The Role and Importance of The Internet in Contemporary Tourism in Travel Agencies Business

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(IJCRSEE) International Journal of Cognitive Research in science, engineering and education

Vol. 1, No.2, 2013.


MSc. Ivica Batinić, Vocational School, Vukovar, Croatia

Abstract: The increasing competitiveness in information to millions of computer users.

the global tourism market encourages tourism oper- A huge amount of data can be accessed at
ators to investment more in promotion, resources,
knowledge and quality in order to achieve satisfac- any time and any place allowing the user
tory growth. Therefore, it is extremely important to of the Internet a global access. The Internet
be in touch with the latest technological trends and technology provides a new way of con-
have the knowledge required to effectively respond ducting business in all electronic sectors.
to the challenges of global competition. Internet The Internet technology has become an
technology provides high-quality and efficient op-
erations in all economic sectors, including the tour-
important source of information according
ism industry. In this paper, the changes in tourism to which various business strategies of sub-
industry caused by the introduction of Internet jects in tourism industry are formed. With
technology and advantages and disadvantages of the help of the Internet, a new possibility
using the Internet in contemporary business travel appeared for subjects in tourism industry to
agencies were analyzed. Through this work, the
impact of the Internet technology on marketing
successfully promote and sell services and
activities of contemporary travel agencies was also products to comply with demands, needs
analyzed. and desires of consu mers.
Keywords: the Internet, tourism, travel
agency, marketing, user

The appearance of the Internet and

Any commercial relationship be- the incredibly rapid development of highly
tween subjects of production and con- sophisticated computer and telecommuni-
sumption is established by specific com- cation technology have made the world a
munication technology. From oral trans- global village in a real sense. 'Communica-
mission, through fairs, printing press, tele- tion network satellites provide the quickest
phone to television and electronics, i.e. in- and the cheapest data transfer to all parts of
formation technology, technology of the the world, a great agreement among thou-
communication market has been changing, sands of computer systems that communi-
and consequently the market relations cate with each other is represented by the
character has changed. Electronic technol- Internet.'(Kent, P. 1994). Development of
ogy has allowed for the first time in history information technology and the creation of
for market participants to simultaneously computer networks and the Internet have
communicate at a distance, which intro- enabled a new way of communication. The
duced a new era in the field of marketing internet provides a better access to numer-
communications. The network of commu- ous sources of information around the
nication satellites has enabled the fastest world, as well as direct communication
information transfer among all parts of the with all users. ‗The Internet is a collection
world, i.e. the Internet. The Internet, as a of computer networks around the world
set of networks around the world, repre- and as such is the largest computer system
sents the biggest computer system which that millions of computer users can use and
allows receiving, process and exchange of

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(IJCRSEE) International Journal of Cognitive Research in science, engineering and education
Vol. 1, No.2, 2013.

share all kinds of information: numbers, 3. ADVANTAGES OF THE INTER-

text, sound and image. ‗(Gates, B., 1999). NET USAGE IN CONDUCTING
The Internet has become a support BUSINESS IN CONTEMPORARY
to more complex and critical functions in TRAVEL AGENCIES
tourism and hospitality industry and it con-
tributed to its significant innovation. Due
to the appearance of the Internet, there 1. In contemporary travel agencies
have been some changes in the tourism and tour operators business, the Internet
subjects business and those are the follow- has shown to be a profitable medium of
ing: tourism promotion and sales.
1. Each serious subject in the tour- 2. ‗The Internet represents an inter-
ism and hospitality industry has a website esting and useful distribution channel for
that can be classified into four broad collecting clients and it provides the ability
groups: ‗holding corporation identity web- to identify their desires.‘ (Čavlek, N,
sites, chains, concession and membership 2000).
websites, websites of individual sites and 3. Promotional visualization of tour-
facilities, and portals and vortals.‘(Koelzer, ism services and products through multi-
W., Cox, B., 2005). ‗Portal can be defined media technology leaves greater impres-
as a vehicle that offers a rounded set of sion on potential customer than standard
services for specific well-defined group of brochures, catalogues and leaflets.
users.‘(Kalakota, R., 2002). ‗Vortal is a 4. Overbooking has become almost
website that provides information and re- impossible because all communication
sources about a particular and specific in- problems that may cause it are removed.
dustry.‘(Webopedia - On line Computer 5. The Internet allows the improve-
Dictionary for Computer and Internet ment of travel agencies and tour operators
Terms and Definitions). by speeding up communication and
2. ‗The Internet offers the possibility providing all the necessary information.
of expansion, rapid data transfer and flexi- 6. Product distribution and services
bility (websites can always change, the of agencies do not depend on the quantity
changes are immediately visible and are of printed catalogues anymore and infor-
not limited to space and time).‘(Raza, I., mation about them can reach millions of
2006). the Internet users.
3. ‗Contemporary business in tour- 7. The Internet provides selling ser-
ism market is characterized by the imple- vices of travel agencies on demand.
mentation of various booking systems into 8. CRS/GDS systems allow better
business systems of travel agencies, hotel and more efficient business with clients to
chains, airlines, car rental companies and contemporary travel agencies.
other participants in tourism product for- 9. ‗Greater added values which
mation.‘(Dobre, R., 2005). agencies, by using the Internet, can provide
4. Organization and distribution to clients are high-quality information,
costs are decreased in various tourist sub- quick offer of services related to travel,
jects business conducting (travel agencies, fast order, express delivery and human
hotel chains, independent hotels...). personality.‘(Ruelcke, W., 2000).
5. New intermediaries on the Inter- Use of the Internet in contemporary
net are created and traditional ones must travel agencies business has certain draw-
change their role. backs such as: web information is not al-
6. The Internet allows high-quality ways complete and reliable, payment secu-
and effective market research and ‗indus- rity is still not on the satisfactory level, and
trial espionage‘. the sale of certain products and services

