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PALEOANTHROPOLOGY system to an alluvial regime in response to

changing hydroclimate conditions during the
Evidence of humans in North America late Pleistocene (Fig. 2 and fig. S2). Endocarps
of ditch grass (Ruppia cirrhosa) occur as dis-
during the Last Glacial Maximum continuous layers throughout the sequence.
Footprints (human, proboscidean, and canid)
Matthew R. Bennett1*, David Bustos2, Jeffrey S. Pigati3, Kathleen B. Springer3, Thomas M. Urban4, occur at all levels, both in cross sections and
Vance T. Holliday5,6, Sally C. Reynolds1, Marcin Budka1, Jeffrey S. Honke3, Adam M. Hudson3, on excavated surfaces adjacent to the trench
Brendan Fenerty6, Clare Connelly2, Patrick J. Martinez2, Vincent L. Santucci7, Daniel Odess8* (Figs. 1, B to E, and 2 and figs. S4 to S10). A
total of 61 human tracks have been identified
Archaeologists and researchers in allied fields have long sought to understand human colonization of and documented.
North America. Questions remain about when and how people migrated, where they originated, and how Human footprints reported from all sur-
their arrival affected the established fauna and landscape. Here, we present evidence from excavated faces have good anatomical definition (i.e.,
surfaces in White Sands National Park (New Mexico, United States), where multiple in situ human visible heel impressions, medial longitudinal
footprints are stratigraphically constrained and bracketed by seed layers that yield calibrated arches, and toe pads), consistent with modern
radiocarbon ages between ~23 and 21 thousand years ago. These findings confirm the presence of humans when compared to other Pleistocene
humans in North America during the Last Glacial Maximum, adding evidence to the antiquity of human footprint sites and the ichnotaxa Hominipes
colonization of the Americas and providing a temporal range extension for the coexistence of early modernus (19, 20). A geomorphometric com-
inhabitants and Pleistocene megafauna. parison of a sample of WHSA tracks with a set
of modern footprints (n = 356) and fossil foot-

prints from Namibia (n = 78; supplementary
he late Pleistocene expansion of human In this context, we report the discovery of a text) reveals broad similarity (fig. S3). The

