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(AC-S17) Week 17 - Final Assignment: A cover

letter (Part 1)

Nicole Jeckely Cárcamo Hinostroza

Good evening Mr. Smith, my name is Carcamo Hinostroza Nicole, I am 22 years old.
I am from Lima - Peru. I would like to know about customs transport, how it is
handled within companies and how it gives great economy to our country. I have
worked in a textile company in the administrative area, I have also been a sales
promoter for women's products, I have experience in customer service. I think my
contribution will be very good.
I want to be a part of your company and apply and expand my skills a lot. I think I
would be your best option. In me you will find an organized, persevering and above
all honest person, I always maintain a very healthy life.

Thank you for your attention Mr. Smith

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