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{Yell at them tee more careful with thiags made out of alas. {Punish hom te mae sor they remember be nt 4 , Mather ne {q109. nend the flowing statements and Monty the best cause and effect relation, $PStae'Paunnea proving mulple rehabitation schemes, like Toe *aUCaior, job search hejp Sa nlp groups for acts ete over tne past yea" iRichimes rans for sate Phave steadily decreased over the past year. "ste cause ants eect Ea Har tes soma common cae 19200, Read the passage and the fllowing statements Below. Then choose the correct Sesing your answer nly on Ove Information provided etn, Pakistan is sch in wide and etre. 18 is home to many sorts of wildlife, trom the Tex to the jus River Detphiny and people fom most countries nthe worls have made thelr home here. ‘svarements: A. omit correct "EO tana ae camect 2. On Lane are comet 5, Gay Hana ere core, Scanned with CamScanner i i {be Clk War, mary troup sles made thle may Wet to find a and dot ge heme because tare were ne hoes too The wat had devoted ‘Wi Got, mae hs ferure I he hls of aero, fune ois Dancin. Via fortune wes shot Tet, power. Ih 175, he, deed he and oe bth the Pecan of outa, Far wich ed wy i i ¥ i z % # a i : i meter square which es at an angle of 60 degree 0250 8, 02st page 130122 Moca 2023 Scanned with CamScanner fon the particle de tothe electri eld, which pate separation Potential erence between the (@128.Gauss law cannot be urd find which ofthe following quantity? ‘A. ect fl itensty chage Beer x deny 1. Permttvty @130.etrc el Intensity inside a holo charged sphere ist A. Mexmm © Negative 8. 2e0 D. pase (9131.88 per Coulomb's tw, the force of traction or repulsion between two-point charges is ‘irectiy proportions tothe: ‘A. Sumot te magntce of ares , Prae fthe magnitude of charges 8. Sauare of te astance bone tem D. Ge ote aetace (@132.Foran del gas equation PV= of, the dimensions of Real Gas Constant Rare: A (mara Ks) © (mLaraKa 8 [MIL TaK) 8. (LST Ie) age 12 0f 22 apc 2023 + Scanned with CamScanner [Qh15.Which of the fllowing has the highest atomic radius in its period? A. Nialine earth metas 8. Aa metals ©. Chaleagens ©. Halogen {qhié.me electronic configurations of some elements are given below. Recognize the element that Selongs te group 111 A. 152282293 8, 352 282204 37 Seresta tormed ‘A. Insoluble Soluble n water to gve neutral slitien of mn? {QLLE.Which one of them is amphoteric in mature? A. unum onde 8. Beritum exe c 192282261 192282292 all metals react with ehlrine gas to form white metal chlorides salt. The metal G.Solblen water to gve acc sluton of pnt 1, Bohlen mater to give altaline slution of pie c bs ‘cateum one Feassum one QL19.Which ofthe following i correct electronic configuration of iron (11) fon (atomic no. of Fis Sey A. (ar) 40, 346 8. (ar) a2, 306 tangs, 344 B. tar asz, 345 ‘@120.Which of the functional group are present in ethyl acetate? A. Aldehyde group 8 Carooxyt grou c 5 ‘@u21.wnat is the molecular formula of pyridine molecule? A conn 8 GH (@u22.14entity which method is used to prepare Alkynes? [A. Dehaiogenation of Vin! Dtaides in the presence of methane Benparavon of alcohols inthe peesence of AaOs at 340.450-degree centigrade puvsies: (@822.Tne folowing formula can be used to determine ther BI/A. In the formula, the symbol p stands for the: 1A. crose-seonal are of the conductor 8, Produc ofthe length f the conductor in ‘pcar 2023 ie . const CC. ehlogenstion cf Vina aes inthe presence of strong bse 1, Eherlyts fa eoboxyle aed sas jatance of length of conductor. = Resettyof the materia in uns ohm Resistance of te conductar nuns of Page 022 Scanned with CamScanner ofthe following predict nthe presence of HaSOs at . Eby xete B. eyoee 0 oxaton aol ves which ofthe folowing? A. Alcenyse carbo set 8. ane 5. Ketone (@110.0ne can estimate the direction in which equim wl shit with the help of A. Lechaters prince ess am 8. Lawot mass acton 5. wat hat of formation {@122.The bond eneroy of hydrogen In 2 molecule is: A. 20 )0/nal ©. 