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populations into the Americas is the series of human footprints from White Sands WHSA tracks, similar to the fossil tracks from
latest chapter in the “Out of Africa” National Park (WHSA Locality 2; Fig. 1A) in Namibia, are flatter-footed than the modern
migration of modern humans (1). The south-central New Mexico that occur on multiple samples, similar to what is commonly reported
earliest evidence for dispersal and occu- stratigraphic horizons interbedded with seed for habitually unshod individuals [e.g., (21)].
pation remains controversial (2). Hypotheses layers. Our results indicate that humans were The WHSA footprints also have longer toe pads
range from those that favor Clovis as the earliest present on the landscape by at least ~23 ka, that we suggest are associated with slippage of
occupation [~13 thousand years ago (ka)] (3) with evidence of occupation spanning approx- the foot during locomotion (18).
to those that favor older (“pre-Clovis”) sites imately two millennia. These data provide Seven footprint surfaces [track horizons 1 to
dating to ~16.5 ka [i.e., post–Last Glacial definitive evidence of human occupation of 7 (TH1 to TH7)] and one multisurface, track-
Maximum (LGM); 26.5 to 19 or 20 ka (4)] or North America south of the Laurentide Ice bearing package (TH8) are present. All footprint
even older (5). Viable migration routes from Sheet during the LGM. surfaces—including TH4 with 37 tracks— have
Asia were dependent on timing and associated WHSA lies within the Tularosa Basin, a been excavated, but we draw particular atten-
environmental conditions and could have oc- topographically-closed basin that encompasses tion to TH1 and TH5 through TH7, which
curred via an inland route through the Ice-Free an area of ~14,000 km2. The floor of the basin occur at depth in the base of the trenches.
Corridor (6, 7), the Pacific Coastal Route (8, 9), contains a gypsum playa (Alkali Flat; Fig. 1A TH1, the stratigraphically lowest footprint
or both; however, these routes would have been and fig. S1) created by eolian deflation of late horizon, is exposed in the north-south side
closed or at least unlikely during the LGM (10). Pleistocene lake beds after the desiccation of trench where it exhibits several human tracks,
Most early sites in North America, defined pluvial Lake Otero. The precise history of Lake including a two-step trackway (TH1; Fig. 2 and
here as early post–LGM or older, are questioned Otero is not currently known, but it was the figs. S4 and S5). TH5 occurs as a surface at the
because of either their dating (3) or uncertainty largest of several perennial lakes that filled the western end of the site but can also be traced
about the association of humans and purported basin between ~36 and 19 ka (15). Throughout laterally 9.35 m onto the floor of the main east-
artifacts (11). Fossil human footprints provide this period, changes in the hydrological budget west trench where two footprints occur with
an alternative source of evidence for human in the Tularosa Basin led to a range of water different orientations, separated vertically
presence when excavated from an in situ levels and therefore lake and wetland extents from one another by a few centimeters of
sedimentary sequence with good chronological associated with fluctuations in precipitation, sediment (TH5 and TH6; figs. S2 and S10). An
control [e.g., (12–14)]. Unlike cultural artifacts, groundwater input, and inflow or outflow. additional footprint was also found in the base
modified bones, or other more conventional Ichnofossils of extinct late Pleistocene fauna of the trench ~32 mm higher and 350 mm to
fossils, footprints have a primary depositional occur widely on the margins of the playa and the east (TH7; fig. S2). Inferences of stature,
context and are fixed on the imprinted surface. include tracks of Proboscidea (mammoth), the age of the track-maker, and walking speeds
Folivora (ground sloth), Carnivora (canid and are summarized in Fig. 2B, although caution is
Institute for Studies in Landscapes and Human Evolution,
Bournemouth University, Poole, BH12 5BB, UK. 2National
felid), and Cetartiodactyla (bovid and camelid), required as a result of the uncertain anthro-
Park Service, White Sands National Park, P.O. Box 1086, most of which are associated with human foot- pometric affinity of the track-makers’ popu-
Holloman AFB, NM 88330, USA. 3US Geological Survey, prints (16–18). lation. Many tracks appear to be those of
Denver Federal Center, Box 25046, MS 980, Denver, CO
80225, USA. 4Department of Classics and Cornell Tree Ring
WHSA Locality 2 is located on the eastern teenagers and children; large adult footprints
Laboratory, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA. side of Alkali Flat on a shallow (<6 m) erosional are less frequent. One hypothesis for this is the
School of Anthropology, P.O. Box 210030, University of scarp formed between the current playa and division of labor, in which adults are involved
Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721-0030, USA. 6Department of
the White Sands gypsum dune field. A sedi- in skilled tasks whereas “fetching and carrying”
Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721-0030,
USA. 7National Park Service, Geologic Resources Division, mentary sequence exposed by trenching are delegated to teenagers. Children accom-
1849 C Street NW, Washington, DC 20240, USA. 8National consists of 1.25 m of lacustrine clays and silts pany the teenagers, and collectively they leave
Park Service, Cultural Resources Directorate, Washington, intercalated with thinly bedded gypsiferous a higher number of footprints that are preferen-
DC 20240, USA.
*Corresponding author. Email: and siliciclastic sands, silts, and clays, which tially recorded in the fossil record. This pattern
(M.R.B); (D.O.) represent a transition from a lacustrine eco- is common to all excavated surfaces.

Bennett et al., Science 373, 1528–1531 (2021) 24 September 2021 1 of 4


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Fig. 1. Study area and ancient footprints found at WHSA Locality 2. the National Park Service for this information, given a legitimate reason.
(A) Map showing approximate location of the study site. In accordance with the (B) Human footprints on track horizon 4 (TH4). (C) Human footprint on TH5,
Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979, the National Parks Omnibus located in the base of the main trench. (D) Surfaced 3D model of part of the main
Management Act of 1998, and the Paleontological Resources Preservation Act of trench showing three human footprints on different surfaces on the trench floor.
2009, the precise location of the site is withheld. Interested parties may contact (E) Human trackways on TH4.

