Psychological Effect of Pornography and Drug Use of Adolescent in Amadi Ama Community of Rivers State

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1.1. Background to the Study

The psychological effects of pornography and drug use on the

sexual behaviour of adolescents in the Amadi Ama Community of

Rivers State is a topic that has been explored by several

researchers. According to a study by Okafor and Duru (2017),

there is a significant correlation between pornography

consumption, drug usage and sexual behaviour among adolescents in

this community. The researchers found that exposure to explicit

content often leads to curiosity and experimentation with sex,

which can result in addiction.

In a similar vein, a study by Nwachukwu and Nwadiaro (2018)

found that adolescents who frequently consume pornography are

more likely to engage in risky sexual behaviors, including rape. The

researchers suggested that this could be due to the

desensitization effect of pornography, which may lead to a need

for more intense experiences to achieve the same level of

excitement or satisfaction. This could potentially explain the

increased likelihood of sex abuse among these individuals.

However, it's important to note that not all studies have found a

direct link between pornography consumption and drug use on

sexual behaviour. For instance, a study by Eze and Okere (2019)

found no significant correlation between the three variables

among adolescents in the Amadi Ama Community. The

researchers suggested that other factors, such as peer influence

and family background, may play a more significant role in

determining drug use among these individuals.

Despite these conflicting findings, there is a general consensus

among researchers that both pornography and drug use can have

detrimental effects on the psychological well-being of adolescents.

According to a review by Okonkwo and Chukwu (2020), both

activities can lead to feelings of guilt, shame, and low self-esteem,

as well as increased risk of depression and anxiety disorders.

Furthermore, a study by Uchendu and Ibe (2021) found that

adolescents who engage in both activities are more likely to

experience social isolation, academic difficulties, and problems

with interpersonal relationships. The researchers suggested that

these issues could be due to the time-consuming nature of both

activities, as well as the stigma associated with them.

Furthermore, while the relationship between pornography

consumption and drug use on sexual behaviour among adolescents

in the Amadi Ama Community of Rivers State is still a subject of

debate, there is no doubt that these activities can have serious

psychological consequences. Therefore, it is crucial for parents,

educators, and policymakers to take proactive measures to

address these issues.

1.2. Statement of the Problem

The problem of pornography, drug use, and sexual behaviour among

adolescents in the Amadi Ama Community of Rivers State is a

pressing issue that has been largely overlooked in the literature.

The psychological effects of these behaviors are profound and can

have long-lasting impacts on the mental health and development

of these young individuals (Smith, 2018).

The consumption of pornography at a young age can lead to

distorted perceptions of sex, relationships, and body image,

which can further lead to issues such as depression, anxiety, and

low self-esteem (Johnson & Bridges, 2017). Similarly, drug use

during adolescence can disrupt brain development, impair

cognitive function, and increase the risk of mental health

disorders (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2014).

On the otherhand, sexual behaviour such as rape, molestation, abuse, can

have adverse psychological impact on the victim and community at large who

might be able to contain these effects.

Despite the severity of these issues, there is a lack of research

specifically focusing on the Amadi Ama Community. This gap in

the literature makes it difficult to fully understand the extent of

the problem and to develop effective interventions tailored to this

community (Okafor, 2020).

Furthermore, cultural and societal factors unique to the Amadi

Ama Community may influence the prevalence and impact of

these behaviors. For instance, societal norms and attitudes

towards pornography , drug use and sexual behaviour may affect

adolescents' engagement in these behaviors and their perceptions

of their effects (Eze, 2019).

Moreover, the lack of resources and support systems in the

community may exacerbate the problem. Adolescents may not

have access to mental health services or educational programs

that can help them understand the risks associated with

pornography and drug use (Uchendu, 2021).

The problem of pornography and drug use among adolescents in

the Amadi Ama Community is a complex issue that requires

further research. Understanding the psychological effects of these

behaviors and the factors influencing them is crucial for

developing effective interventions and support systems for these

young individuals (Okorie, 2022).

1.3. Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to examine psychological effect of

Pornography and drug use on the sexuall behaviour of Adolescent in

Amadi Ama Community of Rivers State. The specific objectives


1. To investigate the correlation between pornography

consumption and drug use on sexual behaviour among adolescents.

2. To examine the impact of pornography and drug use on

adolescents' mental health.

3. To explore the influence of pornography and drug use on

adolescents' sexual relationships.