96cm 8 30m 5. Meco ‘@212. What are vin! lobo ond asad? ‘A. Postion ones ©. tetas © San tomer 5. tatone \ (¢113.0xidation number fr magnesium i? no 2 i ah ae (@184 Sac the metal which extrac from bowie? Aa ao aa age 10.0122 Mocar 2023 Scanned with CamScanner ‘gots Which is not a property of liquid? A. Osmotic resure bits 1 Freeing point D. Mating {Q85. Which typeof forces exist between iodine molecules? ‘A. Dipoleipat forces ‘ Instantaneous dpole-nduced dole forces Bi. Dpoenduced poe forces D. Nn sla forces 86. In anisotope xystals whieh property oot change withthe change in arction of eysaline sree? A. Bectrcalconsucance Mole mass 8. Thermal conductance i. Reroctvendox (987. 1n metals, why electric conductivity decreases with the increase of temperature? 7h "seeauseelecron movement ecreace wn "Because seczon rection changes at ish ‘he increne of temperature tempertre 8. Because metal on selon hiner 1. Beene they pass heat current trough feectron movement ‘alien of tons (988. Why fluorine has les electron affinity as compared to bromine? A. Bectronegetity Seven eetrons in cutrmos she 8. Thekamal secon oud 1. Higher enzaton eneray (QP. which oxyaci of halogen i strong oxidizing agent? A. Hoo Ho 8. Helos (qt00.Akyibenzene is formed when benzene is treated with an aly halide inthe presence of ‘Sehpdrous aluminum ehlorge Taentify the typeof reaction. | aegenaon eects alate reacton 8 ede-crats action reaction 5. Spon {Qh01.Te increasing stably order ofthe folowing compen (2 ens cna cans (2) (EHS) 3 Byews cn cae crs are A tpao3 2>ae4 833231 6 33332 ‘qi02.When 2-bromapropane rests with Sedlum ethoxide the major product tare? A. Propane Cth sopopy ener 8. Popene 5. Are formed ‘@103.Propanone can prepared trom propyne by: ‘A. Fassng a mitre of popyne and steam Satingpropyne wath water ne presence ter catalyst magresam at 20°C ftgou ond 50+ 1, Pasang a mature of prepyne and eanol ©, Treating rope mtn one and nos ver eats 2c cvomate Page 022 ‘Moca 2023 Scanned with CamScanner Q87.The adeition reaction of 2-butene with HBr produces? 1A. Lbromabutane B. 2 bromobutane _Q88.under sultabe conditions alkanes cannot undergo. A. Substation Mygrogenaton 8. Combustion 5. adation [969.4 compound of phosphorus oxide has 43.69% of Oxygen. Its empirical formula is? ped CPO 8. FiO 5. Pos .Q6, which elements used as tandard to determine temic mas ofan clement? aH s ac Ba ©. yerogen 5 Helom ©. tropen| (Q92, Which of the following electronie configuration Is correct for ?*Cr? “A isha. 2pt, 36 3a 3 (158,258,296, 358, 398 346 8. isk 2st2pe 3p ast 30 D. as8.2sh.2pr3883pe at (902, The same moles of Hs, Ns and O: are present in 0.1 ce volume at STP. Which one has 9 Sumber of molecules: ras co ae 1. Nomber of molecules ae equal Page ‘pcar 2023 Scanned with CamScanner (71-1 SNA reactions the corret order of reactivity of alky! halide i? |A. Prmary>seconday>tertiay . secondo >priary>tetiny 8. Tertany>secandary>pemary . rimarytertary secondary (72, What i the IUPAC name of dizopropy ketone? ‘A. 13-Disopropyprapan2-one © 24-Dimetnypentan2-one 8. e-Dimetnypentans-one 1D. 13-Dimetnyprepan-2-one silver mierr in Tollens test Indiates the presence of which ofthe A. Alone Anat 5. An alaehyae 1D. An alatot (@74. Competitive inhibitor stop an enzyme from worklng by: [A. Changing the shape of the enzyme (G_lcing he ace ke ofthe enzyme 8. Merging wh he substate stag . Comaiing with the product of te reaction g753fphenlratedwith 3 aes af coe HOD nthe presence of 2504 wha wl bethe product A. ote phenat cro phenl and pnts pena 8. poate