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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Original Article

Antibiotic Therapy for 6 or 12 Weeks

for Prosthetic Joint Infection
L. Bernard, C. Arvieux, B. Brunschweiler, S. Touchais, S. Ansart, J.-P. Bru, E. Oziol,
C. Boeri, G. Gras, J. Druon, P. Rosset, E. Senneville, H. Bentayeb, D. Bouhour,
G. Le Moal, J. Michon, H. Aumaître, E. Forestier, J.-M. Laffosse, T. Begué,
C. Chirouze, F.-A. Dauchy, E. Devaud, B. Martha, D. Burgot, D. Boutoille,
E. Stindel, A. Dinh, P. Bemer, B. Giraudeau, B. Issartel, and A. Caille​​


The management of prosthetic joint infection usually consists of a combination of The authors’ full names, academic de-
surgery and antimicrobial therapy. The appropriate duration of antimicrobial grees, and affiliations are listed in the
Appendix. Address reprint requests to Dr.
therapy for this indication remains unclear. Bernard at the Division of Infectious Dis-
METHODS eases, University Hospital Bretonneau,
2 Boulevard Tonnellé, 37044 Tours CEDEX 9,
We performed an open-label, randomized, controlled, noninferiority trial to com- France, or at ­l​.­bernard@​­chu-tours​.­fr.
pare 6 weeks with 12 weeks of antibiotic therapy in patients with microbiologically
N Engl J Med 2021;384:1991-2001.
confirmed prosthetic joint infection that had been managed with an appropriate DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2020198
surgical procedure. The primary outcome was persistent infection (defined as the Copyright © 2021 Massachusetts Medical Society.

persistence or recurrence of infection with the initial causative bacteria, with an

antibiotic susceptibility pattern that was phenotypically indistinguishable from that
at enrollment) within 2 years after the completion of antibiotic therapy. Nonin-
feriority of 6 weeks of therapy to 12 weeks of therapy would be shown if the upper
boundary of the 95% confidence interval for the absolute between-group difference
(the value in the 6-week group minus the value in the 12-week group) in the percent-
age of patients with persistent infection within 2 years was not greater than 10 per-
centage points.
A total of 410 patients from 28 French centers were randomly assigned to receive
antibiotic therapy for 6 weeks (205 patients) or for 12 weeks (205 patients). Six
patients who withdrew consent were not included in the analysis. In the main
analysis, 20 patients who died during follow-up were excluded, and missing out-
comes for 6 patients who were lost to follow-up were considered to be persistent
infection. Persistent infection occurred in 35 of 193 patients (18.1%) in the 6-week
group and in 18 of 191 patients (9.4%) in the 12-week group (risk difference, 8.7
percentage points; 95% confidence interval, 1.8 to 15.6); thus, noninferiority was
not shown. Noninferiority was also not shown in the per-protocol and sensitivity
analyses. We found no evidence of between-group differences in the percentage of
patients with treatment failure due to a new infection, probable treatment failure,
or serious adverse events.
Among patients with microbiologically confirmed prosthetic joint infections that
were managed with standard surgical procedures, antibiotic therapy for 6 weeks
was not shown to be noninferior to antibiotic therapy for 12 weeks and resulted
in a higher percentage of patients with unfavorable outcomes. (Funded by Pro-
gramme Hospitalier de Recherche Clinique, French Ministry of Health; DATIPO number, NCT01816009.)
n engl j med 384;21 May 27, 2021 1991
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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

