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Christa Aiello


Classroom Rules and Consequences

My classroom rules and consequences are as follows:

● Scholars should arrive on time to class, if they are late they will be
asked to either have a smart pass in hand or to get a tardy slip.

● I ask that they come prepared for class, any assignments that need to
be turned in should be at the beginning/end of class and to come with
a writing utensil.

● I expect students to be respectful towards me and others inside and

outside of my classroom.

● Scholars have plenty of time to use the restroom before class so I ask
that they do so before class. We have a short learning time and I want
to make sure that it is at a maximum learning period. However, I
understand that things happen and we all have to use the restroom.
Scholars have permission to get a smart pass to use the restroom but
they will only be dismissed one at a time.

● I will let scholars know when an assignment is due. For every day that
is late there will be 10 points taken off and after 5 days late the scholar
will be asked to write a letter as to why the assignment is late and a
parent will have to sign it.

● The student will also be responsible to follow school wide rules.

● First offense will be a verbal reminder, second offense I will contact

parents and put the incident in the students profile, third offense I
will have the student meet with their principal.

Mrs. A

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