? (AC-S09) Week 09 - Writing Task Assignment - Tourist Places in Town!

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“Year of the Bicentennial, of the consolidation of our Independence, and

of the commemoration of the heroic battles of Junín and Ayacucho”

🔴 (AC-S08) Week 08 – Speaking Task: Assignment – Around the city!


Gina Chuquihuanga Manchay


Elizabeth Stuart Quiroz U23237181

Mirtha Karen Pacheco


José Berto Irazabal U23209102

Lima, Perú
May 2024
Student: Elizabeth Stuart Quiroz.

Dear Mich
I hope you are feeling well, I am writing this letter to tell you about the beautiful places
you could visit in Lima - Peru, in the center of Lima you can visit the famous cathedral
church, which is one of the oldest and most emblematic, it has a lot of history. In
addition, there are also the catacombs, which are located on Jirón Junín block 7, one
block away is the Public Congress, and one of the main avenues of the city called Av.
Abancay is well known because there is always a lot of traffic and there is always a lot
noise, it is very busy and it is the connection with several districts of the city, you can
also visit the plaza de Chabuca Granda, you can find it four blocks away, turning to the
right, it is a big plaza, where they sell delicious typical desserts such as mazamorra
morada or rice pudding, you will surely love to eat them, when you arrive in Peru do not
hesitate to call me, I will be happy to be your guide.

see you!
Student: Mirtha Karen Pacheco Palomino.

You should also visit Pachacamac. There are ancient ruins here, and it is very
historical. Pachacamac is near the coast, south of Lima. There are many old temples
and buildings. It is a sacred place that was very important to the ancient people of
Peru. There are guided tours that explain the history, and there is a small museum too.
But there aren't many places to eat nearby, so bring some snacks.

Student: Jose Berto Irazabal.

Hi Dear Michael:
Thank you for writing and letting me know that you are coming to Lima. Then at the
center of Lima, on Tacna Avenue is the Las Nazarenas church and two blocks next to it
is the Santa Rosa church that many visit. If we go straight four blocks along Jiron
Callao there is the main square of Lima where anyone can visit and opposite the
convent of Santo Domingo, in the main square of Lima there is the government palace
that some can enter, it is between the municipal palace of Lima and the cathedral of
Lima, behind the government palaces is the Muralla park near the Rimac river. We can
also visit the church of San Francisco, which has a museum and catacombs
I hope you arrive soon to show you the great tourist places in the center of Lima.

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