rosthetic joint infections are asso- fistula, outflow around the scar, erythema, or
ciated with considerable morbidity. The swelling) and a microbiologically documented
treatment of this condition is challenging infection.
and costly.1 The management of prosthetic joint The criterion for microbiologic identification
infection involves both surgery and antimicro- of the causative agent from surgical samples was
bial therapy. The classic surgical options include a minimum of two bacterial cultures of different
one-stage or two-stage implant exchange, resec- samples obtained during the same surgical pro-
tion arthroplasty (with or without arthrodesis), cedure that yielded the same pathogen. If the
or débridement with implant retention. Treat- pathogen was any skin bacteria (e.g., coagulase-
ment failure occurs in 11 to 35% of patients.1,2 negative staphylococcus or Cutibacterium acnes,
The duration of antibiotic therapy in patients corynebacterium, lactobacillus, or micrococcus),
with prosthetic joint infection is primarily based at least three cultures yielding the same patho-
on expert recommendations rather than evi- gen were required for identification. We exclud-
dence.3,4 Patients usually receive long courses of ed patients who were receiving an effective anti-
antibiotic therapy, which can be up to 6 months biotic therapy that had been initiated more than
for staphylococcal infections.1,5 However, several 21 days before screening; had undergone more
studies suggest that shorter courses may be ap- than one prosthesis replacement strategy for
propriate for most cases of prosthetic joint infec- sepsis at the affected joint; had prosthetic joint
tion or osteomyelitis2,6-8 and may be associated infection that was caused by mycobacterium,
with reductions in the duration of hospital stay, actinomyces, a fungal pathogen, or brucella; had
incidence of adverse events, and emergence of mi- a life expectancy of less than 2 years; or were
crobiologic resistance.8 We conducted the Dura- currently included in another randomized trial.
tion of Antibiotic Treatment in Prosthetic Joint Additional details of the eligibility criteria are
Infection (DATIPO) trial to compare the efficacy provided in the Supplementary Appendix, avail-
and safety of a short course of antibiotic treat- able at, and the protocol.
ment (6 weeks) with those of a longer course (12
weeks) in patients with prosthetic joint infections Randomization and Interventions
that had been caused by various pathogens and An independent statistician prepared a computer-
managed with appropriate surgical procedures. generated 1:1 randomization list using permuta-
tion blocks of variable sizes, stratified according
to the initial surgical procedure (one-stage or
Me thods
two-stage implant exchange or débridement with
Trial Design and Oversight implant retention), infected joint (hip vs. knee),
The DATIPO trial was an investigator-initiated, and episode of infection (first vs. at least the
multicenter, open-label, parallel-group, random- second). Day 0 (baseline) was the first day of
ized, controlled, noninferiority trial. The trial effective antibiotic treatment, defined as the
protocol, available with the full text of this article administration of active antibiotics for the type
at, was approved by the appropriate or types of bacteria causing the infection, as
French ethics committee (Comité de Protection determined with the use of phenotypic methods
des Personnes de Tours). All the patients provided for antimicrobial susceptibility testing. The days
written informed consent. The authors vouch for that empirical antibiotic therapy was adminis-
the accuracy and completeness of the data and tered before the results of susceptibility testing
for the fidelity of the trial to the protocol. were available were counted if the antibiotic ther-
apy was determined retrospectively to be active.
Patients Randomization was performed by trained
Patients were eligible to participate in the trial if staff members with the use of a secure, central-
they were 18 years of age or older and had pros- ized, interactive, Web-based response system
thetic joint infection (hip or knee) that had been within the first 21 days after day 0. The patients
managed with an appropriate surgical procedure were randomly assigned to receive 6 weeks or 12
(either one-stage or two-stage implant exchange weeks of antibiotic therapy as soon as possible
or débridement with implant retention). Pros- after the surgical procedure. The patients and
thetic joint infection was identified by the pres- the clinicians who administered the interven-
ence of at least one clinical symptom (pain, fever, tions were aware of the trial-group assignments;

1992 n engl j med 384;21 May 27, 2021

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Antibiotic Ther apy for Prosthetic Joint Infection

however, primary outcome events were validated ries of treatment failure are provided in the Sup-
by an adjudication committee of three indepen- plementary Appendix. All confirmed or suspected
dent specialists (one infectious diseases special- failure events that were identified during follow-
ist, one orthopedic surgeon, and one bacteri- up were subsequently verified by the indepen-
ologist) who were unaware of the trial-group dent adjudication committee. The members of
assignments. The electronic case-record form the committee determined the category of each
was included in the secure, interactive, Web- suspected treatment failure by consensus. The
based response system that was available at each outcomes of patients with confirmed or sus-
trial center, as provided and managed by the pected failure were reviewed separately by the
staff of the Methodology, Biostatistics, and Data three members of the adjudication committee.
Management Unit of Tours University Hospital, In case of disagreement, consensus among the
who were not involved in patient recruitment. committee members was obtained during a tele-
The empirical treatment that was adminis- phone meeting. The committee reviewed data
tered before the results of susceptibility testing for 112 patients. Immediate agreement among
were available, as well as the definitive treat- the three committee members was reached for
ment, was chosen by the treating physician ac- 67 patients, and consensus was needed for 45.
cording to guidelines of Société de Pathologie The primary outcome was persistent infection
Infectieuse de Langue Française9 or the Infec- within 2 years after the end of antibiotic therapy.
tious Diseases Society of America,5 without Secondary outcomes were new infection, proba-
knowledge of whether the duration of antibiotic ble treatment failure, hospital length of stay
treatment was 6 weeks or 12 weeks. No mainte- (from day 0), functional outcome, and safety
nance or suppressive antibiotic therapy was ad- outcomes. The functional outcome was estab-
ministered after the scheduled end of treatment. lished with the use of the Merle d’Aubigné and
The choice of surgical procedure was guided by Postel score for the hip10 and the Knee Society
recommendations made by Société Française de score11 (see the Supplementary Appendix). Safety
Chirurgie Orthopédique et Traumatologique or outcomes included serious adverse events and
the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. laboratory values during treatment and follow-up.
Additional information on the methods of the
trial is provided in the Supplementary Appendix. Statistical Analysis
Assuming that persistent infection would occur
Assessments and Outcomes in 15% of the patients in both trial groups, we
Results of clinical assessments and patient-­ estimated that a sample size of 410 patients (205
reported outcome measures were recorded at en- patients per group) would give the trial 80%
rollment and at 6, 12, 24, and 52 weeks after day power to show noninferiority of 6 weeks of anti-
0 and at 104 weeks after the planned completion biotic therapy to 12 weeks of therapy, with a
date of antibiotic therapy. Telephone follow-up noninferiority margin of 10 percentage points,
took place at 9, 36, and 76 weeks after day 0. at a one-sided alpha level of 0.025. The main
All events of treatment failure that occurred analysis of the primary outcome was performed
within 2 years after the end of antibiotic therapy in the modified intention-to-treat population that
were recorded. There were three categories of included all the patients who had undergone
treatment failure: persistent infection, defined randomization, except those who withdrew con-
as the persistence or recurrence of infection with sent for participation or who died; missing out-
the initial causative bacteria, with an antibiotic comes for the patients who were lost to follow-
susceptibility pattern that was phenotypically up were considered to be persistent infections,
indistinguishable from that at enrollment; new as planned in the protocol. We determined that
infection, defined as treatment failure with a noninferiority of 6 weeks of therapy to 12 weeks
new bacterium, with or without the presence of of therapy would be shown if the upper bound-
the initial causative bacteria; and probable fail- ary of the 95% confidence interval for the abso-
ure, defined as the absence of bacteriologic docu- lute between-group difference (the value in the
mentation and the presence of certain macro- 6-week group minus the value in the 12-week
scopic clinical signs of infection (e.g., fistula) group) in the percentage of patients with persis-
and possibly histologic signs (e.g., presence of tent infection within 2 years was not greater
neutrophils). Detailed definitions of the catego- than 10 percentage points. We performed two

