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Civics Chapter 10 Law and Social Justice Notes

1) Advantages of foreign companies by setting up production

in India
Foreign companies gain many advantages in setting up
production in India. The population increase in India has
led to large scale unemployment and lower wages.
Companies cut down expenses by lowering wages and
increasing work hours.

2) What happened to the victims of the Bhopal tragedy?

The victims of the Bhopal gas tragedy got justice, but this
statement is debatable. Some victims were compensated,
but others are still struggling for a fair judgment. 8,000
people died, while another 50,000 were handicapped and
hence unable to earn a livelihood. The company which
owned the pesticide factory was Union Carbide, and they left
in a hurry, leaving behind harmful toxic chemicals that are
spoiling water in Bhopal even today. UC company was fined
$470 million. Survivors of this disaster are still fighting for
safe drinking water, health-care facilities and jobs.
3) What is law enforcement? Who is responsible for
enforcement? Why is enforcement so important?
Law enforcement implies the government’s responsibility
as lawmaker and enforcer, to ensure all citizens obey the
laws. It is the responsibility of the government to ensure
Civics Chapter 10 Law and Social Justice Notes
that laws are not violated by anyone. Enforcement is
important to maintain the democratic status of India.

4) What are the various roles of the government?

The government’s role includes providing public facilities
like water supply, healthcare and sanitation. The
government makes laws to protect workers with low
wages and no safety measures. The government has laws
against child labor and pollution of the environment. It
punishes organizations that do not follow these policies.
5) How was environment treated earlier? What has been the
change in perception? Discuss.
In earlier times, life was not fast-paced, and our ancestors
respected nature. Factories, vehicles and pollution-causing
things were lesser in number. But today, with more
demand and technology we have ruined nature. This led to
global warming being the most alarming consequence.
Hence, we need to sit up and notice the changes in the
environment. We need to correct our wrongs before it
gets too late.

6) How can laws ensure that markets work in a manner that

is fair? Give two examples.
Laws can ensure that markets work in a fair manner. The
minimum Wages Law ensures that workers are not
Civics Chapter 10 Law and Social Justice Notes
exploited and over-worked. Also, inspections check on the
quality of production.


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