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Operational internship SONELGAZ

Operational internship SONELGAZ

Operational internship SONELGAZ

I would like to thank first of all the Algerian company Sonelgaz (SADEG) in Ain Defla,
which, through its agreement, gave me the opportunity to complete my training within the
administration for a period of 15 days. I would like to especially thank the Director of
Sonelgaz Agency for accepting me for training, and the Head of Human Resources
Department H. Bouabi. I would also like to thank my training supervisor, A. Q. Yakhlef, for
accepting me and giving me the opportunity and means necessary to reconcile the theories I
learned during the course with practice within the administration. Therefore, this training was
a rich and useful experience for me.

I sincerely thank Madame.DIFAicha and Mrs MAHIDA Hanane., teachers within the
department of management science of the institute of sciences technical and applied from
Oran 1 University, for their help when producing the internship report. My sincere thanks also
go to the staff from and to the teaching team for their support during the internship
Operational internship SONELGAZ



List of paintings…………………………………………………………………...1

List of materials…………………………………………………………………...1


Presentation of the host company………………………………………………...3

HR Service case study………………………………………………………..….10

CF Service case study…………………………………………………………...12

Summary diagnosis……………………………………………………………....17

Table of abbreviations ;

EGA Electricity and gas from SDO Algerian Western Electricity
Algeria and Gas Distribution Company.
SPA Stock company. SDE Algerian Eastern Electricity and
Gas Distribution Company.
SPE Electricity production OS Electrical system operator.

SDA Algerian Electricity and Gas CEEG Electricity and gas engineering
Distribution Company of company
SDC Algerian Central Electricity EPIC Public establishment of an
and Gas Distribution industrial and commercial
Company. nature

List of paintings

N° titled page
Table N°1 Company summary table 9

Liste of figures

N° titled page
Figure N°1 Sonelgaz complex 7
Figure N°2 Company logo 8
Figure N°3 human resources division organization chart 10
Figure N°4 finance and accounting division organization chart 12

Operational internship SONELGAZ

The discovery of the professional world can be envisaged gradually. Each student builds their
professional and personal project. Thus the versatility of the training allows students to be
able to identify a professional and/or sectoral orientation.

During the second year of the bachelor's degree, specializing in business management and
administration. Each student must complete their internship, lasting 15 days, in a company or
administration. During this internship, the student will be responsible for one or more
missions allowing him to apply the lessons given to him:

This internship was an open portal to the world of work and practice which allowed me to
enrich my information and acquire a lot of knowledge.

This report will transcribe my professional experience during this internship carried out from
March 24 to April 7 at the distribution management of SONELGAZ

Energy, in its predominant forms such as electricity and gas, is one of the essential factors for
the functioning of the economy and the benefits of modern life.

Electricity and gas are necessary and structuring products both socially and economically.
They constitute, in fact, a major challenge for economic and social development.

SONELGAZ is the historic operator in the field of electricity and gas supply in Algeria. Until
2002, it was a vertically integrated company whose main missions were the production,
transport and distribution of electricity as well as the transport and distribution of gas by

Operational internship SONELGAZ

presentation of the sonelgaz company

1.The SONELGAZ group;

Heir to Electricity and Gas of Algeria (EGA), SONELGAZ has exercised its public service
mission since 1969 and has since continued to embody the dynamics of the country.
Constantly evolving to better adapt to its environment, and above all, to better meet the
requirements of a changing Algeria, the company continues today to assume its role by
actively contributing to the management of major structuring projects. which require national

After having taken up the challenge of ensuring continuity of service from independence by
courageously taking over after the departure of the settlers, after having supported the
country's development plans by succeeding in electrifying the entire territory and developing
the works gas companies to achieve today a natural gas penetration rate of nearly 44%,
SONELGAZ was able to meet the challenge of restructuring by adapting to a new economic
context translated by law 02-01 of 5 February , 2002 relating to electricity and gas distribution
by pipes. Indeed, the said law, in its article 165, stipulates that the Algerian Company of
Electricity and Gas, which retains the name of “SONELGAZ. Spa”, is transformed into a
“holding company for joint stock companies”. The Group today has, in addition to the parent
company, 33 subsidiary companies and 6 directly-held companies.

