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Jenesis Escobar

(352) 556-9695


University of Florida — B.A in Statistics

● GPA: 3.24 R / RStudio
● Relevant Coursework: Linear Algebra, Calculus 1-3, Engineering
Statistics, AI Fundamentals, Topological Data Analysis & Machine Python
Learning, Programming I,Programming II,Regression
Analysis,Computational Linear Algebra,Computational Mathematics with
Python, Data Structures and Algorithms, Statistical Computing in R,
Programming with Data, Information and Database Systems 1, Statistical
Learning in R, Linear Algebra Data Science. Microsoft Office

Miami Dade College — A.A in Mathematics Initiative-taking, ambitious, and

● GPA: 3.61
Persistent and determined in
finding the most efficient
Topological Data Analysis Research, UFlorida Exceptional written and verbal
communication skills
● Image Recognition using Topological Data Analysis with Dr. Peter Bubenik
at University of Florida Math Department.
● Doing the Spring 2021 Math Undergraduate Symposium with my research
Can adapt and is resilient. LANGUAGES
● Learning persistent landscape and other topological signature functions
within RStudio in order to analyze parameters that distinguish English (Native)
photoshopped images versus those that are not photoshopped.
● Learning the basics of Python in order to understand deep learning and
Spanish (Native )
neural networks.


Verimed Health Group, Spring Hill, FL

Patient Care Coordinator

May 2022 to Present

● Follow up with high risk patients.

● Ensure continuity of care between our office and specialists.

● Coordinate appointments and authorizations between our office and


● Process medication refills.

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