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TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (for professional papers) 1

Cover Page

Names:John Lezama,Kyle Edmund,Kaylee Goodings

Candidate Number:

Center Name:Point Fortin East Secondary School

Teacher Name:Mrs Rayad Jahoor

Subject:Information Technology

Year of Examination:2024-2025

Table of Content
TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (for professional papers) 2

Cover Page
Table of Content
Problem Definition
Problem Statement
Who the problem is affecting
Nature of the problem
Gantt Chart
Analysis of Problem
Identification of Possible Solutions
Evaluation of Possible Solutions
Selection of Solution
Justification of Solution
Questionnaire Rationale
Completed Questionnaire
Questionnaire Graphs
Interview Question and transcript
Observation Checklist
TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (for professional papers) 3


This IA lays out the problem that KJK jewelry store is facing.It seeks to identify

and analyze the problem using various techniques such as interview ,questionnaires and

observation.Through these methods, potential solutions have been identified and evaluated,

culminating in the selection of the most viable solution.

TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (for professional papers) 4

Problem Definition

Problem Statement

KJK is experiencing a decline in sales.


KJK, an iconic jewelry store in the heart of Port of Spain, has been a beloved institution

for over six decades. Founded by a visionary jeweler, it boasts a rich history and reputation for

exquisite collections, including diamonds, gemstones, and gold and silver creations. With 25

employees, it has played a pivotal role in countless love stories and family traditions, catering

to discerning clientele and marking significant life events. Its colonial-Caribbean architecture

reflects both heritage and community commitment, drawing locals and tourists alike to

experience Trinidad and Tobago's vibrant culture.

TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (for professional papers) 5

Who the problem is affecting

Employers: Many employees at KJK have dedicated years, if not decades, to the

company, making it more than just a job but a core part of their identity. With decreased foot

traffic and revenues, employers are forced to cut hours, lay off staff, and slash salaries, causing

financial strain and uncertainty for families. The atmosphere is tense with anxiety as employees

worry about job security and future prospects.

Owners: Overseeing operations and investments for years, the owners now face a

significant challenge with dwindling sales. Decreasing returns on investments force difficult

decisions, including potential budget cuts, maintenance reductions, and reconsideration of

future plans, possibly leading to closure.

Security Personnel: Declining sales have compromised the jewelry store's ability to

maintain adequate security. Security personnel, who once ensured safety, now face reduced

hours or cuts due to budget constraints. This leaves the store vulnerable to security risks like

theft and vandalism.

TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (for professional papers) 6

Nature of the problem

Performance: Declining sales at KJK severely impact its overall performance,

compromising profitability and hindering the ability to cover operational costs, potentially

leading to closure.

Efficiency: Reduced sales increase workload on existing employees, resulting in

burnout, stress, and errors. This may lead to delays in tasks, slower response times to inquiries,

and stretched project timelines, potentially sacrificing work quality.

Security: Declining sales may prevent investment in advanced security technologies,

weakening security measures. This can erode business reputation due to perceived financial

instability and security lapses, affecting long-term viability.

TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (for professional papers) 7

Gantt Chart
TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (for professional papers) 8

Analysis of Problem


Based on question 8 (Fig. 1, Appendix), 40% of participants view the impact as

significant, with 33% considering it moderate. A minority (10%) remained neutral, while 16%

felt it was minimal. Surprisingly, only 1% believed the online presence and e-commerce

platform had no impact on overall sales, indicating a generally positive perception among

respondents towards KJK's online initiatives' influence on sales.

Based on the findings on question 10 in (Fig. 2, Appendix),41% strongly agree that

insufficient marketing promotions and sales events are major contributors to declining sales.

Additionally, 26% partially agree, while 21% are neutral. A minority, 10%, disagree, with only

2% strongly disagreeing. These results indicate a notable portion of respondents attribute the

sales decline to marketing-related issues.

Based on the response to question 9, illustrated in,(Fig. 3 ,Appendix) various opinions

emerge regarding the company's response to current market trends in the jewelry industry.

Notably, 40% of respondents hold a negative view, deeming the company's adaptation poor,

with an additional 20% rating it as very poor. Conversely, 25% express optimism, considering

the adaptation very good. A modest 5% offer reserved praise, while 10% maintain a neutral

stance. This diverse range of perspectives highlights stakeholders' perceptions of the company's

agility in navigating the dynamic jewelry market landscape.