From now on, the parent company mainly carries out the tasks of managing the portfolio of
shares held in the Group's companies, internal audit and control. Its mission is also to develop
and implement the development strategy of the Group as a whole.

As a reminder, the transformation process of SONELGAZ began in 2004 with the creation of
three business companies: SPE, for the production of electricity, GRTE for the transport of
electricity and GRTG for the transport of gas.

The process continued in 2006 with the emergence, on1 January , of four electricity and gas
distribution companies (SDA, SDC, SDE and SDO) and an electrical system management
company. national (OS).

Operational internship SONELGAZ

At the same period, the “Works” companies (KAHRIF, KANAGAZ, INERGA, ETTERKIB,
KAHRAKIB) were attached to the SONELGAZ Group by decision of the public authorities,
for better efficiency in the construction of energy works.
The creation on1 January , 2009 of the engineering companies CEEG, information systems
ELIT and real estate management SOPIEG as well as the integration of the company
ROUIBA Eclairage marks the completion of the transformation of SONELGAZ into a
holding company.

2.History of the SONELGAZ group;

*1947: Creation of “ELECTRICITE et GAZ d’ALGERIE”: EGA


the National Electricity and Gas Company (SONELGAZ) is created to replace EGA. The
order assigns its general mission to integrate harmoniously into the country's domestic energy
policy. The monopoly on the production, transport, distribution, import and export of
electrical energy attributed to SONELGAZ has been strengthened. Likewise, SONELGAZ
was granted a monopoly on the marketing of natural gas within the country, for all types of
customers (industries, electricity production plants, domestic customers). To do this, it creates
and manages transport pipelines and a distribution network.
*1983: Restructuring of SONELGAZ
KAHRIF: Electrification works.
KAHRAKIB: Installation of infrastructure and electrical installations.
KANAGAZ: Construction of gas transport and distribution pipelines.
INERGA: Civil engineering works.
ETTERKIB: Industrial assembly.
AMC: Manufacture of meters and measuring and control devices.
*1991: New status of SONELGAZ
SONELGAZ: National Electricity and Gas Company changes legal nature and becomes a
Public Establishment of Industrial and Commercial Character

Operational internship SONELGAZ

September 17, 1995 confirms the nature of SONELGAZ as a public establishment of an

industrial and commercial nature. SONELGAZ is placed under the supervision of the Minister
responsible for energy SONELGAZ has legal personality and enjoys financial autonomy
SONELGAZ is governed by the rules of public law in its relations with the State. He is
deemed to be a trader in his dealings with third parties.
SONELGAZ's missions Ensure the production, transport and distribution of electrical
energy. Ensure the public distribution of gas, while respecting quality and safety conditions
and at the lowest cost, as part of its public service mission.
1. Presidential Decree No. 02-195 of June 1, 2002 establishes the statutes of the Algerian gas
company, whose missions are: Production, transport, distribution and marketing
of electricity, both in Algeria and abroad."
2. Gas transportation for the needs of the national market.
3. The distribution and marketing of gas by pipelines both in Algeria and abroad.
4. The development and provision of all energy services.
5. The study, promotion and valorization of all forms and sources of energy.
6. The development by any means of any activity having a direct or indirect link with the
electricity and gas industries and of any activity which may generate an interest for
"Sonelgaz.Spa" and generally any operation of whatever nature which may be connected
directly or indirectly to its corporate purpose, in particular the research, exploration,
production and distribution of hydrocarbons.
7. The development of any form of joint activities in Algeria and outside Algeria with
Algerian or foreign companies.
8. The creation of subsidiaries, equity investments and the holding of all portfolios of shares
and other securities in any existing company or to be created in Algeria and abroad.

The same decree establishes the public service mission entrusted to Sonelgaz .Spa.

