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The State of Israel

CopouMUN 2023

Committee: LEGAL

Topic : Discussing the Principle of Self Determination States


The principle of self-determination emerged as a predominantly philosophical concept in the

early 19th century, and today it stands as a fundamental basis for modern international
politics and international relations. Today, this principle is no longer an abstract idea but a
legal provision protected in the United Nations Charter and the International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights, recognized as a right of "all peoples."This principle has been
invoked in major territorial separations, such as Yugoslavia, and continues to be invoked in
conflict cases like Israel and Palestine. While the concept of self-determination seems to be
rooted in democratic principles and many of the associated movements are peaceful, some
have resulted in violence. For instance, India and Pakistan are currently engaged in a conflict
over the future of Kashmir, which is predominantly Muslim and under the control of Hindu
India. Additionally, the Arab-Israeli conflict persists in relation to the proposed establishment
of a State of Palestine.On one hand, self-determination reflects the democratic goal that a
people should choose their own government. On the other hand, self-determination and
nationalism can lead to dangerous conflicts and divisions, especially when identity fosters
exclusivity, as seen in the case of Yugoslavia. This position paper aims to address the main
question: Can minority rights be successfully accommodated in a single homogeneous state,
particularly in the State of Israel?
Past Actions

The State of Israel has a strong legislative history regarding the principle of self-
determination within its national legislative framework. From the adoption of international
laws and conventions to the formulation of domestic legislative points and even the
implementation of drastic measures such as the construction of the West Bank wall, Israel has
always had a strong sense of responsibility towards the principle included in the agenda of
the United Nations' Sixth Committee.Some examples of such legislative measures are the
Israeli Declaration of Independence from 1948. Israel's declaration of independence asserts the
establishment of a Jewish state in the historic land of Israel and recognizes the right to self-
determination for the Jewish people.Also the Law of Return from 1950 which grants Jews worldwide
the right to immigrate to Israel and acquire citizenship, reinforcing the principle of Jewish self-
determination.Furthermore, at international level, Israel has joined various international conventions
that promote the principle of self-determination, including the United Nations Charter and the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.When it comes to referring to concrete
solutions adopted, we can analyze the case of the construction of the West Bank wall, which
demonstrates that Israel has adopted a correct and effective solution to protect the right to
self-determination of its citizens.Since its construction, the wall has enhanced the country’s
security, mitigating the level of Palestinian terrorist attacks, it has preserved the Jewish
majority and it has facilitated negotiations with the leaders of Palestinian rebels.


Israel has long supported the principle of self-determination, particularly in the context of its
own establishment as a Jewish state. The idea of self-determination for the Jewish people is
deeply ingrained in the Zionist movement, which sought to establish a homeland for Jews in
their historical and biblical homeland.Israel's declaration of independence in 1948 is still
emphasizing the right to self-determination, stating that the establishment of the State of
Israel marked "the natural right of the Jewish people to be masters of their own fate, like all
other nations, in their own sovereign state." The declaration also expressed a commitment to
the principles of the United Nations Charter, including the right of all peoples to self-
Israel is consistently asserting its right to self-determination as a sovereign state and it is still
seeking international recognition of this right. It views itself as the national homeland and
self-determining entity of the Jewish people. Over the years, Israel has faced challenges and
conflicts with neighboring countries and Palestinian groups, which have complicated the
practical implementation of the principle of self-determination for both Israelis.Israel has
always desired a peaceful manner of achieving the Palestinians' right to self-determination.
However, this desire was lost due to the orchestrated terrorist attacks by Palestine, which led
to a self-understood defensive approach that, unfortunately, has had to continue to this day
due to the lack of diplomacy and unity among neighboring ethnic groups. Israel firmly
maintains its defensive position against Palestine, and we consider the Palestinians' claim to a
territory that does not historically belong to them as illegitimate.


Israel has developed a comprehensive agenda since the post-war period to address any crises
related to diplomatic and territorial relations with Palestine. Additionally, it has formulated
numerous solutions to be proposed to the international community. Some suggestions from
this set of solutions include negotiated settlements by encouraging peaceful negotiations
between the concerned. This involves diplomatic efforts to facilitate dialogue and find
mutually acceptable solutions that respect the self-determination aspirations of all parties
involved. Mediation, facilitated by impartial third parties or international organizations, can
help to bridge gaps and facilitate compromise. Holding referendums or plebiscites could also
allow the affected population to express their preferences regarding their political future.
These can be important tools for determining self-determination, as they provide an
opportunity for people to vote on issues such as independence, autonomy, or other forms of
self-governance. However, it is crucial that referendums are conducted in a transparent and
inclusive manner, with safeguards to protect the rights of all stakeholders.Upholding
international law and respecting human rights are critical for implementing self-determination
in a just and equitable manner. International legal frameworks, such as the United Nations
Charter, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the International
Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, provide a basis for protecting the rights
of individuals and communities in their pursuit of self-determination.Regarding these
solutions, Israel has consistently advocated for direct negotiations with the Palestinian
Authority to establish an independent and viable Palestinian state alongside Israel and it also
has proposed enhanced security cooperation with Palestine to ensure the safety and well-
being of both Israeli and Palestinian citizens. This includes intelligence sharing, joint patrols,
and coordination on counterterrorism efforts.Israel has offered various economic
development programs and initiatives aimed at improving the socio-economic conditions in
Palestine. These initiatives focus on infrastructure development, job creation, and trade
facilitation to enhance the Palestinian economy.


To sum up, we believe in a world in which everyone has the right to freedom in all aspects:
economic, social, cultural, and territorial. A world in which, nevertheless, the right to such
freedoms does not violate diplomatic principles and does not disturb the peace of all
neighboring states.



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