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A Grandmother She Didn’t Know

In a Nutshell:
Ariadne Silver was born in a family that resented her. She grew up in miserable
conditions, but climbed out of the gutter to become one of the most successful business
owners in the States. Then suddenly the French grandmother she didn’t even know
existed, dies and names Ariadne as her sole heir. Ariadne spends weeks in France in
company of her attorney. She meets his little invalid daughter and falls in love with both
of them.

Chapter by Chapter Breakdown

Part One - Rising Tension

Chapter One
CH 1/ Scene 1 – Ariadne Silver, has all the reasons in the world to be a “silver lady”. She is rich.
She does not want for anything. She doesn’t live in a castle, but almost. Her mansion – one of a
few – adorns the neighborhood with beautifully manicured gardens. The dry climate of Arizona
is only conducive to growing a variety of cacti in the front yard and around the house, and a
couple of traveler palms at the back of the property, trimming the enormous swimming pool.

CH 1/ Scene 2 – Ariadne complements such a décor perfectly. She has an elegant and
curvaceous figure that generally attracts men like bees to honey. However, Ariadne is not sweet
as the bees’ nectar; in fact, she is bitter. Life has not dealt her a loving hand. Orphan early in
childhood, she spent much of her teenage years in foster or group homes, until one day she
escaped and took to the road. She hitchhiked her way into an abusive relationship with a man
twice her age. Ariadne saw no end to her misery at that point.

CH 1/ Scene 3 – When she escaped the grip of the devil, she made her way into prostitution.
She was careful, though. She knew drugs would be her perdition and didn’t accept to share in
the free snorting sessions at her girlfriends’ place. She kept her head, saved her money – lots of
it – and ultimately managed to get out of the business. Today, she owns and manages a dozen
spas in the valley. Ariadne is an astute woman, but a solitary one. She trusts no one.

CH 1/ Scene 4 – One morning, after an invigorating swim, her phone recalls her to attention. It’s
the post master in the nearby town asking if she will be home – they have a package for her and
need a signature from her. Ariadne asks where the package came from, only to be told that it
came from Boston, MA. Ariadne does not know anyone in Boston. She’s been there twice
maybe and wonders who would send her anything. She tells the man at the other end of the line
that she’ll be home until lunch time; otherwise, she can come by the post office later on during
the week.

CH 1/ Scene 5 – An hour later Ariadne is signing for the package. It’s actually an envelope
containing a bundle of documents inside a folder. The sender’s address doesn’t provide Ariadne
with a clue as to who the person could be. Ariadne carries the package to the terrace, sits in the
lounge chair and opens the folder. She reads the letter, raises her eyebrows and swears under
her breath. Apparently, the documents relate to her grandmother’s inheritance. Miss Lucy Silver
lived in Paris, France. Upon her death, she left her entire fortune to the granddaughter her own
daughter never wanted her to meet.

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Chapter Two
CH 2/ Scene 1 – Ariadne’s mother kept her away from her grandmother. Once again, Ariadne
has reasons to hate that mother of hers. She was thrown into orphanages, foster homes and
group homes when there was a grandmother – a rich one at that – who could have raised her,
away from prostitution and abusive relationships.

CH 2/ Scene 2 – After taking care of several business matters, Ariadne packs a suitcase which
only contains a couple of garments she would need until she could buy a new wardrobe in
France (a dream of hers). The attorney in Boston meets with her when she lands in that city. He
hands her a copy of the will, which she will need to claim her inheritance. He tells her that her
grandmother lived in a hotel in the 15th district in Paris. Her solicitor will be waiting for her at the

CH 2/ Scene 3 – Ariadne arrives in France in the middle of summer. She is glad of it. She would
have hated to have to shop along rainy or snowy streets. The solicitor is waiting for her at
Charles de Gaulle. The man is much younger than Ariadne expected. Lucien Valier is the son of
the man who looked after her grandmother’s affairs. Ariadne had heard of the French gallantry
but it is the first time she is spoiled with it. Lucien invites her for dinner on a couple of occasions
while the will is going through probate.

