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Created by Jae Junwww.oldschoolvalue.


Quantitative Investment Scorecard

How to Use: You will need to go through the financial statements and calculate ratios to make full use of this.
The left column with the "pts" refer to the max points a company can get for that particular item.
e.g. A company can only get a max point of 1 for "margins analysis" and a max of 2 pts for "SG&A%".

If the company meets a certain criteria, the point value is given in parenthesis in the description. e.g. (1) or (-1)

The "Score" column is where you enter the value. Write only the pts on the row it satisfies the criteria.

Total Score out of 37 =

Score out
Income Statement Checklist of 10
Is it increasing? (1)
1 pts Margins analysis Is it consistently flat? (1) 1
Margins decreasing or decreased > 3 years? (-1)

Stable? (1) 1
2 pts SG&A% Less than 30%? (1) 1
Above 80%? (-1)

Lower than competitor? (1) 1

2 pts R&D%
Consistent level? (1) 1

1 pts Interest Expense None or low interest income? FCF can cover interest? (1) 1

1 pts None, rare or low? (1) 1

Consistently flat? (1) 1

2 pts Net Income Growing? (1)
Net margin above competitors/industry standard? (1) 1

Increasing share count? (-1)

1 pts Diluted Shares Consistent share count? (0) 0
Decreasing share count?(1)
Income Statement Score out of 10 9

Score out
Balance Sheet Checklist of 16
1 pts Cash & Equiv Is cash & equiv as a % of total assets considered high? (1) 1

1 pts Net Receivables Receivables is not growing faster than sales? (1) 1

Inventory matches growth of net income? (1) 1

1 pts Inventory
Are there spikes in inventory levels? (-1)
Are there fixed assets that are undervalued compared to
2 pts Fixed Assets today's
Is fixed market price?
assets to total (1)
assets % average to competitors?
1 pts Goodwill Is goodwill less than 10% of total assets? (1) 0

1 pts Intangible Assets Less than 35%? (1) 1

Accounts and (No set rule but consistency is key) Consistent level as a %
1 pts 1
Taxes Payable to total liabilities and equity (1)

2 pts Short Term Debt If ST debt = 0, then (2), else if debt % < ROE, CROIC % (1) 1

1 pts Current Liabilities Comparable level to competitors? (1) 1

2 pts Long Term Debt If LT debt = 0, then (2), elseif LT debt < 35%, then (1) 1

0 pts Minority Interest Big minority interest? (-1) 0

1 pts Total Liabilities Less than 25%? (1) 0

2 pts Shareholders Increasing for over 10 years (2), consistent (1) 1
Balance Sheet Score out of 16 10

Score out
Statement of Cash Flow Checklist of 11
1 pts Other Income Cash flow from other income is not significant? (1) 1

1 pts Acquisitions Only a few acquisitions at most? (1) Too many then (-1) 0
CapEx does not exceed cash from operations and D&A?
1 pts CapEx 0
0 pts Issuance of Stock Consistently issuing stock? (-1) 0

Does company buy back stock when prices are low? (1) 1
1 pts Repurchase Stock
Company buys back stock when prices are high? (-1) -1

0 pts Issuance of Debt Consistently issuing debt? (-1) 0

Able to pay back debt due to excess cash? (1) 1

1 pts Repayment of Debt
Paying back debt with little assets or rolling over? (0)

1 pts Dividends paid Pays dividends and doesn't need financing to pay it?(1) 1

Cash from
1 pts Company cash source does not come from financing? (1) 1

2 pts Free Cash Flow Positive, consistent and/or increasing? (2) 2

2 pts Owner Earnings FCF and Owner earnings closely match each other? (2) 2
Cash Flow Statement Score out of 11 8
y Jae

s to make full use of this.

hat particular item.
of 2 pts for "SG&A%".

description. e.g. (1) or (-1)

t satisfies the criteria.

Notes / Values

~ avg 53%

for 4 years

Notes / Values
22% of assets

Notes / Values
3585m in TTM

bought back when low and high

so the values canceled out for a score of 0

no new debt so it just gets 0

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