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Reflecting Growth Through Public Speaking: A Journey to Embrace

Alexis Chapman

Department of Communication, Florida Gulf Coast University

SPC 2023: Public Speaking

Professor Tyler Gibson

April 26, 2024


Reflecting Growth Through Public Speaking: A Journey to Embrace


In this final reflection paper for public speaking, I will be diving into an analysis of my journey

throughout the public speaking course. I will be reflecting on my progress, challenges, and insights

gained, highlighting the evolution of my public speaking skills.

Section 1: Speech Reflections

Speech Analysis

During this public speaking course, I had the opportunity to deliver both a persuasive speech

advocating for the necessity of stricter penalties for repeat DUI offenders, as well as an informative

speech discussing the impacts of mass media on society. Reflecting on these speeches, I have

gained insights into content delivery and audience engagement that have shaped my growth as a


In my persuasive speech, I aimed to highlight the dangers posed by repeat DUI offenders and

advocate for the revocation of their driver’s licenses as a deterrent. I had chosen this topic by

drawing from my own experiences. Having been involved in three accidents caused by distracted

and intoxicated drivers, I immediately understood the consequences of the topic. These firsthand

encounters provided me with fuel to form arguments to bring light on the subject. Upon review, I

recognized the importance of balancing factual evidence with emotional appeal to effectively

persuade my audience. While my speech was well-researched and logically structured, I realized

that incorporating personal anecdotes and testimonials would have enhanced audience engagement

and highlighted the human impact of the issue. The feedback I have received highlighted the

importance of being able to weave in relatable perspectives to evoke empathy to drive home the

issue's urgency. Which leads me to a weakness observed, a lack of emotional appeal. Moving

forward, I acknowledge the missed opportunity to share my own experiences in speeches. By doing

so, I could have made it clear that the issue at hand is not just about statistics but about real lives

that have been deeply affected. This realization reinforces my commitment to incorporating

personal narratives into my advocacy efforts, ensuring that the human elements remain in the

forefronts of my message.

On the other hand, my informative speech on the impact of mass media on society dived into the

multifaceted role of media in shaping cultural norms and individual behaviors. The strength of this

speech lay in its comprehensive analysis of the positive and negative influences of mass media,

supported by the diverse examples spanning traditional and digital media platforms. The feedback I

received highlights the importance of maintaining a steady pace, allowing listeners to digest

information, and enhancing eye contact for better connections. However, even before feedback I did

notice a flaw in my delivery. Sometimes, I found myself rushing through important points,

potentially compromising clarity and audience engagement.

Section 2: Personal Growth

Individual Growth

Reflecting on my initial public speaking skills compared to my present abilities, I am pleased to

acknowledge significant growth across various aspects. Initially, I struggled with organizing my

thoughts cohesively and articulating them aloud with confidence. However, through practice and

constructive feedback, I have witnessed improvements in my organization, delivery, and sometimes

body language. In the beginning, my speeches lacked clear structures, making it challenging for the

audience to follow my train of thought. However, with guidance from professors and audience

evaluations, I have crafted compelling introductions, developed main points, and concluded with

impactful summaries, such as in my informative speech on mass media, where I utilized a clear

thesis statement and previewed main points as a roadmap for the audience. Additionally, my vocal

delivery has undergone significant growth. Initially grappling with my nervousness, I overcame

vocal monotony by practicing in front of friends. Now, I achieve a more dynamic delivery by

varying pace and tone, captivating the audience with enthusiasm when needed. Furthermore, I have

become more aware of my body language; previously, I heavily relied on note cards, but now I

maintain fuller eye contact with the audience.

Challenges Faced

Despite these advancements, I encountered several challenges throughout this course that tested my

determination. One major challenge was overcoming stage fright and speaking anxiety. The fear of

judgment and the pressure to deliver a performance hindered my confidence and undermined my

ability to connect with the audience. To address this challenge, I started using techniques like

gradual exposure to my speeches, practicing in front of one person before the whole group. By

reframing my nervousness as focusing on the message, I gradually gained confidence and embraced

public speaking as an opportunity for growth. Furthermore, I gained a newfound appreciation for

the power of storytelling and framing in captivating audience attention and fostering connections.

By incorporating personal expressions, analogies, and imagery into my speeches, I discovered that

stories have the unique ability to evoke empathy.

Section 3: Insights and Takeaways

Insights from The Course

In summary, this course has equipped me with invaluable skills and insights that extend beyond the

realm of public speaking. From enhancing my communication proficiency to cultivating resilience


in the face of challenges, each lesson learned has contributed to my personal and professional

development. As I embark on future endeavors, I am committed to applying these lessons in pursuit

of meaningful connections, persuasive advocacy, and learning.

Key Learnings

Summarizing the key lessons learned during this course, I have come to understand that effective

communication extends beyond the words; it involves connecting with the audience on an

emotional level and delivering each message with clarity. These lessons are not only applicable in

public speaking scenarios but in other aspects of my academic and personal life, guiding me

towards more meaningful connections. Moreover, I had the opportunity to apply my public

speaking skills in securing an executive position in my sorority. By effectively conveying the

importance of why I was the right person for the role, I was able to deliver my speech without

relying on notes, connecting with my audience with emotional content and changes, showcasing

my growth and confidence as a communicator. This experience highlights the real-world

application of the skills acquired throughout this course and reinforces my commitment to

continuous learning and growth.


In conclusion, my journey through this public speaking course has been transformative and

enriching, marked by moments of growth, self- discovery, and empowerment. From refining my

speech delivery to embracing vulnerability and authenticity, I have emerged as a more confident

and capable communicator. Looking ahead, I am more excited to continue my public speaking skills

gathered, expanding my knowledge, and making an impact in both academic and personal

achievements, As I continue my learning, I carry with me lessons learned, gained insights, and the

conviction of effective communication not merely as a skill but as a catalyst for meaningful

connections and positive outlooks.

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