Portable and Low-Cost 12-Lead ECG Device

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A portable and low-cost 12-lead ECG device for sustainable remote healthcare

Conference Paper · February 2018

DOI: 10.1109/ICCICT.2018.8325879

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Varad Choudhari
L&T Technology Services


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2018 International Conference on Communication, Information & Computing Technology (ICCICT), Feb. 2-3, Mumbai, India.

A Portable and Low-cost 12-Lead ECG device for

sustainable remote healthcare
Varad Choudhari, Vaishnav Dandge, Natasha Choudhary Rajendra G. Sutar
Electronics Department Dy. HOD, Electronics Department
Sardar Patel Institute of Technology (Mumbai) Sardar Patel Institute of Technology
varadchoudhari@icloud.com, vaishnav099@gmail.com Mumbai, India
natasha.choudhary1912@gmail.com rajendra sutar@spit.ac.in

Abstract—The diagnosis of cardiac patients is commonly done world. The motivation of 12-Lead ECG system came from the
using Electrocardiogram (ECG). But in the frequently used 3- purpose of making the ECG system more accurate and to cover
Lead ECG device, all the cardiac diseases are not covered in the a wide range of cardiac diseases. A 12-Lead configuration
diagnosis. This paper illustrates an approach towards developing
a 12-Lead ECG system. The existing 12-Lead ECG systems are provides a more detailed view of the heart’s three areas -
costlier and require a large setup size. Also, these machines anterior, lateral and inferior[2]; thereby increasing detection
are not that user-friendly to be operated in rural areas. The and diagnosis of the patient’s heart condition.
proposed system is compact which makes it portable and shows The design complications increase while expanding the
effective results in ambulatory systems. This manifesto presents a system from a 3-lead to a 12-lead architecture. As seen in
customized approach towards designing an ECG amplifier, and
Digital data converting and storing unit, enabling the domain the paper[3], for the collection of data from a single lead, the
of ‘Internet of Things’ which makes it a very effective mode of analog front end consists of a right leg drive, pre-amplifier,
Telemedicine. The received digital data is directly uploaded to an filters, amplifier and power-line noise attenuation circuit. Also,
online database. To minimize the cost, reduction in hardware has this design displays only single channel output at a time and
been suggested without compromising on the quality of signal a switch between three channels. In order to reduce the cost,
captured. Use of basic embedded and open source tools made
the system simple and easy in terms of handling. This study has the number of operational amplifiers has been reduced to six
fostered a successful working model which helps in acquiring from eight per channel. That is an overall 25% reduction in
12 ECG outputs altogether for a thorough diagnosis of cardiac a number of Op-amp, even after reducing the op-amps, the
patients. Thus, making good healthcare facilities available to results can be obtained accurately.
remote and underprivileged locations of the country. Author of[4] has mentioned that for obtaining an ECG
Index Terms—12 Lead ECG, Portable ECG system, Remote
healthcare signal, the circuit design must meet standard specifications
while designing hardware blocks. For example, the gain of the
instrumentation amplifier, cut-off frequencies of filter block
and sampling frequency of the ADC. By referring to this
Along with the population, the risk of chronic heart diseases document it was understood that using an instrumentation
is also on the rise, thereby increasing the cost of healthcare. amplifier with a gain value of 1000 can causes problems of
Latest statistics suggests that there are roughly 30 million noise amplification and amplifier saturation. As a solution to
heart patients in India out of which 1 million surgeries are this, the overall gain can be achieved by a cascade combi-
carried out every year. Of the 30 million heart patients, 14 nation of instrumentation amplifiers followed by a secondary
million reside in urban areas and 16 million in rural areas[1]. amplification section, making gain value considerably large.
There comes the shortcoming that, due to unavailability of In case of bandpass filter design, with second-order filtration,
intelligent medical apparatus in the rural areas the number of the response becomes much ideal as the slope of magnitude
cardiac patients in the rural areas is on the rise. Telemedicine response changes from -20db/decade to -40db/decade[5].
is the use of telecommunication and information technology The author of paper[6] has developed an android based
to diagnose and provide clinical health care at a distance. It application to display the ECG graph on a smartphone. The
helps in eliminating the distance barriers and can enhance application framework provides access to Bluetooth function-
access to medical services which could not be consistently ality through Android Bluetooth APIs. However, the use of
available in distant rural communities. It is also used to provide Bluetooth to transmit the data limits the maximum allowable
critical healthcare assistance during an emergency. Developing range between the patient and the doctor. From study presented
a portable device will lead to the efficient implementation of in[6] it is understood that use of Bluetooth becomes range
telemedicine over a wide range of diseases. limiting and redundant. Hence a terminal device with accurate
This paper discusses an optimised and reliable way to design data transmitting capabilities and easy user interface becomes
a 12-lead ECG device and transfer the electrocardiograph from better choice when it comes to bio-medical tool installation in
a remote location to professional doctors anywhere around the rural parts of the country.