n engl j med 384;21 May 27, 2021 1993

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

sensitivity analyses of the primary outcome. In patients per trial site, 7; interquartile range, 3 to
one, we adjusted the main analysis for stratifica- 19) — 205 patients were assigned to the 6-week
tion variables (initial surgical procedure, infect- group and 205 to the 12-week group. Consent
ed joint, and episode of infection), and in the was withdrawn after randomization by 2 patients
other, data from the patients who were lost to in the 6-week group and by 4 patients in the 12-
follow-up or died were removed. Additional de- week group, and these patients were not included
tails are provided in the Statistical Analyses sec- in the analyses. Therefore, the trial involved 404
tion in the Supplementary Appendix. patients (203 in the 6-week group and 201 in the
We performed a per-protocol analysis that 12-week group) (Fig. 1). Baseline characteristics
excluded patients who were lost to follow-up, were balanced between the two trial groups
died, were enrolled in the trial but did not meet (Table 1). The initial surgical management of
one eligibility criterion, received prolonged anti- prosthetic joint infection among the 404 pa-
biotic therapy for an indication other than the tients was débridement with implant retention
prosthetic joint infection (which would interfere in 167 (41.3% [82 patients in the 6-week group
with the assessment of the primary outcome), or and 85 in the 12-week group]), one-stage im-
did not complete the assigned course of antibi- plant exchange in 150 (37.1% [77 patients in the
otic therapy at the scheduled time (±6 days). We 6-week group and 73 in the 12-week group]),
also performed a post hoc analysis in which only and two-stage implant exchange in 87 (21.5%
persistent infections that were diagnosed after [44 patients in the 6-week group and 43 in the
6 weeks of antibiotic therapy were counted, be- 12-week group]). Some between-group differ-
cause the treatment received by the patients dif- ences were noted with respect to the infecting
fered only after week 6. In the analyses of the pathogen at baseline; Staphylococcus aureus was
binary outcomes, the results are presented as the identified in 38.0% of the patients in the 6-week
point estimate for the between-group differenc- group and in 30.0% of those in the 12-week
es in the percentage of patients with treatment group, and coagulase-negative staphylococcus was
failure, and the two-sided 95% confidence inter- noted in 29.5% and 35.2%, respectively (Table 1).
val of the difference was calculated with the use
of the Wilson score method without continuity Antibiotic Therapy and Adherence
correction.12 The antibiotic treatments received by the patients
In all primary outcome analyses, we estimated are listed in Table 1, with additional details pro-
the differences in risk in unadjusted models and vided in Tables S1 through S3 in the Supplemen-
models adjusted for stratification factors. Post tary Appendix. Among the 380 patients who re-
hoc analyses were performed with a linear model ceived at least one oral antibiotic agent, the most
with robust standard errors to assess the consis- frequently used agents were rifampin (267 pa-
tency of the between-group differences in sub- tients [70.3%]) and fluoroquinolone (260 [68.4%]);
groups defined according to the stratification a total of 194 patients (51.1%) received both.
variables. In the analyses of safety outcomes, the Parenteral methicillin or cephalosporin was used
results are presented as the number and percent- during the initial intravenous phase of treatment
age of patients with an adverse event according in 136 of the 221 patients with prosthetic joint
to trial group. Confidence intervals for second- infection due to methicillin-susceptible staphy-
ary outcomes and subgroup analyses were not lococci. The distribution of antibiotic agents was
adjusted for multiple comparisons. All analyses similar in both groups.
were performed with the use of SAS software, The median duration of intravenous adminis-
version 9.4 (SAS Institute), and R version 4.0.2. tration was similar in the two groups (9 days;
interquartile range, 5 to 15). The median total
duration of antibiotic therapy was 42 days (inter-
R e sult s
quartile range, 42 to 43) in the 6-week group
Patients and 84 days (interquartile range, 84 to 84) in the
Between November 29, 2011, and January 22, 12-week group. Overall, 16 of 192 patients
2015, a total of 410 patients underwent random- (8.3%) in the 6-week group and 28 of 194
ization across 28 trial sites in France, including (14.4%) in the 12-week group reported an omis-
14 university hospital sites (median number of sion of at least one antibiotic dose.

