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Chapter 3

Culture: set of beliefs, traditions and practices. It’s not

biological rather it is passed down from one generation to next
through communication.
Social norms: defined as a “rules and standards that are
reflected or understood through member of group that guide
social behaviors without force of law. Its informal rules that
govern behavior in groups and societies.
Social media: is a collective term for websites and applications
that focus on communication, community-based input,
interaction, content-sharing and collaboration.
Material culture: (tangible) is everything that is a part of our
constructed environment, such as books, fashion, and
Non-material culture: (Intangible): encompasses values,
beliefs, behaviors, and social norms.
Cultural lag: is the time gap between the appearance of a new
technology and the words and practices that give it meaning.
Cultural Relativism: is the idea that we should recognize
differences across cultures without passing judgment on or
assigning value to them.
Cultural scripts: are modes of behavior and understanding
that may strongly shape beliefs or concepts held by a society.
In other words, it refers to a technique for articulating culture-
specific norms, values, and practices in terms which are clear,
precise, and accessible to cultural insiders and outsiders alike.
Subculture: is a group united by sets of concepts, values, traits,
and/or behavioral patterns that distinguish it from others
within the same culture or society.
Hegemonic culture: is the main culture, the majority culture
or most powerful culture.
Values: are individual beliefs that motivate people to act one
way or another.
Norms: are (how values tell us to act), rule or standard of
behaviour shared by members of a social group.
Socialization: is the process by which a person internalizes the
values, beliefs, and norms of society and learns to function as
a member of that society.

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