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Development of Flood Hazards Policy in the Indus River Basin of Pakistan,


Article in Water International · December 1997

DOI: 10.1080/02508069708686712


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2 authors:

Daanish Mustafa James Wescoat

King's College London Massachusetts Institute of Technology


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Development of Flood Hazards Policy in the Indus

River Basin of Pakistan, 1947–1996

Daanish Mustafa & James L. Wescoat Jr.

To cite this article: Daanish Mustafa & James L. Wescoat Jr. (1997) Development of Flood
Hazards Policy in the Indus River Basin of Pakistan, 1947–1996, Water International, 22:4,
238-244, DOI: 10.1080/02508069708686712

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Development of Flood Hazards Policy in the
Indus River Basin of Pakistan, 1947-1996
by Daanish Mustafa and James L. Wescoat, Jr.
Department of Geography
University of Colorado


Since independence in 1947, floods in the Indus River Basin in Pakistan have claimed more than 7,000
lives and caused massive infrastructure and crop losses. To date, flood damage reduction has received
limited attention relative to the irrigation and hydropower subsectors in the basin. Nonstructural
approaches to flood hazard mitigation have lagged behind engineering approaches. This article retraces
Downloaded by [Kings College London] at 03:50 08 October 2015

the development offlood policies in Pakistan, from an early situation of risk acceptance to more recent
strategies of risk management. It shows that an underlying problem, and future aim, for flood policy will
lie in giving greater attention to mitigating social vulnerability to flood hazards in the basin.

INTRODUCTION: FROM RISK the most exposed to flood hazard. Consequently, the
ACCEPTANCE TO VULNERABILITY agricultural sector and the vast majority of the
MITIGATION? Pakistani population associated with this sector are
highly vulnerable to flood hazards. Many villages
Riverine floods are one of the most devastating are located on eroding river terraces and in flood-
environmental hazards in the Indus River Basin. prone lowlands, and migrants to urban and
From ice dam outbursts in its glaciated headwaters, periurban areas are also concentrated in low-lying
to hill torrents in forested uplands, breached levees high-risk areas.
in its broad arid alluvial plains, and coastal and Human management of any hazard must address
urban inundation in the delta near Karachi, flooding the three basic dimensions of the hazard risk, —

poses serious obstacles to river basin management. exposure, and vulnerability. Risk is defined here as
The Indus River Basin is shared by several the physical probability of the event (i.e., the flood
countries. Although this article focuses on Pakistan, recurrence interval, magnitude, duration, and
which contains the largest portion of the Indus main severity). Exposure is the number of people and
stem and five major tributaries (the Sutlej, Ravi, economic resources exposed to the flood event; and
Chenab, Jhelum, and Kabul), each riparian faces vulnerability is defined as the conditions and
serious flood hazards as well as challenges for situations that render a society community or in-
cooperative international flood management. dividual susceptible to damage [5,6]. Because
Pakistan and India, for example, have suffered vulnerability is the joint product of the physical
several major and minor riverine floods since hazard and social activities and situations that
coming into being in 1947 [1,2]. Loss of life has increase or decrease potential losses, it is important
been significant (more than 7,000 fatalities in to consider the dimensions of human adjustment to
Pakistan alone) though, as in other arid irrigated floods. In the hazards literature (e.g., Burton, Kates,
basins of the world, economic and infrastructure and White [7], and White [8]), three major modes of
losses from household to national levels has been human adjustment to floods have been identified:
especially devastating [3]. Some major floods, like (I) bear the loss; (2) manage the risk, either by
the one of 1992, cost the country about 3 per cent of modifying the event through river engineering,
its total GDP. spreading the losses through insurance, or reducing
Pakistan is an underdeveloped country with a per losses through warning, flood proofing, etc.; and (3)
capita GNP of approximately US$400. Seventy per mitigate vulnerability through wise settlement
cent of its population lives in rural areas and is planning and hazard preparedness.
dependent directly or indirectly upon irrigation It will be shown here that flood management
agriculture [4]. Highly productive irrigated lands policy objectives in Pakistan have historically
along the five rivers comprise about 82 per cent of evolved from risk acceptance to risk management
the total cropped area. These irrigated areas are also and exposure reduction.
0250-8060/97/$3.30 Water International, 22 (1997) 238-244 © IWRA/Printed in the U.S.A.
Vulnerability mitigation continues to be an elusive op- Number of Magnitude at
erational objective for flood management in the Indus Villages Sukkur in
River Basin, as in other regions, despite growing recog- Year Affected Lives Lost 1,000 ft3/sec
nition that it is the only long-term “solution” to flood 1950 10,000 2,910 776
hazards. 1955 6,945 679 805
Flood management policy is not formulated in an 1956 11,609 160 998
1957 4,498 83 661
ideological or institutional vacuum. The internal cultures 1958 2,459 90 1,098
of policy-making institutions shape the perception of the 1959 3,903 88 972
problem and thereby proposed solutions and adjustments 1973 9,719 474 1,076
to perceived problems [9]. Institutional and intergovern- 1975 8,628 126 1,024
mental relations are a common source of conificting 1976 18,390 425 1,161
perceptions and approaches. In the Indus River Basin, it 1978 NA NA 1,093
is useful to consider the following policy levels: 1988 16,816 396 1,118
International (India, Pakistan, international 1992 13,185 1,332 1,030
organizations); National (Government of Pakistan and ihe ahnve data are frnm: Nanvi Has~in Mehdi and Abdur Rathid
various ministries); Provincial; Municipal; and, Village Ruralistics of Pakistan: Figures Speak Facts, Pakistan A’ademy of
Rural Development, Peshawai 1992; National Engineering Services
and Household. Pakistan Ltd. (NESPAK) and Government of Pakistan, Ministry of
The Government of Pakistan (GOP) is the primary Water and Power, Office of the Chief Engineering Advisor/Chairman
institution formulating flood policy at a national level, Federal Flood Commission, 1988— Flood Damage Restoration
so the article concentrates on describing the Project, Lahore, Pakistan, 1988; and NESPAK and Government of
Pakistan,Ministry of Water and Power, Office of the Chief
government’s concept and practice of flood management
Downloaded by [Kings College London] at 03:50 08 October 2015

