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Waste and Biomass Valorization


Effects and Relationships of Compost Dose and Organic Additives

on Compost Tea Properties, Efficacy Against Fusarium oxysporum
and Potential Effect on Endomycorrhization and Growth of Zea mays L.
Mohamed Ou‑Zine1,2,3 · Rania El Hilali1,4 · Abdellatif Haggoud2 · El Hassan Achbani3 · Rachid Bouamri1

Received: 2 December 2021 / Accepted: 14 April 2022

© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature B.V. 2022

This work aimed at evaluating the effect of compost to water ratio and nutrient additives on the compost tea (CT) quality
and its efficacy on the maize growth and soil microbial activity and biomass as well as the colonization of maize roots with
arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). The CT were prepared at two ratios (1/5 and 1/10), and enriched with molasses and
humic acid, date syrup and humic acid, or non-enriched. The oxygen concentration decreased over time in all CT and stabi-
lized after 48 h at 5.1 ppm in non-enriched teas against 0 ppm in enriched ones. The addition of nutrients to CT decreased
its pH on average to 5.1 and increased its organic matter content as well as N, P, K, Mg, Ca, and Mn concentrations as com-
pared to non-enriched teas. Bacterial population was increased by more than 21% and microbial activity by 33% after 48 h
in CT supplemented with additives. All CT inhibited Fusarium oxysporum albedinis with different rate with a maximal one
of 84% attributed to CT supplemented with additives. The CT applied as a fertilizer under greenhouse conditions improved
the maize height, diameter and biomass and increased the rhizosphere bacterial population and microbial biomass, and did
not affect the colonization of roots with AMF. These findings suggest that quality CT prepared at suitable ratio and with
additives could be a sustainable fertilizer and a promising solution to control soil-borne diseases.

* Rachid Bouamri
1 3
Department of Environment and Plant Protection, Ecole Laboratory of Plant Bacteriology and Biocontrol, URPP,
Nationale d’Agriculture de Meknès, Meknes, Morocco Regional Center of Agricultural Research of Meknes,
2 National Institute of Agricultural Research, Rabat, Morocco
Laboratory of Microbial Biotechnology and Bioactive
Molecules, Faculty of Sciences and Techniques, Sidi Laboratory of Ecology and Environment, Faculty of Sciences
Mohamed Ben Abdellah University, Fez, Morocco Semlalia, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakesh, Morocco


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Waste and Biomass Valorization

Graphical Abstract

Keywords Compost valorization · Nutrient additives · Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi · Soil microorganisms

Statement of Novelty compost tea could be a source of soluble nutrients and active
microorganisms and molecules that may have the capacity to
This work lays the basis for further works on the effect of enhance the plant growth and control plant pathogens [4–6].
compost to water ratio and additive nutrients on the qual- The mineral and microbial composition of the compost
ity of compost teas for agronomic application. Most studies teas and thus, their efficiency in fertilization and biocon-
have investigated the effect of compost tea application on trol depend closely on compost used, aeration, compost to
plant growth. However, its effect on soil and plant-associated water ratio, extraction time, and type of nutrient additives
microorganisms, especially AMF is poorly studied. Accord- [3, 7, 8]. Investigations on the compost teas prepared from
ingly, this study highlights the effect of quality compost tea different sources revealed the relevance of compost used in
enriched with date syrup and humic acid on the microbial the compost tea quality [9]. Generally, the compost used
biomass and activity, and the colonization of maize roots must be mature, free from pathogens and toxic substances
with AMF. and characterized by acceptable moisture content of no
more than 45% [10]. The compost tea can be aerobically or
anaerobically. However, various works have revealed that the
aeration of compost teas during extraction improved their
Introduction properties such as the microbial diversity and density [7]
and total soluble organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and
The compost is currently used widely in sustainable and humic carbon content, and humification degree [10]. Gener-
organic agriculture to improve the soil fertility, enhance crop ally, a concentration of 5 ppm of dissolved oxygen is con-
growth, and control plant diseases [1, 2]. However, it is lim- sidered by several researchers as the minimal aerobic level
ited in responding quickly and efficiently to all nutritional required for supporting a diverse microbial population [12,
deficiencies and to some plant diseases [3]. Consequently, 13]. Compost to water ratio is an important factor affecting


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Waste and Biomass Valorization