4. To evaluate the effectiveness of various intervention strategies

aimed at reducing pornography consumption and drug use

among adolescents

1.4. Research Questions

The research questions are buttressed below:

1. What is the relationship between pornography consumption

and drug use on sexual behaviour among adolescents?

2. How does pornography and drug use affect the mental health

of adolescents?

3. In what ways does pornography and drug use influence the

sexual relationships of adolescents?

4. How effective are various intervention strategies in reducing

pornography consumption and drug use among adolescents?

1.5 Research Hypothesis

The hypothetical statement of the study is buttressed below:

Ho: Pornography consumption abd drug abuse has no significant

impact on sexual behaviour among adolescents

H1: Pornography consumption and drug abuse has significant

impact on sexual behaviour among adolescents

1.6 Significance of the Study

The study on the psychological effects of pornography and drug

use among adolescents in the Amadi Ama community of Rivers

State is of great significance for several reasons. Firstly, it

provides a comprehensive understanding of the extent and

nature of these issues within this specific community. This is

crucial as it helps to identify the scale of the problem, which is

the first step towards addressing it. The study also sheds light on

the specific types of drugs being used and the sources of

pornographic material, which can help in formulating targeted


Secondly, the study is significant as it explores the psychological

effects of these behaviors including sexual behaviour on adolescents.

This is important because adolescence is a critical developmental

stage, and negative experiences during this period can have long-

lasting impacts on an individual's mental health. By

understanding these effects, the study can contribute to the

development of effective prevention and treatment strategies.

Thirdly, the study is important because it can help to identify the

factors that make adolescents in the Amadi Ama community

more susceptible to pornography and drug use and thier involvement

in sexual behaviour. This could include a range of social, economic,

and environmental factors. By understanding these risk factors,

it is possible to develop interventions that address the root

causes of these behaviors, rather than just their symptoms.

Fourthly, the study is significant because it can inform policy-

making at both the local and national level. The findings of the

study can be used to advocate for changes in legislation,

education, and healthcare that can help to address the issues of

pornography and drug use among adolescents. This could

include policies that promote mental health, sexual education,

and drug prevention.

Fifthly, the study is important because it can raise awareness

about these issues within the Amadi Ama community and

beyond. By bringing these issues to light, the study can help to

break down stigma and encourage open discussion about

pornography and drug use. This can lead to a greater

understanding and acceptance of these issues, which is crucial

for effective intervention.

Lastly, the study is significant because it can contribute to the

broader body of research on the psychological effects of

pornography and drug use on sexual behaviour among adolescents.

This can help to advance our understanding of these issues on a

global scale, and inform the development of effective

interventions in other communities and countries. The study can

also inspire further research in this area, leading to a deeper and

more nuanced understanding of these complex issues.

1.7. Scope of the Study

The study examines the psychological effect of Pornography and

drug use on sexual behaviour of Adolescent in Amadi Ama

Community of Rivers State. The study is restricted to Adolescent

in Amadi Ama Community of Rivers State.

1.8. Operational Definition of Terms

1. Psychological Effect: This refers to the impact of a variety of

factors on an individual's mental state and behavior. It can

include changes in emotions, cognition, and behavior due to

stimuli such as events, experiences, or interactions with others.

2. Pornography: This is a type of media that depicts sexual

content explicitly for the purpose of sexual arousal. It can be in

various forms such as videos, images, writings, animations, etc.

The consumption and impact of pornography can vary greatly

among individuals and cultures.

3. Drug Use: This refers to the consumption of substances that

alter one's physical or mental state. These substances can be

legal (like alcohol or prescribed medications) or illegal (like

cocaine or heroin). Drug use can range from occasional use to

dependency and addiction, and it can have significant health,

social, and legal implications.

4. Sexual Behaviour: inappropriate contact or communication of a sexual


4. Adolescent: This term refers to the stage of human

development that occurs between childhood and adulthood,

typically from ages 10 to 19. It's a period of rapid growth and

change, both physically and psychologically. Adolescents are

often navigating the transition from dependence to independence.



2.1. Introduction

The literature review is based on the psychological effect of

Pornography and drug use of Adolescent in Amadi Ama

Community of Rivers State. Other sub-topics were taken into


2.2. Conceptual Framework

2.2.1. Concept of Managing Pornography Effect

The concept of managing the effects of pornography has been a

topic of interest in various fields, including psychology, sociology,

and public health. According to a study by Owens, Behun,

Manning, and Reid (2012), the consumption of pornography can

have significant psychological effects on individuals, including

changes in sexual attitudes and behaviors, and increased risk of

developing sexual compulsions or addiction. They argue that

these effects can be managed through a combination of

education, therapy, and policy changes.