Bennett et al., Science 373, 1528–1531 (2021) 24 September 2021 2 of 4


Fig. 2. Geologic context and track-maker demographics. (A) Composite stratigraphy,

calibrated ages, and dominant hydrologic regime for sediments exposed in the
trench at WHSA Locality 2. Filled circles denote 14C samples; the filled square denotes
a uranium series sample. The calibrated 14C ages were used to construct the age
models shown in Fig. 3. (B) Summary of footprint evidence on each horizon [number of
human tracks, number of trackways, minimum number of track-makers (MNT),
track-maker age, stature, and fauna]. For additional details, see (20).

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We established chronological control for the WHSA Locality 2 using three lines of evidence which demonstrates that hard-water effects
footprint-bearing sediments by using radio- (20). First, the geologic and hydrologic set- in pluvial Lake Otero persisted less than a
carbon dating of in situ layers of macroscopic tings along the shallow lake margin that hosts few hundred years during this period (fig. S14).
seeds of the aquatic plant Ruppia cirrhosa the human trackways make it unlikely that In our view, an improbable series of events
(20). Seed layers were sampled from through- stands of emergent aquatic plants would harbor would be required to introduce a large hard-
out the sedimentary sequence and yielded cal- prominent hard-water effects. Second, our cali- water effect by ~23 ka when such effects were
ibrated ages that range from 22.86 ± 0.32 to brated 14C ages maintained stratigraphic order minimal for the previous ~20 thousand years.
21.13 ± 0.25 ka (n = 11) and maintain strati- even when samples were separated by a few For these reasons, we conclude that our
graphic order within the uncertainties between centimeters, which would not be the case if radiocarbon-based chronology is robust.
TH2 and TH6 (Fig. 2). Radiocarbon dating of hard-water effects were large and variable. Fi- To determine the underlying distribution of
aquatic material, such as R. cirrhosa, may nally, we evaluated independent chronologic the calibrated 14C ages from WHSA Locality 2,
be subject to hard-water (or reservoir) effects data from the Tularosa Basin (15) and found we applied the kernel density estimation model
that could conceivably make these ages too old, that terrestrial and aquatic material yielded (KDE_Model) function of OxCal4.4.2 r:5 (22, 23).
so we explored the potential for these effects at concordant 14C ages between ~44 and 25 ka, In addition, we used the OxCal boundary

Bennett et al., Science 373, 1528–1531 (2021) 24 September 2021 3 of 4


Fig. 3. Age dating and modeling results. KDE

modeling results for the 11 calibrated ages
corresponding to TH2 through TH6. The dark
gray distribution outlined in black is the KDE
distribution. The overlying blue line and lighter
blue band show the mean and ±1s for snapshots
(n = 1000) of the KDE distribution, which indicate
the importance of any features. The light gray
distribution is the sum distribution for reference,
and the red distributions are the start and end
of the boundary distribution. This figure was
generated using the KDE_Model and boundary
functions in OxCal v.4.4.2 r:5 (22) and the IntCal20
calibration curve (23); accessed online 8 December 2020.
Timing of the LGM (26.5 to 19 or 20 ka) (4) is shown by
the horizontal blue bar; timing of Dansgaard-Oeschger
event 2 (D-O 2, beginning at 23.3 ka) (24) is shown by
the vertical tan bar.

