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WH4—2 Tho Philippine Tool ond Die Moking Industry MIRDC eC “94 FEAR Contents Spemmeerrarinerre acini renee Chapter 1 Inteoduction Background Objective Scopo and Limitations Industry Profite Nature and Uses Fitins in tha industey Year Established Organizational & Ownership Structuro Profile of Capitalization Geographical Location Employntent I Technical Aspects Tool arid Dio Assembly Process and Technical Operations Equipaient Standardization Technical Manpower Raw Materials MW Market Analysis Product Lino and Services Local Production Importation Export End-user Industries Total Estimated Demand Production Gost v Problems and Prospects Technica! Copabitiy Manpower Marketing Financing Uttitios Goverment Regulations Vi Proposed Government Action Development Prograin for the Toot and Dic Industiy Inidoted ProgramshProjocts 81 sets yee me List Of Tables AIBFRATRANTERG OE Table No, 1 Chronological Establishment of Too! and Die Shops 2 Profile of Organizational Structure 3 Profile of Nationality of Ownership 4. Profile of Capitalization 5 Geographical Distribution of Shops 6 Employment Prolile by Type of Personne! 7 Employment Profile by Type of Shops 8 Employment Profile by Number of Employees Per Shop 9 Typo of Die and Mold Material Standard 10 Distribution of Machine Tools 11 Shop Distribution of Specialized Machine Toois 42 Shop Distribution of Metaitinishing, Quality Control and Design Operation 13 Distribution of Production Personnel 14 Supply Network of Raw Materials 15 Profile of Product Lines/Services Offered 16 Shop Distribution of Local Mold & Die Production by Seles Range, 1990 17 Annual Importation of Dies and Molds, 1987 —- 1990 18 Anaual Exportation of Dies & Molds, 1987 —- 1990 19 Totel Estimated Demand for Molds end Dies, 1990 20 Breakdown of Major End-User Industries of Local Moulds and Dies 21 Average Breakdown of Production Cost, 1990 List Of Figures roneamemarira eterna PONCE TREES SPREAD Figure No. 1 en eNreaaas Exploded View of Pressworking Dio Aa Assembled Dle Conventional Bottom Knockout ‘Compression Mold Process Flow for Die Making Annual lmports of Molds & Dies by Countries of Origin Annual Exports of Molds & Dies by Countries of Destination Metals & Engineering Industries National Action Plan Chart TPRC Organizational Network List Of Anexes pope NR RT EN RISEN Annex List of [dentitied Tool and Ole Making Shops Annex 2 Philippine National Standards tor Too! and Die ~87- segsaruneanys Background The Too! and Die Making Industry isa slrategic sector of the melais'and engineering industries, As categorized by the international Special Toolings Association (ISTA), this industry produces the molds, dies, igs and fixtures thal form the heat of the mass production system of our manufacturing industyy. This enables our mantifacturing Indusisies to raise productivity with consistent product quality standard, ‘Thus, the development of the lool and dié making industry fs imperative for the attainment of the country's goal of becoming a newly-industilalized country. A multisectoral action towards this goal has been initiated with the formulation and implementation of the Melals and Engineering indusities ‘National Action Plan 1990-2000. One of the leading-edge toci of the Planis the Development Program for the Tool and Oie Making Industry, stressing its importance to industialization. This study 1s among the fist actions of the Program, a Objective st The main objective of the study is to highlight the Importance of the too! and dia indusity and to serve as an slfective planning too! for Industry and ‘government decision-makers by presenting an overview of the tool and die making industry. ; “Introduction, a ese Scope and Limitations of the Study, ‘The study is basically a profilo of the industry, A brief description of the lool and die making process is Included vith consolidated data on equipment, manpower, and raw materials, Indicative 1990 production daia and commercial inivsnation is provided, In-depth analysis of tho industiy's problems and prospects and the cortesponding devolopment program for the industry are also presented, Data were mainly gathered from existing shops In and around Metro Manila, Primary data were based on Interviews and plant visits to firms with die making‘acilles. Secondary data were gathered from metal handbooks, technical joumnals, the National Statistics Office, the Securities and Exchange Commission, brochures and other relevant industry studies. Chapter ste cre Nature and Uses Tool and die making Is a highly engineered metaiworking technology for producing molds, tools and dies. Molds, tools and dios aro precision metal components installed in a forming machine as a master to form the shape of avvariely of end products which can be mado of metal, glass, rubber, ceramics, of any of tht newly-developed composite materials, The processes employed in forming these end-products ave forging, pressworking, stamping, die-casting, extruding, drawing, spinning, rolling and other specialized processes, all of which are characterislically for mass production with consistent product quality. Tho usage of molds and dies is invisibly evident In constantly everything ‘we use such as in appliances, electronics, automobiles, toys, office equipment, agricultural and industiial , communication equipmen Firms in the Industry The Metals Industy Research and evelopment Center (MIRDC) has Identified sixty two (62) tool and di making shops in the country specifically focated in and around of Metro Manila. A tolal of fourty four (44) shops responded to the Industry survey. Of these respondents twenty nina (29) are ‘classified as independent shops and filleen (18) are in-house shops. The latter a¢e facitities owned by larga manufacturing companies to exclusively service thelr cequirements for molds and dies, while independent shops olfer too! Industry Profite and die making services to other manvlacturing companies. Annex 1 tists these companies according to their classification. — Year Established POT TO Tho Philippine tool and dio making industry Is practically in its initial phase of development after evolving fron general machining operations as compared (o our industlalized neighbors. Chronologically, seven (7) faciiies started machining services with limited die-making operations from 1960 to 1970, Then In the 70s, twenty {20) more facilities were opened while seventeen (17) shops were founded in the 80s, Table { shows the chronological establishment of toot and die shops. Table 1 Chronological Establistiment of Existing Toot and Die Shops No. of Shops -% Shar Yearsin Business 1960 - 1969 7 1970- 1979 1980 - 1990 ~39~ atiaenenansneeas: penweet Ps,6M lo under Ps.10M, Twolva (12) 7 shops havo below Ps.1M In capital Organizational and Ownership invostment and sovon (7) shops Structure ‘belonging to the in-houso groups have: Ps.10M and above capitalization. This profile Indicates that the lool and dio making ladustry is inhorently calegortzed as medium-scale. ‘Twonty-six (26) of these facilites aro organized under corporations, of ich filtoen (16) ave as in-houso making shops of manufacturing tims. ixleen (16) are organized as single proprictorships. One (1) shop Is fegistered as a partnership while another shop, al MIROC, is owned and controlled by government, A (otal of thidy-nine (99) shops ‘are owned by Fiipinos almost hal! of ‘which are of Chinese descent while five {9} shops aro owned by multinationals. Tables 2 and 3 show the Organizational and Nationally Ownership Structure of the respondent shops. Table 3... + Ownership Structure; RUE A Profile of Capitalization The profile of capitalization of theso respondent compantos Is presented in Table 4, Sovonicen (17) of the shops havo Ps,1M fo under Po.6M In cepitalizalion while eight (0) aro capitalized between Corporation, Proprietorship: Patineiship 1 wader FIOM ~| fPtom 7° te Govorninent 4 3 z Institution and.above Geographical Location of the Fiams Allo lie faciiies, except for three in-house shops ara located in Motto Manila, where industrial monutactering activity is heaviest, Not event Motro Cebu, whicli has a considerable inachine shop sector supporting its industial firms, hes a shop which produces dies ancl molds. Table § shows the geographical breakdown of these facilities Caloocan City has the most umber of tool andl die shops at fourteen (14), followed by Mandaluyong with six {6), lite other Motro Manita cities and municipaities havo from one (1) to four {4) shops. Balangas, Laguna and Bulacan have one lool and cle facility each as in-iouse shops. |, Table 5 *. ; Geographical Distribution °° of Shop Locations Metro'Manila Galoocan City 1 Makati Matabon Mandaluyong Merila Muntinlupa Novotas Petaraque Pasay Cily Pasig Quezon City Taguig Valenzuela Batangas Laguna Bulacan sane wen -wea-ws Einployment ‘The cruployinent profile for tool and die making classified accordingly to ype of personne! i> shown in Table 6. Tho consolidated employment records of respondent tool and die stiops Is about one thousand one hundred sixty-seven (1167) willt nine hundred! ninety (990) technical personnel and one hundred seventy seven (177) adininistrative employees. Analyzing further, Table 7 classilies personnel according to type of shop where seven wdred eighty-six (706) personnel were engaged by independent shops while in-house shops ‘employed:three hundred elghty one (981) {tool and dio making related personnel. Table 6 Employment Profite Classified According to Type of Personnel No. of Persons ‘Type of % Share Personnel Table 7 Employment Profile Classified According to Type of Shop ¢ Type ot Shop No, of Persons % Share 706 67 Independent 33 100 -o- Table’ presents the employment profilo classified according to the number ‘of employees per finn. Ten (10) shops ‘omiplay fess than 10 persons, Wwenty three (23) shops engage from 10 to. below 25 persons, eight (0) shops maintain from 25 to belovr 50 personne! and three (3) shops have more than 50 workers, in Japan, US and Europe, the average enigloyees of die shops range {rom nine to fileen, Table 8 Employment Profile Classified According (0 Nuniber of Employées Per Firin Empioyment No.of % Share Shops Tlobelow 10 10, 10 lo below 25 -° 23 25 to below 50) 50nd above Die assembly used to produce alligator clips {Courtesy of Maximetais tnd, Inc.) 92 Figure t ‘An Exploded View of a Pressworking Die A-~- Punch holder of die set B — Piercing punch C Pilot nut D —Square head set screw E—-Jam nut F — Blanking punch G— Punch plato