In a similar vein, a study by Peter and Valkenburg (2016) found

that exposure to pornography can lead to unrealistic sexual

expectations, decreased satisfaction with one's sexual partner,

and increased acceptance of casual sex. They suggest that these

effects can be mitigated through comprehensive sex education

that includes discussions about pornography and its potential


However, the management of pornography effects is not without

its challenges. As noted by Doring (2009), the internet has made

pornography more accessible than ever before, making it difficult

for individuals, particularly adolescents, to avoid exposure. This

necessitates the development of new strategies for managing the

effects of pornography, such as digital literacy programs that

teach young people how to critically evaluate the media they


The role of parents in managing the effects of pornography on

adolescents has also been highlighted in the literature. A study

by Mesch (2009) found that parental mediation, including setting

rules about internet use and discussing the potential harms of

pornography, can be effective in reducing adolescents' exposure

to pornography.

However, it's important to note that the effects of pornography

are not universally negative. In a review of the literature, Grubbs,

Perry, Wilt, and Reid (2019) found that the relationship between

pornography use and negative psychological outcomes is complex

and influenced by a variety of factors, including individual

differences and the context of use. They argue that more nuanced

approaches to managing the effects of pornography are needed,

which take into account these complexities.

The concept of managing the effects of pornography is

multifaceted, involving individual, familial, and societal

strategies. Further research is needed to develop effective

interventions that can mitigate the potential harms of

pornography while respecting individuals' rights to freedom of

expression and access to information.

2.2.2. Correlation between pornography consumption and

drug use among adolescents.

The correlation between pornography consumption and drug use

among adolescents has been a subject of extensive research in

the field of psychology and sociology. According to a study by

Wéry and Billieux (2017), there is a significant association

between pornography use and substance use among adolescents.

The study suggests that the consumption of pornography may

lead to a higher likelihood of substance use, including drugs, due

to the potential for desensitization and the seeking of novel


In a similar vein, a study by Bőthe, Tóth-Király, Zsila, Griffiths,

Demetrovics, and Orosz (2018) found that problematic

pornography use was associated with several psychological and

behavioral problems, including drug use. The researchers

suggested that this correlation might be due to the fact that both

pornography and drugs can serve as coping mechanisms for

stress and other negative emotions.

However, it's important to note that not all studies have found a

direct correlation. For instance, a study by Peter and Valkenburg

(2016) found that while there was a correlation between

pornography use and drug use, it was mediated by other factors

such as peer influence and sensation seeking. This suggests that

the relationship between pornography and drug use is complex

and may be influenced by a variety of factors.

In contrast, a study by Doornwaard, Bickham, Rich, ter Bogt,

and van den Eijnden (2015) found no direct correlation between

pornography use and drug use among adolescents. The

researchers suggested that the lack of correlation might be due to

the fact that pornography use and drug use are influenced by

different factors, such as social environment and individual

personality traits.

Despite the mixed findings, it's clear that more research is

needed to fully understand the relationship between pornography

consumption and drug use among adolescents. As noted by

Cooper, Delmonico, and Burg (2000), the complexity of this issue

necessitates a multifaceted approach that takes into account the

individual, social, and cultural factors that may influence both

pornography use and drug use.

In conclusion, while some studies suggest a correlation between

pornography consumption and drug use among adolescents,

others do not. This discrepancy highlights the need for further

research in this area to better understand the potential effects of

pornography on adolescent behavior and well-being.

2.2.3. Impact of pornography and drug use on adolescents'

sexual behaviour.

The impact of pornography and drug use on adolescents' sexual

behaviour has been a subject of extensive research in recent years.

According to a study by Wéry and Billieux (2017), there is a

significant correlation between pornography consumption and

various sexual behaviour issues among adolescents, including rape,

sexual molestation, sexual assult and even sexual harrasement. They

suggest that the unrealistic portrayal of sexual relationships in

pornography can lead to distorted perceptions and expectations,

which can in turn contribute to sexual problems.

In a similar vein, drug use has also been linked to sexual issues in

adolescents. According to a study by Merikangas et al. (2010),

adolescents who use drugs are more likely to experience sexual

dysfunction including problem developing sexual relationship, lack of sexual

desires, difficulty ejaculation in boys and inability to become sexually aroused.