the nutritional and microbial status of the tea. Research- Compost Tea Preparation
ers have worked with several ratios ranging from 1/1 [14]
to 1/1000 (w/v) [15]. After mixing the compost with water Compost teas were prepared in a 5-L plastic bucket previ-
at suitable ratio, and supplying the system with sufficient ously disinfected with sodium hypochlorite. The compost
oxygen, the extraction process could be conducted for 18 teas were produced during 48 h by mixing homogeneous
to 72 h [16, 17]. In addition to these factors, the effect of compost samples with tap water previously aerated over-
addition of nutrient additives to the compost tea was evalu- night to remove chlorine. The brewing buckets were aer-
ated by several researchers [e.g. 13, 17]. Additives such as ated for 48 h, twice per hour for duration of 15 min, with
molasses, kelp extract, and humic acid are commonly used a bubbler fitted with an electric pump. The compost was
as microbial food sources [7, 17]. Their addition during suspended directly in water with two extraction ratios (1/10
extraction of aerated tea was found to enhance the physico- and 1/5 w/v corresponding to 400 g and 800 g of fresh com-
chemical and microbial properties of the finished product, post, respectively, suspended in 4 L of water). In addition to
and thus, its quality [13, 15]. The fertilizing and biocontrol controls (without additives), molasses (0.5% v/v) and humic
effects of compost teas are due to their physico-chemical and acids (0.1% v/v) or date syrup (0.5% v/v) and humic acids
microbial properties [8], hence, the identification of factors (0.1% v/v) were added.
affecting the final product quality is required to exalt the Therefore, six treatments, replicated randomly four times,
features of compost teas. were studied in this experiment and described as follows:
On the other hand, most studies have investigated the M1/10 (compost + molasses and humic acid, compost/water
effect of compost tea application on plant growth. However, ratio of 1/10), D1/10 (compost + date syrup and humic acid,
its effects on soil and plant-associated microorganisms, espe- 1/10 ratio), control C1/10 (compost without additives, 1/10
cially arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) have not been ratio), M1/5 (compost + molasses and humic acid, 1/5 ratio),
widely assessed [18–20]. Indeed, after their penetration in D1/5 (compost + date syrup and humic acid, 1/5 ratio), con-
the plant root system, the AMF provide a variety of benefits trol C1/5 (compost without additives, 1/5 ratio). Molasses is
to the host plants such as the improvement of mineral nutri- a by-product of cane processing contains principally sugars,
ent and water uptakes, the enhancement of plant tolerance to and date syrup was prepared from khalt dates (low quality
abiotic stresses and the biocontrol of plant diseases [21, 22]. dates) as a concentrated of date fruits.
Consequently, due to the importance of AMF, the evaluation
of the effect of compost tea application on their potential to Dissolved Oxygen, Physico‑Chemical Properties,
colonize root plants is crucial. and Phytotoxicity of Compost Teas
This work aimed at studying the effect of compost to
water ratio, extraction time, and nutrient additives (includ- The oxygen concentration in the compost teas was evalu-
ing date syrup as inexpensive and available product) on ated using a dissolved oxygen meter (Hanna Hi 98,193) at
the compost tea quality. On the other hand, the effects of 0, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, and 48 h of extraction. Electrical conduc-
a quality compost tea on the plant growth, the colonization tivity and pH of compost teas were measured using a con-
of roots with AMF, and the microbial activity and biomass ductivity meter and a pH meter, respectively [11]. Organic
were examined for the first time in the current study. matter content was evaluated by the Walkely-Black method
[23]. Total nitrogen was determined according to Kjeldhal
technique [24], while phosphorus, potassium, magnesium,
Material and Methods calcium, iron, manganese, copper, and zinc were deter-
mined using inductively coupled plasma-optical emission
Laboratory Experiments spectrometry (ICP-OES) [13]. The phytotoxicity test was
carried out after 24 h and at the end of the experiment
Compost Used (48 h) by using cress seeds (Lepidium sativum L.) accord-
ing to the method described by Zucconi et al. [25]. Briefly,
The compost used in this study is commercial compost compost teas were separately filtered through 0.45 µm Mil-
prepared from the arboreal wood, cattle manure, poultry lipore membrane filter, and then dilutions prepared using
manure, and olive pomace by windrow composting with distilled water (100, 75, 50, 25, 10%, and control 0%) were
mechanical turning. The compost used is alkaline (pH 8.8), used to moisten seeds placed on Whatman N ­ o 1 sterilized
and contains 32.4% of organic matter, 1.4% of nitrogen, filter paper. Petri dishes were completely randomized and
3.4% of phosphorus and 2.4% of potassium. It was previ- incubated in darkness at 25 ± 2 °C for 3 days. Germina-
ously defined as mature and hygienically accepted since tion index (GI) was calculated with the mean value from
the human pathogens concentration is below recommended four experiments as follows: GI (%) = [(Gt)/(Gc)] × [­ Lt/
thresholds [1]. L c] × 100; where ­G t and ­G c are the mean percentage of


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Waste and Biomass Valorization

germination with compost tea and with the control respec- Antifungal Activity of the Compost Teas
tively, and ­Lt and L
­ c are the mean root lengths with com-
post tea and with the control respectively. Seeds with root The antifungal assay was carried out by using Fusarium
lengths less than 2 mm were not considered germinated oxysporum f.sp. albedinis (Foa) as soil-borne plant pathogen
[11] indicator as described by [1]. The antifungal activity of com-
post teas against Foa was examined by mixing compost teas
with PDA medium to obtain mixtures with concentrations
Microbial Population and Enzymatic Activity of Compost of 40, 20, 10, and 5% (v/v) of compost tea and 0% (Control).
Teas The mixtures were cooled into Petri dishes (90 mm of diam-
eter), where an active mycelia disk of pathogen (5 mm of
Compost tea samples were taken after 24 and 48 h and diameter) was placed. The fungal growth was evaluated after
immediately analyzed. A tenfold serial dilution of each sam- 7 days of incubation at 28 °C ± 2 °C and the inhibition rate
ple was prepared in sterile distilled water and aliquots of 100 (IR) was calculated as follows: IR (%) = (1 − ­Dt / ­D0) × 100;
µL were spread in 90-mm Petri dishes amended with YPGA where ­Dt and ­D0 are average diameters of Foa in plates con-
medium (Yeast extract 5 g L ­ −1, Peptone 5 g L­ −1, Glucose taining compost teas and in control plates, respectively.
−1 −1
5 g ­L , Agar 15 g ­L ) supplemented with cycloheximide
(150 mg ­L−1) for bacteria enumeration and PDA medium Greenhouse Experiment
(Potato Dextrose Agar) supplemented with streptomycin
(250 mg ­L−1) and rifampicin (50 mg L ­ −1) for fungi enu- Compost Tea Preparation
meration. Petri dishes were incubated at 28 °C ± 2 °C for 24
and 96 h for bacteria and fungi, respectively. The microbial The preparation of compost tea was carried out in 200 L
activity was assessed through the evaluation of phosphatase opaque plastic tank by suspending 20 kg of same compost
activity in compost tea after 24 h of extraction and at the end used in laboratory experiment in 100 L of tap water (1/5
of the experiment (48 h). The enzyme activity expressed in ratio, w/v) supplemented with date syrup and humic acid at
µg ­mL−1 of compost tea was calculated based on the amount 0.5 and 0.1% (v/v), respectively. The compost was placed in
of ρ-nitrophenol (ρNP) formed when ρ-nitrophenyl phos- a metallic support covered with a mesh filter. The support
phate (pNPP) is reduced by microorganisms preexisted in was placed inside the tank previously filled with tap water
the compost tea. The methodology was adapted from Taba- pre-aerated overnight to remove chlorine. Two air injections
tabai and Bremner [26]; 1 mL of compost tea was incubated of 15 min/h were ensured through a bubbler placed at the
in darkness at 37 °C with a mixture of 4 mL of modified uni- bottom of the tank provided by necessary air via an electric
versal buffer (MUB, pH 11), 0.25 mL of toluene, and 1 mL pump. The tea was taken for application through a valve fit-
of ρNPP. After 1 h of incubation, 4 mL sodium hydroxide ted with a nylon membrane.
and 1 mL of calcium chloride were added and the mixture
was immediately filtered through Whatman paper ­No 12. Experimental Set‑Up and Design
Thereafter, the absorbance of formed ρNP was measured
immediately at λ = 410 nm. Maize (Zea mays L., local variety) plants were grown in 5 L
pots containing a mixture of sandy soil and peat (1/8, v/v).
Five disinfected maize seeds were sown in each pot. One
Characterization of Compost Teas by Fourier‑Transform week after emergence, the seedlings were thinned to one
Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) plant per pot.
The treatments adopted in this experiment are described
Compost teas were freeze dried and then scanned in the as follows; plants fertilized with compost tea (CT), plants
wavelength range of 4000 and 500 ­cm−1 with 5 ­cm−1 as the fertilized with mineral fertilizers (MF), plants inoculated
spectral resolution level, using Spectrum FTIR Perkin-Elmer with AMF (I), plants inoculated with AMF and fertilized
spectrophotometer [27]. Characteristic peaks and their func- with compost tea (I + CT), plants inoculated with AMF and
tional groups were recorded by Spectrum software (Perkin fertilized with mineral fertilizers (I + MF), and a negative
Elmer, USA, version 2017) and spectra were edited by Orig- control without any fertilization or AMF inoculation (T0).
inPro software (OriginLab Corporation, Northampton, MA, The mineral fertilizer solution was prepared from urea,
USA, version 2021). Three samples of each compost tea phosphate di-ammonia, and potassium sulfate, as a source
were analyzed and mean values were estimated. The FTIR of N, P, and K respectively, by suspending these fertilizers
analysis was carried out in the central research laboratory in tap water at doses of 0.54, 0.18, and 2.1 g L­ −1, respec-
of the National School of Agriculture of Meknes (ENAM), tively to obtain the same composition of compost tea solu-
Morocco. tion for N, P, and K. The prepared compost tea and chemical


