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COUNTABLE : --> Singular & Plurar

_ Cosas que puedes contar

* Cuentan los contenedores o recipientes

_ A bottle of water
Some bottles of water
_ A glass of rice pudding
Three glasses of rice pudding
_ A beer can
Two beer cans

UNCOUNTABLE: --> Singular

_ Cosas que no puedes contar
_ Incontables

_ Some waterx
_ Some ricex pudding

Fruit: Vegetables
Apple(s): Manzana(s) Cabbage(s): Repollo(s)
Grape(s): Uva(s) Eggplant(s): Berenjena(s)
Orange(s): Naranja(s) Carrot(s): Zanahoria(s)
Grapefruit(s): Toronja(s) Broccoli(es): Brocoli(s)
Plum(s): Ciruela(s) Cauliflower(s): Coliflor(es)
Papaya(s): Papayas Cucumber(s): Pepino(s)
Banana(s): Plátano(s) Celery(ies): Apio(s)
Peach(es): Durazno(s) Leek(s): Poro(s)
Lemon(s): Limón(es) Lettuce(s): Lechuga(s)
Watermelon(s): Sandía(s) Mushroom(s): Hongo(s)
Pineapple(s): Piña(s) Onion(s): Cebolla(s)
Cherry(ies): Cereza(s) Pea(s): Alverja(s)
Cranberry(ies): Arándano(s) Butternut squash(es): Zapallo
Strawberry(ies): Fresa(s) Pumkin(s): Calabaza(s)
Blackberry(ies): Mora(s) Tomato(es): Tomate(s)
Mango(s): Mangos Potato(es): Papa(s)
Coconout(s): Coco(s) Sweet potato(es): Camote(s)
Fruit salad(s): Ensalada Corncob(s): Choclo
Pepper(s): Pimentón(es)/Pimiento(s)
Contenedores (Containers):

Box(es): Caja(s)
Glass(es): Vaso(s) --> se usa en otros vidrios
Bottle(s): Botella(s)
Can(s): Latas Tin(s) --> UK
Jug(s): Jarra(s) Pitcher(s)
Packet(s): Paquete(s) Pack/package
Carton(s): Cartón(es)
Jar(s): Frasco(s)
Pot(s): Olla(s) Pan(s): Sartén(es)
Bowl(s): Tazón(es)
Cup(s): Taza(s)
Mug(s): Taza(s) --> más grandecitas
Bag(s): Bolsa(s)
Roll(s): Rollo
Tube(s): Tubos
Barrel(s): Barril(es)
Basket(s): Canasta(s)
Bucket(s): Balde(s)
Crate(s): Cajón(es)
Flask(s): Termo(s)
Sack(s): Saco(s)
Tub(s): Pote/bote(s) Bote de mantequilla
Tray(s): Bandeja(s)
Case(s): Estuche(s)/ Cartuchera(s)
Bundle(s): Fardo(s)/Atado(s)
For Breakfast:

_ Sometimes we have tamales with salad and some orange juice.

_ On Mondays I usually have quinoa to drink and bread
_ In another time we have oatameal to drink or wheat soup

For Lunch:
Starters: Main Courses:
_ Shambar _ Duck rice / Rice with duck (Arroz con pato)
_ Wheat soup (Sopa de Trigo) _ Fried guinea pig (Cuy frito)
_ Bean soup (Sopa de Habas) _ Ají de Gallina
_ Ceviche _ Green noodles - Red noodles (tallarines)
_ Huancaina Potatoes (Papa a la Hcna.) _ Pachamanca
_ Ocopa _ Chaufa rice
_ Cau cau _ Lomo Saltado

_ Tea
_ Coffe
_ Emollient
_ Orange juice
_ Strawberry juice
_ Yoghurt
_ Healthy fruit juice

Recipe: Lomo Saltado

We needs:
_ Chicken breast
_ An Onion
_ Two Tomatoes (Some)
_ A little Pickled chilli (2 units)
_ A little white vinegar
_ Quite a lot of Sillao
_ Some oil
_ A little coriander
_ Three potatoes (Some)
_ Picarones
_ Rice pudding
_ Alfajores made with Manjar Blanco
_ Pionono
_ Lucuma Ice Cream
_ Mazamorra Morada
Adverbios: Adverbs
Describen o modifican: Verbos, adjetivos y adverbios

De Modo:
Describen la manera que se ejecuta una acción

Slow --> Slowly (Lentamente)
Patient --> Patiently (Pacientemente)

Use "The": /ea/ Don't use "The":

_ The biggest _
_ The most funny _
_ The best _
The __(vowel) /i/ _
_ The ambulance _
_ The Ace donuts _
_ The _

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