Based on the response to question 11, as depicted in (Fig. 4 ,Appendix), diverse

opinions emerge regarding the company's responsiveness to customer feedback and its
TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (for professional papers) 9

integration into business decisions. Notably, 41.2% of respondents express dissatisfaction, with

an additional 23.5% rating the company's efforts as very poor. Conversely, 5.9% commend the

company for addressing feedback very well, while 11.8% remain neutral. Interestingly, 17.6%

maintain a positive outlook, suggesting the company is addressing customer feedback

effectively. This range of perspectives offers insight into stakeholders' nuanced views on the

company's responsiveness to customer input and its impact on strategic decision-making.

In response to question 7 (Fig. 5, Appendix), 4 respondents rated communication

channels a commendable 4, endorsing their effectiveness strongly. Additionally, 8 individuals

rated them optimistically at 3, indicating majority support for collaboration. Another 4 chose a

rating of 2, suggesting a generally favorable perception. However, only 2 rated them at 4,

indicating moderate satisfaction. Surprisingly, just 1 respondent gave a top score of 5,

suggesting room for improvement but also notable contentment with the channels' ability to

foster collaboration and problem-solving.

TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (for professional papers) 10


Interviews with KJK jewelry store's security personnel, cashier, and manager reveal

factors contributing to recent sales decline. Security concerns, budget constraints affecting

measures, and changing consumer behavior towards price-consciousness are highlighted.

Transaction time and personalized engagement are flagged for sales process improvement. The

manager notes changing consumer preferences and digital competition, advocating for product

realignment and online presence. Overall, a holistic strategy incorporating enhanced security,

product adaptation, and sales process improvements is recommended to restore sales trajectory.
TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (for professional papers) 11


During a 5-day observation at KJK Jewelry Store, a decline in foot traffic and time spent

in-store was noted among 45 customers and a 5-member sales team. Daily discounts and

inventory clearing were employed, while feedback on changing preferences revealed concerns

about the online presence's impact on sales. These findings highlight the need for strategic

adjustments to boost customer engagement and optimize sales, particularly online.

TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (for professional papers) 12

Identification of Possible Solutions

Solution 1- Fully Computerized Website Solution

To implement this, the jewelry store creates a website showcasing available jewelers,

using a content management system for regular updates. Workers access the site securely to

modify sections, like the menu. A computer with internet access is needed for backend updates.

High-speed broadband facilitates seamless uploading of pictures and videos. Software options

include HTML, CSS, Javascript, and platforms like WordPress or Shopify.

Solution 2- Social Media Marketing

The store utilizes social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to

advertise jewelry. A strategy involves regular updates on availability, secured access for

workers, and high-speed internet for seamless content sharing. Software tools range from

content creation to analytics platforms. Costs vary depending on chosen tools and potential

expenses for hardware and internet services.

TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (for professional papers) 13

Evaluation of Possible Solutions

Software Tools:

Utilize user-friendly platforms like Wix or Shopify for easy website updates without

extensive technical knowledge.

Employ specialized social media management software for content scheduling, audience

analysis, and tailored content creation for platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

Hardware Tools:

Both solutions require a standard computer with internet access. Solution 1 may need

slightly more robust hardware for website maintenance tasks.

Networking for Communication:

Both solutions rely on stable, high-speed internet for seamless operations and updates.

Similar requirements for accessing backend systems and posting updates.

Time Frame:

Setting up and customizing a website may take more time upfront due to design and

content creation.

Initiating social media campaigns is quick, but ongoing effort is needed for engagement

and maintenance.
TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (for professional papers) 14

Legal Issues:

Both solutions must comply with data privacy laws and copyright issues related to

content distribution.

Environmental Impact:

Both solutions have minimal environmental impact.


Staff may require training to effectively use content management systems.

Training might be needed for social media strategies, analytics interpretation, and

crafting engaging content.

Total Cost:

Initial costs include website development, software subscriptions, and potentially higher

maintenance expenses.

Initial investments involve social media management tools and advertising, with

potentially lower ongoing maintenance costs.

TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (for professional papers) 15

Selection of Solution

Cost Considerations: Social media marketing typically demands fewer upfront costs

compared to building and maintaining a website. While both solutions involve ongoing

expenses, social media tools and ad campaigns generally offer more flexibility, enabling the

jewelry store to manage its budget effectively.