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Waste and Biomass Valorization

fertilizer solutions were diluted immediately before applica- with ethanol-free chloroform in vacuum desiccator for 24 h,
tion with tap water to obtain fertilizer solutions at 25% (1:4, and thereafter, the fumigated and unfumigated soil samples
v/v). A volume of 250 mL p­ ot−1 of compost tea, chemical were extracted with ­K2SO4 (0.5 M) for 30 min. Soil extracts
fertilizers, or tap water (control) was applied twice a week were filtered through sterilized Whatman ­No 1 filter paper,
during the experiment. The AMF inoculum, applied below analyzed for organic C by acid dichromate oxidation using
the seeds before sowing, was a mixture of soil and roots Walkely-Black method [23] and then the MBC was calcu-
(50 g ­pot−1) pre-colonized with a consortium of AMF strains lated as difference between fumigated and non-fumigated
isolated from date palm groves and multiplied in the green- soil.
house before their application. The pots were arranged in
completely randomized block design with 4 replications per Agronomic Parameters
treatment. The trial was conducted in the greenhouse (26 °C
temperature and 60% relative humidity) at the National The height and stem diameter of the two months old maize
School of Agriculture of Meknes, Morocco. seedlings were measured. After harvest, fresh and dry
weight (70 °C for 72 h) of shoots and roots were measured.
Evaluation of Colonization of Maize Roots with AMF
Statistical Analysis
Colonization of maize roots with AMF was assessed on three
replicates for all seedlings as described by Phillips and Hay- The collected data were analyzed using ANOVA followed
man [28]. Fresh roots (0.5 g) were sampled, rinsed with tap by Duncan’s test at a significance level of 0.05 and correla-
water, and then cut to 1 cm fragments. Afterwards, root frag- tions were studied using the Pearson test. Data expressed as
ments were cleared with a solution of potassium hydroxide, percentages were submitted to arcsine transformation before
neutralized in hydrochloride acid solution, and stained in a analysis. Analyses were performed using SPSS statistical
Trypan blue solution. Stained roots were examined under software (version 24.0, IBM, USA).
microscope to evaluate the colonization frequency (F) and
intensity (I) based on the formula of Trouvelot et al. [29];
[(N − N0) × 100
Results and Discussion
𝐅(%) = ,
(95 × n5) + (70 × n4) + (30 × n3) + (5 × n2) + (1 × n1) Dissolved Oxygen, Chemical Properties,
𝐈(% ) = ,
N and Phytotoxicity of Compost Teas
where ­N 0 = number of non-colonized fragments, Monitoring of the oxygen saturation showed that the oxy-
N = number of total fragments examined, and n5, n4, n3, n2 gen concentration decreased during the 48 h of extraction
and n1 are numbers of fragments noted class 5, 4, 3, 2 and process in all compost teas (Fig. 1). Statistical analyzes
1, respectively. Class 5: roots are colonized with more than of ­O2 concentrations in teas revealed a significant differ-
90%, class 4: from 51 to 90%, class 3: from 11 to 50%, class ence between the enriched and non-enriched compost teas
2: less than 10%, and class 1: traces. from the 2th hour to the end of the process. Indeed, the
­O2saturation in control compost teas (C1/5 and C1/10) was
Soil Microbial Population and Microbial Biomass Carbon decreased and stabilized at 5.13 and 5.46 ppm, respectively.
Commonly, 5 ppm dissolved oxygen is considered by several
Soil samples were taken randomly from all pots at har- researchers as the minimal aerobic level required for sup-
vest. Immediately, 10 g of each soil sample was suspended porting a diverse microbial population [12, 13]. However,
in 100 mL of physiological saline solution and shaken at the ­O2 was almost zero from 16 h in enriched compost teas.
150 rpm for 1 h. A tenfold serial dilution of each sample Similarly, the statistical comparison demonstrated that the
was prepared in sterile distilled water and aliquots of 100 ­O2 concentration was decreased more in less diluted com-
µL were spread in 90-mm Petri dishes amended with YPGA post teas (1/5 ratio) compared to more diluted ones (1/10
medium supplemented with cycloheximide for bacteria enu- ratio), and that the compost teas supplemented with date
meration and PDA medium supplemented with streptomycin syrup and humic acid were characterized with less levels
and rifampicin for fungi enumeration as detailed in evalu- of ­O2 saturation as compared to the compost teas prepared
ation of microbial population in compost teas. Petri dishes with molasses and humic acid. According to Shrestha et al.
were incubated at 28 °C ± 2 °C for 24 and 96 h for bacte- [15], the ­O2 depletion indicates that the aeration has failed
ria and fungi, respectively. The microbial biomass carbon to ensure the high O ­ 2demand of the culture. This is due
(MBC) was determined by the fumigation extraction method to the high proliferation of preexisting microorganisms in
of Vance et al. [30]. Soil samples of 10 g were fumigated the presence of nutritional substrates namely humic acid,


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Waste and Biomass Valorization

7 were slightly basic with pH values of 8 and 7.5, respec-

6 tively. Whereas, the other compost teas were acid with low
O2 saturaon (ppm)