H— Pitot 1 Stripper plate J Automatic stop K— Finger stop L-- Back gage M-— Front spacer N—Dle block © —Die holder of die set ~93 Chapter Ill esracuemsanrcnet Mold/Die Assembly Amole/die assembly can be described a3 consisting of a mating upper and fower shoe containing all the inold/die otements for doing the desired ‘work. The mold assembiy and the tool and die assembly are fundamentally Gliterent duo lo the forming operation they pesform. ue to the diversity of motd/die designs according to theit functions, this seclion has opted to focus ils description ola dio assembly on a pressworking die and a mold essembly for plastic molding which are among the first and widest applications of molds, tools and dies. ‘Atool and die assombly is used for operations of forming materials in the cold or even hot state stich as in pressworking, stamping, forging, and drawing of melals, plastic and rubber. In these operations, the blank material is placed between the assembly and then the tool is mated with the die to fori the end product, Figure 1 shows the exptoced view of a pressworking dle (which is classified 8S a compound dio) performing a piercing and blanking operation on a strip of melal, Figure 2 shows ihe die as assembled, Among the major components of this die assembly are: 4. Ole set —is a mating pair of plates on which all parts comprising the die assembly may be mounted. This is usually made by several manulacturers ‘aad may be purchased in a variely of shapes and sizes. Technicai rspects 2. Dio shoo — is the upper plate ‘oF block upon which a die holder and In which guide posts ae mounted. 3. Die holder is the tower plato ‘of block of the dia sét upon which the die block is mounted. 4. Dia block — a block or pate of hardened too! stee! out of which the die is cut and to which sections or parts of the die are Secured, 5, Guide posts — pins usually fixed in the lower shoo and accurately filted to bushings in the upper shoe to ensure precise alignment of the two members of a die set. '6, Punch halrler —- the plate or Patt of the dia which hotds the punch. 7. Punch — the male die part, usually the upper member and mounied ‘on the slide, which pertorms tho ‘operation of producing holes which may ‘be for piercing small holes or blanking large areas of matus 8. Pilot — a pin or projection provided for tocaling work in subsequent ‘operation from a previously punched or diilled hole. 9, Stripper plate —a plate used to remove the workpiece or material stip from the punches. 10, Dack gago — Is a thin steot member against which the analerial strip is held by the press operator in ils travel through the die. 41, Front spacer —Is the opposite steo! member of the back gage which supports in grinding the material sliip through the dia. 12. Pinger stops — sometimes called {he primary stop for dies wilh two ‘or moro stations, is a sinall stip of steel that positions the stip raw material for each operation. Tho number of finger stops depends upon the umber of dio stations, 13. Automate stop ~ a dovice {or positioning stock in a die or to initiate ~94— “Figure 2 A pictorial view of an entire dle tho stopping action of a pross alter a ‘complate cyclo or upon operating troubie. ‘Traditionally, dies have been classified according to the number of ‘operations or stages it can pettorm: a, Simple Dies are those intended to perform one operation. The operation may be either culling type oF forming type. This type of dia 13 usually of the slinplest possiblo arrangement and construction consistent with the Intended quality of product end life of the die. b. Compound Dies are single stage dies for pertorming two or more ‘operations of the samo general type, The several operations may be perlormed slinultaneously or In sequence, The most important characteristic of this die Is that all operations are performed on the pail in one location, , Progressive Dies are multistage dies in which two or more ‘operations are perfornted during the same strok@ of the press but at several work stations. The Work is fed progressively through several stages, and one or more operations may be performed at each stago. A progressive dig actually may consist of several simple dies mounted on common supporting ‘elements. Some progressive dies Incorporate combination and compound as well as simple stages 7 4, Spectat Dies are those Whose design ang functions are so radical that they possess none of tha dominant characteristics of the more general classes of dies. Typicel dies which can ‘be classilied in this category ara lateral imming dies, hydraulic dies, universal dies, and rubber dies. Recent classifications as adopted in Jepan now take into consideration the dlegsee of precision as an important factor, These a:< “he following: a, Block-type simple single process diefmotd b: York-lype division dlefmotd Atelatively high preciston diefmotd manufactured using surface ~95— Quinding. This usually consists of several stages. ¢. Inserttype high precision dlefmiold This consists of two variants. The fiest design variant involve the placing of a pail (of an insert), which may or may not bo of the same raw material into the die belore the forming operation into the end-prodtict. This parl Is embedded Into the die and becomes a pail of the end product. The second variant involves interchangeable die/aiold parts which permil variation In sizes and configuration of the ond product, Amiold assembly Is used for ‘operations for forming materials in the liquid or semitiquid state such as motaleasting, die casting, plastic infection molding, glass moulding, rubber molding, and ceramic extrusion. In these ‘opetations, the molten material is poured into the motd assembly and allowed to coo! Into the shape of the mold to form the end product. Basically, a mold consists of a plunger and a cavily which form the actual molded part. Supplementing these are the frame components which provide support and guidance end also the ‘operating members which simplity removal of pails from tho mold. A typical mold for plastic cup shown in Figure 3 itustrates the fundamental components normally required in a semi-automatic compression mold. ‘The mold plunger and cavily may bbe made from alloy steels of tool steels. Table 9 summarises suitable materials for a given type of mold and di Molds are available in several lypes of cavity designs to produce a given molded pant. Such types are the following: 1, Flash type — usually aro of the simplest plunger and cavily relationships. The cavily is machined only as deep as the desired molded part and the excess molding compound overliows only ina horizontal piano, While this construction may be tho most economical from the slandpoint of original fooling, overall advantages and disadvantages shovkt bo corisideicd Lefore manulactine of this ‘or any other plunger and cavity dosign. Gonarally the llash iypo dosign Is used fot compression typo molding, 2, Positive typ¢ —~ The action of the truly positive design may be likened to thal of a piston trapping tho molding compound and! forcing it into the cavity Tnasinuch a5 there is no land surrounding {he cavity, the full molding pressure Is, ‘exeried against the compound, and the resultant density of the molded part is uniformly good. Uniformity of flash burt Is another characteristic of this type of old singe the only flash escape occurs as a verlical bure between te fi of the plunger and cavily, One al the critical features of this type of mold is the necessity of accurate veelghing of the motding compound, Any excess material simply lends to Increase tho thickness of the part, and itis therefore ciffcult to maintain close tolerances on veitical dimensions. 8. Semi-positive type — The semtpositive design is a variation of tho baste truly positive type. This design behaves somewhat as a flash type motd Unt the last fraction of an inch of closure, wihen the short positive portion of the plunger enters the cavily depression. ‘This design permits overliow of slight excess of compound charge while retaining good aligament between plunger and cavity. Tho uniform burr characteristic is ospocially beneficial for finishing operations, particularly i belt sanding can be utlized. 4. Landed plunger type —~ This design incorporates many of the desirable fealures of other types previously described. Loading space Is allained by allowing necessary space In cavity block above cavily cut-oll ine. The entering plunger provides excellent alignment between clements molded above and below the parting line, Wear which may occur between plunger and cavity walls ordinarily does not alfect the molded part since nese tines of friction. ate outside the outline af the molded pail, Reasonable conliol of compound weights is cetulred although the situation 1s lar less exitcal than in the truly positive design. —96- ‘Top plate Fiat hoad screw (No.3) 7°?" Btenmn core ———| Mold pin—. entering top nth allot reliel | Pashback rod Moldéd prrt——| Flet head ——_} scron (No, 2) Clennout alot i+ Btoam plate Figure 3 ‘Conventional bottom-knockout compression mold 5. Subcavily type -— This is a hybaid capgcliy which ray bo adapted to high production multiple-cavity molds for felalively small simple parts, A horizontal lina of fash will be noted between the various individual cavities. RaoreRCMRRSREESR Process and Technical Operations The current technology tevel of mold and tool and dle making is characterized as equipment intensive and skil Intensive: In tho Phitippine setting, however, itis sil regarded more as a ‘ral rather than a technology. The main technotogles for die making aro design technology and fabrication technology. Mold and die design technology consists of making several engineering decisions on the elements critical to the dig and then drafting the engineering drawings according to its decldod specifications, Die design must satisty wo ‘primary concerns that sre intorrelated, The first concer Is functional. This concerns designing a die that will 97 {ot méctiantéal constuction (SC), carbon took steel, (SK), alloy/too! steel (SKS.SKO), Prehardén steel, high spead (oo stool (SKI), W, ila high speed steal powder dié steel, flaine hardening steel, corarnics toa (SK) iP *(S08), t heat-resisting steel, heat-ie Sisto atoya ‘steal (SC. “SOM SNN, sles! (Sk), alloy tool stéel (SKS.SKO), high-speed (dol stee{SKH); maraging steel, precipitation hardening. "| lee}, ceraralos as F flolid stedl fof gerral construct Way Sleel (SC.SCM,SNCM.SACM), (SKS SKO), prohardon toot, hi irror surface, wear-1ésistine 51) Somosicn’resisting stolnléss