CH 2/ Scene 4 – Soon the two of them find time to share a bit of Paris’ nightlife and theaters.
Ariadne is living a dream. Her shopping is still restricted to what she may need – not what she
really wants. She wants to see her grandmother’s money in her bank account before she
decides to splurge. Meanwhile, Lucien takes her to visit some vineyards in the south of France
and they spend a few days in Biarritz. Ariadne is in love with France. She wants to open a spa
in Paris or on the French Riviera. Lucien accompanies her everywhere. He is not demanding
and not pushy. Ariadne has to wonder if he’s gay since he has not made any sexual advances
toward her.

CH 2/ Scene 5 – Three weeks after her arrival in France, Ariadne needs to think of getting back
to the States. There are a few things that require her attention – such as the fall advertising
campaign for her establishments, which she intends to run through TV and radio media. Lucien
offers to assist her. She welcomes his ideas – they’re new and will give an excellent edge to her
business over the competition. When the will has finally gone through probate and the money is
released into Ariadne’s bank account, Lucien has a surprise for her.

Chapter Three
CH 3/ Scene 1 – He invites Ariadne to take a trip with him to Strasbourg in Alsace. When
Ariadne asks why – or what he has in mind, he says there is someone she would need to meet.
Curiosity gnawing at her mind, Ariadne accepts the invitation. When the two of them arrive in
Strasbourg, a little girl in a wheelchair is waiting at the gate. Ariadne doesn’t know what this is
all about.

CH 3/ Scene 2 – Lucien thanks the nurse for bringing “his daughter” to the airport. Ariadne is
floored. She never imagined the man was (or had been) married. As soon as they reach
Lucien’s home, the little girl rolls her chair to the harpsichord. She opens it and starts playing.
Ariadne is in tears. That child is gifted beyond belief. Ariadne wants an explanation from Lucien.
He tells Ariadne that his wife died in child birth and that his daughter was born with a deformed
right leg, but with an incredible talent. She is a child protégé at one of the best music schools in

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CH 3/ Scene 3 – After visiting the churches; the museums and attending a couple more summer
concerts, Ariadne needs to return to the States – she does not want to leave. This has been the
best vacation she’s had in years. When she looks at Lucien’s daughter, her impairment versus
her enormous talent, she feels drawn to her. She would like to offer her some financial
assistance toward her studies or a scholarship of some sort.

CH 3/ Scene 4 – It will be Christmas in a few months; maybe Lucien and Eugenia would love to
spend a week or so with Ariadne – in the land of red dirt and cacti. At that time, Ariadne could
make the scholarship a present to be fetched from under the tree. No need to put Lucien on the
spot or embarrass him right now with such a gift. Besides, him being an attorney of some note
in France, he probably has set some funds aside for his daughter’s education.

Part Two - Main Action

Chapter Four
CH 4/ Scene 1 – Lucien Valier however, is not a rich man. His work brings home a reasonable
sum every month or so, which is ample to see to his and his daughter’s needs, but private
schools or music teaching is expensive and some of it Lucien will not be able to afford.
Nevertheless, Eugenia is happy enough with her lot. As long as she can play her harpsichord
(or piano) and learn the classics from those great composers, she is content.

CH 4/ Scene 2 – When it’s time for Ariadne to leave Strasbourg to return to Paris with Lucien,
she asks if Eugenia and her father would like to spend a few days in Arizona for Christmas.
Obviously, neither Lucien nor his daughter had expected the proposal. Ariadne is quick to
pretext that in fact she’s been thinking of opening a spa in France and she would need his legal
advice to put the plan into motion. “And we could discuss it while you’re at my place. What do
you say?”

CH 4/ Scene 3 – Lucien doesn’t know what to say. He is obviously tempted to accept the
invitation. When Eugenia asks if Ariadne has a harpsichord, Ariadne answers that no, not at the
moment, but by the time Eugenia gets to her place, they’ll be one waiting for her. Lucien, seeing
that his daughter would love to accept the invitation, does so himself with a big smile.

CH 4/ Scene 4 – When Lucien and Ariadne are aboard the train that will bring them back to
Paris in a few hours, they have time to talk – really talk – about both their pasts and future.
Ariadne soon realizes that Lucien is perhaps the last of a long line of noblemen in his country.
Eugenia is his only heir and the title today isn’t worth two cents. Ariadne has to object to that
assumption. She tells Lucien that a name is not only a way of recognizing one in society, but it
also carries with it a whole set of obligations.