phenol ®. pioieae {@76,when 6 orbitals filed, the entering electron goes into? Am © 5 0 {Q77-hich element has the ground state electronic configuration of $52, 252 296, 382, 396? no 5s) {@78.what isthe proton (atomic number) of an element that has four unpaired electrons ints Sround state? ee [Q79.Which one of the fllowing gases has the lowest nity under room conditions? A Neon ongen 8 trogen 3. Pore (260;The process of heat low between hotter and ener gases remains continued unt al the fmolecates have eau! A. Average trantatena Knee eneoy Average translational pte! eneray 8. Averagerotaoncl net ener. 8. Average vibtona Knee en'3y (QeL.What isthe ultimate fate of reversible reaction? A. competion of eacton Page 70122 Mocar 2023 Scanned with CamScanner logealy,-=-=nmne meme lays Key roles in maintaining thei ‘roe en heat of vaporization 1 yrophbic excision . spectc heat eapacty Q60, The specific eat of vaprization of water plays an important role inthe regulation produces by = ‘k reucion| ©. retox 1 outer . none of above ‘G61, whic typeof bond must be broken for water to vaporize? é valent bonds ‘C_hyrogen bends 1B. polar covert bonds 1. covalent bonds 962, whic is true about regarding both starch and celuose? ‘The of gucose. "c. They can both be digested by 1, Tey are gamete bares ofeach ther 8. ter bth ed or en rs 963. Most ofthe monosaccharides form ring structure when in solution For examele {orm fv cornered ing Known as =~ 7A gcipyanse . alrceradehyde 8, Roatrnnose ©. dewaldehyde 64 umber of meager ct al wal iam pti ceria : 3 a2 a4 (265. cycoss and amoeboid movements are die to: mere © Meroftaments 8 Che 5, Inemedatefoments (Q66. Proteins and iis are modified into Glycoproteins & Glycolipds by which cell organelle? “alg comple c"Smesth Enseiamic Rete ‘ol 1 Rough dela Ream 1. Ribosomes 8 ememosemes 967, which structure of prokaryotic cl il play the ole of mitochondrion? Ta Spores, eco opt 5. Mesosomes 268. cel wall of prokaryotic ellis composed of 1 carpnyartes c. Protons 8. Gorbnparates& rots 5: Peters 8 pas (969, Which of the following transition meta shew 345 coniguration nits +2-oxdation state? cus? 2 feta cre 970. whieh othe folowing reagents canbe used to dtinguish between 1-Pentyne and 2-Per A his + nian © bree 8. Py ahaine ate nenoe B. KacaO> aso ‘Mocar 2073, Scanned with CamScanner ‘Qt, Bacteria cell have ability to maintain its shape through ‘hy Cel wal Cal w steve 8. Capsule ©. Sime 45, when ofthe folowing eam example of pra shaped acai? "a Dploaceus reumanbe scherena col 1. Hyphomicebum . Pesuconse 44a he olowing re dintectants to contra bactrl rowth exc ‘A ncure ot ledne Mercure Cherie Bi. Potassim Permenganate 8. type Peon (047, The function of hyaluronidase enzyme is: 7A Penetratin of he sperm nto the ovum rane ofthe sperm rt the faopian 8. Enrance ofthe sper nto the vagina tube 1, Inttvain of sperms ater the fare to fentize ovum ‘048. 10 human females, whats the small, pear-shaped, muscular, dstensible,sac-ike organ where ‘Setaton takes place? A Uns atop ube 8 Ktcney i. Stomach (249, Me labour pains to expel fetus are due to action of oxytocin "A nomen (Cerne 8. Myomewn 5. Ovaries Q50, Virus is what type of agent? a Cea agen C. Honsntcus agent 8 Intecioo agent 5. Nomen spe (951, he molecules used to control vin during infection of animal cells ae: is neers eigen 5. Hone 5: Scum 52, The provi of HV i eructraly and chemi made wp of? & Bow 5 Gon (Q83, Which of the following is used In baking? Th Aerobie respatin exemalressraton nner espeton 5: meal espraton 84, Which is the major event nelectron transport chain? ATP oes “sutton 2 Deearbonation 5, Ismersovon (@55. Out of 36 ATPS, how many are produce in electron transport chain? awe ca bo 5M {Q56. The major enzymes involved in transter of phosphate group frm ATP to Glucose i i amerse aca B. Semeropenase . Oecrboxase e ms almost three-fourth ofthe body by weiht Th water Cr “arahvdates 8 prem 5. toe 58. Energy ie ~~~ by the breakdown of complex molecules nto simpler ones, such fons are caled catabolic encion leased © produce 8. consumed 5. Sceyes Page 5 of 22 mocaT 2023 Scanned with CamScanner (29. To study sex linkages in Drosophila, Morgan mated white eyed males with wildtype red eyed Females. What wil be the phenotype of offspring? 