2004-2006; The SONELGAZ group: expansion

In 2004 SONELGAZ became a holding company.
Some of its entities in charge of its core businesses are established as subsidiaries carrying
out these activities:
Algerian Electricity Production Company (SPE)
Operational internship SONELGAZ

Algerian Electricity Transport Network Management Company (GRTE)

Algerian Gas Transmission Network Management Company (GRTG).
In 2006;, five (05) other companies were created. It is:
Electrical System Operator (OS), responsible for managing the electricity
Production/Transport system.
Algerian Electricity and Gas Distribution Company of Algiers (SDA).
Algerian Eastern Electricity and Gas Distribution Company (SDE)
Algerian Western Electricity and Gas Distribution Company (SDO)
During that same year, the five construction companies rejoined the group. Beyond this
development, providing public service remains the essential mission of SONELGAZ and
constitutes the foundation of its corporate culture
2007-2009 Completion of the restructuring: The renewal

Reorganize for better progress, such is the approach pursued by the SONELGAZ group in
recent years, the challenge being the quality of the service provided to customers; a project
matured within the company, to result in the finalization of its organization as an industrial
group (parent company / subsidiaries) made up of thirty-three (33) subsidiaries and six (6)
companies in direct participation.

This period remains marked by SONELGAZ's determination to do more and better, by

mobilizing significant financing in order to develop and strengthen its electricity and gas

The investment dynamic concerned all professions and all geographical areas, to ensure
energy supply and ensure quality customer service.
2011-Amendment of the statutes of SONELGAZ:

The statutes of SONELGAZ adopted in 2002 were revised and approved by the Council of
Ministers on Monday May 2, 2011 and therefore become in compliance with the provisions of
Law No. 02-01 of February 5, 2002 relating to electricity and gas distribution by pipes.

From now on, SONELGAZ.SPA is organized as a “holding company >>> without the
creation of a new legal entity and takes the name SONELGAZ. Furthermore, the SONELGAZ
holding company and its subsidiary companies form a group called "SONELGAZ Group".

In the amended statutes, SONELGAZ retains the role of holder of the portfolio of shares
constituting the share capital of its subsidiaries.

The boards of directors of the subsidiaries constitute the essential relays allowing the holding
company to monitor and guide the management of the subsidiaries.

Operational internship SONELGAZ

3.presentation of the subsidiary principles of the sonelgaz group;

Figure N°1

 Business Units; Organized into an industrial group consisting of a Parent Company

performing a steering mission and operational companies specialized by profession, including
the basic business subsidiaries.
 Construction Subsidiaries; Born from the initial restructuring of SONELGAZ in 1983,
the five companies specialized in construction returned to the fold of the national electricity
company in 2006. They numbered six in 2010.
 Peripheral; They are involved in the maintenance of energy equipment, exceptional
transportation and handling, distribution of electrical and gas materials, research and
development, training, as well as the execution of all related works to publishing, vehicle
maintenance services, and other various activities.
 Joint Venture Companies; SONELGAZ's participation in various joint ventures is a
major element in its diversification and partnership strategy, aiming to: - Integrate technology
and expertise. - Introduce managerial expertise in management domains. - Realize investments
through capital contributions. - Acquire new national and regional markets
 Core Business Companies : its core business subsidiaries ensure the production,
transportation, and distribution of electricity as well as the transportation and distribution of
gas through pipelines, with a total of 8 companies.

4.The organization of SONELGAZ:

is now established as an industrial group composed of 34 subsidiaries and 5 affiliated

companies. Thus, its core business subsidiaries ensure the production, transport, and
distribution of electricity as well as the transport and distribution of gas through

The Electricity and Gas Distribution Company of the Center, abbreviated as SDC, is a
joint-stock company with a share capital of 64 billion dinars, composed of a set of
functional and operational departments.