Time Efficiency: Implementing a social media marketing plan can kick off relatively

quickly compared to creating a website. With various user-friendly platforms and tools readily

accessible, the store can swiftly start engaging with potential customers and promoting its


Access to Audience: Social media platforms boast massive user bases, granting the

jewelry store instant access to a wide audience. This accessibility can foster brand recognition

and interaction, potentially leading to increased sales and brand loyalty.

Adaptability: Social media marketing allows for versatile content creation and

campaign adjustment based on audience feedback and market shifts. This adaptability

empowers the store to experiment with different strategies and refine its approach over time to

achieve optimal results.

Resource Requirements: Implementing a social media strategy demands minimal

hardware resources, mainly requiring standard computers and internet access. Furthermore,
TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (for professional papers) 16

while some training may be necessary to grasp social media strategies and tools, the learning

curve is generally shorter compared to mastering website management systems.

In summary, Solution 2: Social Media Marketing presents a cost-effective, efficient, and

adaptable approach for the jewelry store to showcase its products, engage with customers, and

drive business growth

TITLE OF YOUR PAPER (for professional papers) 17

Justification of Solution

When considering Solution 2: Social Media Marketing for the jewelry store, we need to

think about a few key issues that might crop up during implementation. One big concern is

privacy and security. With social media, you're dealing with customer data, and you want to

make sure it's protected. So, a strategy here would be to have clear privacy policies and use

secure methods for handling customer information. This builds trust with customers and helps

keep their data safe from any potential breaches.

Another issue is ensuring that the content you're sharing on social media is genuine and

authentic. There's a lot of fake stuff out there, and you don't want to be caught up in that. So, it's

essential to be transparent about your products and verify any user-generated content before

sharing it. This way, you maintain your credibility and avoid any backlash from sharing

misleading information.

Then, there's the matter of managing your brand's reputation. Social media is a public

platform, and people can leave comments or reviews that could either help or hurt your image.

To deal with this, it's crucial to stay on top of what people are saying about your brand and

address any concerns or complaints promptly. By engaging with customers in a respectful and

transparent way, you can maintain a positive brand image and build stronger relationships with

your audience.

So, while there are definitely some challenges to consider with social media marketing,

implementing these strategies can help mitigate any risks and ensure that your efforts are

successful in promoting your jewelry store and connecting with customers.



Questionnaire Rationale

1. On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate your awareness of the recent decline in

sales at KJK Jewelry?

Scale: (1-5)

2. Have you observed any changes in customer foot traffic within the store in the last

six months?

Multiple Choice : (Yes OR No)

3. How effective do you think the current product displays and arrangements are in

attracting customer attention?

Multiple Choice: (Very effective ,Effective Neutral ,Ineffective, Very ineffective)

4. To what extent do you believe external factors, such as economic conditions, are

influencing the decline in sales?

Multiple Choice: (Strongly influencing,Influencing ,Neutral, Not influencing much ,Not

influencing at all)

5. How often do you receive feedback from customers regarding their shopping

experience at KJK Jewelry?

Multiple Choice: (Always ,Often ,Sometimes , Rarely , Never)

6. In your opinion, how competitive are the prices of KJK's jewelry products

compared to other businesses in the market?

Multiple Choice: (Very competitive, Competitive, Neutral, Not very competitive , Not

competitive at all)

7. On a scale of 1 to 5, how well do you think the communication channels within

the company are facilitating collaboration and problem-solving?

Scale: 1-5

8. To what extent do you think the online presence and e-commerce platform of

KJK impact overall sales?

Multiple Choice: (Yes,No)

9. How well do you believe the company is adapting to current market trends in the

jewelry industry?

Multiple Choice: (Very well , Well , Neutral ,Poorly ,Very poorly)

10. To what extent do you believe the decline in sales is due to inadequate marketing

promotions and sales events?

Multiple Choice: (Strongly agree ,Agree ,Neutral ,Disagree, Strongly disagree)

11. How well do you think the company is addressing customer feedback and

incorporating it into business decisions?

Multiple Choice: (Very well ,Well ,Neutral ,Poorly ,Very poorly)

12. How often do you think external factors such as seasonal trends impact jewelry

sales at KJK?

Multiple Choice: (Always ,Often ,Sometimes ,Rarely ,Never)

13. How satisfied are you with the support and resources provided to you to meet

sales targets?

Multiple Choice: (Very satisfied ,Satisfied , Neutral ,Dissatisfied ,Very dissatisfied)

14. Do you believe the decline in sales is related to the quality of the jewelry products

offered by KJK?

