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The Truth About Literature:

As an individual passionate about this project during the semester I took it, I find it
imperative to share and critique three points, and explain its effectiveness while adhering to
professional writing standards.
1. Coherence and Clarity
Coherence is the ability of ideas to flow smoothly and logically within a text ,and
clarity is the quality of writing that makes it easy for the reader to understand. In the text,
the writer begins with an introduction that sets the stage for the discussion, then the body
dissects the talking points of the text and wraps it up with a concise conclusion. The
logical progression of ideas ensures that the writer’s thoughts are understood by the
readers. Also, the sentences are precise, and the text is in a language that can easily be
understood and comprehended.
However, the writer should consider incorporating transitional phrases or
sentences. They are to guide the reader from one point of the text to another point and to
connect paragraphs. I.e.: 'Moreover' 'In addition to this' ‘Building on this point’. Also, the
writer should pay attention to breaking down complex ideas into simple ones for better
understanding. The writer should embrace examples that elucidate ideas.

2. Argumentative Structure
In the context of an argumentative essay, the writer did a great job with the
introduction containing a well detailed opening statement, the ideas in the body being
well-detailed, and the use of external resources to add depth and credibility to our
argument. However, the writer could introduce counterarguments to enhance the
persuasiveness of the text. By acknowledging opposing stances on the subject matter and
skillfully refuting those views, the writer can develop a refined understanding of the
subject and the ability to engage in diverse perspectives about the subject.

3. Use of References
Using references in argumentative writing is crucial for supporting claims and adding
credibility to your work. The writer did well to integrate external references to support
their position. However, there is a need for a more critical evaluation of those sources.
These evaluations include knowing the biases and motives of the authors that the writer
cited, and knowing the dates that the sources cited were published because educational
practices and theories evolve with time. The writer should also evaluate the author’s
background, access, quality, and expertise in his field.

In conclusion, the text conveys the writer’s point of view. However, to adhere to professional
writing standards, there is a need to incorporate counterarguments, transitional phrases and
sentences, and evidence of a critical evaluation of sources cited.

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