Operational internship SONELGAZ

The functional departments represent the staff of the general management (SDC),
while the operational departments, called Distribution Directorates, total 20 across a
group of 17 provinces in the west and southwest of the country.

visual identity of the company ;

symbolizes the drop of gas

symbolizes lightning and electric current

Figure N°2
SONELGAZ's objectives are;

1. Production, transportation, distribution, and commercialization of electricity, both in

Algeria and abroad.
2. Gas transportation for the national market's needs.
3. Distribution and commercialization of piped gas, both in Algeria and abroad.
4. Development and provision of energy services.
5. Study, promotion, and valorization of all forms and sources of energy.
6. Development, by any means, of any activity directly or indirectly related to electrical
and gas industries, and any activity that may generate interest for SONELGAZ Spa,
including research, exploitation, production, and distribution of hydrocarbons.
7. Development of joint activities in Algeria and abroad with Algerian or foreign
8. Establishment of subsidiaries, equity investments, and holding of portfolios of shares
and other securities in any existing or to-be-created company in Algeria and abroad.

Operational internship SONELGAZ

5-the Distribution Department of AIN DEFAL ;

The Electricity and Gas Distribution Department is responsible for the distribution of electric
and gas energy and the satisfaction of customer needs in terms of cost, quality of service and
safety. The latter is made up of a staff and a set of operational divisions.

The Ain defla Distribution Directorate is part of the Central Electricity and Gas Distribution
Company (SDC), a subsidiary of the SONELGAZ group. Its mission is:

 The operation and maintenance of the electricity and gas distribution network.
 The development of electricity and gas networks allowing the connection of new
 The marketing of electricity and gas, under the best conditions of safety and quality of
service at the lowest cost.

Company Summary table;

Denomination: The Algerian Electricity and Gas Distribution

Company (SADEG).
Legal status: Joint stock company (SPA).
Slogan Everywhere, for you, daily energy.
Type of establishment: Economic sector.
Address Rue des chouhadas-Ain defla.
Effective: 645
Phone/Fax No: Tel: 027500136 Fax: 027500133
Nature of activity: Electricity and gas sales.

Table N°1

 Capital social : 78 000 000 000 DA

 Annual turnover: 4368,97 KDA
 The company’s main client ; 1.Individuals (households) 2.Companies and
commercial institutions 3.Factories and the industrial sector 4. The agricultural sector
5.Government sector 6. Oil and gas sector
 The company's main competitors:1.Renewable energy companies 2.Foreign
companies 3. Technical and engineering services companies 4.National institutions
 The company's main suppliers ;
 Electrical equipment companies: General Electric - Siemens - Schneider Electric –
 Gas infrastructure companies - Sumitomo Group - Flowserve Corporation -
Emerson Electric Company
 Contracting companies - Orascom Construction Company - Technip company -
Saipem Company
 Technology and information providers; - Huawei - IBM – Ericsson

Operational internship SONELGAZ

HR service case study

 Human resource; is a set of practices and policies aimed at effectively managing an

organization's human resources. This includes recruiting, training, remuneration,
performance appraisal and development of employees, with the aim of optimizing
their contribution to achieving the company's objectives.
 The objective of human resources; is generally to optimize the contribution of
employees to the achievement of organizational objectives while ensuring their well-
being, development and job satisfaction. This involves practices such as recruiting,
training, compensation, performance management and change management.

. human resources division organization chart;

Human Resources division

Administrative assistant

HR development and training Human Resources departmnet


HR development and Administration from RH


Figoure N°3
1-Administrative assistant;

 Personnel Records Management;This includes maintaining employee records,

including personal information, performance reviews.
 Benefits Administration: Assist in the management of employee benefits, such as
insurance, paid vacation, sick leave.
 Leave and absence tracking: Ensure tracking of annual leave, sick leave and special
leave, as well as updating human resources management systems accordingly.
 General Administrative Support: Provide daily administrative support to the Human
Resources department, including drafting correspondence, preparing reports, handling
phone calls and emails.

Operational internship SONELGAZ

 Employee Relations: Serve as point of contact for employee administrative questions

and assist in resolving human resources issues.

