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Challenge efficiency.
Make a difference.
Taking on the
global energy challenge
Sustainable energy supply is a challenge
for global society. Demand is rising with
growing populations and higher living
standards, and the effect on the climate is a
major concern. The future lies in improving
efficiency in existing processes, and
finding ways to make effective use of clean,
renewable sources. By optimizing heating,
cooling, and ventilation systems, we at
SWEP take pride in contributing to a more
comfortable and sustainable life for people
around the world.

Never-ending journey towards efficiency

At SWEP, we constantly challenge efficiency: in the
products we design, in the way we work, and in all our
interactions. This motivates us to work hard and never
rest on our achievements. Dedicated to developing
energy-saving and climate-friendly technology, we
continuously strive to reduce our own environmental
impact. We always act with honesty and integrity, and we
aim to build good relationships with customers,
employees, and the communities where we operate. This
is our contribution to a sustainable society.

Entrepreneurship for the future

What started with two Swedish entrepreneurs in a garage
more than 30 years ago is now an international
corporation with 900 employees. The founders were
pioneers taking a chance with a technology they believed
in, and to which they dedicated their passion, creativity,
and personal commitment. This spirit is still present in
today's SWEP, making us keep pushing the borders of
what is possible. Driven by the conviction that our
products are part of a sustainable future, we challenge
efficiency, and we challenge our partners to do the same.
We challenge efficiency in all

“ we do. That is how we create

sustainable solutions – for our
customers and for society.
Efficiency that
gives a competitive edge
We use our application expertise and
innovative entrepreneurship to create
products that give our customers a
competitive edge. At the heart of every
heating or cooling system is the heat
exchanger, for which the smart solution is
the brazed plate heat exchanger (BPHE).
Designed to make the most efficient use of
energy, material, and space, it provides
unparalleled performance at the lowest
life-cycle cost. The technology is quickly
winning ground, with SWEP at the forefront
of developments.

Shared expertise gives the best results

Close co-operation, shared expertise, and integrated
development enable us to optimize each customer’s
solution. Our BPHEs give a competitive edge, thanks to
savings in space, energy, and maintenance. Compared
with other heat exchanger technologies, the result is a
significantly reduced footprint and life-cycle cost – and
an environmentally superior system. This has earned us
the trust of many world-leading manufacturers of heating
and cooling equipment. Together, we create products for
the future.

Compact, efficient, reliable – simply smarter

We offer the widest BPHE range on the market, from the
smallest sizes to the highest capacities, matching the
needs of both sensitive and aggressive processes, and
with third-party approvals for performance to trust. The
robust construction, with no gaskets or loose parts,
improves operational reliability. The compact size
means easy handling and flexible system design.
Efficiency is high, with 95% of the material used to
transfer heat, low hold-up volumes, and the ability to
exploit small temperature differences. Simply the smart
way to transfer heat.
Our application expertise,

“ innovative thinking and personal

commitment enable us to optimize
each customer’s solution.
Partnership built
on openness and trust
Close long-term partnerships are crucial
for providing our customers with the best
products and services. We believe this is
achieved through mutual trust, openness,
and integrated development. Our way of
using standard components to create
customized solutions means we combine
the best of both worlds. While functionality
is optimized, lead times and risk-taking
can still be kept low. Our global presence
and online support tools allow us to serve
clients effectively, worldwide.

Customized, and already well-proven

While every application is unique, we also think it
deserves well-proven technology that can be trusted to
perform cost-effectively. We have found a way to avoid
compromise. We call it mass customization. It lets us
keep costs down and lead times short while still ensuring
maximum output in each specific case. We build optimal
combinations of plate design, materials and connections
from standard components produced in a number of

Global presence to meet local demands

We can draw on our experience from millions of
installations worldwide, but we know that our local
presence is what brings value to our customers. With
production sites in five countries, representation in more
than 50 countries, and distribution points in strategic
locations, we are always close to our customers. We
offer high accessibility, quick deliveries, and dedicated
services. Advanced support tools are available online
and free of charge, providing in-depth knowledge about
heat transfer and practical advice that helps our
customers optimize the output of their systems.
Global presence ensures short

“ lead times and highly accessible

support for our customers,
wherever they are.
Printed on 100% recycled paper. SWEP is an ISO 14001 Certified company.
Challenge efficiency

At SWEP, we believe our future rests on giving more

energy than we take – from our planet and our
people. That’s why we pour our energy into leading
the conversion to sustainable energy usage in heat
transfer. Over three decades, the SWEP brand has
become synonymous with challenging efficiency.

SWEP is a world-leading supplier of brazed plate heat

exchangers for HVAC and industrial applications.
With over 1,000 dedicated employees, carefully
selected business partners, global presence with
production, sales and heartfelt service, we bring a
level of expertise and customer intimacy that’s
redefining competitive edge for a more sustainable
future. SWEP is part of Dover Corporation, a multi-
billion-dollar, diversified manufacturer of a wide
range of proprietary products and components for
industrial and commercial use.

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