A Teoria de Darwin

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The Theory of

Evolution by Charles

Made by :
David Rodrigues
Francisco Palma
The Theory of Evolution by Charles Darwin
revolutionized biology, proposing that all species
of life have descended over time from common
ancestors through a process called natural
selection. This theory has had a profound impact
on our understanding of the natural world and the
diversity of life.
Natural Selection
Natural selection is the mechanism by which species adapt to their
environment over time. Individuals with advantageous traits are more likely
to survive and reproduce, passing on their favorable characteristics to
future generations. This process leads to the gradual change of species
over time.
Common Descent
The concept of common descent suggests that
all living organisms, including humans,
share a common ancestor. This idea is
supported by fossil evidence, comparative
anatomy, and molecular biology, providing a
compelling argument for the
interconnectedness of all life forms.
Fossil Record
The fossil record provides tangible evidence for the process of evolution,
documenting the transitional forms that link past and present organisms.
Fossils reveal the successive changes in life forms over millions of years,
offering a unique glimpse into the history of life on Earth.
Adaptation and Diversity

Evolutionary theory explains the remarkable

diversity of life through the process of
adaptation. Organisms evolve traits that enhance
their survival and reproductive success in
diverse environments, leading to the incredible
array of species and ecosystems observed today.
Genetic Variation
Genetic variation is the driving force behind evolution, providing the raw
material for natural selection and adaptation. Mutations, genetic
recombination, and gene flow contribute to the diversity of traits within
populations, fueling the evolutionary process.
Impact on Science
Darwin's theory of evolution has had a profound
impact on various scientific disciplines, including
biology, ecology, and genetics. It has provided a
unifying framework for understanding the natural
world and has inspired countless research efforts to
uncover the mechanisms of evolutionary change.
The Theory of Evolution by Charles Darwin has fundamentally transformed our
understanding of life on Earth. It has provided a comprehensive explanation for the
diversity of species and has become a cornerstone of modern biology, shaping our
perception of the natural world and our place within it.

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