2.HR development and training department;

 Participate in carrying out analyzes and studies on the development of Employment

and HR as part of medium and long term plans.
 Ensure and update personnel statistics and formalize the distribution management
 Participate in the design of professional development programs (develop PECs, staff
evaluation tools and supervise the evaluation operation, etc.)
 Manage organization charts based on parameters and ratios defined and validated by
the General Management,
 Apply the rules and procedures for promotion and advancement and evaluate the
results of the exercise,
 Detect and evaluate training needs arising from the career plan of the Distribution
 Organize, coordinate and lead collective training actions as part of the implementation
of the training plan for the Distribution Department,
 Ensure the monitoring and control of training actions of the distribution management,
 Follow learning actions,
 Prepare training reports.

3.Human Resources department;

 Ensure the preparation and operation of payroll in terms of the variable elements of
the restitution of payroll documents, and the processing of complaints.
 Ensure the establishment of staff payroll.
 Ensure administrative management of personnel.
 Ensure administrative management of executives and senior executives of the
Distribution Department.
 Ensure the monitoring and updating of the computerized personnel file.
 Ensure the maintenance of personnel administrative files.
 Prepare and implement elements relating to career actions in accordance with the
regulations in force.
 Ensure, monitor and control the conditions of application of personnel management
 Ensure the uniform application of regulations and control their implementation.
 Submit to the hierarchy the distortions observed in the application of regulations.
 Ensure relations with the occupational medicine center and external organizations.
 Establish the budget, the management contract and the HRM dashboard.
 Ensure the establishment of personnel statistics for the Distribution Directorate and
check their reliability.
 Maintain and update legal and usual registers .
 Ensure the scheduling of social contribution
CF Service case study

Operational internship SONELGAZ

 Financial analysis; constitutes a set of concepts, methods and instruments which

make it possible to formulate an assessment relating to the financial situation of the
company, to the risks which affect it in the level and quality of its performances. By
relying on the processing and interpretation of accounting information or other
management information, this discipline participates in diagnostic, control and
evaluation processes.
 The objective of financial analysis: the aim of financial analysis is to find out to
what extent the company is guaranteed to maintain its financial balance in the short
term, and therefore to make a judgment on the financial situation. A doctor would say
that it is a technique or a set of auscultation techniques which should allow the
practitioner to make a diagnosis of the financial health of a case.

. finance and accounting division organization chart;

finance ana accounting


administrative assistance

finance accounting operation Budget and mangement

department department control department

treasury exploitation

commitment connection and

management synthesis

customer cash flow

Figoure N°4

1-Administrative assistance;

 Assisting in preparing annual budgets and analyzing financial data.

 Monitoring invoices and payments to ensure accuracy and verifying their correctness.
 Organizing and documenting financial and accounting information accurately and
 Managing payroll schedules, allowances, ensuring payment continuity, and
compliance with financial policies and procedures.
 Handling financial and accounting inquiries from employees, clients, and suppliers.
 Contributing to the development and implementation of financial and accounting
policies and procedures to ensure compliance with financial laws and regulations.
2-finance department;

Operational internship SONELGAZ

This service consists of study manager and 2 accountant

 Cash flow is the difference between working capital and working capital requirements;
it represents the excess or deficiency of working capital over working capital
 cash flow appears as the point of articulation between the long cycle financially
embodied by working capital and the short cycle financially embodied by working
capital requirements.
Cash=working capital – working capital requirement
 "The working capital" is the difference between a company's current assets and
current liabilities. In other words, it's the amount of cash that a company needs to
finance its daily operations.
 working capital requirement”. It is the amount of funds needed to finance the daily
operations of a business, calculated by subtracting current liabilities from current

2-2-commitment management;

This service consists of 1 study manager and AGP

 commitmenet management: can include processes related to managing a company's

financial obligations and commitments to various parties, including suppliers,
employees, and customers.
 commitmenet management aims to ensure that the company's obligations are met in a
timely and effective manner, which contributes to the financial stability and smooth
operation of the company.
 There are financial accounts related to various financial obligations. These accounts
may include accounts for debts owed to suppliers, accounts for employee salaries and
entitlements, accounts for debts owed to customers, and other financial obligations
related to the company's operations. The Liabilities Department follows up and
manages these accounts to ensure that the company's obligations are paid regularly
and effectively.