Engineeiing Advisor!Chainnan Federal Flood Commission, 1992—

from a historical perspective. At the same time, the Flood/Rains Damage Restoration Project, Lahore, Pakistan, 1992.
GOP must coordinate its national role with international
relations, provincial responsibilities, and local realities. the waters impounded behind glacial dams are released,
The GOP has had to accommodate the external causing flash floods, as in 1929. Snowmelt can cause
pressures of international donors and public opinion in minor flooding problems early in the monsoon season.
formulating a wide range of water policies. Flood Dam and reservoir operations can aggravate or alleviate
policy has been neglected relative to other water and flood problems. The official flood season in Pakistan is
natural resource policies, and it continues to suffer from June 15 to October 15 during which time agencies
problems of institutional coordination [101. for flood forecasting, control, and relief are in a
The first section of this article outlines the recent heightened state of alert. The most likely time for floods
history of floods in the Indus River Basin of Pakistan. is from late July to late August, but the peak floods of
That is followed by a description of two major periods 1988 and 1992 occurred on September 25 and September
of flood policy development: 1947-1973, a period of 10.
risk acceptance and limited risk management; and 1973 For analytical purposes flood management in
to the present, a period of more comprehensive risk Pakistan can be divided into two discrete phases: the pre-
management. The final section of the article appraises Indus Basin Development Program phase from 1947 to
the prospects for moving from risk management to 1973; and the post-Indus Basin Development Program
mitigating vulnerability. phase from 1973 to the present. The Indus Basin
Development Program (IBDP) was a massive program of
HISTORICAL FLOODS IN THE INDUS canal and reservoir construction initiated in 1960 by
RIVER BASIN OF PAKISTAN the signing of the Indus Waters Treaty between India
and Pakistan. The program was officially completed
Since independence in 1947 Pakistan has suffered about in 1970 with financial assistance from The World Bank
twenty major and many more minor flood events. and a consortium of countries [11,12]. The disastrous
Table 1 lists eleven intense flooding events and the floods of 1973 indicated the program’s implications for
damages suffered. It also lists discharges for those flood management. In the pre-IBDP phase, Pakistani
floods at Sukkur Barrage, which is just downstream flood managers did not have the human or technical
from the confluence of the Indus River main stem and resources to conduct flood management on a basin-
its major tributaries (Fig. 1). Low, medium, high, wide basis. In the post-IBDP phase flood managers
very high, and exceptionally high flood discharges for gained human and technical resources; nevertheless,
the Indus River at Sukkur Barrage are given in Table 2. major flood losses occurred in 1975, 1976, 1978,
The “exceptionally high” flood discharge value has been 1988, and 1992. To understand this continuing record
exceeded nine times in the past 48 years, or about 19 of flood losses, it is useful to reassess the two phases
per cent of the time. of flood policy
Most riverine floods in Pakistan are caused by heavy
monsoon precipitation in catchment areas of the five RISK ACCEFFANCE AND LIMITED RISK
major rivers of the Indus River Basin. Occasionally, MANAGEMENT: PRE-1947 TO 1973
the Indus River experiences ice dam floods that occur
Flood irrigation has been practiced in the indus Basin since
prehistoric times, particularly through the inunda-

