7 Projectile Motion

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Projectile Motion

A projectile is an object that is thrown or projected into the air and its motion is acted upon only by the
force of gravity. Air resistance is assumed to be negligible.

At any point during the motion, the horizontal velocity and vertical velocity are independent of each
other. Since only gravity acts on the object and gravity acts downward, it does not affect the horizontal
velocity and this therefore remains constant throughout the motion. The magnitude of the vertical velocity
however, increases as the object falls because it accelerates due to gravity.

Consider an object being projected at an angle θ to the horizontal with an initial velocity, u as shown


The initial velocity is separated into its horizontal component and vertical component.

 Horizontal component = u cosθ

 Vertical component = u sinθ

The horizontal displacement of the object is called the Range.

The time taken for the object to travel through a distance is called the time of flight.

Recall: distance = speed x time

Since the range is a horizontal distance, we use the horizontal component of velocity

∴ Range = Horizontal component of velocity x time of flight

At maximum height, velocity = 0m/s

In the downward motion, acceleration = g ; in the upward motion, a = -g

If an object is projected horizontally from a cliff, its initial vertical component of velocity = 0m/s.
Time taken to reach maximum height and total time of flight

Using equation of motion: v = u + at (v = 0ms-1)

⇒ 0 = u sin θ + (-g)t [u sinθ because of a vertical direction]

0 = u sin θ – gt [-g because of upward direction]

gt = u sin θ

u sin θ
∴ t=

This is the time taken to reach maximum height. The total time of flight = time taken to travel upward +
time taken to travel back down = 2t

2u sin θ
Total time of flight =

We can also calculate using:

s = ut + ½ at2

⇒ 0 = (u sin θ)t + ½(-g)t2 [displacement, s = 0 because the object returns to initial level]

= u sinθt - ½gt2 [distance upward = distance downward ∴ s = 0]

u sinθ t = ½gt2

2 u sinθ t = gt2

2 u sinθ = gt

2u sin θ

Range – total horizontal distance travelled

We consider the horizontal component of velocity, ux = ucosθ

2u sin θ
We also note that the time taken to travel this range is the same as the total time of flight,

From distance = speed x time

2u sin θ
s = ucos θ x
u 2 2sinθsinθ
⇒ s=

From trigonometric identities, 2 sinθ cos θ = sin 2θ

u 2 sin2θ
⇒ s=

The maximum value for sinθ = 1 and this gives θ = sin-1 (1) = 90o.

This means then that the maximum value of sin (2θ) = 1

∴ 2θ = 90o

∴ θ = 45o

These values tell us that for an object projected at a given velocity, the maximum range is achieved when
θ = 45o.

1. Consider an object being projected at an angle of 30o to the horizontal at an initial velocity of
20ms-1. Using g = 10ms-2, determine the:
a) vertical component of velocity
b) horizontal component of velocity
c) time of flight
d) Range


a) Vertical component = u sinθ

= 20 sin 30
= 10ms-1

b) Horizontal component = u cos θ

= 20 cos 30
= 17.32 ms-1

2 u sin θ
c) Total time of flight =

d) Range = Horizontal distance
We can use: s = ut + ½ at2
s = (17.32)2 + ½ (0)(22) [17.32m/s is the horizontal component]
s = 34.64m

u 2 sin2θ
Try calculating the range using s =

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