IELTS Listening Handout Class 3

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IELTS Listening Handout - 3

Form, Note, Table, Flow-chart, Summary Completion – 1

Listen to the link attached below to answer the questions 1-4

Audio 4_1

Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS or A NUMBER for each answer.

Medical Record Student Health Centre

Example Answer

Patients name: Martin Hansen

Faculty of 1._________

Address: 13, 2._________ Street, Perth

Telephone 3._________

Date of Birth: 15th June 1986

Serious illness/ accident: 4._________

Operations: 5._________

Allergies: 6._________
Form, Note, Table, Flow-chart, Summary Completion - 2
Listen to the link attached below to answer the questions 1-8

Audio 4_2

Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each

PACKHAM’S SHIPPING AGENCY – customer quotation form

Name: Jacob 1. ____________
Address to be collected from: 2. ____________ College, Downlands Rd
Town: Bristol Postcode: 3. ____________
Size of container: Length: 1.5m Width: 4. ____________ Height: 5. ____________
Contents: clothes 6. ____________
7. ____________
Total estimated value: 8. £____________
Form, Note, Table, Flow-chart, Summary Completion – 3

Listen to the link attached below to answer the questions 1-5

Audio 4_3

Complete the notes below. Write no more than two words and/or a number for each answer.

Transport from Bayswater

1. Express train leaves at 1. ____________
2. Nearest station is 2. ____________
3. Number 706 bus goes to 3. ____________
4. Number 4.____________ bus goes to station
5. Earlier bus leaves at 5. ____________
Form, Note, Table, Flow-chart, Summary Completion – 4

Listen to the link attached below to answer the questions 1-6

Audio 4_4

Complete the notes below. Write no more than two words and/or a number for each answer.
Form, Note, Table, Flow-chart, Summary Completion – 5

Listen to the link attached below to answer the questions 6-10

Audio 4_5

INSTRUCTIONS (questions 6–10): Complete the table below. Write no more than one word
and/or a number for each answer.

Cash Fare Card Fare

Transport Cash Fare Card Fare
Bus (6) $ ………… $1.50

Train (peak) $10 $10

Train (off-peak) $10 (8) $ …………

– before 5pm or after (7) ……… pm)
(9) ………… ferry $4.50 $3.55

Tourist ferry ((10) …………) $35 _

Tourist ferry (whole day) $65 _

Form, Note, Table, Flow-chart, Summary Completion – 6

Listen to the link attached below to answer the questions 1-8

Audio 4_6

Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each
Please give your comments on the following aspects of the course:

Good Points Suggestions for


Course Organization Clear 2. _____ not balanced in

Good to have 1._____ from semester
the beginning

3. _______ Materials and Equipment

High 4.________ Lengthy group discussions
Helpful 5. _______ and other Not enough copies of texts

Testing and evaluation Quick feedback for 6._______ Expectations unclear for
Marking 7._______ helpful written work

Other comments Very good 8. ______

Form, Note, Table, Flow-chart, Summary Completion – 7

Listen to the link attached below to answer the questions 1-4

Audio 4_7

Do not write MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR NUMBERS. Complete the chart below.
Form, Note, Table, Flow-chart, Summary Completion - 8
Listen to the link attached below to answer the questions 27-30

Audio 4_8

Do not write MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR NUMBERS. Complete the chart below.
Form, Note, Table, Flow-chart, Summary Completion – 9

Listen to the link attached below to answer the questions 1-5

Audio 4_ 9

Complete the summary below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS or A NUMBER for each

Identification and Security Check: Intelligent Phone Services

Account Number / Phone Number: 1. 442- __________ -1782
Name: Sally 2. __________
Address: 101B Jackson Lane, Elizabeth Town, 3. __________ 76910
Date of birth: 17 May 4. __________
Maiden name/other names: 5. __________
Form, Note, Table, Flow-chart, Summary Completion – 10

Listen to the link attached below to answer the questions 1-5

Audio 4_10

Complete the summary below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS or A NUMBER for each
The Blue Lagoon was the result of the condensation 1. __________ from a nearby energy plant.
Instead of being absorbed into a lava field, the water was trapped into a 2. __________ lagoon
lined with sediment that grew over time. The original 3. __________ of the area for geothermal
activity started in 1969, and fairly quickly the site was determined to have 4. __________. The
research process also revealed the liquid underground was 5. __________, which turns out to
have healing effects.

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