1994 n engl j med 384;21 May 27, 2021

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Antibiotic Ther apy for Prosthetic Joint Infection

410 Patients were enrolled and underwent


205 Were assigned to receive 205 Were assigned to receive

6 wk of antibiotic therapy 12 wk of antibiotic therapy

15 Were excluded 17 Were excluded

2 Withdrew consent 4 Withdrew consent
10 Died 10 Died
3 Were lost to follow-up 3 Were lost to follow-up

190 Completed 2-yr follow-up 188 Completed 2-yr follow-up

28 Had major protocol violation

25 Had major protocol violation 22 Had a reduction or extension
22 Had a reduction or extension of antibiotic therapy of
of antibiotic therapy of >6 days
>6 days 3 Received long-term antibiotic
1 Had undergone suboptimal therapy for another indication
initial surgery 2 Had undergone suboptimal
2 Had no microbiologic identi- initial surgery
fication 1 Had infection due to actino-

165 Were included in the 160 Were included in the

per-protocol analysis per-protocol analysis

Figure 1. Enrollment, Randomization, and Follow-up.

A total of 79 patients were excluded from the per-protocol analysis — 26 were missing data on the primary outcome
(20 had died and 6 had been lost to follow-up), and 53 had a major protocol violation.

Primary Outcome Details on the microorganisms that caused per-

In the main modified intention-to-treat analysis, sistent infections are provided in Table S4.
20 patients who died during follow-up (all from The results of the post hoc subgroup analyses
causes that were considered by the adjudication consistently favored the 12-week group, and we
committee members to be unrelated to prosthetic did not find any inconsistency across the sub-
joint infection) were excluded, and missing out- groups (Fig. 2). The results of the post hoc
comes for 6 patients who were lost to follow-up analysis of persistent infection according to the
were considered to be persistent infection. Per- infected joint are provided in Tables S5 and S6.
sistent infection occurred in 35 of 193 patients
(18.1%) in the 6-week group and in 18 of 191 Secondary Outcomes
patients (9.4%) in the 12-week group (Table 2). Treatment failure due to a new infection (new
The difference in the risk of persistent infection bacteria with or without the initial bacteria) oc-
(6-week group vs. 12-week group) was 8.7 per- curred in 13 of 190 patients (6.8%) in the 6-week
centage points (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.8 group and in 20 of 188 patients (10.6%) in the
to 15.6), which did not meet the criterion for 12-week group (difference, −3.8 percentage points;
noninferiority. The results were similar after 95% CI, −9.7 to 2.0). Details on the microorgan-
adjustment for stratification variables (differ- isms that caused new infections are provided in
ence, 9.0 percentage points; 95% CI, 2.3 to 15.7). Table S7. Probable treatment failure occurred
The results of the other modified intention-to- in 8 of 192 patients (4.2%) in the 6-week group
treat and per-protocol analyses were consistent and in 7 of 190 patients (3.7%) in the 12-week
with the results of the main analysis (Table 2). group (difference, 0.5 percentage points; 95%

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Table 1. Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of the Patients at Baseline and Antibiotic Treatments during the Trial.*