5 C 1/5 pH values recorded for D1/5, M1/5 and D1/10, and then
4 M 1/5 M1/10, respectively. This difference could be ascribed to
D 1/5
C 1/10
the low oxygen level in enriched compost teas promoting the
2 M 1/10 microbial production of organic acids [12] and to the applied
1 D 1/10 additives known by their acidity [31]. The pH of compost
0 tea is interesting, because the application of tea in soil can
0 2 4 8 16 24 48
Time (hours) have a direct impact on the soil alkalinity or acidity, and
thus, it can affect indirectly the nutrients availability which
Fig. 1  Oxygen saturation in compost teas during the extraction pro- is strongly related to the soil pH [32–34]. The EC analysis
cess; C 1/5: compost at 1/5 ratio without additives (Control 1/5), M revealed that less diluted and supplemented compost teas
1/5: compost at 1/5 ratio + molasses and humic acid, D 1/5: com- with additives were characterized with high EC as compared
post at 1/5 ratio + date syrup and humic acid, C 1/10: compost at
to more diluted and control compost teas (Table 1). The
1/10 ratio without additives (Control 1/10), M 1/10: compost at 1/10
ratio + molasses and humic acid, D 1/10: compost at 1/10 ratio + date salinity estimated by the measurement of the EC is attributed
syrup and humic acid. Error bars represent standard deviations of four mainly to the soluble ions and inorganic salts in the compost,
replications and secondly to organic acids, ammonium and nitrate [35].
The high EC, indicating a high salt content, can limit the
use of compost tea that can affect negatively the germina-
molasses, and date syrup. Our findings is in agreement with tion of seeds and the plant growth. This effect is negligible
those of Shrestha et al. [15] who revealed that compost teas for compost teas with EC values less than 2 mS c­ m−1 [36].
supplemented with kelp and/or molasses showed a quick- Some crops may be restricted when the EC exceeds 4 mS
est decrease in the dissolved O ­ 2 level as a response to the ­cm−1 [37]. However, Chong et al. [38] observed a normal
increase in microbial population and activity. Similarly, growth of several species in substrates supplemented with
Kannangara et al. [12] declaimed that the ­O2 depletion is compost characterized with EC above 8 mS ­cm−1. Based
due to its consumption by microorganisms. Minimum O ­ 2 on these thresholds, dilution of teas seems to be necessary
saturation is required during the production of compost tea before they could be applied. Statistical analysis showed
in order to mitigate the growth and proliferation of pathogen that the organic matter content in the six teas was different
and anaerobic microorganisms. On the hand, Kannangara with high values recorded for M1/5, D1/5, and D1/10 fol-
et al. [12] demonstrated that even if the ­O2 concentration was lowed by M1/10 and finally by C1/5 and C1/10. Generally,
significantly decreased, but the concentration of pathogen the same trend noted for OM was observed for the mineral
microbes did not exceed the threshold required by standards. fraction; high concentrations were recorded for less diluted
Results of the physico-chemical properties of compost compost teas especially those prepared with date syrup fol-
teas, presented in Table 1, showed that C1/5 and C1/10 lowed by those prepared with molasses and humic acids

Table 1  Physical and chemical properties of compost teas

Unit C 1/5 M 1/5 D 1/5 C 1/10 M 1/10 D 1/10 F ANOVA

pH – 8.0 ± 0.14a 5.1 ± 0.18d 4.5 ± 0.12e 7.5 ± 0.16b 5.7 ± 0.18c 5.1 ± 0.14d 435.47***
EC mS/cm 5.8 ± 0.05c 7.9 ± 0.08a 7.4 ± 0.10b 4.0 ± 0.18e 5.7 ± 20c 5.4 ± 0.12d 682.87***
OM kg/m3 2.0 ± 0.22c 6.0 ± 0.24a 6.0 ± 0.18a 1.0 ± 0.08d 5.0 ± 0.29b 5.1 ± 0.16b 632.29***
N g/m3 290.0 ± 6.88c 530.0 ± 11.20a 540.0 ± 5.23a 100.0 ± 6.58d 450.0 ± 11.55b 460.0 ± 14.14b 1062.65***
P2O5 g/m3 130.0 ± 4.55d 140.0 ± 6.32c 180.0 ± 6.48a 110.0 ± 2.71f 120.0 ± 10.98e 160.0 ± 3.16b 75.79***
K2O g/m3 1700.0 ± 77.03c 2200.0 ± 59.44a 2100.0 ± 14.15 b 1200.0 ± 29.44f 1400.0 ± 40.82d 1300.0 ± 18.26e 440.77***
MgO g/m3 30.0 ± 2.45d 50.0 ± 5.60c 60.0 ± 3.92b 30.0 ± 2.94d 50.0 ± 4.83c 70.0 ± 3.92a 74.28***
CaO g/m3 80.0 ± 7.30d 140.0 ± 2.45b 170.0 ± 2.94a 130.0 ± 3.65c 140.0 ± 4.97b 140.0 ± 7.26b 206.35***
Fe mg/m3 17,020.0 ± 476.93b 14,770.0 ± 267.21c 17,940.0 ± 33.17a 17,670.0 ± 62.18a 12,370.0 ± 35.59d 11,530.0 ± 49.67e 657.78***
Zn mg/m3 2650.0 ± 70.24a 2530.0 ± 39.16b 2670.0 ± 42.43a 2180.0 ± 9.13c 1730.0 ± 27.08e 1830.0 ± 7.07d 540.95***
Cu mg/m3 1270.0 ± 47.61a 1240.0 ± 35.36a 1260.0 ± 21.60a 980.0 ± 6.98b 810.0 ± 9.20c 830.0 ± 8.16c 320.97***
Mn mg/m3 450.0 ± 25.82d 520.0 ± 14.72c 720.0 ± 9.13a 340.0 ± 3.27f 410.0 ± 2.94e 560.0 ± 22.74b 313.72***

C 1/5: compost at 1/5 ratio without additives (Control 1/5), M 1/5: compost at 1/5 ratio + molasses and humic acid, D 1/5: compost at 1/5
ratio + date syrup and humic acid, C 1/10: compost at 1/10 ratio without additives (Control 1/10), M 1/10: compost at 1/10 ratio + molasses and
humic acid, D 1/10: compost at 1/10 ratio + date syrup and humic acid. Data with the same letter are not statistically different according to Dun-
can test at P = 0.05, ***p < 0.001. Data represent means ± standard deviations (n = 4)


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Waste and Biomass Valorization