3-2-coustomer cash flow;

This service consists of study manager .3 accountant

The customer cash flow in Sonelgaz refers to the cash amounts paid by customers for the
services provided by Sonelgaz, including electricity and gas consumption. Customer cash
flow can be calculated by collecting all amounts received from customers and subtracting any
production or maintenance expenses. Analyzing cash flow can help understand the financial
behavior of customers and identify trends and patterns that may impact Sonelgaz's

To calculate the cash flow of customers at Sonelgaz;

Operational internship SONELGAZ

1. Collect information about customer payments to Sonelgaz, including monthly or quarterly


2. Calculating cash flows We add all payments received from customers during a certain
period. This represents cash inflows.

3. Calculate cash outflows by identifying expenses associated with providing services to

customers, such as production costs, overhead, etc.

4. Subtract outflows from inflows to get the customer's net cash flow.

5. Cash flow analysis to identify trends, gaps and opportunities for improvement. Use this
information to improve cash flow management and improve Sonelgaz's financial

3-Accouting operation department;

3-1 exploitation;

This service consists of study manager and 3 accountant

in Sonelgaz refers to the operation and management of the company's infrastructure and
facilities for the provision of electricity and gas services. This includes maintenance, repairs,
upgrades, and ensuring the efficient operation of power plants, distribution networks, and
other related assets. Key components of exploitation in Sonlgaz include:

 Maintenance and Repairs: Planning and executing preventive and corrective

maintenance activities to ensure the reliability and continuous availability of
equipment and infrastructure.
 Operations Management: Coordinating daily activities related to production,
distribution, and provision of electricity and gas services, including managing
production schedules, deliveries, and emergency interventions.
 Resource Optimization: Efficient utilization of human, material, and financial
resources to maximize productivity, minimize operational costs, and ensure the
quality of services provided.
 Regulatory Compliance: Compliance with safety, environmental, and quality
standards, regulations, and legal requirements to ensure the compliance of
exploitation activities.
 Risk Management: Identification, assessment, and management of potential risks
related to operations, such as equipment failures, network outages, or security
incidents, to ensure the safety and reliability of services.

exploitation in Sonelgaz encompasses a range of essential activities aimed at ensuring the

smooth operation and effective delivery of electricity and gas services while ensuring safety,
quality, and regulatory compliance.

Operational internship SONELGAZ

3-2- connection and synthesis;

This service consists of study 1manager 1.taxation

Connection and synthesis” in Sonelgaz refers to the process of establishing connections or

relationships between different elements or components within an organization and
assembling information or data from different sources to create a comprehensive
understanding or solution.
This could involve:

 Establishing Connections: Identifying and establishing connections between

different departments, teams, or systems within Sonelgaz to facilitate communication,
collaboration, and information sharing. This could include integrating various
departments or systems to streamline processes and improve efficiency.
 Synthesizing Information: Gathering data or information from multiple sources, such
as financial reports, operational data, customer feedback, and market trends, and
synthesizing it to gain insights or make informed decisions. This could involve
analyzing data to identify patterns, trends, or correlations that can inform strategic
planning, resource allocation, or performance improvement initiatives.
 Strategic Alignment: Connections and synthesis help align various departments and
initiatives with the overall strategic goals and objectives of Soneelgaz. By establishing
connections between different organizational components and synthesizing
information, Sonelgaz can ensure that its activities are coordinated and directed
towards achieving strategic outcomes.
 Innovation and Problem-Solving: Connections and synthesis foster innovation by
bringing together diverse perspectives, expertise, and ideas from across the
organization. This collaborative approach enables Sonelgaz to identify creative
solutions to complex challenges and capitalize on emerging opportunities in the
energy sector.
 Continuous Improvement: Through connections and synthesis, Sonelgaz can
continuously monitor performance, gather feedback, and identify areas for
improvement. By synthesizing information about operational efficiency, customer
satisfaction, and market dynamics, Sonelgaz can adapt its strategies and processes to
enhance performance and maintain competitiveness.

