IELTS Listening Handout Class 4

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IELTS Listening Handout - 4

Sentence Completion – 1

Listen to the link attached below to answer the questions 1-2

Audio 5_1

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS to complete each space.

1. Samuel's aunt plans to travel to his apartment on _________

2. The journey time is approximately _________

Sentence Completion – 2

Listen to the link attached below to answer the questions 1-8

Audio 5_2

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

1. Realising __________ is the basic requirement of a productive workshop.
2. Reaching before the _____________ keeps one calm and relaxed.
3. Informal interaction at the onset helps in __________ a connection with the participants.
4. The ice-breaking activity is a ____________ way that still exists.
5. It is important to mention the ___________ of the day and follow it strictly.
6. The audience may not retain ___________ in the latter half.
7. The selected venue must have _____________ in working condition.
8. The set ____________ for the workshop must be displayed for references or clarification.
Sentence Completion – 3

Listen to the link attached below to answer the questions 1-10

Audio 5_3
Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for
each answer.
1. Standardised language tests ___________ the candidate’s communication skill in the native
2. Candidates fail to develop a suitable ___________ while preparing for language tests.
3. Study material must be chosen ____________.
4. It is advised to choose books by ___________ English writers for an English test.
5. Understanding the _____________ of the test makes preparation easy.
6. Unlike other subject tests, language assessment presents ____________ to the test takers.
7. Language learning must be an ongoing process in the _____________.
8. Spending _____________ hours daily is sufficient for test preparation.
9. It is better to ___________ more questions as there is no negative marking.
10. Performance is better if the brain receives sufficient _________.
Sentence Completion – 4

Listen to the link attached below to answer the questions 1-7

Audio 5_4

Complete the sentences below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
1. Bungee jumping is challenging as well as__________.
2. The guide has attempted over__________ from the bridge.
3. The Zambezi Adrenaline Company has not recorded any __________ yet.
4. It is assumed that the sudden movement during the jump can harm the back and _________.
5. ___________are advised to attempt the headfirst dive.
6. The company will not provide a____________ after the form is duly signed.
7. The cafe on the bridge provides some relief from the __________.
Sentence Completion – 5

Listen to the link attached below to answer the questions 1-7

Audio 5_5

Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for
each answer.
Technology experts, government officials, 1. __________ and engineers are meeting this week in
Italy. They have 2. __________ in Rome for the first Green Standards Week conference.
Italy’s Ministry of Economic Development and the International Telecommunications Union
organized the 3.__________ . The event calls attention to the need for information and
communication technologies to fight climate change and to build greener, more 4.
__________ economies.
In recent years, the world has changed because so many people now use computers, mobile
phones and other kinds of 5.__________ . But the increasing use of information and 6.
__________ technologies, also known as ICTs, also has led to more pollution, especially
greenhouse gas 7. __________ . This is mostly because of the energy used to manufacture,
transport and operate such equipment.
Short Answer Questions- 1

Listen to the link attached below to answer the questions 1-3

Audio 6_1

Answer the questions below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for
each answer.

1. Where did Jeff work while studying for his degree? _________
2. What area did he manage for a short time after he graduated? _________
3. What did he become interested in after graduation? _________
Short Answer Questions- 2
Listen to the link attached below to answer the questions 1-2

Audio 6_2

Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each answer.

1. How much does it cost to join the library?
2. When will Louise's card be ready?
Short Answer Questions- 3

Listen to the link attached below to answer the questions 1-4

Audio 6_3

Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
1. Where was a Stone Age rubbish dump found?
2. In Medieval times, what type of waste was most common?
3. What did science link with waste?
4. Which invention is the biggest problem for the environment?
Short Answer Questions- 4

Listen to the link attached below to answer the questions 1-5

Audio 6_4

Answer the questions below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for
each answer.

What time does the farm park open?


Which TWO attractions are most popular with visitors?



Name TWO improvements that are planned for the venue next season.

Short Answer Questions- 5

Listen to the link attached below to answer the questions 1-2

Audio 6_5

Answer the questions below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
1. What causes coral bleaching? __________

2. What has been one response to this problem? __________

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