978-1-5386-2051-9/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE

2018 International Conference on Communication, Information & Computing Technology (ICCICT), Feb. 2-3, Mumbai, India.

Fig. 1. Schematic block diagram of entire 12-Lead ECG system describing complete process flow

From the literature, it can be observed that the aim of block were examined and compared. After multiple patient’s
several studies is to get higher accuracy, with reduction of ECG analysis, this breadboard mounted circuitry was replaced
enlarged complexity and cost. The problem of expense and by equivalent PCBs in a customised manner. This helped in
reliability, towards the design of an ECG monitoring system making the system portable as card interface technique was
dedicated to the remote area, are yet to be resolved. To used, explained in the interface section.
resolve such issues, a system with features like portability,
A. Hardware Implementation
cost-effectiveness, reliability and easy accessibility for under-
privileged location is presented in this paper. Fig.1 illustrates 1) Driven Right Leg Circuit: The circuit shown in Fig.2
the schematic block diagram of the proposed system. When is a customised ECG amplifier built in our project, which
the patient is connected to a system via electrodes, hardware is based on the circuit in[3] but with reduced hardware and
part containing analog circuit wherein the signal obtained from suitable gain and frequency values. The driven right leg (DRL)
electrodes is amplified, filtered and processed. The controller circuit was implemented for patient safety and noise reduction
receives the analog signal converts into a digital signal with purpose as referred in the study of document[8]. The circuit
help of ADC and transmits it serially to RTU(Remote Terminal shown in [9] was modified to lower the effect of common
Unit) with Internet access. RTU uses open source software to mode signals. From Fig.2 amplifier U1, U2, and U3 represent
monitor and transmit data to an online database. the DRL circuit block. Resistors of 10MΩ are coupled at the
output of buffers, this minimises the common mode signal.
II. M ATERIALS Each Right leg buffer has a 1.8KΩ resistor in series with
The experimental set-up was carried out with certain tools output and also at the input side of the buffer to balance DRL
and materials. Starting with the use of Simulation Tools, to circuit. This helps in limiting current from unwanted external
understand the circuit parameters like gain, frequency response sources. Thus DRL circuit for all 10-Leads i.e. three limb
also to verify variation in output with change in components leads, three augmented leads and six chest leads were mounted
and change in their values. The experiment was carried out on a separate PCB. This is connected with rest of the circuit
on more than 10 patient from the age group of 20-50, all with external wire connects through a rotary switch.
2) Instrumentation amplifier: The circuit flow from instru-
patients had the normal heart condition and their heartbeat
mentation amplifier till the ECG output was printed on a
varying between 70-120 bpm. The system was connected to
dedicated circuit board called ECG card in system. This pro-
the patient with ECG cable. The interface between patients
vision was made to make DRL input switching easier between
body was done by electrodes, for understanding purpose
two simultaneously working channels on two different ECG
document[7] was referred. Industry standard and commonly
card. It is commonly known as biomedical amplifier. Opams
used Disposable Pre-gelled Ag/AgCl electrodes were used.
U4, U5 and U6 from Fig.2 used in circuit represents the
PCB Designed and layout tools were used in the experiment
instrumentation amplifier circuit block. TL084 were used for
to improvise circuit from breadboards to fixed Printed Circuit
instrumentation amplifier design. Gain of this circuit can be
Board. For data acquiring purpose, Arduino Uno was used
calculated with eq.1, resistors mention in the equation are with
containing ATMega328 single-chip microcontroller by Atmel.
reference to Fig.2. Because of it’s high CMRR, better noise
Open source software tools like MySQL, phpMyAdmin, and
over margin and high input impedance as seen in[10], this
Telemetry Viewer are also part of this system.
amplifiers are widely used for bipotential amplification.
Gain = 1 + (1)
A distributed approach was used to build hardware part of R7 R9
the system, entire circuit was divided into small segments considering the amplifier saturation condition the desired gain
for ease of experiment. Dedicated to each parameter every value was reached by cascading amplifiers and hence this
segment represented an individual circuit block on which amplifier was provided a gain of 25. The circuit effectively
simulations were performed. Simultaneously gain or frequency amplifies 0.5-3mV biopotential signals from patient’s body
response values of individual breadboard mounted circuit with a gain of 25.
2018 International Conference on Communication, Information & Computing Technology (ICCICT), Feb. 2-3, Mumbai, India.