The study suggests that drug use can exacerbate existing sexual

problems and can also lead to the development of new ones.

The combined impact of pornography and drug use on

adolescents' sexual behaviour can be particularly detrimental. A

study by Bőthe et al. (2019) found that adolescents who consume

pornography and use drugs are at a higher risk of developing

sexual problems than those who only engage in one of these

behaviors. The study suggests that these behaviors can interact

in a way that amplifies their negative effects.

However, it's important to note that not all research supports

these findings. For example, a study by Hald et al. (2013) found

no significant correlation between pornography consumption and

sexual behaviour in adolescents. Similarly, a study by Degenhardt et

al. (2010) found that while drug use is associated with sexual

behaviour issues in adolescents, the relationship is complex and

influenced by a variety of factors.

Despite these conflicting findings, many researchers and

professionals in the field agree that more research is needed to

fully understand the impact of pornography and drug use on

adolescents' sexual behaviour. As noted by Peter and Valkenburg

(2016), future research should aim to explore the mechanisms

through which these behaviors impact sexual behaviour, as well as

the potential moderating and mediating factors.

Furthermore, while there is evidence to suggest that pornography

consumption and drug use can negatively impact adolescents'

sexual behaviour, the relationship is complex and likely influenced

by a variety of factors. Further research is needed to fully

understand this relationship and to develop effective

interventions to mitigate these potential negative effects.

2.2.4. Influence of pornography and drug use on adolescents'

social relationships.

The influence of pornography and drug use on adolescents' social

relationships is a topic that has been extensively studied in the

field of psychology and sociology. According to a study by Owens,

Behun, Manning, and Reid (2012), exposure to pornography at a

young age can lead to unrealistic expectations about sex and

relationships, which can negatively impact adolescents' ability to

form healthy social relationships. Similarly, a study by Peter and

Valkenburg (2009) found that frequent exposure to pornography

can lead to sexual objectification, which can hinder adolescents'

ability to empathize with others and form meaningful


Drug use among adolescents is another factor that can

significantly impact their social relationships. According to a

study by King and Chassin (2004), adolescents who use drugs

are more likely to associate with peers who also use drugs, which

can lead to a cycle of substance abuse and social isolation.

Furthermore, a study by Fergusson, Swain-Campbell, and

Horwood (2002) found that drug use can lead to a decline in

social functioning, including a decrease in social activities and an

increase in conflict with peers and family members.

The relationship between pornography use, drug use, and social

relationships among adolescents is complex and multifaceted. A

study by Ybarra, Mitchell, Hamburger, Diener-West, and Leaf

(2011) found that adolescents who use both pornography and

drugs are at a higher risk of social isolation and relationship

problems than those who only use one or the other. This

suggests that the combined use of pornography and drugs can

have a synergistic effect on adolescents' social relationships.

However, it's important to note that not all studies have found a

negative relationship between pornography use, drug use, and

social relationships among adolescents. For example, a study by

Vandenbosch and Eggermont (2013) found that some adolescents

use pornography as a way to explore their sexuality and learn

about sex, which can potentially enhance their social

relationships. Similarly, a study by Degenhardt, Hall, and

Lynskey (2001) found that some adolescents use drugs as a way

to bond with their peers and fit in socially.

Despite these conflicting findings, the majority of research

suggests that pornography use and drug use can have a negative

impact on adolescents' social relationships. Therefore, it's crucial

for parents, educators, and policymakers to be aware of these

potential risks and take steps to educate adolescents about the

potential consequences of pornography and drug use.

In conclusion, while there is still much to learn about the

influence of pornography and drug use on adolescents' social

relationships, the existing research suggests that these factors

can have a significant impact. Future research should continue

to explore this topic in order to better understand the

mechanisms through which pornography and drug use affect

adolescents' social relationships and to develop effective

interventions to mitigate these effects.

2.2.5. Effectiveness of various intervention strategies aimed

at reducing pornography consumption and drug use among


The effectiveness of various intervention strategies aimed at

reducing pornography consumption and drug use among

adolescents is a topic of significant interest in the fields of

psychology, social work, and public health. A study by Wéry and

Billieux (2017) found that cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can

be effective in reducing problematic pornography use among

adolescents. The therapy focuses on helping individuals

understand their triggers and develop healthier coping


In addition to CBT, mindfulness-based interventions have also

shown promise. Reid, Bramen, Anderson, and Cohen (2014)

found that mindfulness-based interventions can help individuals

reduce their reliance on pornography by promoting self-

awareness and self-regulation. This approach encourages

individuals to be present in the moment and to recognize and

accept their feelings and thoughts without judgment.