steal; top a ‘aldrinun alloy, P/M high speed Steal fi “oy tains Steel "7" Rolled steel tor goneral iia cotsiceurtsgy toca lon (SS struetur alloy steel (SC.SCM), alloy too! steel Ge IGM), cast, gn, aluminum castings, SKS, SX y 2 tee! SK), alloy toot steel (SKS.8KD), high spent tool’ steel (SKH), P/M high speed stee!. powder die steel’ ‘alloy Fe See nS NEE PIM high speed steel, powder die steel ‘ialed Steet for general constucii cin (85): SRS lay. Pete “structural alloy stoel (SC.SCM.SNCM), carbon tool steel (Sk), high-speed (oot stoel (Si), ceramics, WG; + PIM high speed steel, powder aa steel, copper ait, aluminum atoy conform to the shape of mater dimensionat tolerances of a product, and whoso service life can produce the number of products required. ‘The second concetn is economic. ‘This concems designing the most ‘economically manufactured dia which ‘can be used. tis in this concern where the mastery of die design Is fully employed, Aithough this economical concesn can be categorically secondary lo thal of the functionat concer, the highly competitive aature of loday's manblacturing industries dictates that economical consideration must always be satisfied, Die design requires mastery of soveral elements, namely: a. The shape and size of the product The Inicacy of the product's ‘shapo generally determines the type of die to be used whether ills a one process die, compound dle, progressive dio, or a lranster die. b. The lype and characteristic of the product's material Different types of materials ike metal, plastic, rubber, glass or ceramic havo a wide range formabllty and this wil also atfect the types of dia and the process to be used, ¢. The quantity or batch size of the product itis necessary that a destgner knows this element so that the economic service life of the die design will match the service tife for producing the required quantity or batch size. Generally, larger quantity or batch sizes cequire higher grades of dio sleet material. Likewise, additional metal finishing process may be required, 4. The required dimensions and tolerances This factor generally dictates tho type of niachine lool fo be used in fabricating a dio. Strict dimensional tolerances, as required by most semi-conductor firms, usually entails using specialized machine tools such as EDMs, NCs and CNCs. ¢. The forming operation tobe used to manufacture the product {function of the ciie) Each type of forming process such as forging, pressworking, stamping, die-casting, extruding of drawing havo particular cie design peculiarities, An example ol this Is that die-casting for either metals or plastic usually have to provide for design parameters for the flow ‘of tho material into the mold, which Is not needed for forging or prossworki f. The type and specification of the forming equipment This element is generally necessary to determing the dimension of the dle sel and its connection to the equipment. Likewise, this element dielates the service condition of the die. g. Die cost ‘This economte concem is usually ‘an inverse factor of product batch size, when the value of ils production run can ‘not offset or recover the cost of ‘manufacturiag the die. In this instance, {he designer has the option of disregarding metal finishing processes, using a cheaper grade of die material to tower die cost or even cecommending the manulacture of the product by other processes such as direct machining or casting. h. Product cost Also an economic concern, a dio can be so designed to ensure least wastage of product raw material and to manufacture the most number of products over time and using lesser forming operations. These considerations lead to lower product unit costs. uensomaeansannenereceor SETA Fabrication Technology As {unctional end acononile design considerations are met, die fabrication is then undertaken. Menulacturing of tool and die parts and components involves several metalworking, metal finishing and quality ‘control metrology processes. The basic procass Involved is machining of too! and die parts, alter which they are heat = 99 realed as required. Tho parts may also Undergo Inclustrial (hard) chrome etoctroplating to {urther extend ils service fife, The parts aro then subjected to qquatily control with measurement of cimensions and hardness. As parts meet cequited quality parameters, they are then assembled, from which the die assembly is again dimensionally nieasured. The dio assembly is filed into the forming equipment with several trial runs conducted and adjustments made as necessary. Sequential, Figure 4 shows the Process Flow for Die Making. Die clesign is initiated with the determination of product specification, namely shape, material, quantity, dimension and tolerance, and cost, From this point, the designer draws up conceptual drawings indicating the process design of the die, ‘Then the designer determines the forming operation and the type of ‘equipment to bo used. Aiter gathering these design elements, the drafting of die engineering drawings is then undertaken. The dosigner then analyzes the fabrication process required for machining and metalfnishing and produces a cost estimate of cie fabrication. This is then ‘evaluated in terms of product cost and batch sizo fo dotermine economic viability. tn today's advanced stage of die making, as practiced In Japan, the United States and European counties, the following characteristics can be observed! 1. The ratio of machining to manual processing is 70:30%, 2. For precision machining, CAD/CAM (Computer-aided-design and compvtor-aided-manutacturing) aro widely employed mainly based on CNC (computer numerically controlled) machines. 3. The most advanced stages uses FMS (llexible manufacturing system) and CIM (computer integrated ‘mmanutacturing) where ful automation is ‘employed from material handing, processing, and oven quality contol 4, Now metal finishing technologies for lieal trealment aiid surface treatinent hava led to the usi of materials such as sintered and cast-alloyed tool steels, remem Equipment Too! and die making is an equipment intensive process most often requiring specialized machine lools, melal finishing and quafily control {measuring} equipment to achive high precision dimensional tolerances. A new equipment slowly being introduced by the industry are computers for computer-aided design. Machine Tools ‘The machine tools of the tool and die Industry can be categorized under general purpose machining and varlous specialized machining processes. Table 10 shows the number of general purpose and specialized machine tools. Classitied under goneral purpose machining processes ara conventional urning, miting, boring, grinding, and driling operations. The respondent shops have a lola! of seven hundred sixty aine (769) units of general purpose machine tools, These consists of three hundred wo (802) units of turning equipment ‘which are basicaly viilerent types of lathes such as bench, engiao, turret and vertical, and one hundred ninety (180) units of milling machines such as universal, horizontal, and vertical, About ninely nine (99) units of dill press, filly ‘wo, (52) units of boring machines, and about one hundred twenty six (126) units of grinders were also recorded. Specialized machining processes are worked on copy lathes, copy milling 1 Excerpted from JICA 1990 Industrial Sub-Sector Study ~100~ DETERMINE FaopucT SPECIFICATION PRODUCT colickPTuAL DEST Ronued PROCESS pEstat No us PESUGQVORRFTING —— ARALYSES OF FABRICATION PROCESSES LISTING OF aia oF RATEAtALS aoa ANALYSIS: OF | Figure 4 ‘mncnTNG oF Pants AnSURENENT oF PaaS HETALTUNESHING or Parts piEAOLD set ASSEMRLY NEASUREMENT TAAL aD ADIUSTHENTS Process flow for dle / motd making =101- 2: Distribution. General Purpose Machine Tools “turret, vertleal, etc.) a g Machines (universal, { ‘horlzontal; Vertical, ete.) “2 8: Drill Pros © 3 “4, Boring Machines * 4 '$: Grinders (Surtace & cylindrléal). 5 MU-Spindle Brg Eleclto Dischatge Machines “9. NC/ONC Milling Machines “210: Wire-cut EOMs Table 10 4: Turning Machines (berich, enginio, of Machine Toots % Sub-share “No. of Uniis 902 490) machines, jig boring machines, duptex milling machinas, profile grinders, centerless grinders, multi-spindle aris, electro-dischargo machines (EDM), numerical controlled end computer ‘fumerically controlled lathes and miting machines. Among the newest machine tools are wire-cut EDMs and machining coniers. The cumulative specialized ‘machining equipment of the respondent shops is about one hundred filly (150). ‘Broken down this includes twenty (20) copy lathes, sixteen (16) copy miting machines, eleven (11) jig boring Inachines, eighteen (18) jigs and profile grinders, fourteen (14) tool and cutter grinders, six (6) mult! spindle diils, wenty five (25) EOMs, thirteen (13) NC/CNC lathes, seventeen (17) NC/CNC miling machines and ten (10) wire cul EOMs. From this tabulation about 64% of the total machine tools of the respondents are composed of general purpose machine tools and only 16% are specialized machine tools, Tho ratlo of general purpose to specialized machine tools Is about 5 to 1, ~102~ Table 11 Shop Distribution of Specialized ‘Machine Tools “No. of Shops | Type of Machine Tools Copy Lathes and Mills "14 Jig Boring & Grinding’, 25 ‘Machines. ” Tool & Culter Grinders 2 Eléclro-Discharge’" 13 =" Machines 7 FNCICNC Lathes’: * NC/CNC Milling Machines: ) Wire-Cut EOMs. aon {n terms of shop distribution of these specialized machine tools a3 shown in Table 11, only fouiteen (14) shops have copy lathes and mills. Twonly five (25) shops have jig boring and grinding machines, and Wwelve (12) shops have tool and cuter grinders. Among the most sophisticated and expensive machine tools, thiteen (13) shops have EDMs, seven (7) shops have NC/CNC lathes, eight (8) shops have NC/CNC milling machines, and five (5) shops have wire-cut EDMs. ‘Although thera seems to be an abundance of general purpose machine tools, there is @ clear indication that 60-76% of these machine tools are more than fileen (18) years old and ace mostly second hand, imported from Taiwan, Japan, Korea, and China. At this condition they are not expected to provide the dimensional accuracy Fequired for tool and die making. Feceezermncoot Metal Finishing 7 As already inentioned, the main arietal finishing tectiaotogies used fos tool and die/motd making are heat treatment and inclustial thacd) ehtome plating. OF Yablo 12 Distribution of Shops with Metal Finishing, Qualily Control and Design Operations No. of Shops Metal Finishing aaeeall Quality Control 