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Inquiry Project Evidence Log

Inquiry Question: How does play impact children's emotional development?

Evidence #1 Resource
Play is crucial for kids to learn how to socialize, https://www.child-
however, in North American children are having
fewer chances to play because they're under more learning/according-experts/play-
pressure to do well in school and they are spending based-learning-and-social-
more time on screens. Studies show that development#:~:text=Through%
kindergarteners in the United States are being 20play%2C%20children%20lear
pressured more to memorize things and complete n%20to,and%20to%20talk%20a
schoolwork in ways that don't work for them. They're bout%20emotions.
also doing more tests, which is important, but
because of this, they have less time to play on their
own. Kids are spending a lot more time on phones
and tablets. In 2014, almost 4 out of 10 kids under 2
were already using a mobile device, which is way
more than it used to be just two years before.
Overall, kids aren't getting as many chances to play
freely, both at home and in school, because of all
these changes.

Evidence #2 Resource
Playing boosts confidence in kids. When they play
games, solve puzzles, or any other games, they feel g/child-development/how-play-
proud of themselves for figuring things out and being strengthens-your-childs-mental-
creative. It is also important that parents, guardians health
and family members engage with the child during
playtime because when you play with the child, they
learn that you think they're important and enjoyable
to spend time with. It's important to be fully present
and engaged when you play together, showing that
you value the time you share and the activities you

Inquiry Project Observational Log

Visit Summary of interaction
Positive messages During the chalk activity buddy visit, I noticed Molly had become
with chalk activity more social and confident in herself. She began talking to Lola
and I, which she doesn't do much and mostly nods her head or
whispers in our ears. She would tell us positive things she
wanted to write and things she wanted to draw. After we
finished our messages, we walked around and looked at the
other messages her classmates created, and she was noticing
the details of the messages. Such as little drawings, similar
words that she wrote, and similar colors as our messages. This
relates to my inquiry question as the more weekly visits and play
activities we’ve done with molly, the more comfortable she has
gotten with us and the more confident she has become in
herself and her thoughts. She also started to play and laugh
more with her friend Winter. This also connects to my inquiry
question as it is becoming noticeable that Molly is gaining more
trust in us as her buddies. Trust and comfort are very important
in a child's emotional development because if they have strong
trust and comfort, they can accomplish more and feel more
confident in themselves. If they don't have those strong
characteristics, tasks may become more difficult, and they
could obtain lower self esteem and self confidence.

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