Final Oral Conversation - Marco Miguel

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Topic: What makes you happy?


• Demonstrate communicative competence through an exhibition.

• Present in a video that shows what makes a person happy.


Taking into account the National Geographic video for Unit 10, located in E-book 1,
students will work in groups (maximum 3) to plan a similar video on what makes a
person happy.

Ideas Activities
PLAYING BASKETBALL Whenever I have time I play basketball
with some friends in the hood.
I most of the time play basketball on the
GO TO CONCERTS I go to concerts once in a month.
I go to concerts with friends and family.
We usually go to concerts at night.
GO TO THE CINEMA I also like to go to the cinema with my
LISTEN TO MUSIC I listen to music everyday.
For instance, I listen to music while I am
I listen to music when I wash my clothes.
MAKE DRAWINGS I practice drawing on digital platform using
Adobe Illustrator and I watch some tutorial
videos on you tube to learn some
PLAY THE GUITAR I play the guitar at senati once in a week.
I am learning some techniques in class
and practicing at home during the
M: Excuse me. Are you in this class?
E: Yes, I am. I’m in class with Ms. Ruiz
M: Oh nice I am too.
E: Hi, my name is Jose. What’s your name?
M: Hello. I am Marco, but please call me
Mark. It is my nickname.
E: Nice to meet you Mark.
M: Nice to meet you, too.
E: What are you going to do after class?
M: I am going to join the basketball team
and you?
E: Great. In my case I am playing tennis
with some friends and family.
M: Is that your favorite activity?
E: Not exactly. I also like playing volleyball,
listening to music and drawing. How about
M: Well, not me. In my case I enjoy going
to concerts, going to the movies and
listening to music.
E: What kind of movies do you watch?
M: I use to watch drama movies because it
gives you a lesson. Do you like movies?
E: Not really. You said you love music.
What type of music do you listen?
M: I listen to Hip hop music. My favorite
Artist is Canserbero. And what about you?
E: I listen to Rock and pop music. I like
M: That’s great. My brother likes that
band, too.
E: Hey, What are you doing this weekend?
M: I don’t know I think I’ll be free.
E: Let’s play volleyball this Saturday at
Campo de Marte Park. Martín is coming,
M: Ok. That’s an excellent idea. So see you
there this Saturday after lunch.
E: See you around.

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