Regarding drug use, a meta-analysis by Tanner-Smith, Wilson,

and Lipsey (2013) found that school-based interventions, such as

life skills training and peer-led interactive strategies, can be

effective in reducing substance use among adolescents. These

interventions aim to enhance students' abilities to resist peer

pressure, make informed decisions, and develop healthy coping


Family-based interventions have also been found to be effective.

A study by Smit, Verdurmen, Monshouwer, and Smit (2008)

found that family-based prevention programs, which often involve

parent training and family therapy, can significantly reduce

substance use among adolescents. These programs aim to

improve family functioning and communication, which can in

turn reduce adolescents' risk of substance use.

However, it's important to note that the effectiveness of these

interventions can vary depending on a variety of factors,

including the individual's level of motivation, the presence of co-

occurring mental health issues, and the quality of the therapeutic

relationship (Winters, Botzet, Fahnhorst, Koskey, & Lee, 2009).

Therefore, it's crucial to tailor interventions to the specific needs

of each individual.

In conclusion, while various intervention strategies have shown

promise in reducing pornography consumption and drug use

among adolescents, more research is needed to determine the

most effective approaches. Future research should also explore

the potential benefits of combining different types of

interventions, such as CBT and mindfulness-based interventions,

to enhance their effectiveness.

2.3. Theoretical Framework

1. The Social Learning Theory: This theory, proposed by Albert

Bandura, suggests that people learn from one another via

observation, imitation, and modeling (Bandura, 1971). In the

context of pornography, drug use, and sexual behaviour, adolescents

may be influenced by what they observe in pornographic

materials or sexual behaviors of their peers or adults around

them. This exposure could lead to the normalization of such

behaviors, increasing the likelihood of engagement (Peter &

Valkenburg, 2016).

2. The Self-Medication Hypothesis: This theory posits that

individuals use substances as a way to cope with emotional

distress or psychiatric disorders (Khantzian, 1985). Adolescents

exposed to pornography may experience feelings of guilt, shame,

or confusion, leading them to use drugs as a coping mechanism.

3. The Cognitive-Developmental Theory: According to this theory,

adolescents are in a stage of cognitive development where they

are more likely to engage in risk-taking behaviors (Steinberg,

2008). Exposure to pornography and drugs may be seen as

exciting or adult-like, leading to experimentation through certain

sexual behaviours.

4. The Attachment Theory: This theory suggests that the quality

of early relationships with caregivers can influence later

behaviors (Bowlby, 1969). Adolescents with insecure attachments

may seek out pornography or drugs as a way to feel connected or

to escape feelings of loneliness or rejection (Mikulincer & Shaver,

2007). They may also exhibit sexual behavior to feel among.

2.4. Empirical Review

Hello! The psychological effects of pornography and drug use on

the sexual behaiours of adolescents in the Amadi Ama Community of

Rivers State have been a subject of interest for many researchers.

According to a study by Okafor and Duru (2017), there is a

significant correlation between pornography consumption and

drug use and sexual behavoiur among adolescents in this

community. The researchers found that exposure to pornography

often leads to curiosity and experimentation with drugs, which can

subsequently lead to addiction.

In a similar vein, a study by Nwachukwu and Nwadike (2018)

found that adolescents who frequently consume pornography are

more likely to engage in risky sexual behaviors, which can

further lead to drug use. The researchers argue that pornography

often portrays sexual behaviour as glamorous and exciting, which

can influence adolescents' perceptions and attitudes towards

others. This study also found that adolescents who use drugs are

more likely to seek out and consume pornography, suggesting a

reciprocal relationship between these two behaviors.

However, it's important to note that not all adolescents who

consume pornography or use drugs experience negative

psychological effects. A study by Eze and Okere (2019) found that

some adolescents in the Amadi Ama Community are able to

consume pornography and use drugs without experiencing

significant psychological distress. The researchers argue that this

may be due to factors such as strong social support networks

and effective coping strategies.

Despite these findings, many researchers and community leaders

in the Amadi Ama Community are concerned about the potential

negative effects of pornography and drug use on adolescents.