CH 4/ Scene 5 – Lucien has to agree that he would hate for the name to die without being
recognized by future generations as a mark of valor if nothing else. When the train pulls into
Rouen, south of Paris, Ariadne says she would love to visit the cathedral, which is famous the
world over. They both decide to make it a stop-over for the night. The next morning, as soon as
Ariadne enters the edifice, she is in awe. She had heard of its beauty, but she never imagined it
to be so enveloping and inspiring.

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Chapter 5
CH 5/ Scene 1 – Lucien tells her that one of Eugenia’s dreams is to play the organ in the
cathedral. Ariadne has to agree; this would be the perfect place for her to give a concert.
Secretly Ariadne vows to make it happen. When they leave the cathedral, Lucien takes
Ariadne’s hand as they walk around a nearby park. Ariadne smiles to him and leaves her hand
where it is. She has to admit, the man has been an impeccable companion; he has not taken
one step toward her ever since she landed in France all these weeks ago.

CH 5/ Scene 2 – And before taking her hand in his, he revealed who he is and the fact that he
has an invalid daughter to which he is totally devoted. He also gave Ariadne the opportunity to
make a clean breast of the fact that she had to earn a living the “hard way” and that men, for
her, were disgusting creatures. Lucien has to smile; he knew all along about her past, about her
difficult life and her climb out of the gutter. All this is actually what attracted him to her. They
each had to walk up the Calvary hill before they could meet.

CH 5/ Scene 3 – Ariadne has never been more content in her life. She feels good holding
Lucien’s hand. She feels as if she is at home in Rouen for some reason. When she asks why
that could be, Lucien tells her that in fact her grandmother’s family lived in Rouen for many
years before her grandma moved to Paris in the latter part of her life. Ariadne asks to go to the
house where her grandmother lived. Lucien says that it’s not been maintained in the last few
years and that perhaps they’ll find it boarded up.

CH 5/ Scene 4 – Yes, the house is boarded up, but Ariadne soon makes it her business to buy it
back from who ever owns it today. Instead of spending the night in Rouen; it turns out that the
couple spends almost ten days in the city to get the purchase of the house and its refurbishment
underway. Ariadne falls in love with the place. One of the first pieces of furniture she buys for
the music room is a harpsichord.

CH 5/ Scene 5 – Lucien cannot be happier. He has fallen in love with a woman whom he would
never have expected to be interested in him or in his daughter. But now it’s time for Ariadne to
return to the States.

Part Three - Resolution

Chapter Six
CH 6/ Scene 1 – In the weeks that follow, and upon her return to Arizona, Ariadne is busier than
ever, getting her advertising campaign on the way; visiting her various resort spas and
preparing the house for Lucien and Eugenia’s arrival. She engages a stone mason to add a
wheelchair access to the house and to the gardens and pool. She buys the harpsichord and has
it installed in a large guest room that will now serve as her music room. Next, Ariadne sends out
a number of invitations to her managerial staff for a pre-Christmas luncheon: she has a surprise
for them.

CH 6/ Scene 2 – When they arrive at the house, they’re surprised to see the changes and soon
wonder if Ariadne has an ageing parent moving in with her. Most of the people working with
Ariadne have no idea about her past. She intends to keep them guessing. Ariadne has ordered
a scrumptious spread for the occasion and has organized to have a little chat with each of the
guests in turn. She wants to test the waters. Who will be the best suited to tackle the French

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CH 6/ Scene 3 – After everyone is quite relaxed and has consumed most of the shrimp
cocktails, the salads, deli meats and fancy breads, Ariadne addresses them in front of the pool.
She announces that she has decided to open a spa in France – the location still to be decided –
and that a couple or three of them will run the training on site. She wants her new spa to be
totally American. She loves France, but she believes it’s about time the French ladies (and men)
get an all-American treatment!

CH 6/ Scene 4 – Christmas is just around the corner when Lucien and Eugenia land in Phoenix,
AZ. As soon as Eugenia sees Ariadne, to Ariadne’s great surprise, the little girl stands up. The
money Ariadne sent to the re-habilitation hospital in France has been put to good use. They
have fitted Eugenia with her first prosthesis. Ariadne is overjoyed.

CH 6/ Scene 5 – Lucien and Ariadne are married a year later at the Rouen Cathedral. Eugenia
is permitted to play the “Wedding March” for her new mother and her father on the cathedral’s


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