6-Wk Therapy 12-Wk Therapy

Characteristic (N = 203) (N = 201)
Age — yr† 68.4±11.7 69.5±10.7
Male sex — no./total no. (%) 143/203 (70.4) 130/201 (64.7)
History of prosthetic joint infection — no./total no. (%)‡ 30/203 (14.8) 29/201 (14.4)
Baseline surgical procedure — no./total no. (%)
Débridement with implant retention 82/203 (40.4) 85/201 (42.3)
One-stage prosthetic joint implant exchange 77/203 (37.9) 73/201 (36.3)
Two-stage prosthetic joint implant exchange 44/203 (21.7) 43/201 (21.4)
Affected joint — no./total no. (%)
Hip 129/203 (63.5) 126/201 (62.7)
Knee 74/203 (36.5) 75/201 (37.3)
BMI§ 29.9±5.8 29.9±6.2
Coexisting medical condition — no./total no. (%)
Obesity§ 91/192 (47.4) 78/186 (41.9)
ASA score ≥3¶ 51/178 (28.7) 60/179 (33.5)
Clinical presentation — no./total no. (%)
Infection after surgery 68/203 (33.5) 66/201 (32.8)
Acute blood-borne infection 46/203 (22.7) 37/201 (18.4)
Fever 83/196 (42.3) 62/196 (31.6)
Fistula 81/201 (40.3) 76/192 (39.6)
Median time between symptom onset and surgical procedure (IQR) 17 (5–85) 18 (5–110)
— days‖
CRP level at diagnosis of infection — mg/liter** 108.4±99.0 113.2±100.8
Positive blood culture — no./total no. (%) 29/203 (14.3) 23/201 (11.4)
Mono-microorganism — no./total no. (%) 166/203 (81.8) 170/201 (84.6)
Multidrug resistance — no./total no. (%)†† 17/196 (8.7) 19/192 (9.9)
Pathogens identified — no./total no. (%)‡‡
Staphylococcus aureus 90/237 (38.0) 70/233 (30.0)
Coagulase-negative staphylococcus 70/237 (29.5) 82/233 (35.2)
Streptococcus species 32/237 (13.5) 26/233 (11.2)
Gram-negative organisms 21/237 (8.9) 26/233 (11.2)
Other pathogens§§ 24/237 (10.1) 29/233 (12.4)
Antibiotic treatment
Median duration of intravenous administration (IQR) — days¶¶ 9 (5–15) 9 (5–15)
≥1 Oral antibiotic agent — no./total no. (%)‖‖ 191/203 (94.1) 189/201 (94.0)
Rifampin 144/191 (75.4) 123/189 (65.1)
Quinolone 137/191 (71.7) 123/189 (65.1)
Clindamycin 35/191 (18.3) 52/189 (27.5)
Trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole 22/191 (11.5) 34/189 (18.0)
Amoxicillin with or without clavulanic acid 19/191 (9.9) 21/189 (11.1)

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Antibiotic Ther apy for Prosthetic Joint Infection

Table 1. (Continued.)

* Plus–minus values are means ±SD. Stratification variables at randomization included history of prosthetic joint infec-
tion, baseline surgical procedure, and affected joint. IQR denotes interquartile range.
† Data on age were available for 203 patients in the 6-week group and 201 patients in the 12-week group.
‡ History of prosthetic joint infection was defined as having had at least one previous episode.
§ Body-mass index (BMI) is the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters. Obesity was defined by a
BMI greater than 30. Data on BMI were available for 192 patients in the 6-week group and 186 patients in the 12-week group.
¶ An American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) score of 1 denotes a normal healthy patient, 2 a patient with mild
systemic disease, 3 a patient with severe systemic disease, 4 a patient with severe systemic disease that is a constant
threat to life, 5 a patient in a moribund state, and 6 a patient declared brain-dead.
‖ Data on the time between symptom onset and surgical procedure were available for 198 patients in the 6-week group
and 188 patients in the 12-week group. Among the patients who underwent débridement with implant retention, the
median time between the onset of symptoms and surgical procedure was 5 days (IQR, 3 to 10) among 82 patients in
the 6-week group and 5 days (IQR, 3 to 11) among 83 patients in the 12-week group.
** Data on C-reactive protein (CRP) level were available for 164 patients in the 6-week group and 147 patients in the 12-
week group.
†† Multidrug resistance was defined as an isolate that is not susceptible to at least one agent in at least three antimicro-
bial classes.
‡‡ A total of 68 patients had a polymicrobial infection (37 in the 6-week group and 31 in the 12-week group), so patients
may have had more than one pathogen identified at baseline. A total of 237 pathogens were identified in the 6-week
group, and 233 pathogens were identified in the 12-week group.
§§ Other pathogens included anaerobic bacteria, enterococcus, and other gram-positive bacteria.
¶¶ Data on duration of intravenous route of antibiotic treatment were available for 192 patients in the 6-week group and
194 patients in the 12-week group.
‖‖ Patients may have received more than one oral antibiotic agent.

Table 2. Difference in Risk of Persistent Infection within 2 Years after the Completion of Antibiotic Therapy (Primary Outcome) in the Modified
Intention-to-Treat and Per-Protocol Analyses.

Adjusted Risk
Analysis 6-Wk Therapy 12-Wk Therapy Risk Difference Difference*
no. of patients with event/total no. (%) Percentage points (95% CI)
Modified intention-to-treat
Main analysis in which missing outcomes for patients who 35/193 (18.1) 18/191 (9.4) 8.7 (1.8–15.6) 9.0 (2.3–15.7)
were lost to follow-up were considered to be per-
sistent infections and data from patients who died
Sensitivity analyses in which data from patients who were
lost to follow-up or died were removed†
Analysis in which all persistent infections were counted 32/190 (16.8) 15/188 (8.0) 8.9 (2.2–15.6) 9.1 (2.6–15.5)
Post hoc analysis in which only persistent infections that 29/187 (15.5) 13/186 (7.0) 8.5 (2.1–15.1) 8.8 (2.5–15.0)
were diagnosed after 6 weeks of antibiotic therapy
were counted‡
Analysis in which all persistent infections were counted 29/165 (17.6) 11/160 (6.9) 10.7 (3.6–17.9) 10.6 (3.7–17.5)
Post hoc analysis in which only persistent infections that 27/163 (16.6) 11/160 (6.9) 9.7 (2.7–16.8) 9.7 (2.9–16.5)
were diagnosed after 6 weeks of antibiotic therapy
were counted¶