Fig. 2. Circuit diagram consisting of 3 DRL amplifiers and one complete ECG card

3) Bandpass Filter Design: ECG is a biomedical signal shows noisy output due to the presence of its first two
produced by electrical activity of the heart, although there can harmonics. Hence to attenuates a specific frequency from the
exist such multiple electrical signals while body is connected spectrum i.e. 50Hz AC supply noise frequency notch filter
to system. These unwanted signals can result in noise and has to be used. As shown in Fig.2 circuit before Op-amp
distort the actual ECG signal and hence signal characteristics U8 and after bandpass filter signifies Twin-T notch filter. In
were taken in consideration during design. In study of [4] design procedure theoretically notch frequency of 48.22 was
author has mentioned bandwidth of ECG signal, can be calculated by using equation-2 with R = R19 and C = C7 .
seen in Table I. The op-amp U7 in Fig.2 act as buffering Simulation output for the same circuit can be seen in Fig.3,
element to separate Low-pass and High-pass filters. The cutoff shows effective attenuation for 50.5 Hz frequency. While
frequencies are set to 0.5 Hz on highpass side and 40 Hz on
lowpass side. The filter design for both cut-offs was done using
fc = (2)
equation-3, where for highpass filter R = R13 , C = C1 and
for lowpass filter design R = R17 , C = C3 . Both filters are
2nd order filter showing better result than single order filter.
To reach the system gain this filter was given gain of 83. The
Gain = 1 + (3)
Fig. 3. Magnitude spectrum of Twin-T notch filter
gain was set by using equation-3, where U7 is working as
non-inverting amplifier with Rf = R15 , Ri = R16 referring mounting the circuit practically 20nF capacitor was taken as a
to Fig 2. However, the practically achieved gain was less than parallel combination of two 10nF capacitors. Circuit showed
the designed gain and comes out to be 37. better attenuation for frequency variation between 48-52 Hz
4) Notch filter: During the testing period, considerable and can prove effective on problem discussed by author of[11]
ECG signal was achieved up till previous circuit block but in recording considerations section.
it did carry huge flickering noise. This noise was mainly 5) DC Shift: Till previous circuit blocks ECG signal could
because of powerline interference. The 50Hz mains supply be examined on a DSO but now the task was to convert the
produces a very low amplitude of signal and ECG signal data into digital format, interface to the microcontroller was
2018 International Conference on Communication, Information & Computing Technology (ICCICT), Feb. 2-3, Mumbai, India.