4- Budget and mangement control department ;

It consists of four people responsible for studies

The Budget and Management Control Department within Sonalgaz responsible for overseeing
the company's financial planning, budgeting, and management control processes. Here are
some key responsibilities and functions typically associated with this department:

 Budget Preparation:This department collaborates with various units within Sonalgaz

to develop annual budgets based on the company's strategic objectives and operational

Operational internship SONELGAZ

needs. They analyze historical data, market trends, and projected expenses to create
realistic budgetary targets.
 Budget Monitoring and Control: Once the budgets are established, the department
monitors actual performance against the budgeted targets. They track expenditures,
revenues, and other financial metrics to ensure adherence to the approved budgets. If
there are deviations, they analyze the reasons behind them and take corrective actions
as necessary.
 Variance Analysis: The Budget and Management Control Department conducts
variance analysis to compare actual financial performance with budgeted expectations.
By identifying discrepancies, they can pinpoint areas of concern or areas where
operational efficiencies can be improved.
 Management Reporting: This department prepares regular reports and presentations
for senior management and stakeholders, summarizing financial performance, budget
status, and any significant variances or trends. These reports provide valuable insights
for decision-making and strategic planning.
 Forecasting and Strategic Planning: In addition to annual budgeting, this
department may also be involved in long-term financial forecasting and strategic
planning. They analyze future market conditions, industry trends, and internal
capabilities to support the development of the company's strategic roadmap.
the Budget and Management Control Department plays a critical role in ensuring financial
discipline, efficiency, and accountability within Sonelgaz by overseeing the budgeting
process, monitoring financial performance, and providing insights for strategic decision-

Operational internship SONELGAZ

summary diagnosis

o Sonelgaz has diversified businesses, including natural gas production, distribution, and
energy-related equipment and technology manufacturing. Sonelgaz relies on modern
technologies in extracting and manufacturing natural gas and in developing the
infrastructure for its transportation and distribution. It serves a diverse market that
includes industry, commerce, homes, and the public sector, and works to meet the
needs of all these sectors. It has a wide distribution network extending across different
regions, allowing it to meet the needs of customers in various places. Sonelgaz has a
successful historical record in providing quality services and products, which
strengthens its position in the energy market.
o Among the weaknesses that Sonelgaz faces are: Weak infrastructure to modernize and
maintain infrastructure to provide electricity and gas services effectively and reliably.
Difficulties in securing the energy resources necessary to meet the increasing demand
for electricity and gas. It needs to adapt to new technological developments to improve
production efficiency and provide better services to customers. You may encounter
difficulties in dealing with government legislation and policies that may affect the
company's operations and its ability to generate profits. You may face challenges from
competitors in the market who can offer similar services at competitive prices or
o During the training period, I learned how to apply theoretical concepts in the practical
environment. I enhanced my teamwork and communication skills. I brought to the
training company a dedication and willingness to develop my skills, and I was always
willing to take responsibility and participate actively in projects. I gained better
precision and organization skills, learned how to manage time effectively and
improved my work efficiency. I achieved the goals I set for myself thanks to focus and
diligence during the training period. The training provided me with specific career
guidance and helped me direct my career path towards the goals I want to achieve in
the future.

Operational internship SONELGAZ


In conclusion, it can be said that the internship experience has been immensely
beneficial and fruitful. Throughout this period, I have learned many new and valuable
skills that will assist me in my future career path. Additionally, I have gained valuable
experience in my field of study and developed a deeper understanding of how
theoretical concepts apply in practical work. I would like to express my gratitude to all
those involved in this internship for their efforts and valuable guidance, and I hope
that this experience will mark the beginning of a successful professional journey in the
future .


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