43 ‘Compuler-Alded-Oesign 6 the two, heat treatment is the more essential with twenty one (21) shops inclcating that they have heal treatment facilis. Only two (2) shops have electroplating facilities for industrial chrome plating of their dies and molds. Quality Control Instruments Almost ail of tha factities practice quality contro! mainly for dimensionat accuracy using basic measuring instruments such as calipers and micrometers. However, only five (5) shops are known to have metrology ‘equipment such as optical comparators, hilo onty one facifly is confirmed to have coordinate measuring machine, Computer-Aided-Design (Oratling) About six (6) compantes are custealty utilizing computer-cratting methods; howaver, none is known to be employing the full capabilities of computer-aided-design where engineering factors such as stress and ‘material slow can be simulated. ‘Table 12 shows tho number of shops with metal finishing, quality control and design operations. =103- Table 13 Distribution of Production Personnel ieee No. of |” % Share Personnel Engineers 82 8 Technicians Trade Graduates 944 35, Skilled 276 28 Seini-skilled 128 13. Siighilly skilled | -160 18 | TOTAL 990" —«t00,| Nota: Technicians denote machinists and tool 8'die makers Standardization sepugenemeet In advanced die making counties the standardization of dies and die ‘components has been proven to ellectively reduce manufacturing costs and shorten delivery schedules, Among the tool and die parts that can bo standardized are guide posts, bushing pins, and springs. in March 1990, Bureau of Product Standards (BPS) adopted JIS Standards as Philippine National Standards for tool and die making covering jigs (6 standards), press dies (11), dios for die casting (5), and motds {or plastic (16). Annex 2 lists these Philippine National Standards. However, the observance of these standards has not yet been promoted. EES tsomeES Technical Manpower Die making skill or expeniso is a produc! of theoretical knowledge and ‘years of quality experience, Thus, inherently there are only a small number ‘of echnical personnet that can be fogitimately called “tool and do makers", who adequately have both the desiga aid fabrication skills. For purposes of this study, the {echnical manpower of the tool and die Industry Is categorized in the level of engineers, technicians (Irado gradualos), skiled (1st class workers), seml-skilled (2nd class workers), and slightly skiled (Grd class workers). Table 13 shows the Gisttibution of production personnel in the industry as classified by tho respondents. Majority of the production workers are skilled workers and trade gradvates conslituting about 26% and 35% fespectively. They are periorming most of the critical machining processes and the assembly operations. Engineers comprising 8% 2x2 :iually assigned in the design, drafting and inspection! quality control deparinents. Serni-skilled (13%) and slightly skilled (16%) workers perform routine machining, material handling and other manual jobs, & aR AREER Operating Schedule Most tool and die shops are ‘operating six working days a week. ‘Seventeen (17) companias indicated ‘operating on a singla shift a day, 26 havo {wo shitis a day and only { operates on & 24 hour basis, seven Raw Materials Consumption / Utilization “nua eer The types of main caw material for des are ordinary cast steel cio set materials, ductile cast iron dio materials, carbon ool sleei, ts. speed lool steet and alloy lool steel. High grade materials, {or high precision and longiife dies are sintered high-speed steel and cemented carbide. ~104 Table ta Supply Network of Raw Materials, Local Dislabutor ) (Egrelgn materials) Among these, only steel (AIS! 4020 and others) can be pradueed in the Philippines. Seventeen (17) shops responded thal somo of thelr sources of rai materials are local manulacturers, indicative that they aro using cast iron die aterlals, while all forty three (49) respondents indicated that thelr raw materials are procured from local distributors of Imported carbon tool steel, high speed tool steel and alloy tool stee!, with nine (9) shops aro diractly importing these. The supply network of ravv materials is stated on Table 14. Oniy nine (9) firms stated thelr cast iron or steel raw materials consumption which averages at 27 UTiyeas. These companies maintained an average inventory of about 3 MT equivalent to be about four (4) months load lime as they indicated. However, itis acknowledged that this 's unusually high since the nine (3) mentioned cespondents to this section are the large and medium firms. oe ns Sets of lool and die assembly for various applicatfons (Courtesy of Maximetals Ind., Inc.) —105— Chapter IV Product Lines / Services As discussed in the Industry Profile, there are twenty nine (29) shops which are classified as independent shops producing molds, simple dies, compound dies, jigs and lixtures, and also provide dio repair services. Most of theso shops are also heavily engaged in general machining services for industiial parts, Table 15 provides the breakdown ‘of products/services provided by both Independent and in-house shops. The holding companies of fiteen (15) identified in-house shops produces various end-products from the dies. and molds they fabricate. Accordingly, six (6) ‘of these firms go on to produce forgings for motorcycle, automotive and olher industrial parts, five (5) fiems produce plastic products and fiteen (16) firms are engaged in pressworking and stamping, One {1} shop produces molds for manufacturing rubber products while another firm manulactures metal die-cast. fon Local Production mereowaaeny Ot the forty four (44) respondents, only thirty (wo (82) provided suitable production data (1990}. As there is no fixed correlation between molds and die assembly weight and ils price, this study Uses "salas* as the moro rellabla market indicator. Categorically broken down as shown ia Table 16, fourteen (14) shops teported tool and dio sales of less than P5.1M, six (6) shops had turnover bolween Ps.1M end Ps.2.5M whil five (5) shops sold Ps.2.5M but under Ps.6M. in the high tumover groups, two (2) had Market Analysis sales of Ps.5M bul less than Ps.10M and five (5) firms manufactured over Ps.10M worth of dies and molds. Extrapolating these production data, toll local production of molds and dies i estimated to be Ps.159.5M, This estimate consists of local production for both the focal market and the export market. Ol the sales volume of molds and dies generated in 1990 Ps.83.1M were manulactured by the independent shop (feported by 23 shops) accounting for 56%, while P3.76.4M were produced by the inhouse shops (reported by 8 shops) representing about 44% for their Jobbing services. To explain this close dilferenco despite fewer in-house shops that reported, it can be pointed out that one in-house shop for the biggest manulacturing congtomerala in the country reported a production value of 3.5811, already accounting for about 37% of the total recorded local production, raves Importation The Philippine manufacturing industry has been heavily relying on imported motds and dies. Table 17 shows the import value from 1987-1990 a8 dlassilied by the National Statistics Office. imports of molds and dies have shaiply risen trom $7.8 M in 1987, to $10.8 M in 1989, and then $19.4 M4 in 1989 before posting a modest increase to $14.9 M (P402 M) In 1980. This represents almost 100% increase over tho four-year period. Rubber and plastic molds are traditionally the largest type of Imports accounting for 43%, (in 1990) followed by dies foF stamping, forging, and = 106— Table.15 Product Lines/Services Offered “Product Lines / No. of Shops Senices "Simple Oies 4 “ oinpound Dies 29 Progrossive Dies ‘4 “Molds : 20 vigs and Fixtures 14 End Products other 15 ‘than Tool and Die (e.9. rhactilie spare parts, “3. forgings, plastic components, die casts, cubber products) Repair & other Services “<4 pressworking comprising 23%, glass molds represented 14% of tho imports and molds for metals and metal carbides ‘comprised 7% of the imports for the same year. imports of other types of molds and dies not classified in any of tho above group accounted for 13% of 1990 imports. The U.S., Japan, Singapore, and Taiwan hava consistently beea the major ‘origins of imported molds and dies, Togother, they account for almost 70% of the total imports while olher countries such as Sweden, Italy, France, the United Kingdom, and Hongkong provide the rest of tho 30%. The supply breakdown is as follows: Japan worth 25%, Singapore worth 15%, US worth 15%, and Taiwen woth 15%, Japan has been the dominant supplier of motds for rubber and plastic. Molds for metal aro mainly sourced trorn Japan and Taiwan. Singapore, U.S. and Japan are tho primary sources of dies, ‘while Taian has been the leading origin ‘of glass molds, Table 16 Local Mold and Die Production, 1990 (Classified according to sales range) No.of — % Shops Share F Sales Under Pt M ta 44 1 Mlo under P2.5 M 2.5 M lo under P5 M P5 Mo under PIO M P10 Mand above Figure § provides tho graphical feprosontation of the annual imports of molds and dies clessitied according to the countries of origin, Bie Exports: Teble 18 shows the annual exports of dios and molds ly 1990, tha industry posted exports of $0.74 M slighlly decreasing {rom $0.79 M in 1989, $0.6 M in 1988, and $0.63 Min 1907, The countries of the destinations of mold and dio exports are the US. accounting for 36%, Japan, 20%, and Australia end Luxembourg with 7% ‘each. Other countries of destination comprising the rest of the 30% are Guam, Germany, India, Hongkong, Venezuela, and even Nonth Vietnam. Figure 6 is a graphical representation of annual exporis of moids and dios classified according to countries of destination. 107— 1990 Dies 93,999,175 Motds tor Motals 1,020,445 Molds lof Glass 2,088,192 Molds for Minerals a Molds for Rubber &Plastic 6,349,387 Molds for Other Materials, 2,050,741. 644,807,879 Table 17 Annual Importation of Dies and Molds, $ 1909 1998 1987 2,983,972 1,971,816 1,392,212 048,257 524,065 (162,877 2,904,709" 1,816,793. 1,456,506 ~ 91,924 23,182 5,645,595 ° 4,096,489. 9,005,331 2,187,019... 1,726,109...1,002,124 19,405,485 7,882,192 7 Table 18 Annual Exports of Dies and Moids, 3 eirareguantenet ‘Total Estimated Demand Table 19 presents the estimated total demand for molds and dies in 1990 which is about P561.47 M. In terms of supply origin to fil in this total demand, imports heavily dominated providing 72% while focal production constituted 28% of this demand. OF this tocal production, 87% went to tho local market and this is equivatent (0 only about 24% of the total demand, while 13% of the local production were exported which is equivalent fo about 4% of tho total demand, {In torms of demand origin, the estimated local demand constitutes 96% ie 1990 1989 i998 1987) Dies 429918 620,330 429,845. 