Vol. 22, No. 4 (1997) 239

Irrigation Structures in Pakistan

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- Barrage (Headworks)


Figure 1. Irrigation structures and Indus River Basin in Pakistan.

tion canals of Sindh Province in the lower basin. The Treatment of Flood Hazards in The Indus Water Treaty
British colonial government laid the foundations for the of 1960
present system of perennial canal irrigation, beginning
with the Upper Bari Doab Canal (UBDC) in 1859. The The Indus Water Treaty was signed in 1960 between
irrigation system was expanded in a system of barrages India and Pakistan. The treaty awarded the entire flow
and canals. On the eve of independence in 1947 the of the three western rivers of Indus, Jhelum, and Chenab
system had about 150 canals [ 1 I]. The colonial govern- to Pakistan, and the entire flow of the three eastern rivers
ment also undertook massive, but discontinuous, repairs of Ravi, Sutlej, and Beas to India. Flood hazards received
of natural levees and bunds (linear levees along rivers and little attention in the eight years of international negoti-
ring levees near cities). In flood events, primary protection ation for the Indus Water Treaty (1952-60). The emphasis
was given to barrages and to cities protected by bunds. in the treaty was on irrigation management and water
The army usually breached bunds in rural areas to protect allocation between the two countries; flood hazard re-
ceived cursory treatment [ 13]. General provisions were P
those priorities; and areas not protected by bunds expe-
rience extensive flooding. made to avoid international flood damages, and to co-
ordinate drainage requirements.
Table 2. Low to exceptionally high flood magnitudes on the Indus
River at Sukkur Barrage (1,000 f t
Exceptionally Flood Forecasting and Protection
Low Medium High High
Flood protection in Pakistan was based on a series of
200 350 500 700 900
bunds along the course of the rivers in the basin. The
Source: NESPAK and Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Water and lower reaches of Indus River in Sindh Province flowed
Power, Office of the Chief Engineering Advisor/Chairman Fedral
Flood Commission, 1988 - Flood Damage Restoration Project, La- within bunds. Punjab Province had local level protective
hore, Pakistan, 1988. bunds and spillways along barrages and major urban