(D1/5 and M1/5, respectively) as compared to more diluted 50% concentrations were less phytotoxic (50 < GI < 80%)
teas indicating the influence of compost to water ratio on than other teas (GI ≤ 50%). At low concentrations (10%),
the physicochemical properties of compost teas. This state- all teas were not phytotoxic (GI ≥ 80%) except the M1/5 tea.
ment is in accordance to the findings of Islam et al. [8] who The compost teas have to be diluted before their applica-
have reported that the chemical properties of compost tea, tion. The difference between the six compost teas regarding
especially pH and nitrogen content, were significantly influ- their phytotoxicity could be explained by several factors that
enced by compost to water ratio. The prepared teas could be intervene in the inhibition of seed germination and plant
applied as fertilizers since the analyses showed clearly their growth. The correlations were evaluated between the ger-
richness in macro- and micronutrients (Table 1). Therefore, mination indexes of the six compost teas and some of their
the compost tea could be suggested as an alternative of the properties, and results showed, at the 5% threshold, a signifi-
chemical fertilizers or at least as supplement that will help cant positive correlation between germination index and pH
farmers to reduce the chemical inputs and ensure them more (0,947, p < 0.0001) and significant negative correlation with
returns by reducing the cost of the fertilization. Recently, EC (r = − 0.696, p < 0.0001). The study of Mohamed et al.
González-Hernández et al. [39] analyzed the compost teas [1] demonstrated the existence of a relationship between GI
composition and concluded that they could be used as fer- and EC with a significant negative correlation (r = − 0.973,
tilizer with a combination with reduced doses of chemical p = 0.027). Similarly, Campitelli and Ceppi [40] mentioned
fertilizers. The effect of compost tea on plant growth is more that germination of cress seeds is influenced by the EC of
discussed thereunder in the agronomic trial results. the compost teas. Accordingly, saline compost teas need to
Data of the phytotoxicity test, carried out by the examina- be diluted with tap water before their application.
tion of germination indices (GI) of cress seeds grown in dif-
ferent concentrations of compost teas, showed different lev- Microbial Population and Enzymatic Activity
els of phytotoxicity (Fig. 2). To reveal the phytotoxicity level of Compost Teas
of tested compost teas, Zucconi et al. [25] suggested that a
GI ≤ 50% indicates high phytotoxicity, GI values between The main effects of compost to water ratio (1/5 or 1/10),
50 and 80% indicate moderate phytotoxicity and a GI ≥ 80% additives (molasses and humic acid or date syrup and humic
indicates the absence of phytotoxicity. Based on these acid), and brewing time (24 or 48 h) on microbial popu-
thresholds, all the teas with concentrations of 100% and 75% lation and enzymatic activity of compost teas were gener-
were highly phytotoxic especially tea produced at 1/5 ratio ally significant (Fig. 3). Data showed that at the end of the
and supplemented with molasses and humic acid (M1/5) or experiment (48 h), the bacterial population was higher as
date syrup and humic acid (D1/5) as additives. Control teas compared to the population recorded at 24 h, with maximal
at 1/10 and 1/5 ratio (C1/10 and C1/5) applied in 25% and values recorded in D1/5 compost tea followed by M1/5. The
lowest bacterial population was detected in control treat-
ments with maximal values recorded in C1/5 and C1/10 after
120 100%
48 h followed by C1/5 and C1/10 after 24 h. This difference
a 75%
could be explained by the difference in the primary inocu-
b 50%
d e de
c c lum corresponding to the microbial density in compost used
Germinaon Index (%)

e 25%
80 f
to prepare teas. The result obtained is in accordance to the
60 h
findings of Islam et al. [8] who have found that the microbial
density was higher in compost teas prepared at 1/5 ratio than
40 l
those prepared at 1/10 ratio. Scheuerell and Mahaffee [41]
n declared that the bacterial population increased with the use
20 p p p p
of additives during compost tea production. On the other
qq qq q q
0 hand, although the results showed a difference in fungal pop-
C1/5 M1/5 D1/5 C1/10 M1/10 D1/10
ulation between the treatments, with high values recorded
in less diluted teas, but the statistical analysis revealed the
absence of any significant difference between the six teas.
Fig. 2  Phytotoxicity test of compost teas evaluated by germination The fungal density was low by more than threefold com-
index of cress seeds; C 1/5: compost at 1/5 ratio without additives
(Control 1/5), M 1/5: compost at 1/5 ratio + molasses and humic acid, pared to the bacterial density. González-Hernández et al.
D 1/5: compost at 1/5 ratio + date syrup and humic acid, C 1/10: com- [39] found that the compost tea contained more bacteria than
post at 1/10 ratio without additives (Control 1/10), M 1/10: compost fungi. Similarly, Li et al. [42] presented similar results con-
at 1/10 ratio + molasses and humic acid, D 1/10: compost at 1/10 cerning the microbial abundance in compost teas, with high
ratio + date syrup and humic acid. Data with the same letter are not
statistically different according to Duncan test at P = 0.05. Data repre- population density attributed to total bacteria, followed by
sent means ± standard deviations (n = 4) actinomycetes, and then total fungi. The addition of nutrient


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Waste and Biomass Valorization

24h 24h
A 48h 4.0 B 48h

Fungal populaon (log CFU/ml)

a a
Bacterial populaon (log CFU/ml)

14 a
abc ab ab a def bcde cde bcd
a a a
a a a a
12 3.0 a
ef f a
10 2.5
8 2.0
6 1.5
4 1.0
2 0.5
C 1/5 M 1/5 D 1/5 C 1/10 M 1/10 D 1/10
C 1/5 M 1/5 D 1/5 C 1/10 M 1/10 D 1/10
Treatment Treatment

600 C 24 h

a 48 h
p-nitrophenol (µg/h/ml)

500 c
d d d d d
400 e g ef




C 1/5 M 1/5 D 1/5 C 1/10 M 1/10 D 1/10


Fig. 3  Microbial properties of compost teas after 24 and 48 h of the humic acid, C 1/10: compost at 1/10 ratio without additives (Control
extraction process. A: Bacterial population density, B: Fungal popu- 1/10), M 1/10: compost at 1/10 ratio + molasses and humic acid, D
lation density, C: Phosphatase activity. C 1/5: compost at 1/5 ratio 1/10: compost at 1/10 ratio + date syrup and humic acid. Data with
without additives (Control 1/5), M 1/5: compost at 1/5 ratio + molas- the same letter are not statistically different according to Duncan test
ses and humic acid, D 1/5: compost at 1/5 ratio + date syrup and at P = 0.05. Data represent means ± standard deviations (n = 4)