992,899. Molds for Metals 80,908.“ 21,648 48,458 4,445, Molds tor Glass : i AIT, _ Molds for Minetats ° = ms a8 - Molds for Rubber & Plastio. “211,548 * 192,526 49,183 --, 192,804 Molds for Other Malerlals "207,071 191,153 6.015 101,401 743,161 . 787,690 «601,218 «631,569 ‘of the lolat demand white the exports {overseas) market constituted 4%. ‘ESS SRSA RATAN End-User Industries of Local Molds and Dies ‘An analysis of the major end-user industries for local molds andl dios is provided in Table 20, The plastic manulacturing industry {s the biggest user of focal molds used {ar plastic injection, extrusion, and drawing reprosenting 24.7% of the total local mold/die production, followed by 108 Japan 25% Taiwan 15% { Singapore Othe 15% Bose Luxembourg 7% Australia 7% Annual Exports of Molds and Die: ~109 Table 19 Total Estimated Demand for Molds and Dies 1990 Ps, Paillonis Production Local Market Export Market ($0.74 M) Inportation ($14.09 M) Estimated Total Local Demand arg “Estimated Total Demand (A+ 840) @ 20 ‘| (24) (4 401.97 (GC) 72 (96) 139,44 (A) 20.06 (8) satat 861.47 “Table2t : Average Breakdown of-Productton © Cost for Toot and Die Making oo Share ‘Direct Raw 604,909. * 93 Materials ’ Direct Labor * 409,973 25 Factory Overhead 779,989 42 TOTAL 1,870,763 100 glass-making firms accounting for 17.6% of the local production market. Semiconductor manulacturing fitms requiring dies for integrated circuit ‘manulacturing constituted 16.5% of the local production market. Both automotive paris menvlacturing fms and appliance farls manufacturing firms eequiting dies for metal stamping, drawing, and forging ‘operations each account for 12.6% of the total local production, Die requirements Table 20 Breakdown of Mojor End-user Industries of Locat Molds and Dies Sectors/indush % Share Plastic Manufacturing 947 Glass Making 178 Seml-Conductor 165 Manulacturing Automotive 126 Manulacturing (a) Appliance 126 Manutacturing (a) Other Pressworking 40 & Forging (b) Die Casting 18 Rubber Molding 10 Note: (@) Melal stamping, drawing and forging excludes plastic, glass and rubber parts {b) Melal pressworki . stamping,. drawing and forging of meta! excluding automolive and appliance parts” * of olher piessworking, stamping, and forging firms aot producing for any of the above sectors represent 4%, while molds for diz casting and rubber motding sectors accounted lor 1.5% and 1% of tho {otal locally produced dies and molds. ATTRA Production Cost Data The suvvey elicited only eight tespondants for data on production cast {or 1990.' For purposes of presentation but not necessarily representing a dotinite protite of the production cost data of the tool and die making industry, Table 21 shows the averago breakdown of the cost elements of tool and aie making as reported by eight respondents. Direct raw material which ~110~ consists mainly of steel for mold and dio _is ovethoad expenses assembly accounts for about 33% of broken into indirect labor (administrative production cost, while direct labor of tool_—_and supervision), power and other and dle makers, general machinists, utiles, and other factory supplies. {ochnician, and engineers represent about 25%, The remainder af about 42% Toot and die mounted on the press: (Courtesy of Maximetals Ind, tac.) -ni- Chapter V _ sereety Problems ‘The problems and weaknesses of the tool and die making industry is analyzed in several aspects concerning technical capability, manpower, mackoting, financial, raw materials, ulliies and government regulations. Technical Capability Tool and die making technological expertise is basically a function of manufacturing and design capability, ‘The foremost constraint affecting manofacturing capability is that majority of the machine tools are outdated, limiting production of more complex and higher precision motds and dies. Aithough there aro Initia signs of modernization with the growing number ‘of NC3 and GNCs, the pace of their acquisition does aot seem to adequately match the'market demand, Some shops havo chown capability to produce fairly complex molds and dles but these are more of exception and thele productivily fs questionnable, Another critical factor is the limited dosign oxpacise with oniy a handiul of compatent die designers available. This can be traced to the fact that the time span of five (6) to ten (10) years to generato dle detign expertise greatly discourages interested praciiioners. ‘The industry is also facin Inadequate technical suppoit facilities, specifically heat \ealment and industrial chromo plating, deterring their capability to lmprove the service life of their molds and dies. In addition, thelr eapabitily to produico high precision molds and dies beyond the five (5) micron-level can not ba suppoited by existing measuring instruments. To validate this, the MIRDC Problems and Prospects Metrology Laboratory barely has clients despile the obvious need of lool and die shops for metrology services. Manpower ‘One ol the major problems of the industry is the chronic lack of tool and die makers, which is allributable to Wo: factors. The first factor is the over-all insufficient manpower development programs for tool and die making technology. Several institutions are known to be offering tool and die making ‘seminars namely, MIRDC, Metalworking Industries Assoclation of the Philippines, Dualtech Training Center, Meralco Foundation, Technological University of the Philippines, Don Bosco Technical Center, and soon tha NMYC, But as verified enroliment schedules are nol on a regular basis. ‘such thal their combined graduates ere not sufficient to match the requirements ‘of the industry. 1 sig dosign and enginoering, the DLSU and University of tho Phitippines are offering toat and die engineering course on their Engineering Masteral clegres progranis bul they are also known to be inactive, Tho other factor exacerbating tha manpower dilemma of the industry is the continuous exodus of our trained dia makers for overseas jobs speclally to the Midato East. This has even fed to the drain of our trainors on tool and di, Othér manpower related probtems. ited by the respondents are low employee productivity, arising mainly from lack of skills. High employeo luin-over was aso reported due to prevalent pirating practices among tool and de shops. Unreasonabte untonism ‘was also appatent as two shops were plagued by strikes and one was ‘eventually closed bocauso of this, =a Marketing Majority of the respondesits have inclicated thal thelr foremost marketing problem is tho irrational price competition since itis almost impossible to formulate a standard pricing policy for molds and dies. Some shops have complained! of allimited market, while others point to foreign competition as theit main market problem, But looking back al the Market ‘Analysis Section, the huge volume of imports seems to validate the laller percepiion of the respondents and at the same lime refuting the former complaint Majority of the respondents were contident of thelr product quality, although this can be dispuled as one of the main reasons why end-users opt to import their molds and dies rather than have them manufactured locally. 3 e ee Financing The lack of suitable financing was consistently painted oul by respondents a one of thelr main problems, particularly the independent shops. They complained that commercial loans with high interest rates (pegged al 29% at the {ima of the survey) have been deterring their modernization and expansion plans. In rosponse (o this, the survey {am presented a consolidated brieting list of various government soit-term financing programs for start-up, modernization and expansion of the Industries under the TLAC, DBP, and SSS, This information was well-received by tho shops, bul most of them are reluctant on taking their own steps to avail of these financing programs, possibly due to weriness of long processing procedures and heavy collaterals required. Another example of tool and die mounted on the press (Courtesy of Maximetats Ind., Ine.) ~ 13 Utililies Elochicily as a uiiily problems remains to be the biggost fnctor alfecting tho industiy, mainly duo to the ineroa: frequency of power intercuplion causing operational delays. In addition, high power rales contribute a big factor in production cost. Likewise, the Industry noted some difficulties in communication and transportation, Government Regulation High taritis on caw materials and equipment cemain to be the predominant government regulations affecting the industry. The respondents further stated hat this Is compounded by the complicated customs procedures. Prospects Despite the burden of these problems and weaknesses, majority of lhe compainies are stil optimistic about the business prospects in the county. Eighteen (18) respondents have indicated expansion plans in terms of additional capacity, eight (8) companies are piarining to employ new production processes while ten (10) other Companies aro considering downsteam manufacturing of new products for electronics, automotive parts and metal fasteners. To achiove these they havo professed that thy wil have to adopt major technological advances perticulally the use of CAD, CNCs, metrology techniques and metal finishing. However, four {4) other eémpanios commented that Parts of toot and die assembly used to prouuce ICs {Courtesy of Oriental Toolmaster) =a husiness prospects doperic on the counlty’s economic, political, and peace and ordor stably Overall, the indtusty foresees the following factors will undorenine their compalitiveness in the markel. These aro (1) the Increasing use of plastics ‘over provious motal parts, (2) the high acquisition cost of modem equipment, (3) shortage of skilled technical personnel, {4) increase in labor costs, and (6) high Interest rates on commercial loans. Mittiig machines, equipment used fa nuliling operation for toot and die pats and components (Courtesy of Oriental Toolmaster) tis— Proposed Government Action | Chapter Vi The Metals and Engineerlag sa Industries National Action Pian 1990 to 2000 was launched by the Sclence and Development Program for the Techology Coordinating Council (TCO) Tool and Die Industy Metals and Engineering Technical Planning