240 Water International

centers like Lahore, Multan, and Sialkot. During a flood National Flood Protection Plan that was, in effect, the
it was the responsibility of the provincial Public Works first attempt at a national flood management strategy
Departments (PWD), provincial irrigation departments, That document is the main policy reference for flood
and military to take emergency measures to reinforce managers in Pakistan. It identifies reservoir operations,
bunds to keep them from collapsing. There was some bund breaching and reinforcing, and flood forecasting
coordination among provincial departments but limited and warning as the major tools for flood management.
coordination with the national government or military. The following sections briefly describe each of these
The magnitude of the floods and poor maintenance of tools.
levees led to breaches that have caused significant
losses of life and property in surrounding areas [14]. Flood Forecasting and Warning
The general public had minimal influence on
government flood management approaches. The In the aftermath of the devastating 1973 floods a
government’s flood management policy focused on separate directorate of Flood Forecasting and Warning
protection of major urban centers and major irrigation Center at Lahore was established. The World Meteoro-
structures; it assumed damage acceptance in rural areas logical Organization (WMO) and United Nations Devel-
and smaller urban localities. The general public’s opment Programme (UNDP) initiated a project for the
opinion on the subject, however, was decidedly not one “Improvement of River and Flood Forecasting and
of damage acceptance [13,15]. Warning System” in 1975 (WMO/TJNDP PAK-027).
Despite a lack of major long-term capital investment in The project identified three priorities which continue to
the flood protection sector, the need for a flood fore- guide national policy [17]:
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casting system was realized early. In the aftermath of 1. Expansion and modernization of meteorological and
the 1950 flood, a Flood Computation Section was hydrological data collection.
established in the Regional Meteorological Center in 2. Establishment of a radar station at Sialkot to monitor
Lahore; its mandate was to devise flood forecasting river catchments in India, with a satellite readout
procedures. The Center was hampered in the beginning station at Lahore.
by a lack of data and observation stations. As the data 3. Development of river flow and flood forecasting
collection network improved in the 1960s, the models. To carry out the first component, The federal
Hydrometeorological Section conducted studies of Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA),
probable maximum precipitation and flood routing at Meteorological Department, and provincial Irrigation
the control points below the rim stations, establishing a Departments set up a coordinated network of rainfall
database for flood management in the future [16]. The and stream gauges. Each site conveys data directly or
Center also sought to coordinate federal and provincial indirectly to the Flood Forecasting and Warning Center
government agencies responsible for flood control. at Lahore. The Center also monitors weather broadcasts
The influx of financing, reservoir construction, and and special bulletins from Radio Jammu in Indian-
institutional development increased the scientific and controlled Kashmir. The warning center functions from
technical capabilities of flood managers. As a result of the beginning of the official flood season on June 15,
the IBDP, the Indus Basin became one of the most goes on a round-the-clock routine from July 1 until
regulated and controlled basins in the world, enabling September 15, and closes at the end of the official flood
policy makers to begin to manage floods on a system- season on October 15. It is the Center’s responsibility to
wide basis. However, these developments had the unan- notify the general public and civil and military
ticipated effect of diminishing provincial water resource administration of any impending flood emergency [17].
management capabilities while maintaining their level For the second component, a 5.7-cm Quantitative Pre-
of responsibility The problems of coordinating national cipitation Radar (QPR) was installed at Sialkot in 1979,
and provincial irrigation and flood control programs with a satellite readout station at Lahore. Every three
became more difficult. The historic floods of 1973 came hours the station transmits sateffite imagery of northern
as a wake-up call to policy makers at the national and South Asia and southern Central Asia to the Flood
provincial levels; they had to start in earnest to devise Warning Center.
ways and means to manage the flood problems with this The third component includes a rainfall-runoff model
new pattern of capability and intergovernmental for catchment areas above the rim stations and a flood-
relations. routing model for areas downstream of the rim stations.
A WMO/UNDP/PMD flood forecasting model based on
EXPANDING THE SCOPE OF RISK real time data for the Indus Basin was developed [17].
MANAGEMENT: 1973-PRESENT Although government documents describe these as im-
In the aftermath of the 1973 flood, the federal govern- portant tools for decision-making [17,18], their opera-
ment assumed an expanding role in the hitherto tional status and effectiveness are uncertain [3]. For the
provincial responsibility for nverine flood management. historic floods of 1988, for example, radar information,
Toward that end, a Federal Flood Commission was flood routing models, and warning systems proved in-
formed in 1978; it drafted the first adequate in the face of the rapid onset of flooding in the
three eastern rivers.
VoL 22, No. 4 (1997)
Reservoir Operation Irrigation Department; it serves as a standard manual for
other provincial irrigation departments. An engineering
There were three reservoirs completed as a result of the study to coordinate provincial bund planning,
IBDP: Tarbela Dam on the Indus in the late l970s; Mangla maintenance, and operations was carried out in the I 990s
Dam on the Jhelum in 1967; and Chashma Reservoir on the with Asian Development Bank support, but field inspec-
Indus in 1971. The Water Resources Management Directorate tion and maintenance are less consistent and reliable than
(WRMD) of WAPDA establishes criteria for reservoir project planning.
operations at the beginning of each filling and withdrawal Bunds have been frequently breached, naturally or
period. The criteria are based on anticipated inflows of water, deliberately, but rarely overtopped. Natural breaches
an anticipated canal withdrawal schedule, and an operational occur due to poor maintenance of the bund. Bunds have
schedule of repairs, inspections, etc. for reservoir structures. also been deliberately breached by the military with
The reservoir operation schedules, or “rule curves:’ are dynamite to relieve pressure on barrages along the rivers
officially geared toward fulfilling irrigation demands, with when flood discharges exceed the design capacity of the
power generation and flood control as second and third barrages. A flood frequency analysis by Mustafa [19]
priorities, respectively [17]. The reservoir operation schedule comparing the design capacity of selected barrages on the
aims for a full reservoir at the end of the filling season [17]. Indus Basin with flood flows indicated that the majority
Actual reservoir operation can deviate from the planned of the barrages have insufficient safe-design capacities
schedule for a variety of reasons, including unanticipated flood (Table 3). Those structures need to be upgraded to lessen
control. Mangla Dam, for example, is supposed to be operated the requirement for breaching sections on marginal bunds,
in such a way that the sum of flows from Mangla and Marala thereby causing significant damages in rural areas.
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does not exceed 500,000 ft3/sec, a flow that marks the safe
capacity of Trimmu Barrage at the confluence of the Jhelum Limitations of Present Flood Management Techniques
and Chenab rivers. Mangla and Tarbela reservoirs are
supposed to be operated in such a way that the sum of Some limitations of flood management in Pakistan
discharges at Suleimanki, Jassar, Marala, Mangla, and Tarbela have been pointed out, and may be summarized as
does not exceed 900,000 ft3/sec. Efforts are made to operate follows:
Chashma Reservoir in such a way that the sum of Chashma, 1. Flood protection should be commensurate with defined
Trimmu, Sidhnai, and Islam releases does not exceed 800,000 flood thresholds at key locations, e.g., low, medium,
ft3/sec [17]. All of these rules are contingent upon the high, very high, and exceptionally high flood levels for
condition that flood levels do not endanger the integrity of the Sukkur Barrage as shown in Table 2. But these limits
reservoirs. are often out of date due to aggradation of river
In practice, it is very difficult for reservoir, operators to channels in the system, which reduces water and
make timely decisions. Many floodplains belOw dams are sediment transport capacity Thus, low, medium, and
used for grazing and contain settlements that are difficult to higher level flood hazards need to be reviewed.
evacuate. Reservoir operators depend upon All India Radio 2. The flood warning system fails in part because the staff
broadcast information about streamfiows in India. In the case at the gauging stations are not able to report readings
of Mangla Reservoir, there is only a six-hour lag between a in a timely or accurate fashion, e.g., in the 1992 flood
flood peak entering Pakistani temtory and its arrival at Mangla. many staff were isolated from gauges due to high
Delayed or faulty transmission of information can lead to water levels and kept reporting the last reading they
reservoir operating decisions with catastrophic consequences, took. When good data is received, computer modeling
as occurred in the floods of 1992. Reservoir operation was is not always as rapid or reliable as it needs to be for
estimated to reduce flood discharge at Gudu Barrage by real-time forecasting and management. There is a
134,000 ft3/sec during the floods of 1973, 1975, 1976, and continuing need to improve transfer of flood
1978; but in 1992, disastrous miscalculation on the part of the information between managers in India and Pakistan.
operating staff at Mangla Dam led to filling the reservoir 3. Even when accurate information is available to gov-
beyond its safe capacity and subsequently releasing two ernment agencies, public warning, evacuation, and
massive waves of water to relieve pressure on the dam. The safety are unreliable. Residents living opposite the city
discharge from the second wave was one million ft3/sec. In of Lahore received almost no warning before the bunds
that particular case, faulty reservoir operation, coupled with were breached in 1988. Industrialists received conflict-
inadequate information from upstream gauging sites ac- ing information from different agencies and sometimes
centuated a flood of historic proportions. from the same agency. Some flood officials described
rural warning as consisting of little more than local
Bund Breaching or Reinforcement police giving information to occasional passersby.
Flood protection bunds are a key element of flood 4. Although flood emergency procedures have been for-
protection in Pakistan. A comprehensive bund construc mulated, water managers and relief agencies are not
tion and operation manual has been developed by the Sindh properly drilled in emergency procedures to work
under time schedules where split-second decisions are