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function to determine the start and end date was established are still both uncertain and 30. M. R. Bennett et al., Data release for Evidence for humans in
represented by the calibrated ages and the contested. What we present here is evidence of North America during the Last Glacial Maximum, U.S.
Geological Survey data release (2021); doi:10.5066/
interval function to determine the amount of a firm time and location when humans were P9ABZEM9.
time represented by the track horizons (20). present in North America. 31. M. R. Bennett et al., Evidence of humans in North America
Our data and modeling results show that the during the Last Glacial Maximum: 3D Track Data, BORDaR
(2021); doi:10.18746/
ages of TH2 through TH6 span from ~23 to RE FERENCES AND NOTES
21 ka (Fig. 3 and fig. S16), placing humans in 1. D. J. Meltzer, The Great Paleolithic War: How Science Forged an AC KNOWLED GME NTS
Understanding of America’s Ice Age Past (Univ. of Chicago
southwestern North America for approximately Views and conclusions are those of the authors and do not
Press, 2015).
two millennia during the LGM. The presence necessarily reflect policies of the National Park Service (NPS). Any
2. M. R. Waters, Science 365, eaat5447 (2019).
3. S. J. Fiedel, B. A. Potter, J. E. Morrow, M. K. Faught, use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes
of proboscidean tracks in TH8 places an ad- only and does not imply endorsement by the US government.
C. Vance Haynes Jr., PaleoAmerica 7, 28–42 (2021).
ditional constraint on the upper age of the 4. P. U. Clark et al., Science 325, 710–714 (2009). Research at WHSA was conducted under a permit issued to D.O.
sequence, showing that it does not extend 5. L. Becerra-Valdivia, T. Higham, Nature 584, 93–97 (permit number 21-WHSA-01). Funding: M.R.B. acknowledges
(2020). Natural Environment Research Council grants (NE/H004246/1
beyond the late Pleistocene. and NE/M021459/1). V.T.H. acknowledges the Argonaut
6. R. J. Dawe, M. Kornfeld, Quat. Int. 444, 56–71 (2017).
The depositional sequence reported here 7. B. A. Potter et al., Sci. Adv. 4, eaat5473 (2018). Archaeological Research Fund (University of Arizona
exhibits a potential paleoclimate signal in 8. A. J. Lesnek, J. P. Briner, C. Lindqvist, J. F. Baichtal, Foundation). Funding for J.S.P. and K.B.S. was provided by the
T. H. Heaton, Sci. Adv. 4, eaar5040 (2018). US Geological Survey’s Climate Research and Development
which lacustrine conditions were succeeded
9. T. J. Braje et al., Am. Antiq. 85, 1–21 (2019). Program and by the National Park Service through Interagency
by alluvial sedimentation that occurred in 10. A. S. Dalton et al., Quat. Sci. Rev. 234, 106223 (2020). Agreement G14P20PG00274. T.M.U. acknowledges cooperative
temporal correspondence with abrupt warming 11. J. V. Ferraro et al., Nature 554, E1–E2 (2018). agreement P20AC00605 between Cornell University and
during Dansgaard-Oeschger event 2, beginning 12. M. R. Bennett et al., Science 323, 1197–1201 (2009). the US Department of the Interior. D.B. and M.R.B. thank
13. N. Ashton et al., PLOS ONE 9, e88329 (2014). the Western National Parks Association for support. Author
at ~23.3 ka (24). This drying event resembles contributions: M.R.B., D.B., T.M.U., D.O., and S.C.R.
14. J. Duveau, G. Berillon, C. Verna, G. Laisné, D. Cliquet,
sequences observed in other paleohydrological Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 116, 19409–19414 (2019). conceptualized the project, were responsible for its
records in the southwestern US (25, 26). In the 15. B. D. Allen, D. W. Love, R. G. Myers, N. M. Geol. 31, 9–25 management and resource acquisition, and did the fieldwork
(2009). along with J.S.P. and K.B.S., who designed and led the
Tularosa Basin, the lowered lake levels would stratigraphic analysis and radiocarbon dating. C.C., V.L.S.,
16. D. Bustos et al., Sci. Adv. 4, eaar7621 (2018).
have exposed a wide area along the lake margins 17. T. M. Urban et al., Sci. Rep. 9, 16470 (2019). and P.J.M. provided field support, and J.S.H. and A.M.H.
where humans and megafauna traversed. 18. M. R. Bennett et al., Quat. Sci. Rev. 249, 106610 provided laboratory support. M.B. wrote several of the
(2020). algorithms used in the footprint analysis. V.T.H. and
The evidence presented here confirms that B.F. provided supporting data. Analysis and data visualization
19. J. Y. Kim, K. S. Kim, M. G. Lockley, N. Matthews, Ichnos 15,
humans were present in North America before 126–139 (2008). were undertaken by M.R.B., K.B.S., J.S.P., and D.B. The
the glacial advances of the LGM closed the 20. See supplementary materials for information on methods, original manuscript was drafted by M.R.B., with contributions
materials, and additional text. from J.S.P., K.B.S., V.T.H., and D.O. Editing of the manuscript
Ice-Free Corridor (9, 27) and the Pacific Coastal was undertaken by M.R.B., S.C.R., J.S.P., K.B.S., D.O., D.B.,
21. P. Francis, G. Schofield, BMJ Open Sport Exerc. Med. 6,
Route and prevented human migration from e000577 (2020). and V.T.H. Competing interests: The authors declare no
Asia (7). The overlap of humans and megafauna 22. C. Bronk Ramsey, OxCal, version 4.4.2, r:5 (2020); https://c14. competing or conflicting interests. Data and materials availability: Downloadable files of the data presented in the
for at least two millennia during this time
23. P. J. Reimer et al., Radiocarbon 62, 725–757 (2020). supplementary materials (tables S1 to S8) can be found at (30).
suggests that if people were hunting mega- 24. A. Svensson et al., Clim. Past 4, 47–57 (2008). The 3D footprints models are available at (31).
fauna the practices were sustainable, at least 25. K. B. Springer, C. R. Manker, J. S. Pigati, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
initially. This also raises the possibility of a U.S.A. 112, 14522–14526 (2015). SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS
26. K. M. Menking, V. J. Polyak, R. Y. Anderson, Y. Asmerom, Quat.
human role in poorly understood megafauna
Sci. Rev. 200, 237–252 (2018).
extinctions previously thought to predate their Supplementary Text
27. P. D. Heintzman et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 113,
Figs. S1 to S19
arrival (28, 29) and makes “early” sites in the 8057–8063 (2016).
Tables S1 to S8
Americas appear more plausible. However, 28. J. M. Broughton, E. M. Weitzel, Nat. Commun. 9, 5441
References (32–75)
exactly when people first arrived in the Western 29. D. J. Meltzer, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 117, 28555–28563 26 January 2021; accepted 25 August 2021
Hemisphere and when continuous occupation (2020). 10.1126/science.abg7586