and Review Committee (TPRC). Figure 7 provides an overview of the PLAN'S 5 major components, namely: = Enable the tool and oie a, The generation of design and industty to provide the Metals engineating expertise for machineries and Engineering Industries of and equipment; the Philippines with the b. The development I Basic required loots, dies and molds metal industies; {or effcfent production c. Tho upgrading of engineering and technical education, + Upgtade the technology of ine d. Improvement of quality and tool and die Industry to productivity; and compele ellectivaly In tho @, The central component thal Is world maikel for tools, dies, the modernization of the metalworking and molds. Industios. Under this central component, the — Increase the number and ‘Sub-sector Development Programs were ‘capacity of tool and die shops formulated to address cach metalworking capable of producing high sector, one of which Is tha Development quality motos and dies. Program for the Too! and Die Making Industry. Figure 8 shiows the TPRC's ‘Organizational Network composed of SASSER various eub-commitless taskod to inate P ; the implementation of these programs. A rategy/Programs: sub-sector Moderiization Steering Coordinator has been assigned to. ‘ Gversee ne mnplemertalfon-ef each 1. Technology Upgrading ‘sectoral development program. a. Commission an in-depth study This development program calls of oxisting too! and die making for conceited multi-sectoral efforts: capability in relation to among vatious government agencies, the Industry requirements to plivalé sector and the acatieme. The ‘establish development needs. Metals Industy Research and Implementing Institutions: Dovetopment Genter (MIROC), as the MIAP - MIROC < BOL agency mandated to develop the metalworking industry, ig expected to be the backbone of the program's implementation. ~116~ founsrewase womrzinusoon sionooue SES ant SNR. Sone Sn | Sueasnions od = szoned 7 Pee proven) MONDE SS/2IMUNI SeWeDen/292NGaN —_WOeans /ZOYuNCONS: L i vues SNOT WEEE ONOT Viel PENIGSPE Guanes Su nnIcaN onions BWBOVOY. ~ PLNBVINEZAOD ee ausshont TIDNNOD DNILVNIGYOOD ADOIONHOSL ONY SONEIOS 0002-0562 NY 1d NOLLOV TVNOILVN S3IELSNGNI DNISESNIONS CNV SIVLSW 2esnig “117 Promote the use of Computer-Alded-Design and Computer-Aided -Manulacturing (CADICAM) in toot and aie ‘making through seminars, demonstrations, facilities tinie-sharing, eto. Implementing histitutions: MIRDC - MIAP Conduct a continuing technical consultancy program for tool and die shops. A committed technical team (rom MIRDC and MIAP shall be formed. Implementing institutions: MIROC - MIAP |. Negotiate grants for services of foreign exports who can ranster relovant technologies {0 Philippine tool and die makers. Implementing Institutions: OST. MIRDC Acquire retevant iteratures ‘and materials on modern too! and die making practices that ‘can be disseminated to members of the industry. Implementing Institutions: minoc - MIAP tool and dio making facilities ~~ Repeal the really tax on new machines ~~ Accelerate depreciation period for tool and die making production machineries Reduction of duties on slate-of the ait machinetias to discourage preference to import outdated machineries Iniplementing Institutions: BOL - BIR - MHIP ~~ 3. Rationalization a Accreditation Program ‘An acéredilation program shall be fornwtated and conducted to ideniify and ctassity tool and die Jobbing) shops according to their capal proclure specitic types oFdies and footings based on set quality standards. Implementing tnstitutions: BPS - MIAP - MIRDC. ®. Standardization Progtam Intemational standards for tool atts, elements, and terminology The joint BPS - MIAP - MIRDC Committee should make the necessary contacts and formulate proposals to the International Standards ‘Organization {1SO) in Geneva {or the oarly preparation of secommendations for standardizing internationally the most commonly used parts, elements, materials and terminology in die, mold and Jigs and fixtures design and manvfaclure. For the moentime, in the absence of any ISO standard, industry should formutate its own set of standards in terms of desiga, materials, lls, and tolerances, Imptenrenting Institutton BPS-MIAP-MIRDC Com itteo ©. Incentives and poticy package for Accredited Tool and Die Shops and Members of the Modernization/ Rationaitzation Program under BOI's Investment Priovities Plan (WP). ‘The following shall bo institutionalized and made available: | owomsy guuvie | owns anon | So! | men | | eee ave” | | sa 7700 | | AuoNnOs | SHOLYNIGSOOD ONIBZZLS NOLLVZINUSOOW HOLOSS-EAS [me | fe ca Srrvowes | | eenosee | | wystous Some oie ot scrrane ONICTING NOILVLICBEDOV BOVHOVE NEWdO73/30 BDVXOVE i | SNtnocw SOS. NIONYNIS wSMOUNY A SBALNZONI | L i i f SESLLUNWCO-SNS i MROMLEN TYNOLLYZINYDYO BOLOBS ONINSSNIONS ONY STIVLEN BELUNWOO MBIASY ONY DNINNY Id TVOINHOSL TIONNOD DNILWNIGHOOO ADOIONHOSL ONY BONZIOS seunSiy — Tax exemption on. imported capitat equipment not locally manufactured — Tax credits for purcliase/use of locally fabricated equipment — Only accredited fims can patticipale in the. governnient procureinent system under Executive ‘Order 205 5, 1987 — Priority endorsement and guaranteo to secure soft loan packages. A Memorandum of Agreanvent fo this effect shall be linked under TLAG's Export industry Modernization Program. Initia! ostirnated credit {acilly needed by too! and die shops — Ps.150M — Only accredited firms shall be promoted by the Bureau of Export Trade and Promotions and Commercial Attaches ~ BO} registered finns shalt bbe asked to priovitize sourcing products from accredited firms — Priofity in availing of assistance under Technical Consultancy Program Inuptemtenting Institutions: DTVBOI- DOS T/MIRDC - TURC - MIAP Raw Materials Sourcing 4, a Encourage class AA foundries to underiake development and production of special tool steels to provide an alternative {o outright importation of the basic material. As an incentive, the BOI shall list production of special tool sleel as pioneer enterprises. Imptenienting Institutions: BO1- PES - MIAP Upgrading = 120- b, Designate the steol servic centers as bulk-buying entities of impoiled spacial ool steals {tom vahich they caa be bought at a compatitive cost. {implementing Institutions: MIAP -SSC- DTI 6. Inslilulion Development/ 2. Establish Regional Service Centers (RSCs) for tool anc die technology. ‘The function of RSCs are training, testing, technology lvanster and product development. Initial pitot regions for tool and die RSCs are Xl, Vil, and X. Implementing institutlons: OST -DTI-MIAP b. Oosignate the Design and Engineering Center as the toot and die design center where up-to-date facitiies (computers, plotters, etc.) are available to service industry needs. Implementing Institution: DECFI ¢. Set up an information center in tool and die making technology. Imptenienting Institutions: MIROC - MIAP- 4. Provide direct assistance to engines:’" universities and liar technical training institutions to acquire advanced instructional machining equipment such as CNG and copy miting ‘machines, Implementing Institutions: OST - PATE - NMYC —~ Safeguards and incentives &.Manpower Development sitll be adopted to retain and Skills Upgrading oo. and further develop the a. Conduct an In-depth study on trainors pool. the manpower needs of the lmplenicnting institution: industry both in numbers and MIAP - MIRDC - DOST - tninimum skill fovel required. Other training inst. b, Establish the integrated, J. Wdentily leading engineering Industry-based Training and instiulions/universities in the ‘Skills Upgrading System, feygieene which may responsive lo the findings of immediately serve as tho 6a. ‘regional training facilis tor = Ojslidel tring tadders tool and die technology, as. will be adopted each tor part of the ASG concept as in tool and die makers, Sa and 64. designers and tool oom Innplementing Institutions: machinist. OST - PATE - NMYC ~The systom shall encourage close @. Negotiate grants for foreign cooperation anid fellowships in tie ffeld of tool collaboration between and die making. Participants Waining institutions and the in theso study grants must industry (such as MIAP, make themselves available to MIROC, Meralco the industry for multiplier elfect. Foundation, Manila Inptementing institutions: Technicien’s tnstitute, OST - DTI Oualtech) through anv appropriate network, f. Establish post-graduate coutsas in lool and die dasign — The system shall institute and making in our leading mechanisnis to provide engineering universitles. appropriete Incentives to Implementing Institutions: patlicipating firms. bosT- PATS. UP Implementing Institutions: Major training institutes 9. Provide focal study tours to 7 tool gnd die making 6. Form a Toot and die Design practitioners particularly rom and Making National Trainors the regions to more Poo! to be a ready technical preg: sive fms in Metro fesoiee for diflerent taining Mania institutions, Implementing Institutions: — The pool shall have twenty MIAP - DTI (20) tainovs.. Several action plens ofthe —- The Government, through Development Progeam havo already MIROC, shall commit to been initiated: {iain and retain 10 liainors {oF he pool a, Sectoral Study The Industry, through This sectoral study itself is the frst MAP. shal Comm te yy __dollon of the TPAC for the col end make availavle 10 industty —jiaking Industy. As stated In the experts for the pool. ‘objective, this study aims to highlight the inpportance of the industry and provide directions on the industry assistance azeds of the secior. ~lai- b. Technleal Consultancy Program Under the Manufacturing Productivily Extension Prograin of the DOST, six (6) of the respondents in this sludy have already received exten lechaical consultancy and acivisory services to improve thelr production capability and increase thelr productivity and quality. in 1992, énother phase of MPEX is being scheduled with more tool and dia shops expected to be beneficiaries. ¢. Promotion of CAD/CAM tn cooperation with DOST-PCS CAD/CAM Genter which was inauigurated in 1991, the vse of CAD/CAM is being extensively promoted ulfizing MIROC equipment while software programming Is provided by the CAD/CAM Center. d, BOLIPP ‘The Board of Investnents ~~ 1991 Invosiments Priorities Plan inas listed that slart-up modernization and expansion of tool and die making shops are eligible for fiscal and poticy incentives, notably tox exemption on knported capital equipment ‘nol focally mana ered. @. Standardization tn March 1990, the Bureau of Product Standards