Multiple Choice: (Strongly agree ,Agree ,Neutral ,Disagree, Strongly disagree)

15. On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with the training and development

opportunities provided by KJK Jewelry?

Scale: (1-5)


Completed Questionnaire

Questionnaire Graphs

Fig 1 :The column chart illustrates the distribution of opinions regarding the influence of

the online presence and e-commerce platform on overall sales.


Fig 2 : The Bar chart depicts the proportion of individuals attributing the decline in sales

to perceived inadequacies in marketing promotions and sales events.


Fig 3: The pie chart illustrates individuals the respondents perceptions of the company's

adaptation to current market trends in the jewelry industry.


Fig 4: The pie chart illustrates the opinions of respondents regarding the company's

approach to addressing customer feedback and its incorporation into business decisions.

Fig 5: The column chart illustrates the ratings, on a scale of 1 to 5, assigned by

respondents regarding the companies approach in the effectiveness of communication channels


in fostering collaboration and problem solving.


Interview Question and transcript

Secretary Personnel Interview

Interviewer Introduction:

Hello good morning my name is Jeff Alex Stein, and I'm here to facilitate today's

interview on behalf of KJK jewelry store on the recent decline in sales.


Interviewer: In your role as a security personnel at KJK, have you observed any changes

in the security environment within or around the store that might be related to the decline in


Interviewee: Certainly, in my role as a security personnel at KJK, I have noticed some

changes in the security environment that could be related to the decline in sales. One noticeable

trend is an increase in the number of incidents involving suspicious individuals and potential



Interviewer: How has the decrease in sales affected the resources and staffing available

for security measures at KJK?


Interviewee:The decrease in sales has had a notable impact on the resources and staffing

available for security measures at KJK. As sales have declined, the overall budget for security

operations has come under increased scrutiny, resulting in limitations on available resources.

This, in turn, has affected the staffing levels and security measures within the store.


Interviewer: Are there any specific challenges you've faced due to budget constraints or

reduced hours?

Interviewee: Yes, there have been specific challenges that I've faced as a security

personnel at KJK due to budget constraints and reduced hours. The budget constraints have

limited our ability to invest in essential security equipment and technology upgrades, which

could enhance our effectiveness in deterring and responding to security incidents.

Question 4

Interviewer: As a member of the security team, you have a unique perspective on

customer and staff interactions within the store. Have you observed any security-related issues

that may be affecting the shopping experience and customer confidence, potentially contributing

to the decline in sales?


Interviewee: Indeed, as a member of the security team, I've had a unique vantage point to

observe customer and staff interactions within the store, and there are security-related issues that

could be influencing the shopping experience and customer confidence, potentially contributing

to the decline in sales.One notable observation is that as security measures have been adjusted

due to budget constraints and reduced hours, some customers have expressed concerns about the

safety of their shopping experience.


Interviewer: What measures have you taken to adapt to the changing security

requirements brought about by the decline in sales, including any budget constraints or reduced


Interviewee: I've taken several strategic measures as a security personnel at KJK. These

adaptations have been essential to ensure the continued safety and security of the store. First, I've

carefully optimized the deployment of security resources, aligning staff presence with peak hours

and customer traffic to maximize the effectiveness of our team. Second, I've proactively sought

cost-efficient solutions, such as extending the lifespan and performance of existing security

equipment through maintenance and minor upgrades.


Interviewer Outro: "Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today. I greatly

appreciate the transparency in your responses to my questions. Rest assured, your insights will

play a crucial role in addressing the decline in sales, and your input will not go to waste."

Cashier Interview

Interviewer Introduction:

Hello good morning my name is Jeff Alex Stein, and I'm here to facilitate today's

interview on behalf of KJK jewelry store on the recent decline in sales.


Interviewer: As a cashier, you have direct interaction with customers. Have you noticed

any changes in customer behavior or feedback that might be related to the decline in sales?

Interviewee: Absolutely, as a cashier with direct customer interaction, I have observed

some changes in customer behavior and received feedback that could be related to the decline in

sales at KJK. Customers have become more price-conscious and, in many cases, are seeking

discounts or promotions more actively. There's a noticeable hesitation when it comes to making

high-value purchases, such as jewelry, which may be connected to economic uncertainties and

the decline in sales.


Interviewer: Are there specific products or categories that customers seem to be less

interested in, or have you received any feedback about our product offerings that could explain

the decline in sales?

