-based subjects. Of these, English Language
and Literature was the most famous subject. With regard to the least attractive
subject, history and archeology had only less than 100 female students taking

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