promulgated thinly seven (37) Philippine Nationat Standards {for too! and die making covering jigs, press dios, dies for dio casting and motds {or plastic, f. Comprehensive Tool & Die Making Design and Making Training Program : This is a two-phase program initiated in August 1990, designed to. initially form a Too! and Die Trainors Poo! and then conduct a two year comprehensive industry training program. ‘The three (8)-month trainors training program has produced fileen (15) {rainors from MIROG, the industry and the ‘academe, These Irainors ar@ now conducting the second phase for fiteon (15) indus personnel up to 1993. $88 Specialized machine for tool and die making (wire cut EDM) (Cowwiesy of Orlentat Toolmaster) = 122 Equipment used li controliing the quality of toot and dio paits and components (above, chamber furnace for heat Wealment purposes; below, hardness tester & profile projector) (Cotitesy of Oriental Toolmaster) = 123- Annex 1 List of Tool & Die Making Facilities 1990 RDN NRTA ARREST Seaceaecscs RESPONDENTS * Independent Shops Aunber Trading & Supply Co, Ine. ‘Anil Metatshop Corp. Base Corporation Ben San Machineries & Engineeting Carding Machine Shop Centiic Industrial Services, Inc. Creative Trade Center Directria industries, inc. Fu's Machinery Works Gabfee Machinery Works, Inc. Great Tooling System, Inc. Harvester Machine Works, Inc. Tung Trading and Machinery Center are Manufacturing & Machine Shop Key Mould Maker ot aetnateoueraramneanaastian * In-House Shops Acne Toots Mig. Co,, ine. ANI Forge Phils, Inc. Arco Metal Products Co, Inc. CP. Big Value Comp. Cathay industrial & Mili Supply, tne. Centrota Phils., tne. Grasco hidusuies, Inc, ‘Manly Plasttes, inc Matsteel Corp. Maximetal Industries, Inc, Mould Maker Corp. Precision Brass Fabricator Romacar Technologies, inc. San Miguel Packaging Products Toho - AGEP Metal Forming Corp. Leo Santos Metal Engraving & Machine Works Meraica Foundation, Inc. Metals Industy Research & Development Center Mould Tech, Center Phils. Ner Industrial Services Corp. Oriental Toolmaster Corp, Al Cura Engineering Rencar Engineering AGA Resource Development Enterprises SEV Corporation Solid Technology Services, Inc, TOE General Machino Shop Ultrasonic Plastio Mould Machine Shop Yaw-Olz-Mawh Industrles & Engineering Works NON-RESPONDENTS Annama Engineering Any Foundry & Machine Shop ‘Buenthur Engineering Works Don Bosco Technical Institute Goodwill Machine Shop Co. HiMark Enginoering & Machine Shop JAS Engineering and Machine Shop Macsan Metalcrait Ind, Co. Maric Mota! Mega Tech, Devt & Mktg. Corp. Morales Engineering Works Nahicy’e Prods, Mig. Corp, Philfran Machine Shop Prinial Engineering & Machine Works Product Assurance & Technologies Comp. Santech Corp Solid Pants Corp. Too! and bie Asia Cooperative ~124— Annex 2 List of Philippine National Standards Adopted from Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS) 37 Standards Total [Jigs and Fasteners} figs} US 8 8201 (1989) Jig Bushings and Accessories JiS 8 S241 (1989) Washers for Jigs and Fixtures JISB (1989) Locating Pins for Jigs ond Fixtures viS B 6226 (1989) Hexagon Nuts for Jigs ond Fixtures: JIS 8&2 (1989) Clamps for Jigs and Fixtures {Dies} JIS B 004 (1975) Punch Holder end Die Hotder for Press Dies tS B §007 (1986) Guide Posts and Gulde Bushes for Stamping Dies ‘JIS 8 6009 (1981) Punches or Press Dies IS 8 6012 (1988) Coiled Helical Springs tor Stamping Oles JIS B 5013 (1909) Die Sets lor Press Dies JS B 5031 (1975) Accuracy Test for Press Die Sols, AHS B 5060 (1989) Steel Dia Sets for Press Dies JIS 8 5061 (1989) Plates for Press Dies JS B 5062 (1989) Dowel Pins for Press Dies JIS 8 6063 (1989) Die Bushings for Press Dies JIS 8 5064 (1986) Shoulder Screws for Stamping Dies [For Die Casting} JIS A 5101 (1989) Holding Blocks and Cavity Insoris for Die Casting UIS 8 5102 (1989) Guide Pins of Oias for Die Casting IS 8 5103 (1989) Ejector Pins of Dies for Die Casting VIS B 5104 (1989) Reluen Pins of Dios for Oie Casting JIS 8 $105 (1989) Guide Pin Bushes of Dies for Die Casting {For Plastics} JIS 8 $106 (1989) Main Plates of ‘Moulds for Plastics JIS & 5107 (1989) Guide Pins of Movids for Plastics JIS B 5108 (1989) Ejector Pins of ‘Moulds for Plastics JIS B 5109 (1989) Locate Pins of Moulds for Plastics JIS 8 5110 (1989) Guide Pin Bushings (of Moulds for Plastics JIS 8 5111 (1989) Locate Rings of Moulds for Plastics iS 8 5112 (1989) Sprue Bushings of Moulds for Piastios JIS 8 51°" (1989) Spacer Blocks of Moulds for Plestics JIS 8 5114 (1989) Shouldered Ejector Pins of Moulds for Plastics VIS B 5415 (1989) Ejector Guided Support Piiars of Moulds for Plastics JIS 8 6116 (1989) Suppor Pilar of Moulds for Plastics JIS B 5117 (1989) Ejector Sleeves of Moulds for Plastics JIS 8.5116 (1989) Support Pillar Bush of Moulds for Plastics JIS 8 5149 (1989) Taper Locks of Moulds for Plastics VIS 8 5120 (1989) Disc Spacer of ‘Moulds for Plastics JIS 8 6121 (1989) Fiat Ejector Pins of ‘Moulds for Piastics ~125~ PHA ~ 3 MIRDC Ci LEMOS 9 — AWE COMPREHENSIVE TOOL, DIE AND MOULD MAKING TRAINING PROGRAM (Two Years, 1993-1994) Duration Program Content Detailed Curriculum Phase I & H = 18 months Phase Ill = 6 months 24 months ‘The program consists of three (3) phases Phase I: Related Theory is designed to equip the trainees with the theoretical and technical inputs including behavioral programs aimed at modifying their atlitudes towards a more positive outlook, Phase Ik: Skills Training is designed to provide the trainees with the necessary skills required of a skilled tool, die and mould maker. Phase Ilf: On-the-job Training in private tool and die shops is designed to expose the trainees in actual too}, die end mould making activi Phase I- Related Theory ‘Technical Mathematics ‘Technical Drawing Engineering Materials Metrology ‘Communication Arts, Effective Human Relations and Work Ethics Phase il - Skills Training Shop Safety Tool Crib Maintenance Basie Machine Tool Operations => Offhand Tool Grinding Drilling Shaping => Turning => Milling => Grinding 126 No, of Participants Admission Reqmts, Admission Fee + Specialized Machining Practices => Copy Milling, => Pantogeaphing => Jig Boring => Surface & Cylindridat Grinding => Tool and Cutter Grinding => Eroding (EDM) => CNC Machining + Related Technology => Jigs and Fixtures => Cams and Gears => Pneumatics and Hydraulics => Welding, => Heat Treatment + Toot and Die Making, => Bench Work Assembly => Cutting Dies => Forming Dies => Bending Dies => Forging Dies => Die Casting => Plastic Injection Mold Thirteen (13) technical school graduates One (1) high school graduate One (1) mechanical engineering graduate Graduates in metalworking or engineering related courses who are presently unemployed Free of charge = 127 INTEGRATED TOOL. AND DIE DESIGN AND MAKING TRAINING PROGRAM PHASE | Duration Program Content Detaited Curriculum No. of Participants Admission Reqmts. Admission Fee PHASE II Ouration Program Content Detailed Curriculum: No. of Participants Admission Reqmts. Admission Fee {Two Years, 1991-1993) + TRAINERS TRAINING 180 hours Theee (3) short courses on «Basic Tool and Die Making + Advance Too! aad Die Making * Plastié Mold Making 80% actual shop practice 1 See Annexes Al, A2, and A3 Four (4) industry personnel ‘Ten (10) MIRDC personnel 1 Graduates in metalworking and engineering related courses who are presently employed by industry Free of charge INDUSTRY PERSONNEL TRAINING years Four (4) industry personnel to render twelve (12) hours per month re; design, advanced tool and die making and specialization courses ‘Theoritical inputs and machining courses including. supervision of hands-on training to be handted by six (6) MIRDC trainors Teaching techniques 1 See Annex Ad Fourteen (14) industry personnel 2 Graduates in metalworking and engineering related courses who are presently employed by industry Free of charge =123— Afnex At - PHASE t COURSE OUTLINE FOR: BASIC TOOL AND OIE MAKING Types of presses - principles and uses, Shearing Oie, Shearing Die with Guide Plates only without Guidepost, Blanking Die with and without Guidepost, Punching pie with and ‘without Guidepost, Piercing Die, Fine Shearing Die or Shaving Die, Side Trimming Dies Hotching Dies, Shallow Orawing Dies, Coining Dies Measurements Standard Parts of Die, Shearing and/or Cutting Details, Shearing Force cutting Clearances, Strip Rails, Punches Die Blocks, Retainers, Screws, Dowel Pins Punch and Die Block Assembly, Punch and Retainer Pilot Pins, Die Setting and Sampling press Forming Die, Sending Die, Deep Drawing Dies, Material Flow, Orawing Stages, Cepth of Drawing and Sheet evel Thickness. Reverse Redrawing, Deep Drawing wth Rounded Humps and Pads, Aesembly ‘of Deep Drawing Oies, Workoiece Sezting, Die Setting and Sampling and Repair compound Die and its Details, Strip Maveriels: Materia) seiection for different Die Components =123— Annex A2 - PHASE I COURSE OUTLINE FOR: ADVANCED TOOL. AND DIE MAKING Introduction, Progressive ie end/or Lamination Die, Compound Die, Trimming Die Mathematica! Method, Graphical Method ation, Scrap Percentage Strip Scrap and/or Strip Utiti ridges. Bending Dies, Curling Die, Coining Die Forming Cie, Compound and Trimming Die using rubber pad Extrusion Dies (Hot or Cold) Forging Dies (Drop Hammer and Press forging) Die-Cesting Dies Materials Selection for different types of Dies Soeeralized Machining of Oie Components —130~ Annex 43 ~ PHASE I COURSE OUTLINE FOR: PLASTIC HOLDS AND PLASTIC MOLDING TECHNIQUE © Introduction, . Molding Presses, Types of Molds , Design of Detailed Parts 0 Ejector Half or Rear Cavity and Frames. 0 Cover Cavity or Front Cavity and Frames © Ejector System © Cores, Slides and Loose Nold Pieces © Gating, Design of Mold Assembly, Manufacturing of Detailed Parts of Plastic Molds Milling Operations ~ Individual Inspection, Group Insoection. qualizy Control 0 Turning Operations ~ Individual “Inspection, Group Inspection, Quality Control ~ individual Inspection, — Groue. © Grinding Operations 3) Inspection, Quality Con 9 Special Machine Gverations - Individual Inspection, Group Inspection, .duatizy Control, Manufacturing Processes’ in the Mold Assembly Sections © Cooling and Heating System, Gating sting and Product Inspection ° Mold © Plestic Materials and Product Design material Specification for Mold Parts and Heat Treatment © Repair and Maintenance of Molds 0 Production ~ Automation ~131= Annex A4~ Phase 11 COMPREHENSIVE TRAINING PROGRAM COURSE CONTENTS IT. RELATED CLASSROOM (THEORY) MATHEMATIC! © Fundamental Processes of Shop Math, 18 hrs. © Application of Algebra to Shop Calculations. 