additives to the compost tea resulted in the increase in bacte- method increased as the time of the extraction process
rial density. The same trend was observed for the microbial increases. In our study, the microbial activity was assessed
activity assessed by the phosphatase activity (Fig. 3). Data via alkaline phosphatase activity, and results of the correla-
showed that the microbial activity was higher after 48 h of tion analysis between the enzymatic activity and bacterial
extraction than the activity at 24 h. On the hand, the teas pre- population (r = 0.777, p < 0.0001 and r = 0.928, p < 0.0001
pared at 1/5 ratio were characterized with high activity, and for analysis conducted at 24 h and 48 h, respectively) con-
similarly, the addition of molasses and date syrup increased firmed that this enzyme is a good indicator of the microbial
the enzymatic activity in correspondent teas. A significant activity. Frankenberger and Dick [43] demonstrated that the
difference was noted between D1/5 and M1/5 with high val- alkaline phosphatase is one of the most interesting enzymes
ues attributed to teas prepared with date syrup and humic in the evaluation of the microbial activity and population.
acid (D1/5). Shrestha et al. [15] found that the enzymatic The added molasses and date syrup are considered as a
activity was higher in compost teas supplemented with addi- source of nutrients namely sugars such as glucose, fructose,
tives and in less diluted ones as compared to non-enriched and sucrose. These sugars could be used rapidly and eas-
and more diluted teas. They also reported that the microbial ily by microorganisms which explains the high microbial
activity assessed by using fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis density in these teas over non-enriched ones. Naidu et al.


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Waste and Biomass Valorization

[17] declared that the high population of total bacteria was

recorded in compost teas fortified with additives, and con-
cluded that this effect is perhaps attributed to the chemical
composition of the additives. Beside the syrups (molasses
and date syrups), the humic acids could also improve the
microbiological properties of the compost teas since these
substances contain carbon chain acids that provide an essen-
tial nutrient source required for the proliferation of micro-
organisms [17]. The utilization of molasses, date syrup, and
humic acids, as additives, at concentrations of 0.5%, 0.5%,
and 0.1%, respectively was based on previous studies [7, 15,
17]. Low concentrations could be not sufficient for microbial
growth and proliferation. However, high concentration of
additives could induce high proliferation of microorganisms
leading to a quick consumption of oxygen and creation of
Fig. 4  FTIR Spectra of the compost teas; C 1/5: compost at 1/5 ratio
anaerobic conditions [7]. The minor difference in the bacte- without additives (Control 1/5), M 1/5: compost at 1/5 ratio + molas-
rial population and microbial activity between compost teas ses and humic acid, D 1/5: compost at 1/5 ratio + date syrup and
prepared with molasses and teas prepared with date syrup humic acid, C 1/10: compost at 1/10 ratio without additives (Control
could be explained by the difference in the composition of 1/10), M 1/10: compost at 1/10 ratio + molasses and humic acid, D
1/10: compost at 1/10 ratio + date syrup and humic acid
the two additives; date syrup may contains more and/or easy
metabolized substances. Unfortunately, the chemical com-
position of these additives was not assessed in our study, respectively at 1315 and 1225 ­cm−1. However, the C−O
but by referring to previous studies, date syrup contains stretching of polysaccharides or polysaccharide-like sub-
more sugar than molasses. Al-Jasass et al. [44] compared stances could be detected at a wavenumber of around
the composition of date syrup and molasses, and found that 1115 ­cm−1. Wang et al. [47] declared that C−O stretching of
date syrup contains more sugars, biotin, and pantothenic secondary alcohols, phenols, and aryl ethers were recorded
acid than molasses. We cannot conclude in our study that at 1103 ­cm−1. A similar peak was detected at 1103 ­cm−1
the chemical nutrients are more abundant in date syrup than which could correspond to the same band and functions.
molasses, since their composition changes with the type and Results showed also the presence of polysaccharides and dif-
initial composition of raw materials. However, based on its ferent mineral compounds at 1041 ­cm−1 in the six compost
high capability to improve the microbiological properties of teas. The peaks detected at 835, 693, and 618 ­cm−1 indicate
compost teas, date syrup could be recommended to be used respectively the presence of primary amine groups, second-
as additive instead of molasses. ary amine groups, and inorganic sulphates as reported by
Carballo et al. [45]. Carballo et al. [45] characterized differ-
FTIR Analysis ent compost teas by using the FTIR analysis and found that
the results of FTIR have not showed the influence of studied
The results of FTIR analysis showed that the spectra are factors including temperature and aeration on the composi-
generally similar and did not show differences among the tion of the different compost teas and therefore the spectra
analyzed samples (Fig. 4). The major absorption bands were were very similar. Likewise, Xu et al. [11] found that the
characterized based on the published research [45–47]. The compost teas contained similar functional groups, namely
absorption bands were recorded at 3300 ­cm−1 characterizing the aromatics, phenols, carbohydrates, and amides, and only
the H-bonded OH groups of alcohols, phenols and organic little difference in their intensities was detected [11]. The
acids, as well as H-bonded N–H groups, and at 2933 ­cm−1 same trend was noted in our study where the six compost
indicating the presence of aliphatic C−H stretching. The teas were characterized by the same functional groups with
FTIR analysis revealed bands characterizing the aromatic only little difference in the intensity, as detected in compost
and C=O vibrations at 1660 ­cm−1, the aromatic C=C and teas C1/5 and C1/10 characterized by more intense peaks at
secondary amides at 1585 ­cm−1, and carboxylic acids, car- 693 ­cm−1. We can conclude that the use of FTIR analysis
boxylates or alkanes at 1450 ­cm−1. The 1400 ­cm−1 band to compare teas obtained from the same compost is perhaps
characterize the absorbance of the nitrates in freeze-dried less sensible to show probable differences. However, the use
compost teas as revealed by Smidt and Meissl [48]. Gener- of the FTIR analysis is very useful in studying the stability
ally, the aromatic primary and secondary amines, and the of composts [49] or in evaluating the composition and qual-
tertiary amide or aromatic ethers C–O–C were detected, ity of teas during the composting process [47].