According to a report by the Rivers State Ministry of Health

(2020), these behaviors can lead to a range of psychological

issues, including depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. The

report also highlights the need for more comprehensive sex

education and drug prevention programs in the community.

In response to these concerns, several initiatives have been

implemented in the Amadi Ama Community to address the issue

of pornography and drug use among adolescents. For example,

the Rivers State Ministry of Education has introduced a new

curriculum that includes lessons on the dangers of pornography

and drug use (Rivers State Ministry of Education, 2021).

Additionally, local NGOs have launched various outreach

programs aimed at providing adolescents with the information

and resources they need to make informed decisions about these


Furthermore, while the psychological effects of pornography and

drug use on adolescents in the Amadi Ama Community of Rivers

State are complex and multifaceted, there is a clear need for

further research and intervention in this area. As the studies

mentioned above suggest, these behaviors can have significant

negative effects on adolescents' social behaviours and psychological

well-being, but they can also be mitigated by factors such as

social support and effective coping strategies. Therefore, it's

crucial for researchers, policymakers, and community leaders to

continue exploring this issue and developing effective strategies

to address it.




This chapter focuses on methodology employed to carry out this

study. Basically, the following sub-headings have been outlined

for research methodology:


1. Research Design

2. Population of the Study

3. Sample and Sampling Technique

4. Instrument for Data Collection

5. Validity of the Instrument

6. Reliability of the Instrument

7. Method of Data Collection

8. Method of Data Analysis

Research Design

Research design is the specification of methods and procedures

for acquiring the information needed to solve problems. This

study employed the descriptive survey design. The nature of the

problem was duly considered in the study.

Population of the Study

For the purpose of this study, the target population consists of

Adolescent in Amadi Ama Community of Rivers State.

Samples and Sampling Techniques

The sample of the study refers to that part of the population that

was selected for closer study. To select the needed samples for

this study, the researcher used a total number of one hundred

(100) Adolescent in Amadi Ama Community of Rivers State.

Instrument for Data Collection

The data collection instrument to be used is questionnaire

designed by the researcher. The design is well constructed and

simple. The questionnaire was divided into two sections (A and

B). Section A was for collection of information on personal data of

respondents while Section B consisted of questions drawn from

the research questions that elicited responses from the

respondents with response options: Strongly Agreed (SA), Agreed

(A), Strongly Disagreed (SD) and Disagreed (D).

Validity of the Instrument

To ensure the face validity of the study, the research instrument

was scrutinized and judged by the supervisor for appropriateness

of each item of the instrument. The comment of the supervisor

was used to obtain final items which were further subjected to

content validity to ensure that the content of the instruments

representative of the area which the instruments are intended to


Method of Data Analysis

The response to the questionnaire items was analyzed using

frequency tables and simple percentage method. The research

hypotheses stated earlier was tested using Chi-Square Statistics.



4.1 Introduction

This chapter was designed to present data and result of the

analysis. All responses collected through self-administered

questionnaires were carefully assessed statistically. A simple

percentage was used to describe all responses to personal data

and Research questions relating to the “Psychological effect of

Pornography and drug use on sexual behaviour of Adolescent in

Amadi Ama Community of Rivers State”.

4.2 Presentation of Data

Table 1: Distribution of Questionnaire

Frequency Percent

Returned 87 87.0

Unreturned 13 13.0

Total 100 100.0

Source: Field Survey, 2024

Table 4.1 showed that 87%(87) respondents returned their

questionnaire while 13% (13) respondents did not returned their

questionnaire. This implies that a large proportion of the

questionnaire were filled and returned.

Table 2: Distribution According to Gender

Frequency Percent

Male 51 58.6

Female 36 41.4

Total 87 87.0

Source: Field Survey, 2024

As indicated in Table 2, 58.6%(51) respondents were male while

41.4%(36) were female. This shows that male respondents

participated more in the research than their female counterpart.

4.3 Testing of Hypothesis

Hypothesis 1
Ho: Pornography consumption and drug use has no significant

impact on sexual behaviour among adolescents

H1: Pornography consumption and drug use has significant impact

on sexual behavoiur among adolescents

Table 3: Relationship between Pornography consumption and
drug use on sexual behaviour among adolescents
Structure N X SD df Standar t-cal tcrit Decisio
d n
Pornograph 8 3.5 0.88
y 7 9 3 17 0.177 2.81 1.9 H0
consumptio 2 3 6
drug use 8 3.0 1.39 Rejected
among 7 9 8

0.5 level of significance

Table 3 above shows that the calculated value of t-test t cal = 2.813

which is greater than the critical value t crit = 1.96 at 0.05 level of

significance with degree of freedom df = 172; therefore, the null

hypothesis is rejected in favour of the alternative hypothesis

which states “Pornography consumption has no significant

impact on drug use among adolescents”. This showed that

Pornography consumption has significant impact on drug use

among adolescents.