18 © Trigonometry 26-hrs. © Geometry (Plane & Solid) 18 © Compound Angles 36 © Mechanics 10 © Strength of Materials 18 DRAFTING: © Fundamentals 36 hes. © Detailing of Jigs & Fixtures 26 © Die Detailing and Blue Print Reading 36 © Cams and Gears a6 © Description Geometry 48 hrs. SCIENCE: 9 Machine Tool Technology (Basic) 36 hrs. o Machine Tool Technology (Advanced) 36 © Machinery’s Handbook 36 0 ferrous. and Non-Ferrous Metals 18 o Metals Characteristics 18 o Numerical Control! and £,0.M. 18 o Die Theory 18 ~ 132 I. EMECTIVES: © Hydraulics © Drafting © Design and Constructions © Die Design 1 © Die Design 11 Completion Drawing (0ie) °. © Jigs & Fixtures Design’ and Construction © Process (Materials Handling & Automation) © Helding-Technology & Laboratory Total Lecture Hours WORK EXPERLENCE SCHEDULE (ACTUAL) 36 hrs. 48 4a 36 36 © Too? Crib 100 hrs. © Bench 400 * © Orill Press: Sensitive, Heavy Duty, Radial 100 © Lathe: Smal) and Large Capacities 200 © Milling Machines 400" © Grinding Machines 600 © Jigbor ing Machines 200 © EDN/CNC Machines goo * © Heat Treatment and Welding Practice 150” © Precision Inspection 300 3,250 hrs. Total Curation 982 + 3,250 “= 4,132 hrs. 24 months 2 years Where: No, of hours/day = 8 ~133~ |» Ror6e es ‘zie ay oz Sny-ez. tHe 1z-9) une ‘sues! Se RS ers Uso ‘suee! SB RSE rs VT'LON| 2.5 2900251 95} tes Ae iy 98222 “Uer | “Sy BE $8 FS 376 Us VON SERS Bre PE VON S$2-02-PO| ‘eee unr Bie} Ue ‘uu ge SS 2 rs Le vON! ei-g “dog f9z-12 uty ovo ta Suuneag eomayoes “14 Suumeig reowyoes “01 eae >p Bumume vogonpoid ‘6 Supseg wnpold 3 fenuog 3509 ‘gp Suuumg svomeda | ooroos'z | | -sy0el re vevon | Luz BO AMOS wr | suo revs un $1 dag 1-01 eH “suse! sewsers vs wn ee oes 12r21 Aen 24-2120 suse| S28 RSP rs YI LON gh 300 e281 ‘Say She-se Aw ‘ete very i vopeory rnsnpu Jo} 1g Meoe unt fee '9ay| sainDagy S5ip 0 uBEOg ' =135— | -swyoe| | rs vEt0H| woo0z |e Boez dog ‘oeee Ae i wuce| 6 vvon eocooe | LR RON 19-2 Unp sy 08 re ue uOW ALE RO 'BiPL Cy “sH 08} 6 UUON Bie "dog zee unr | -amyoe! $6 Bs UOR BE AON 16-5 KON Gupseg wounssnyy “Ss i | seonzey Sumey Apuno3 ‘sonzesg Apunos oes *t| | i or000's: reaueg fren Aipuney “yj ovens | Surewwones Apunos “¢} 00°00" 007008" ‘o0'00s": SHOL AON, puewdoprec hoswedns ‘si $9212 Nh “Gazz ver | oe | | =136- | | dog Re) Aen) Sunes @ Sume-ePON 4) ooroo!e eae) hay 16-22 uer| sjoog jo wounesis 3294 “| | | | | | 2409] ; SWIVYDOUd EBHLO Ss es-sen1 | coves zei ron ‘orse Ory} 1 Bue, s you, 3 su ee | | 1 SO RSE rE VEUON | | Suse) er) | $8 Rs-u0M| 1 ooo | Vine ine ei-ps vey] Bupemou. ‘+ | ovvos Pose ces 015 fen) Sune sso 9) : i | 1 96) | | $8 BSB rE UO | | | wee es | (sents | 00°000'r sz-oL une izevzt Wes MYO'2 MNS “Eh say uopewesaig $2 RE-sINLL| ‘eucnexpensy) -enyee| i BLO} TP ze-0e “gee spoeN 2 Epey Suis “f} 58 RS RTE EE VON | | sues we umssaig | 7000 ‘seat Srviuiei fen] Supemownomn : so2g-10n Suueiye pe wountemen | | ooo se02 BO sez 8} -g vonEZMeBI | wy sel versmyrson { "SHU OF | | I B6 YsP VON | $9 2S-LOW| ‘senbmyoo, | 92-02 20 i { | i ~-137-- FHA 5 724 VE YRMTRBS (PDMA) BEEF PHILIPPINE DIE AND MOLD ASSOCIATION ‘The Philippine Die and Mold Association seeks to promote the rapid modernization of the Philippine die and mold industy by foStering closer cooperation between and among the members cof the indusby, the academe, and the government and by serving as a catalyst in consolidating their efforts and in mobilizing available resources with the end in view of ‘enhancing the capability of he dio and mold indusby to meet the demands of the focal and ‘export market Under the standards of global excellence. 1. Poticy advovacy and support To formulate, iniiae, and advocate polices and stalegies fo the raonelizalon of the mold and die industry, review’ the existing indusby policies, and closely monitor. the implementation thereo. 2, Industry consolidation and network-building To establish a network or linkages with Industry teaders, partnerships, corporations, associations, or petsons engaged in die and mold meking, here and abioad, for purposes of exchanging views end information, establishing bases for cooperation, or undertaking collaborative activities for the advancement of the interests of the die and mold industry. 3. Information dissemination To establish a center for information dissemination on researches, lechnologies, and policies and programs pertaining too afecing the mold and die indus. 4, Tectmicat capability upgrading To promote closer collaboration between and among the indusly, the academe, and the government in upgrading the lechnical capability of educational institutions offering subjects on took mold, and die making and in conducting Waining programs for skils- improvement of people involved in theindusby. 5, Establishment of common research and technical facilities and creation of a poo! of technical consultants To establish common research and technical facilities for the industy and create a pool of technical consultants of such nature as may advance the common interests of the industry. ~139~ PHLIPPINE Dic AND MOLD ASSOCIATION, inc. C/o MIRDC, Gan, Santos Avenud, Biciitan, Taguig, Motro Manila Tels. 837-0431 to 38 Loc. 463; Fax: 837-0430 Directory of Board of Trustees/Officers: 1, MR, JIMMY T. CHAN President Maximetal Industries Inc. No. 9D. Areltano Street. Caloocan City, MM. 'T 3610243, 350895; 358134 Fax: 3610231 2. MR. JOHNNY R: PONTIVEROS Vice President Oriental Toolmaster Corp. 747 Sgt. Bumatay St., Plainview Mandaluyong Cily T $325629; 5319355; 5319860 Fax: (632) 5315586 3. MR. ROBERTO B. SISON Secretary Ramear , Ine. Km. 18 McArthur Highway Meycauayan, Bulacan £097 8406919 Pax: 097 8407128 Quezon City: 1990671; F9222305 Novaliches: 19362815; F9362813 4, MR. FERNANDO NOBLE ‘Treasurer Machinebank’s Corp. 482 G. Araneta Avenue Quezon City T 7113751 to $5 DL 7122460 Fax: 7326080, 7122484 5. MR. SUMIO YAMASHITA Auditor Aichi Forging Company of Asia, Inc, Sta, Rosa, Laguna T 8922260; 8922263 Fax: 632 8922281 140 PDMA Board...page2 6. MR. RAMON C. CURA R, Cura Engineering Entilia Pascual Street San Isidro, Paranaque, M.M, ‘T/F 8276461 7. MR. RUPERTO C. MAGNO IMF International Corp. 67 P. Tuazon Blvd, Cubao, Q.C. 77230032 to37 Fax: 6327214303, 8, MR. JOSEPH LEB F-Tung Plastic Mold Engineering Co. No, 600 7th Ave,, 10 St. Caloocan City, MM. T 3638049 to 59 Fax: 364-4241 9, MR. VLADIMIR CO Marly Plastics, Inc, 56-0 Royal St. Bo. Kangkong, Q.C. T 3614882; 3614886; 354121 Fax: 3614544 10, MR. DANNY RAMILLANO Ramcar Tool and Die Inc. (Ramtool) Bldg. 6 C.C.CMCC. Compound Veterans Center, Taguig, M.M. T 8134208; 8928041 loc. 400, 401, 402 Fax: 8134208 11. MR. JULIUS M, LABRADOR Pacific Electromagnetics Corp. PEC Compound Don Mariano Santos Ave., Angano, Rizal T 632 6512955 and 56 Fax: 632 6512957 11 Trustee ‘Trustee ‘Tristee ‘Trustee Trustee Trustee PDMA Board. .page 3 12 13. 14, 15, ROBERTO D. SISON Melatcast Corp. Mount View Industrial Park Governor's Drive Bo. Bangkal Carmona, Cavite T 7598567, 7598568 F750:23-30 MR. LUIS C. MENDOZA Penta Technological Products, Inc. El Inventor Cpd. Antang Rodriguez Ave. Bo, Dela Paz, Pasig, Metro Manila T 6451311; 6451316; 6451319 Fax: 6459065; 8188398 MR. EDUARDO R. LACBAY MIRDC Gen, Santos Ave,, Bicutan, Taguig, MM, 1 8370431 to 38 Fax: 8370430 MR. DOMINGO I. BAGAPORO Board of Investments Indusiry & Investments Bldg, 385 Sen. Gil J. Puyat Avenue City of Makati DL 8958214 TL 8976682 loc. 259, 247,257 Fax: 8953649 ~~ Trustee Trustee ‘Trustee Trustee PHLiPPiNE Diz AND MOLD ASSOGATION, inc. DIE CASTING AND FORGING SECTOR J, Acme Tools Manufacturing Co., Inc. 2. Aichi Forging Company of Asia, Inc. 3. Cathay Industrial and Mill Supply, Inc. 4. GST Philippines, Ine. 5. Kaiwa Metal Products 6. Marsteel Corporation 7. Metatcast Corp. 8. Pilipinas YTK Industries, Inc. 9. Tanchaoco Manufacturing Corp. 10. Toho Metal Processes Corp. 13 PHILIPPINE DIE AND MOLD ASSOGATION, inc. ELECTRONICS AND SEMICONDUCTOR: TOOLING SECTOR |. Adzer Engineering . Anglamar Tool Maker ATF Resources Azana Precision Base Corporation . Dienamiktool . Evapia . FAD Industrial . Moulding Technology Inc. 10. HDM Automation Center 11, Intertool 12. KEBA Engineering 13. La Rota Tool and Die 14. Limarcelo Trading Corp. 15. LMP Tooling Components System 16. MAF-Micromachining Corp. 17. Microtool 18. MRM Tool & Die Master 19. Oriental Toolmaster Corp. 20. Pacific Electromagnetics Corp. 21, Ramcar Tool and Die, Inc. 22. Techni-Tool Eng. 23. Techno Molds, Ine. 24. Teknoware Eng'g. Co. 25. TESA 26. Unitech 26. VL Advanced Technology CO HMNAWAWN ~ Me PHILIPPINE Dic AND MOLD ASOCGATION, INC. GOVERNMENT SECTOR 1. Board of Investments 2. Metals Industry Research and Developinent Center ~M5~ PHLIPPINE DIF AND MOLD ASSOCIATION, inc. METAL STAMPING SECTOR SP RONAWAWNN . Albert Metalcraft . Anvil Metalcraft Corp, Aries Engineering . Azkcon Group of Cos. Carparts Manufacturing, Inc. Creative Trade Center . Directric Industries, Inc. . DKP Enterprises Fabricator Phils. ). IMF International Corp. . Jett Dynamics . M.D. Juan Enterprises, Inc. . Maximetal Industries, Inc. | Meralco Foundation . Metaflex Cylinder Inds., Inc. . NER Industrial Services Corp. . Optitech Machine Tools . P & R Parts . Phil. Tool and Die Center, Inc. . Radium Engineering Supplies, Ine. |. R. Cura Engineering . Roberts Radiator Corp. . Sankei Phils., Inc. | Simon's Ind'l. Metalworks Corp. . Standard Electric Mfg. Corp. . Toyo Machine Center . Victory Industrial Co., Inc. . Visayan Machine Shop and Eng’g Works ~M6- PHLIPPINE DIZ. AND MOLD ASSOCIATION, INC. PLASTIC, RUBBER & PACKAGING SECTOR 1. Ltung Plastic Mold Engineering Co. 2. Laguna Da-ichi 3. MACLIN Electronics 4. Manly Plastic, Inc. 5. Ramcar Technology, Inc. 6. Solid Parts -17~ PHILIPPINE Dik AND MOLD ASSOCIATION, inc. TECHNOLOGICAL RESOURCES SECTOR J. Bon Industrial Supply 2. COSA Liebermann Corp. (Phils), Inc. 3. Deckel Phils. 4, Dynamicro Corp. J. Filsonics (Makino) Integrated Machine Tool Sales 6. Gapilven Trading Corp. 7. Gaylan Technologies 8. German-Asian High Tech Corp, 9. Intrasteel 10.Jeppe Technical 11.Lionapex Phils. Ine. 12.Machinebanks’ orp. 13. Maruka 14. Mesco, Inc. 15. Metal Improvement, Inc. 16. Nichei Pilipinas 17. Nicklaus Sales Corp. 18. Penta Technological Products 19. RMC Equipment 20. Saarstahl Phils, 21. Sandvik Phils., Inc. 22. Silangan Machinery 23. Sodick Co., Ltd. 24. Special Steel Products, Inc. 25. Team Asia Corp. 26. Techno Products & Services, Inc. 27. Uptown Industrial 28. Vietor Machinery Corp. —M8—

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