* In a sensitivity analysis, the risk difference was adjusted for the stratification variables at randomization (initial surgical management strategy,
infected joint, and episode of infection).
† In each trial group, 3 patients were lost to follow-up and 10 patients died.
‡ Treatment failure occurred before 6 weeks in 3 patients in the 6-week group and in 2 patients in the 12-week group.
§ The per-protocol analyses included all patients who underwent randomization, except those who were lost to follow-up, died, were enrolled
in the trial but did not meet one eligibility criterion, received prolonged antibiotic therapy for an indication other than the prosthetic joint in-
fection, or did not complete the assigned course of antibiotic therapy at the scheduled time (±6 days). In the 6-week group, 38 patients were
excluded from the per-protocol analysis, including 3 patients with treatment failure. In the 12-week group, 41 patients were excluded from
the per-protocol analysis, including 4 patients with treatment failure.
¶ Treatment failure occurred before 6 weeks in 2 patients in the 6-week group and in no patient in the 12-week group.

n engl j med 384;21 May 27, 2021 1997

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Subgroup 6-Wk Therapy 12-Wk Therapy Risk Difference (95% CI)

no. of patients with event/total no. (%) percentage points
All patients 32/190 (16.8) 15/188 (8.0) 8.9 (2.2 to 15.6)
Surgical procedure
Débridement 23/75 (30.7) 11/76 (14.5) 16.2 (2.9 to 29.5)
Two-stage revision 6/40 (15.0) 2/41 (4.9) 10.1 (−3.1 to 23.3)
One-stage revision 3/75 (4.0) 2/71 (2.8) 1.2 (−4.8 to 7.1)
Affected joint
Hip 19/122 (15.6) 9/117 (7.7) 7.9 (−0.2 to 16.0)
Knee 13/68 (19.1) 6/71 (8.5) 10.7 (−0.9 to 22.2)
Episode of prosthetic joint infection
First 27/162 (16.7) 13/160 (8.1) 8.5 (1.4 to 15.7)
At least the second 5/28 (17.9) 2/28 (7.1) 10.7 (−7.0 to 28.4)
−10 −5 0 5 10 15 20

6-Wk Therapy Better 12-Wk Therapy Better

Figure 2. Exploratory Subgroup Analyses of Persistent Infection within 2 Years after the Completion of Antibiotic Therapy (Primary Outcome).

CI, −3.8 to 4.8). The median duration of hospital 6-week group (1 serious and 1 nonserious) and
stay was 14 days (interquartile range, 8 to 19) in 1 of 201 patients (0.5%) in the 12-week group
the 6-week group and 13 days (interquartile (nonserious). Tendinopathy was reported in 4 pa-
range, 8 to 19) in the 12-week group. Changes tients (2.0%) in the 6-week group and in 5 patients
in the Merle d’Aubigné and Postel hip score and (2.5%) in the 12-week group (all nonserious).
the Knee Society score between baseline (day 0)
and week 104 are reported in Figures S1 and S2. Discussion
Safety Outcomes Among patients with microbiologically con-
During follow-up, 220 serious adverse events firmed prosthetic joint infection that had been
were recorded in 149 patients (78 patients in the previously managed with a standard surgical
6-week group and 71 patients in the 12-week procedure, antibiotic therapy for 6 weeks was
group). The most common serious adverse events not shown to be noninferior to antibiotic ther-
were events related to the operative site, musculo- apy for 12 weeks and resulted in unfavorable
skeletal events not related to the operative site, outcomes in a higher percentage of patients. We
cardiovascular events, neurologic events, and seri- did not find clinically significant between-group
ous reactions to antibiotics (14 events, mainly differences with respect to serious adverse events,
allergy or acute kidney disease) (Table 3). During C. difficile infection, duration of hospital stay, or
the 2-year follow-up, 20 patients died (10 each in functional outcomes.
the 6-week and 12-week groups). The causes of The strengths of our trial included good re-
death, all of which were considered to be unre- tention during the 2-year follow-up and good
lated to prosthetic joint infection, are listed in adherence to the randomly assigned course of
Table 3. antibiotic therapy. The patients in this trial came
Nonserious adverse events (mainly gastroin- from many distinct types of participating cen-
testinal disorders and mycosis) were more com- ters (e.g., university hospitals, private care cen-
mon in the 12-week group than in the 6-week ters, and general hospitals), which improves the
group. At least one nonserious adverse event was generalizability of the findings. Furthermore, the
recorded in 216 patients — 96 of 203 patients percentage of cured patients is consistent with
(47.3%) in the 6-week group and 120 of 201 pa- earlier published data.13,14
tients (59.7%) in the 12-week group (P = 0.01) Our trial has some limitations. First, most of
(Table S8). Clostridioides difficile–associated diar- the treatment failures in the 6-week group oc-
rhea occurred in 2 of 203 patients (1.0%) in the curred among the patients who had undergone

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Antibiotic Ther apy for Prosthetic Joint Infection

Table 3. Serious Adverse Events According to Trial Group.