Bennett et al., Science 373, 1528–1531 (2021) 24 September 2021 4 of 4

Evidence of humans in North America during the Last Glacial Maximum
Matthew R. Bennett, David Bustos, Jeffrey S. Pigati, Kathleen B. Springer, Thomas M. Urban, Vance T. Holliday, Sally
C. Reynolds, Marcin Budka, Jeffrey S. Honke, Adam M. Hudson, Brendan Fenerty, Clare Connelly, Patrick J. Martinez,
Vincent L. Santucci, and Daniel Odess

Science 373 (6562), . DOI: 10.1126/science.abg7586

Early footsteps in the Americas

Despite a plethora of archaeological research over the past century, the timing of human migration into the Americas
is still far from resolved. In a study of exposed outcrops of Lake Otero in White Sands National Park in New Mexico,
Bennett et al. reveal numerous human footprints dating to about 23,000 to 21,000 years ago. These finds indicate
the presence of humans in North America for approximately two millennia during the Last Glacial Maximum south of

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the migratory barrier created by the ice sheets to the north. This timing coincided with a Northern Hemispheric abrupt
warming event, Dansgaard-Oeschger event 2, which drew down lake levels and allowed humans and megafauna to
walk on newly exposed surfaces, creating tracks that became preserved in the geologic record. —AMS

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