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Waste and Biomass Valorization

Antifungal Activity of the Compost Teas and correlated negatively with pH (r = − 0.863, p < 0.0001).
The modes of action of compost in plant disease control are
The evaluation of fungal growth diameters after 7 days of biotic and/or abiotic. Previous studies demonstrated that the
incubation showed that the inhibition rate of F. oxysporum antifungal activity of compost teas is due principally to the
f.sp. albedinis varied regarding the applied compost tea biotic factor ensured by the compost indigenous microorgan-
(Fig. 5). Statistical analysis confirmed that the teas prepared isms as found by St. Martin et al. [54] who declared that the
at 1/5 ratio and brewed for 48 h with additives were more antibiosis effect and competition for nutrients by indigenous
effective in the in vitro control of Foa compared to other teas microorganisms of compost teas are the main mechanisms
namely teas prepared at 1/10 ratio and brewed for only 24 h for inhibition. In our study, the modes of action of com-
without additives. The maximal inhibition rate of teas pre- post teas have not been assessed, hence further studies are
pared for 48 h (IR > 83%) was recorded with D1/5 and M1/5 required to determine the main mechanisms involved in the
teas and the minimal one (IR < 48%) was attributed to C1/5 inhibition of Foa.
and C1/10 teas. Similarly, teas taken after only after 24 h of
extraction have showed a maximal inhibition rate of no more Effect of Fertilizers on Endomycorrhizal Colonization
than 74% recorded with D1/5 and M1/5 teas, against 41.25 of Maize
and 36.25% recorded in C1/5 and C1/10 teas. These results
indicate that compost teas are able to inhibit significantly the The results of maize endomycorrhization are presented in
growth of Foa and confirm the previous study carried out on Table 2. The colonization frequency has achieved 51% after
the same pathogen by Mohamed et al. [1] and other forms two months of inoculation of maize with AMF, and the
of Fusarium oxysporum as proved by Bernal-Vicente et al. intensity was around 25%, indicating that the inoculum used
[50] and El-Masry et al. [51]. Several parameters affect the was active and capable to colonize maize roots easily. The
effectiveness of compost teas such as the chemical properties non-inoculated plants (MF, CT, and T0) were also exam-
of compost tea, its microbial population and activity, and/or ined and results showed that endomycorrhization was not
its preparation process [4, 52, 53]. occurred, indicating the absence of any AMF contamination.
The effect of compost to water ratio is the principal cause On the other hand, the effect of fertilizers, either mineral fer-
leading to the differences in the effectiveness of teas; more tilizer and compost tea, was neutral; their application did not
teas are less diluted (i.e. 1/5 ratio) more the suppressive affect, positively or negatively, the endomycorrhization as
effect is high. This is due to the high microbial density and confirmed by the statistical analysis (p > 0.05). The mineral
activity, and the high concentration of inhibitor substances. fertilizer was a mixture of N, P, and K in form of urea, phos-
In our study, the correlations analyses showed that the anti- phate di-ammonia, and potassium sulfate, applied at definite
fungal activity is correlated positively with the bacterial doses determined based on the compost tea content in these
population (r = 0.846, p < 0.0001), the microbial activity elements. The concentration of these elements was low,
(r = 0.929, p < 0.0001), and the EC (r = 0.931, p < 0.0001), which could explain the absence of negative impact of the

100 A C 1/5
100 B C 1/5

90 M 1/5 M 1/5
90 a a
D 1/5 bc b D 1/5
80 a b 80 de cd cd
cd bcd bc bcd C 1/10 f ef ef e C 1/10
Inhibion rate (%)

cd d ef
Inhibion rate (%)

70 70 g g gh
fg fg e gh hi
ij j ij hij ghi M 1/10
hi ij jk
M 1/10
k k jk k
k D 1/10 l D 1/10
50 l l 50 m
40 n
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
40 20 10 5 40 20 10 5

Concentraon (%) Concentraon (%)

Fig. 5  Antifungal activity of compost teas against Fusarium oxyspo- humic acid, C 1/10: compost at 1/10 ratio without additives (Control
rum f.sp. albedinis; A: Inhibition rate of compost teas of 24 h, B: 1/10), M 1/10: compost at 1/10 ratio + molasses and humic acid, D
Inhibition rate of compost teas of 48 h. C 1/5: compost at 1/5 ratio 1/10: compost at 1/10 ratio + date syrup and humic acid. Data with
without additives (Control 1/5), M 1/5: compost at 1/5 ratio + molas- the same letter are not statistically different according to Duncan test
ses and humic acid, D 1/5: compost at 1/5 ratio + date syrup and at P = 0.05. Data represent means ± standard deviations (n = 4)


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Waste and Biomass Valorization

Table 2  Endomycorrhizal colonization parameters of maize impact negatively the AMF when applied for long term.
Accordingly, the neutral effect of fertilizers on AMF infec-
tivity in our study could also perhaps due to the short time
Frequency % 51.01 ± 3.34a 50.02 ± 2.80a 49.51 ± 4.27a 0.21 ns of the experiment. Therefore, it is recommended to assess
Intensity % 26.62 ± 1.54a 24.03 ± 2.48a 25.42 ± 1.79a 1.38 ns the effect of the applied fertilizers on root colonization with
I: inoculated plants with AMF, MF: mineral fertilizer, CT: compost AMF for long term.
tea, I + MF: inoculated plants with AMF and fertilized with mineral
fertilizer, I + CT: inoculated plants with AMF and fertilized with Effect of Treatments on Soil Microorganism Density
compost tea, T0: control (non-inoculated and unfertilized plants). and Microbial Biomass
Data with the same letter are not statistically different accord-
ing to Duncan test at P = 0.05, ns: not significant. Data represent
means ± standard deviations (n = 4) Data concerning the soil microbial component showed that
bacteria were more abundant in soil receiving compost tea,
either alone or combined with AMF inoculum, compared to
fertilization on AMF. The evaluation of fertilization effects the other treatments (Fig. 6). The evaluation of fungi popula-
on AMF has previously investigated [e.g. 55]. Generally, tion demonstrated that the six treatments were statistically
the fertilizers have negative effects on AMF abundance and similar. The microbial biomass carbon was higher in tea-
diversity, and thus, on the capability of AMF to colonize the treated soils than the soils fertilized with mineral fertilizer.
plant roots [56]. Bakhshandeh et al. [55] found that the AMF Inoculation of plants with AMF did not affect the micro-
colonization was reduced on average by 60 and 50% in the bial population and biomass. The increase recorded in soils
fertilized plants with chemical N and P, respectively com- amended with compost tea could be explained by the supply
pared to the unfertilized plants. Harinikumar and Bagyaraj of soil with microorganisms preexisted in tea. Indeed, micro-
[57] demonstrated that organic fertilizers are less inhibitory bial analysis of compost tea revealed the presence of bacte-
of the AMF root colonization than mineral fertilizers. The ria and fungi with high concentration as showed previously.
neutral effect of both chemical and organic fertilizers in our Otero et al. [59] reported in their study on Pinus radiata
study could be explained by the low doses of nutrients in the that the compost tea-fertilized soils were characterized with
applied solutions. Indeed, De Graaff et al. [58] declared that high microbial density compared to chemical-fertilized soils
the effect of fertilization on AMF is closely related to the and control (only water). The microorganisms detected were
applied fertilizer rates. Ismael and St. Martin [20] declared dominated by Bacillus and Pseudomonas sp. that are known
that high nutrients’ level especially P may affect negatively by their plant growth promoting traits [59]. Molineux et al.
the AMF and that the continuous application of compost teas [18] revealed that the application of compost tea resulted
with high Ρ concentration could resulted in the inhibition in a significant microbial biomass increase in green roof
of root colonization with AMF. The negative effect of the soil. Chu et al. [60] examined the effect of different fertiliza-
fertilizers on AMF is explained also by the duration of their tion regimes on soil microbial biomass and found that the
application; De Graaff et al. [58] reported that fertilizers organic fertilization resulted in about 450 mg C ­kg−1 soil.