Fig. 4. Output of two channels observed simultaneously on DSO

needed. The Arduino board used, supports ADC for voltage

values between 0-5V but the ECG signal obtained had some
negative potential in some part of its wave. This is because of
dual power supply used for powering the Op-amps, providing Fig. 5. Programming logic flow
freedom for positive as well as negative voltage swing. In case
of such series connections of amplifiers negative shift is added 2) Controller Interface: Controller plays an important part
in every stage and hence DC shift was provided to elevate in this system by converting the analog signal into digital
the signal with desired voltage level similar to study done in format and sending it to the computer. Arduino Uno was used
[12]. This shift was provided at one of the inputs to adder in the application as its a cheap and very powerful embedded
circuit as referred in Fig.2, where U9 is Op-amp working as tool. 10 bit ADC of Arduino UNO kit plays an important role
an adder. This DC-shift voltage was produced by potential in capturing the signal. This 10 bit ADC produces 0-1023
divider combination with fixed resistor connected to Vcc and for the equivalent of 0-5V. The program flow of controller
variable potentiometer to ground. shown in Fig.5 express a simple but effective program. ADC
polling mechanism is used for continuous data collection
and transmitted over the serial port in the same loop. The
importance of storing the ADC data into a text buffer before
Parameters Simulated/Ideal Practical serial transmission is that, when data is stored from the serial
Voltage gain >1000 1850 port it becomes easier to achieve it in a CSV (comma separated
Bandwidth 0.5-40Hz 0.5-35Hz values) format on the computer. This buffer is transmitted to
Notch suppressed frequency 50Hz 49Hz
CMRR >80 86 the computer with a standard baud rate of 9600 bps, which can
record 57samples/sec with precise resolution in the ECG plot.
The gain set in this system is quite greater than required or
After following these circuit design blocks, quality ECG
preferred but optimised to boundaries for ADC capture, which
signal was observed on DSO can be seen in Fig.4. Consid-
increase the noise margin. A very small amplitude flickering
erable efforts were taken to reach the parameters required
noise sitting on wave does not show up in digital signal
or simulated, Table I lists all parameters and their ideal and
captured. During testing period maximum signal amplitude
practically achieved values.
observed of various patients for all twelve leads was <3V.
B. Interface
1) Card interface: The entire circuit is developed in card C. Software
format as explained in DRL circuit section. These cards were Telemetry systems possess a feature which is essential
connected with each other in a manner that all 12-Lead ECG for every remote application, i.e data transmission over long
signals can be acquired on only two channels. Therefore two distance. In order to make this system useful for remote health-
ECG cards and a DRL card were connected via two, 2 poles 6 care, software features were necessary. Hence a systematic
way rotary switch refer Fig.2. This switch can have six differ- user flow for online database upload was developed using few
ent combinations and hence two of such switches complete open source software applications:
requirement for 12-Leads. Three limb-leads with a simple 1) Data Monitoring Tool: The visualization of digital data
subtraction equation like RA − LA , and three augmented transmitted by the controller on a serial port of was done
leads with slightly tricky equation like RA − 21 (LA + LL ) are by using a computer-based java application called Telemetry
calculated by 1st ECG card. The remaining six chest leads Viewer [13]. This application reads data on serial port with the
following equation V(1−6) − RL on the other card. same speed as the baud rate and represents it in a graphical
2018 International Conference on Communication, Information & Computing Technology (ICCICT), Feb. 2-3, Mumbai, India.