Event 6-Wk Therapy 12-Wk Therapy

Patients with ≥1 serious adverse event — no. of patients/total no. (%) 78/203 (38.4) 71/201 (35.3)*
Serious adverse events — no. of events/total no. (%)
Operative site–related event 28/116 (24.1) 24/104 (23.1)
Antibiotic-related event† 8/116 (6.9) 6/104 (5.8)
Episode of Clostridioides difficile–associated diarrhea 1/116 (0.9) 0/104
Intravenous catheter complication 1/116 (0.9) 1/104 (1.0)
Neurologic event 6/116 (5.2) 8/104 (7.7)
Cardiovascular event‡ 16/116 (13.8) 10/104 (9.6)
Respiratory event 3/116 (2.6) 1/104 (1.0)
Gastrointestinal event 1/116 (0.9) 4/104 (3.9)
Renal event 4/116 (3.4) 0/104
Diabetic event 2/116 (1.7) 2/104 (1.9)
Genitourinary event 3/116 (2.6) 5/104 (4.8)
Musculoskeletal event, not related to operative site§ 15/116 (12.9) 24/104 (23.1)
Skin- or soft-tissue–related event, not related to operative site 4/116 (3.4) 2/104 (1.9)
Anemia 4/116 (3.4) 1/104 (1.0)
Frailty-related event¶ 1/116 (0.9) 0/104
Other event 9/116 (7.8) 6/104 (5.8)
Death from any cause‖ 10/116 (8.6) 10/104 (9.6)

* P = 0.52.
† The antibiotic-related events reported here met the definition of a serious adverse event. These events included pru-
ritic rash, anorexia, acute kidney disease, and nausea (nonserious adverse events are reported in the Supplementary
‡ Most cardiovascular events involved ischemic cardiomyopathy, infective endocarditis, and arrhythmic cardiomyopathy.
§ Most musculoskeletal events involved arthritis and back pain.
¶ A frailty-related event was considered to be a fall and readmission as a result of an inability to live at home.
‖ The cause of death was unknown in 7 patients (4 in the 6-week group and 3 in the 12-week group), stroke in 3 patients
in the 12-week group, cancer in 3 patients (2 in the 6-week group and 1 in the 12-week group), cardiogenic shock in 3 pa-
tients in the 6-week group, septic shock in 2 patients in the 12-week group, terminal liver cirrhosis in 1 patient in the
12-week group, and suicide in 1 patient in the 6-week group.

débridement with implant retention, although no aged with surgery and a prolonged course of
heterogeneity was found in the subgroup analy- antibiotics with an intravenous route of admin-
sis. Future studies should be directed at a single istration (U.S. standard), which has limited evi-
surgical procedure such as débridement with dence of superiority over an oral route of admin-
implant retention or prosthetic joint replacement istration. In our trial, the duration of intravenous
but not both in the same trial. Second, this trial antibiotic therapy was not standardized and was
was open-label, but detection bias was mini- shorter than the U.S. standard. Nevertheless, a
mized by adjudication of treatment failure by an recent randomized trial showed that oral anti-
independent committee whose members were biotic therapy was noninferior to intravenous
unaware of the trial-group assignments. Because therapy for bone and joint infection.15 The pa-
the choice of antibiotics was left to the treating tients included in our trial received intravenous
physician, antibiotic treatment was not stan- therapy for a median duration of 9 days (similar
dardized, which led to the use of a wide variety in the two groups), and 63.5% of patients re-
of molecules, with different routes of adminis- ceived at least 7 days of intravenous therapy.
tration. Prosthetic joint infection is typically man- Moreover, 91.0% of the patients received anti­

