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Pharmacy Ethics

Done by
Dr. Abdulla alkhakani
Ethics are a system of moral principles or rules
.that say what is and is not acceptable
Ethics refer to the rules or code of conduct that
people use to determine when an action is
.acceptable or not
Often, a person’s ethics are based on the rules of
their society, such as laws or religious teachings.
A society’s ethics might say that it is wrong to
.,steal from someone else
Ethics concept
You may have your own ethics that are
different from the society or community you
.live in
For example, you may move from a country
where owning a gun is legal to one where it is
not. In this case, your personal ethics (your
belief that owning a gun is okay) may
contradict the ethics of the country you now
.live in
In philosophy, the word ethics is used to mean the study
.of what makes a person decide what is right and wrong
Philosophers often use the word morality to mean the
.same thing
Outside of philosophy, though, we consider ethics and
.morals to be two different sets of values
Generally speaking, the difference between the two is
that ethics are what a community considers to be right and
wrong, and morals are what an individual considers to be
.good and bad or evil
Ethics and Morality
Ethics is a set of moral principles and a code for
behavior that govern an individual’s actions with
.other individuals and within society

Morality is what people believe to be right and

good, while ethics is a critical reflection about
Laws are brought about by tension, agitation and
.conflict by dramatic situations

Laws are societal rules or regulations that are

.obligatory to observe
Laws protect the welfare and safety of
society, resolve conflicts, and are constantly
Laws have governed the practice of
.medicine for over one hundred of years
Bioethics refers to the moral issues and problems
that have arisen as a result of modern medicine
.and medical research
Issues in bioethics are usually life-and-death
Ethical and bioethical principles can be personal,
organizational, institutional or worldwide
Comparing Law and Ethics
Law, ethics, and bioethics are different but
.related concepts
Laws are mandatory to which all citizens must
.adhere or risk civil or criminal liability
Ethics relate to morals and help us organize
complex information and competing values and
interests to formulate consistent and coherent
Ethical Dilemma
Value conflicts, no clear consensus as to the
“right” thing to do. A conflict between moral
obligations that are difficult to reconcile and
.require moral reasoning
Situations necessitating a choice between two
.equal (usually undesirable) alternatives

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