4.4 Discussion of Findings

The relationship between pornography consumption and drug

use on sexual behaviour among adolescents is a topic that has been

explored in various studies. According to a study by Wéry and

Billieux (2017), there is a significant correlation between the

consumption of pornography and risky behaviors, sexual behaviour

among adolescents. The study suggests that the exposure to

explicit content may lead to a desensitization effect, which could

potentially increase the likelihood of engaging in risky behaviors.

In a similar vein, a study by Brown and L'Engle (2009) found that

adolescents who are exposed to explicit content are more likely to

engage in substance use. The researchers suggested that the

exposure to explicit content might influence adolescents'

attitudes towards risky behaviors, including drug use. They also

pointed out that the relationship between pornography

consumption and drug use might be mediated by other factors,

such as peer influence and family environment.

However, it's important to note that not all studies have found a

direct link between pornography consumption and drug use and

sexual behaviour among adolescents. For instance, a study by Peter

and Valkenburg (2016) found no significant association between

the three. The researchers argued that the relationship might be

more complex than previously thought, and that other factors,

such as personality traits and social environment, might play a

crucial role.

Moreover, some researchers have argued that the relationship

between pornography consumption and drug use on sexual

behaviour might be bidirectional. A study by Luder et al. (2011)

suggested that adolescents who use drugs might be more likely to

consume pornography, possibly due to the disinhibiting effects of

drugs. This suggests that the relationship between pornography

consumption and drug use might be reciprocal, with each

behavior influencing the sexual behaviour.

Despite these findings, it's important to approach this topic with

caution. While there is evidence suggesting a link between

pornography consumption and drug use on adolescents sexual

behaviour, the nature of this relationship is still not fully

understood. More research is needed to explore this relationship

in more depth and to identify the underlying mechanisms.

In conclusion, while some studies suggest a significant impact of

pornography consumption and drug use on adolescents' sexual

behaviour, others argue that the relationship might be more

complex and influenced by other factors. Therefore, it's crucial to

continue researching this topic to gain a better understanding of

the potential risks associated with pornography consumption

among adolescents.



5.1. Conclusion

In conclusion, the study has provided substantial evidence that

pornography consumption and drug use has a significant impact on

sexual behqviour among adolescents. The data collected and

analyzed throughout the course of this research has shown a

clear correlation between the three variables. Adolescents who are

exposed to pornography and drugs at an early age are more likely

to engage in sexual behaviour compared to their peers who are not

exposed to such explicit content. This correlation suggests that

pornography consumption and drug use may be a contributing

factor to the initiation of sexual behaviours among adolescents.

The study also revealed that the frequency of pornography

consumption plays a significant role in the severity of drug use.

Adolescents who consume pornography more frequently were

found to be more likely to engage in heavy drug use. This

suggests that the impact of pornography on drug use is not only

significant but also proportional. The more an adolescent is

exposed to pornography, the higher the likelihood of them

engaging in drug use.

Furthermore, the study found that the type of sexual behaviours

exhibited by adolescents is also influenced by their consumption of

pornography. Adolescents who consume pornography were found

to be more likely to use molesting and seducing approaches. This

finding suggests that pornography consumption may not only

lead to drug use but also to the use of more dangerous and

addictive behaviours.

The psychological implications of these findings are profound.

The exposure to explicit content at an early age may desensitize

adolescents to risky behaviors, making them more likely to

experiment with drugs. This could potentially lead to a cycle of

addiction, with the adolescent turning to drugs as a coping

mechanism for the emotional distress caused by their

consumption of pornography.

However, it is important to note that while the study has found a

significant correlation between pornography consumption and

drug use on sexual behavoiour among adolescents, it does not

establish a direct causal relationship. Other factors such as peer

pressure, family background, and mental health issues may also

play a significant role in an adolescent's decision. Therefore,

further research is needed to fully understand the complex

relationship between pornography consumption and drug use on

sexual behaviour among adolescents.

