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In some countries, children can choose which subjects they study from the age of 14, and this

them to select a specialist area, and to stop studying subjects they do not like, and has become an
integral part of the rising debate in the present world. While proponents of the argument are in
favour, however, opponents are completely against the relevance of children who can choose their
own subjects. In my opinion, the children who can choose their subjects from childhood has more
positive impacts than negatives around the globe.

To commence with, there are a number of arguments supporting my viewpoint. The most prominent
one is related to children who can select their own subjects by their own from the childhood,
including the betterment of society along with the growth of every individual on the planet.
Therefore, individuals can not only attain success and effectiveness but can also enhance efficiency,
productivity and quality of life with remarkable ease. Another key factor to note in the statement
discussed earlier is its potential to aid individuals in flourishing, advancing and excelling across
different fields and domains. Therefore, individuals involved in self-selection of subjects and fields
can expand their horizons and skills and can develop qualities like dedication, commitment, and
perseverance only by adhering to such a system.

On the other hand, critics may point out one of the most significant disadvantages is that children
who have right to choose their subject may disrupt from their career path.

To conclude, even when there are a lot of demerits associated with the self-selection, the
advantages outweigh the disadvantages, and self-selection of subjects can become a crucial part of
our lives. Therefore, an efficient adoption should be promoted, and its misuse should be

In some countries, children can choose which subjects they study from the age of
14, and this allows them to select a specialist area, and to stop studying subjects
they do not like, and has become an integral part of the rising debate in the present
world. While proponents of the argument are in favor, however, opponents are
completely against the relevance of children who can choose their own subjects. In
my opinion, children who can choose their subjects from childhood have more
positive impacts than negatives around the globe.
To commence with, there are a number of arguments supporting my viewpoint. The
most prominent one is related to children who can select their own subjects on their
own from childhood, including the betterment of society along with the growth of
every individual on the planet. Therefore, individuals can not only attain success and
effectiveness but can also enhance efficiency, productivity and quality of life with
remarkable ease. Another key factor to note in the statement discussed earlier is its
potential to aid individuals in flourishing, advancing and excelling across different
fields and domains. Therefore, individuals involved in self-selection of subjects and
fields can expand their horizons and skills and can develop qualities like dedication,
commitment, and perseverance only by adhering to such a system.
On the other hand, critics may point out one of the most significant disadvantages is
that children who have the right to choose their subject may disrupt from their career
To conclude, even when there are a lot of demerits associated with self-selection,
the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, and self-selection of subjects can
become a crucial part of our lives. Therefore, efficient adoption should be promoted,
and its misuse should be condemned.

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