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

biotics with good oral bioavailability, such as higher proportion of patients had nonserious
quinolone, rifampin, clindamycin, and trime- adverse events in the 12-week group than in the
thoprim–sulfamethoxazole, and 51.1% received 6-week group; the difference was mainly due to
the recommended combination of rifampin and gastrointestinal side effects and mycosis. Such
quinolone. The frequency of use of rifampin is side effects, although unsurprising, can limit
consistent with the proportion of patients with treatment and should be carefully monitored.
staphylococcal infections, current guidelines,5,15,16 This trial showed that a shorter course of
and the findings from a randomized trial that 6 weeks of antibiotic therapy did not meet the
showed the superiority of rifampin use in pa- criterion for noninferiority to a longer course of
tients with prosthetic device–related infections.1 12 weeks in the treatment of prosthetic joint
We noted no major differences in the distribu- infection and resulted in unfavorable outcomes
tion of antibiotics between the two groups, re- in a higher percentage of patients, most of whom
gardless of the microorganism identified. Some had undergone débridement with implant reten-
imbalance between the trial groups at baseline tion. This difference in risk seemed to be less
was noted for the causal pathogens S. aureus and marked among the patients who had undergone
coagulase-negative staphylococcus. one-stage or two-stage implant exchange, but
We found that the largest between-group dif- this observation remains to be explored in a
ference in treatment failure in favor of 12 weeks specific randomized trial.
of antibiotic therapy over 6 weeks was among Supported by a grant from Programme Hospitalier de Re-
the patients who had undergone débridement cherche Clinique, French Ministry of Health (PHRC PO10-06).
Dr. Druon reports receiving royalties from ASTON-SEM. No
with implant retention, despite the fact that the other potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was
surgical procedure involved the exchange of mo- reported.
bile parts, ample irrigation of the joint, and a Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
the full text of this article at
short time between the onset of infection and A data sharing statement provided by the authors is available
surgery (median of 5 days in both groups). A with the full text of this article at

The authors’ full names and academic degrees are as follows: Prof. Louis Bernard, M.D., Ph.D., Cédric Arvieux, M.D., Benoit Brunsch-
weiler, M.D., Ph.D., Sophie Touchais, M.D., Ph.D., Séverine Ansart, M.D., Ph.D., Jean‑Pierre Bru, M.D., Eric Oziol, M.D., Cyril Boeri,
M.D., Ph.D., Guillaume Gras, M.D., Jérôme Druon, M.D., Philippe Rosset, M.D., Ph.D., Eric Senneville, M.D., Ph.D., Houcine Bentayeb,
M.D., Damien Bouhour, M.D., Gwenaël Le Moal, M.D., Jocelyn Michon, M.D., Hugues Aumaître, M.D., Emmanuel Forestier, M.D.,
Jean‑Michel Laffosse, M.D., Ph.D., Thierry Begué, M.D., Ph.D., Catherine Chirouze, M.D., Ph.D., Fréderic‑Antoine Dauchy, M.D., Ed-
ouard Devaud, M.D., Benoît Martha, M.D., Denis Burgot, M.D., David Boutoille, M.D., Ph.D., Eric Stindel, M.D., Ph.D., Aurélien Dinh,
M.D., Pascale Bemer, M.D., Ph.D., Bruno Giraudeau, Ph.D., Bertrand Issartel, M.D., and Agnès Caille, M.D., Ph.D.
The authors’ affiliations are as follows: the Division of Infectious Diseases (L.B., G.G.), Orthopedic Unit (J.D., P.R.), and INSERM
Centre d’Investigation Clinique 1415 (B.G., A.C.), University Hospital, and University of Tours and University of Nantes, INSERM,
SPHERE (Methods in Patient-Centered Outcomes and Health Research) Unité 1246 (B.G., A.C.), Tours, the Division of Infectious Dis-
eases, University Hospital, Rennes (C.A.), the Orthopedic Unit, University Hospital, Amiens (B.B.), the Orthopedic Unit (S.T.), the Divi-
sion of Infectious Diseases (D. Boutoille), and the Department of Bacteriology (P.B.), University Hospital, Nantes, the Division of Infec-
tious Diseases (S.A.) and Orthopedic Unit (E. Stindel), University Hospital, Brest, the Division of Infectious Diseases, Regional Hospital,
Annecy (J.-P.B.), the Division of Infectious Diseases, Regional Hospital, Beziers (E.O., H.A.), the Orthopedic Unit, University Hospital,
Strasbourg (C.B.), the Division of Infectious Diseases, University Hospital, Tourcoing (E. Senneville), the Division of Infectious Dis-
eases, Regional Hospital, Saint Quentin (H.B.), the Division of Infectious Diseases, General Hospital, Bourg en Bresse (D. Bouhour),
the Division of Infectious Diseases, University Hospital, Poitiers (G.L.M.), the Division of Infectious Diseases, University Hospital, Caen
(J.M.), the Division of Infectious Diseases, Regional Hospital, Chambery (E.F.), the Orthopedic Unit, University Hospital, Toulouse
(J.M.L.), the Orthopedic Unit, University Hospital, Clamart (T.B.), the Division of Infectious Diseases, University Hospital, Besançon
(C.C.), the Division of Infectious Diseases, University Hospital, Bordeaux (F.-A.D.), the Division of Internal Medicine, Pointoise Hospi-
tal, Pointoise (E.D.), the Division of Infectious Diseases, Regional Hospital, Chalon (B.M.), the Orthopedic Unit, Blois Polyclinic, La
Chaussée-Saint-Victor (D. Burgot), the Mobile Unit of the Infectious Referents, University Hospital, Garches (A.D.), and the Mobile Unit
of the Infectious Referents, Villeurbanne (B.I.) — all in France.

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