242 Water International

Table 3. Comparison of the design capacities of several barrages with floods of various duration.Maximum flood flows are given in100 ft3/sec
Barrages: Sulemanki Sidhnai Trimniu Panjnad Rasul Attock Kotn
Data points 64 70 53 70 70 126 91
25-yr. 403 186 752 667 700 699 775
50-yt 460 217 867 759 825 750 863
100-yr. 518 249 977 848 950 800 948
Design 325 175 650 850 700 900 900

required to stave off disaster. Reservoir operations Brahmaputra, Mekong, Yangtze, and Huang Ho basins
sometimes accentuate flood peaks. [31. Work by the Mekong Committee, Asian Disaster
5. In the wake of flooding, relief funds are unevenly Preparedness Centre, Duryog Nivaran, and the Water
distributed, with the largest amounts reportedly going Resources Division of the UN Economic and Social
to areas nearest to large cities. Relief distribution Commission for Asia and the Pacific deserves particular
needs to be made more socially and spatially attention [2 1-23]. In light of these findings, we conclude
equitable. In the aftermath of the 1988 and 1992 that the national flood protection plans for the Indus River
floods, funds from international agencies were used Basin of Pakistan must be coupled with a long-term
Downloaded by [Kings College London] at 03:50 08 October 2015

to reconstruct damaged infrastructure. Little commitment to vulnerability reduction that begins at the
investment focused on human resources and local level and that seeks effective coordination of
nonstructural methods to mitigate flood damages. provincial, national, and international activities.


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