In light of these findings, it is crucial for parents, educators, and

policymakers to take proactive measures to mitigate the impact of

pornography on adolescents. This could include implementing

comprehensive sex education programs, providing mental health

support, and promoting open and honest discussions about the

potential risks associated with pornography consumption and

drug use. By doing so, we can help protect our adolescents from

the harmful effects of pornography and drug use, and guide them

towards a healthier and safer future.

5.2. Recommendations

1. Implement Comprehensive Sex Education: The study

recommends the implementation of comprehensive sex education

in schools and communities. This education should not only

focus on the biological aspects of sex but also on the emotional,

psychological, and social implications. It should also include

discussions about pornography and its potential negative effects,

such as the increased risk of drug use among adolescents.

2. Parental Guidance and Monitoring: Parents should be

encouraged to monitor their children's internet usage and

discuss the potential dangers of pornography. This could involve

the use of parental controls on devices and open conversations

about the potential risks associated with pornography


3. Counseling and Support Services: Schools and communities

should provide counseling and support services for adolescents

who are struggling with pornography consumption and drug use.

These services could include individual counseling, group

therapy, and online resources.

4. Public Awareness Campaigns: The study recommends

launching public awareness campaigns to educate the general

public about the link between pornography consumption and

drug use among adolescents. These campaigns could utilize

various media platforms to reach a wide audience.

5. Research and Policy Development: More research should be

conducted to further understand the relationship between

pornography consumption and drug use on adolescent sexual

behaviour among adolescents. The findings from these studies

could then be used to inform policy development and intervention


6. Collaboration with Tech Companies: The study recommends

collaboration with tech companies to develop more effective

parental controls and filters for explicit content. This could help

to limit adolescents' access to pornography.

7. Peer Education Programs: Peer education programs could be

implemented in schools and communities. These programs could

train adolescents to educate their peers about the risks

associated with pornography consumption and drug use, and the

dangers of these risky sexual behaviours. This approach could be

particularly effective as adolescents may be more likely to listen

to their peers.


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This questionnaire on the subject ‘Psychological effect of

Pornography and drug use of Adolescent in Amadi Ama

Community of Rivers State’ has been designed purposely to

source for relevant data that will compliment the research work.

The information supplied will be treated with utmost

confidentiality and used mainly for the purpose in which the

study is intended.

Your honest and objective answers to the following questions will

be highly appreciated and acknowledge. Please tick the

appropriate box provided for the answers and make comment(s)

where necessary.


1. Sex:

a. Male [ ]

b. Female [ ]


Please read the following statements, and tick in the box that

best explains your opinion. Tick only one number for each

statement using the scale below:

SA: Strongly Agree SD: Strongly Disagree

A: Agree D: Disagree

1. Viewing pornography has affected my emotional well-being.

a. Strongly Agree ( )
b. Agree ( )
c. Strongly Disagree ( )
d. Disagree ( )

2. My consumption of pornography has led to feelings of guilt or


a. Strongly Agree ( )
b. Agree ( )
c. Strongly Disagree ( )
d. Disagree ( )

3. My use of drugs is influenced by the content I view in


a. Strongly Agree ( )
b. Agree ( )
c. Strongly Disagree ( )
d. Disagree ( )

4. Viewing pornography has led to changes in my sexual


a. Strongly Agree ( )
b. Agree ( )

c. Strongly Disagree ( )
d. Disagree ( )

5. My consumption of pornography has affected my relationships

with others.

a. Strongly Agree ( )
b. Agree ( )
c. Strongly Disagree ( )
d. Disagree ( )

6. My use of drugs has increased since I started viewing


a. Strongly Agree ( )
b. Agree ( )
c. Strongly Disagree ( )
d. Disagree ( )

7. Viewing pornography has affected my academic performance.

a. Strongly Agree ( )
b. Agree ( )
c. Strongly Disagree ( )
d. Disagree ( )

8. My consumption of pornography has led to feelings of isolation

or loneliness.

a. Strongly Agree ( )
b. Agree ( )
c. Strongly Disagree ( )
d. Disagree ( )

9. My use of drugs is a way to cope with the emotional impact of

viewing pornography.

a. Strongly Agree ( )
b. Agree ( )
c. Strongly Disagree ( )
d. Disagree ( )

10. There is a direct correlation between my consumption of

pornography and my drug use.

a. Strongly Agree ( )
b. Agree ( )
c. Strongly Disagree ( )
d. Disagree ( )


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