Bacteria a a
Microbial Biomass Carbon (mg/kg soil)

9 450
Microbial populaon (log CFU/g of soil)

a a Fungi
8 400
b b b b
7 350
6 300
5 250 b b b
a a a
4 a a a 200 b
3 150
2 100
1 50
0 0
I MF CT I + MF I + CT T0 I MF CT I + MF I + CT T0
Treatment Treatment

Fig. 6  Microbial properties of soils, A: Microbial population density lated plants with AMF and fertilized with mineral fertilizer, I + CT:
(bacteria and fungi), B: Microbial biomass in soil: I: inoculated plants inoculated plants with AMF and fertilized with compost tea, T0: con-
with AMF, MF: mineral fertilizer, CT: compost tea, I + MF: inocu- trol (non-inoculated and unfertilized plants)


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Waste and Biomass Valorization

These researchers demonstrated that the organic fertilizers were recorded in plants inoculated with AMF and fertilized
increased the microbial biomass compared to the mineral with compost tea followed by plants inoculated with AMF
fertilizer treatments and control [60]. The same statement and fertilized with chemical fertilizers. The compost tea
was noted in our study; the high microbial biomass car- improved the plant height and diameter, and the shoot and
bon was 407 mg C ­kg−1 soil recorded in soil amended with root dry weight by more than 24, 61, 82, and 160%. Sev-
organic fertilization. The improvement of the microbial eral studies showed the relevance of compost tea in improv-
population and biomass by compost tea application is per- ing the growth of several crops [5, 62, 63]. Pant el al. [6]
haps ascribed principally to the microbial composition of reported that the compost tea application increased signifi-
compost tea, but it could be also attributed to the increased cantly total content in N, P, K, Ca, and Mg and growth of
root biomass and exudates as declared by Chu et al. [60]. pak choi. Accordingly, the positive effect of compost tea on
Molineux et al. [18] concluded that the compost tea could plant growth could be explained by its richness in soluble
be considered as a novel way to apply live microbes to a mineral nutrients assimilated by plant through the root sys-
substrate. Indeed, generally the compost bacteria act sig- tem. Our results showed that compost tea was more efficient
nificantly as effective microorganisms that contribute in the than chemical fertilizers in improving the maize length and
plant growth and mineral nutrition [59]. root dry weight. Mahmoud et al. [64] noted an improvement
of root development accompanied with better nutrient uptake
Effect of Treatments on the Agronomic Parameters in plants fertilized with compost tea than those treated with
mineral fertilizers. This statement revealed that the effect
Data showed clearly that the effect of treatments on maize of compost tea is not related only to the mineral nutrients,
height and diameter, shoot and root fresh weight, and shoot but could also due to other plant growth stimulants. In fact,
and root dry weight, was statistically different (Table 3). The according to Eudoxie and Martin [3], some bioactive com-
plants inoculated with AMF and/or fertilized with compost ponents existed in compost teas could stimulate and improve
tea or chemical fertilizers have showed highest agronomic plant performance beyond nutrient availability such as phy-
parameters than the non-inoculated and unfertilized plants. tohormones and humic substances. Likewise, compost tea
The inoculation of maize with AMF resulted in increasing is rich in effective microorganisms that could contribute in
the plant height and diameter, and root dry weight by more the improvement of plant growth.
than 13, 28, and 41%, respectively compared to the control.
The same trend was noted for the other growth parameters.
This outcome corroborates previous studies that revealed the Conclusion
positive effect of AMF inoculation on plant growth [e.g. 61].
The mycorrhizal association implicates the mineral nutrient The preparation of aerated teas from mature compost was
transfer from the AMF to the colonized plant, which could carried out in our study. The nutrient additives improved
explain the improvement of plant biomass as compared to significantly the quality of compost tea namely its physico-
non-colonized maize. Results showed that, generally, the chemical and microbial properties, and its effectiveness in
effect of chemical and tea compost on maize growth param- the control of Foa, a soil-borne pathogen. The compost tea
eters was statistically similar (p > 0.05). However, compost increased the maize growth and the microbial properties
tea was more efficient than chemical fertilizers in increasing of soil without affecting the colonization of roots by AMF.
the plant height and root dry weight. The maximal values Therefore, quality compost teas prepared at suitable ratio and

Table 3  Effect of treatments on maize growth parameters

Plant height (mm) Plant diameter (mm) Shoot fresh weight (g) Root fresh weight (g) Shoot dry weight (g) Root dry weight (g)

I 80.00 ± 3.56c 9.63 ± 0.48c 49.45 ± 3.32c 29.63 ± 1.91b 7.02 ± 0.70b 7.97 ± 0.41d
MF 81.50 ± 1.29bc 10.45 ± 0.42b 61.43 ± 4.83b 36.79 ± 2.64a 7.18 ± 0.31b 9.70 ± 0.30c
CT 84.75 ± 1.71ab 11.00 ± 0.41b 57.73 ± 4.76b 39.66 ± 2.92a 7.05 ± 0.71b 11.76 ± 0.40b
I + MF 81.75 ± 2.22bc 11.88 ± 0.48a 72.56 ± 2.91a 39.77 ± 1.39a 8.06 ± 0.35a 12.20 ± 0.31b
I + CT 87.75 ± 1.71a 12.13 ± 0.25a 75.91 ± 4.14a 40.05 ± 2.02a 8.38 ± 0.48a 14.73 ± 0.62a
T0 70.75 ± 3.77d 7.50 ± 0.41d 30.04 ± 6.69d 23.72 ± 2.77c 4.59 ± 0.23c 5.65 ± 0.17e
F ANOVA 20.77*** 69.29*** 51.07*** 28.81*** 27.55*** 286.85***

I: inoculated plants with AMF, MF: mineral fertilizer, CT: compost tea, I + MF: inoculated plants with AMF and fertilized with mineral ferti-
lizer, I + CT: inoculated plants with AMF and fertilized with compost tea, T0: control (non-inoculated and unfertilized plants). Data represent
means ± standard deviation. Means followed by the same letter are not statistically different according to Duncan test at P = 0.05, ***p < 0.001


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Waste and Biomass Valorization

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