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Vol. 1, No.2, 2013.

demands direct communication with the technique; it is improved with promotional

travel agent. text, drawings, photographs and sound, 3D
space, 3D photographs, media interaction.
2. Tourism services sales – unlim-
4. THE INTERNET AND MARKET- ited database and unlimited capacity of
ING ACTIVITIES OF CONTEMPO- digital media allows instant access to the
RARY TRAVEL AGENCIES tourist market free products to every poten-
tial tourist.
3. Tourist services booking – in-
Marketing is an integral part of con- stantaneous communication between all
ducting business in contemporary travel participants of the sales process; it allows
agencies, with the Internet becoming an ‗booking on demand‘, i.e. avoids excessive
essential part of media planning. The In- sales (overbooking).
ternet provides readily available infor- In order to perform these marketing
mation to potential customers from around activities, particularly in selling travel
the world and it represents an important packages, use of the following technolo-
‗marketing and communication channel‘ gies stands out:
that can effectively connect the subjects of 1. World Wide Web (the system of
offer and demand in contemporary tour- linked pages) use
ism. The increasing competitiveness in the 2. Mail connection (for sending
global tourism market demands of the tour- and receiving e-mail)
ist agency exceptional efforts and invest- 3. Multimedia – ‗a combination of
ments in promotion, resources, knowledge different media: text, sound and images, all
and quality in order to achieve satisfactory computer-controlled.‘(Colin, S., 1993).
growth. Therefore, it is extremely im- 4. Databases
portant for each travel agency to follow By using the Internet, multimedia
new technological trends and to have the and databases it can be achieved the fol-
knowledge required to effectively respond lowing: a rational and fast online commu-
to challenges of global competition. In or- nication, direct contact with the market and
der to implement the marketing concept in its business partners, integration and auto-
business of travel agencies, it is necessary mation of business process, delivery and
to meet certain requirements: access of information
Firstly, it is necessary for market-
ing to be understood and accepted first by
governing bodies of the agency, its indi- 5. CONCLUSION
vidual organizational units and then all
employees of the agency.
Secondly, marketing applied as a Internet technology is an im-
business concept operates through its func- portant 'communication channel' between
tions. The content of these functions in the offer and demand in modern tourism. With
agency should be precisely defined before the help of the Internet, there is an oppor-
implementing marketing organizations and tunity for all operators in tourism industry
setting up marketing services. Marketing to successfully promote and sell services
activities of contemporary travel agencies, and products and to act in accordance with
which greatly enhance business through desires and needs of modern consumers. In
the Internet, can be highlighted in the fol- modern travel agencies business, the Inter-
lowing areas: (Dulčić, A., 2005) net has proven to be an effective medium
1. Promotion of tourism services – for tourism promotion and sales, so distri-
current assets: TV, radio, newspapers, bution of products and services no longer
catalogues, pamphlets, posters, the screen depends on the quantity of printed cata-

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(IJCRSEE) International Journal of Cognitive Research in science, engineering and education
Vol. 1, No.2, 2013.

logues and brochures, but information on

tourism products and services can reach
millions of Internet users, and overbooking
has become almost impossible because all
communication problems have been re-
moved. Marketing activities occupy an im-
portant place in the business strategies of
modern travel agency, where the Internet
has recently become an essential part of
media planning. It can be concluded that
modern Internet technologies help travel
agencies in creating a unique identity, in-
creasing efficiency and developing value-
added services.


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