format. The controller had programmed accordingly so that patient. Fig.7 is chart view of Lead II column of the online
data transmitted should be interfaced properly without any database through phpMyAdmin. Our aim was to give access
mismatch. This software was successful to retrieve ECG plot of their electrocardiograph to every patient, by giving them
an individual account. However, it was much of coding part
which was considered for future scope of this experiment.
Purpose of the design, to acquire 12-lead ECG using two
channels is fulfilled. It’s a very uniquely designed portable
device, with a compact size and easy functionality. The total
costing of the system is less than INR 4,500. During the
Fig. 6. ECG Output on Telemetry Viewer data monitoring software.
testing of the prototype, the substantially high gain of 65dB
without any data loss and almost same as that of the analog became a key factor over the noise. The designed filters with
plot, Fig.6 is a screenshot of this application while the patient reduced hardware were able to provide very good attenuation
is connected to the system. This tool is not developed for of unwanted noise frequencies. Table II shows amplitude
storing that data received and hence it was necessary to search measurements for two limb leads of normal heart condition
a tool can be capable for this task. The data obtained on comparing it to study in [16], our design shows equivalent
monitoring application screen was verified and the interpreta- readings. The amplitude reading mentioned in this table repre-
tion was made that hardware and controller settings can easily sents practically observed electrical voltage produced by heart
retrieve ECG wave from the database. in millivolt, these values are calculated by using equation
2) Storing and Upload of Data: Data logging for the ActualOutput(V )/T otalGain. Whereas, general amplitude
system was done using open source software called PLX-DAQ values are taken from explanation done in [17].
[14]. It connects the serial port of PC with excel sheet which
uses Macros feature to collect the data by automating common, TABLE II
repetitive tasks. Once excel sheet containing time and 12-
Leads digital data is saved in .csv format, it was imported Intervals on the ECG Lead I(Ra-La) Lead II(Ll-Ra) General Amplitude
into MySQL table. This workbench was used to create an P wave 0.21-0.27mV 0.30-0.35mV 0.25mv
QRS complex 0.59-0.72mV 1.40-1.56mV 1.60mv
offline database. This database was designed with thirteen T wave 0.37-0.43mV 0.21-0.32mV 0.10-0.50mv
columns one for time input and 12 for ECG signals once the
table is updated, it can be exported as .sql in the workspace.
The arrhythmia detection using ECG requires proper iden-
The most important part of this project was to make the
tification of time intervals for every single segment in ECG
ECG data available online and hence a website was hosted
wave. During testing of our prototype we recorded readings for
using free web hosting services [15]. The hosted website i.e.
5 volunteers, The observed readings are mentioned in Table III.
https://spitetrxecgdb.000webhostapp.com was fed some basic
On comprising these readings with standard timing referred in
information about the project. This website was developed
[18], are quite good between the range stated by the author.
to work as a server so that it’s database can be accessed
However, this intervals are calculated from analog reading and
through an Android application. The data was uploaded to
scaling in digital data is still upcoming work.
a server by importing the SQL file to an online database.
At the back-end of the website, the database was managed
through a PHP script. We used phpMyAdmin which is an T IME PERIOD OF DIFFERENT SEGMENTS OF ECG WAVE
open source administration tool for MySQL. This standard-
ized process was followed every time we uploaded the new Intervals on the ECG Observed Standard
patient’s data, a new file in the database was created for every P wave 70-75ms 60-120ms
PR Segment 140-170ms 120-200ms
QT Segment 360-410ms 360-440ms
QRS complex 85-95ms 60-100ms
T wave 150-160ms 160ms

The communication with the controller is not done wire-

lessly instead it’s done using serial communication. At the
serial speed of 9600 bps sampling rate of 56 Samples/Sec
is achieved. It provides a clean ECG plot but, with even
higher rate recording can be much better. Fig8 is a graphical
representation of the data retrieved from online ECG database
from our website. This six different plot indicates a complete
cycle of ECG wave for three limb leads and three augmented
Fig. 7. Data received on online database leads. The Y-axis scale is ADC numbers, starting from 0 till
2018 International Conference on Communication, Information & Computing Technology (ICCICT), Feb. 2-3, Mumbai, India.

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We thank Dr. Pranjali Save (Medical Officer, PHC-Palghar Engineering, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 149–152, 2015.
[13] “Telemetry-viewer, data monitoring tool.” Available online
District) for sharing her experiences while practicing in rural https://github.com/farrellf/Telemetry-Viewer. Accessed: 2016-10-
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to the system it collects the data and administrator have to http://www.physionet.org/ physiobank/database/mitdb. Accessed: 2017-
upload data on internet manually. This system can boost the
healthcare facilities in primary healthcare centers at rural part
across the nation. Eventually leading an awareness on various
types of arrhythmia and blockage detection at early stages.
Future work is required to make this data available in making
digital data available in MIT-BIH[19] format i.e. .txt and
compatible for arrhythmia detecting algorithms. Comparing
our analog recordings with ECG Homecare device by the
author of [4] results are quite similar in terms of clarity. They
have used AD8232 which is a dedicated ECG chip by analog
devices. This system uses advantage over cost-effectiveness in
comprising with study of[11] which involves high fabrication

[1] “Heart disease in india is a growing concern.” Available on-
line http://food.ndtv.com/health/world-heart-day-2015-heart-disease-in-
india-is-a-growing-concern-ansari-1224160. Accessed: 2016-06-11.
[2] http://www.emtresource.com/resources/ecg/12-lead-ecg-placement/. Ac-
cessed: 2016-06-11.

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