Interviewee: Certainly, in my role as a cashier, I've noticed certain products or categories

that customers appear to be less interested in, which could potentially explain the decline in

sales. For instance, high-end, luxury items like fine jewelry and elaborate gemstones have seen a

decline in popularity, possibly due to economic uncertainties and changing consumer priorities.

Customers are now showing more interest in more affordable and versatile options.


Interviewer: Have you come across any consistent customer complaints or issues that

may be impacting their shopping experience and contributing to the sales decline?

Interviewee: Yes, in my role as a cashier, I have encountered some consistent customer

complaints and issues that appear to be impacting their shopping experience and possibly

contributing to the decline in sales at KJK. One common complaint relates to the time it takes to

complete transactions, especially during peak hours. Some customers have expressed frustration

with long wait times at the checkout, which could discourage repeat visits.


Interviewer: Based on your daily interactions with customers, do you have any

suggestions or ideas to enhance the sales process and improve overall sales performance?

Interviewee: Absolutely, my daily interactions with customers as a cashier have

provided valuable insights and suggestions to enhance the sales process and improve overall

sales performance at KJK. Personalized customer engagement and assistance have emerged as a

key factor. Offering dedicated staff members to provide in-depth product knowledge and engage

with customers individually can create a more informative and engaging shopping experience,

which is likely to result in increased sales.



Interviewer: How do you engage with customers to create a positive shopping

experience, and do you think there are areas where we can enhance customer engagement to

drive more sales?

Interviewee: Engaging with customers to create a positive shopping experience is a

critical aspect of my role as a cashier at KJK. I prioritize friendly and attentive customer service,

actively listening to their needs and providing assistance when required.

Interviewer Outro: "Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today. I greatly

appreciate the transparency in your responses to my questions. Rest assured, your insights will

play a crucial role in addressing the decline in sales, and your input will not go to waste."

Manager Interview

Interviewer Introduction:

Hello good morning my name is Jeff Alex Stein, and I'm here to facilitate today's

interview on behalf of KJK jewelry store on the recent decline in sales.



Interviewer: What specific factors or market trends do you believe have been the

primary contributors to the recent decline in sales at KJK?

Interviewee: In my role as the manager at KJK, I have conducted a thorough analysis of

the factors and market trends that have contributed to the recent decline in sales. Several key

elements have emerged as primary contributors to this decline. One of these is changing

consumer preferences and shifting fashion trends have played a significant role. Customers are

increasingly seeking more personalized and unique jewelry pieces, and KJK may need to adapt

its product offerings to align with these evolving tastes.


Interviewer: Can you provide insights into our sales team's performance and customer


Interviewee: Our sales team has shown dedication and a strong commitment to serving

customers effectively. They possess a good understanding of our product offerings, and their

responsiveness to customer inquiries is commendable. However, there is an opportunity to

improve by deepening product knowledge and taking a more proactive approach to customer

engagement. Building lasting customer relationships, utilizing feedback, and enhancing upselling

techniques are areas with substantial potential for improvement. These enhancements will not

only boost our sales team's performance but also foster stronger customer engagement,

ultimately contributing to the recovery of sales at KJK.


Interviewer: Have you noticed any inventory management issues that might be affecting

our ability to meet customer demand?

Interviewee: I have noticed certain inventory management issues that could potentially

impact our ability to meet customer demand. There have been instances where popular items,

especially those in high demand, have been out of stock.


Interviewer: Are there any competitive analysis or insights on what other businesses are

doing differently that we can learn from or compete with?

Interviewee: I've had the opportunity to observe the competitive landscape and gain

insights into what other businesses in the jewelry industry are doing differently. Many of our

competitors have embraced digital marketing strategies, including robust online presence and e-

commerce platforms, which have allowed them to reach a wider customer base


Interviewer: How have you supported and motivated the team during this difficult time,

and have you provided additional training or development opportunities to enhance


Interviewee: As a manager at KJK during this challenging period of declining sales, I've

supported and motivated the team through open communication, recognition programs, and

incentives to maintain team morale.

Interviewer Outro: "Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today. I greatly

appreciate the transparency in your responses to my questions. Rest assured, your insights will

play a crucial role in addressing the decline in sales, and your input will not go to waste."

Observation Checklist

Observation Day 1 Day2 Day3 Day4 Day5

Number of customers 10 8 10 5 12
visited the store during
Average amount of 4 3 6 5 6
time customer stade
within the store in
Was the manager 8 3 2 0 10
gather feedback for the
customers and how
much customer was
asked for feedback
Number of times that 6 6 6 4 9
the employees
discounted jewelry on

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