1h aed eyed ales ad females CC. Wihte eyed females and red eyed males 8. Red eyed feaes and white eyed males 1. Allwhite eyed females and males (930, Enteron isthe characteristic feature of "any Porters Phylum Platheneminthes 8. Phylum cndors hum Echinodermata ‘Q31, The body of which i called metamericaly segmented? i Cnicans Anneli 8. Nematodes D. Sponges (@32, Excretion in Planaria takes place by ? ‘A Nolpghlan tubules Metanepvia 8 Protonepeia D, Nephron 433, Four chambered heart with ght systemic arch onl present in? Rapes 8, Kamas {@34. Me movement of water to ower sa ‘hembrane is? ‘A Amphibians: | pe. | | Tama Pte & Sol ptenat 8. Pressure potent 5. Soke tent! 35. The _ describes how water and dissolved chemicals are carried through the cel wall Soc interctatar pap o plans. Soon Theory accor Theory 8 Symi Teor 5: fps Theory 36, Feeding by ving nor on theater organism (host) belonging to diffrent specie ie called? eT Sect moran or eoesapepnte nation parse naan 5: Symi nution 37. what of the following virus contains single stranded DNA? eo wns e pavo vs ees wes 5. povwrus (38, which one ofthe folowing i X Linked Dominant disorder? i oenonniea ‘C Hrpepsphatemic rickets 3 coorsinaress 5. Mperrotess 29. ony those genes can assort independently whose loc are on "io Sime cranatde een homologous chromosomes 8 Sane cramesomes 5. Homologous overasomes ‘¢40, Smooth muscles ae found in all mentioned below except aches 1 bronciles 2 bronch 5. feo (241 The method of bringing oxygenated air into contact with a gos exchange surface i caled 7 242, Number ot yr of ll watin Gram postive bctri it (242 Helicobacter pylori an example of: ico . Peomerpne Page dof 22 Moca 2003 Scanned with CamScanner (986. Which of tne following typeof organs are supposed tobe funcional in ancestral species rather than in present day species: "h” Vestal organs Analogous organs 8, Homelegour organs 5 Emarynl reas (87. Which of the following isthe main point of Darwinism? 7h Over production TC Disuse of organ 8. Varation i. Pereeed uty of fe (QA8. Descending aorta is bifurcated into two vessels which on further division from femora artery Slat supply blood to high muscles of legs: ‘a itaeven temporal atery Mise atey ©. seticartey (q89.The inal destination of lymph ‘A. Tymph noe tym caiaries 3. mphol organs ©. sibeavian ven (920. A80 blood group is controlled by more than two alleles in a population. This shows that ABO ‘Blood group isan example of wx rolygente Innertance operons 8) Muti alles 5, late nterocton (921. According to Mendel Law of Segregation, the one individual out of four in F2 generation hi ‘renotype that falled to express in generation. Ae cn aR Dri (022, Test cross is made to check the genotype ofa trait: Which ofthe following crosses isa test unknown x at Unknown x AB 8. Unenown x et BL Unknewn x77 (223, During siding of actin laments, ATP is used for? "A Gass bridge fermion . ragaing Maments 8. Gress bridge Brean 1. Shortening of laments {Q24, The cell membrane of muscle call TA "Sareolasm sarcomere 8. Sarelemme . Myotis (@25, Irregular striations and involuntary control is related to? *h carie muscle ale "Skeletal muscle cls 1 Rbvedaste caage cet 5. Smeeth miss cls (Q26. Cartilage isa type of which tissue? “A Connective vanes Museuaeessues 2. pie sues 1. Nervous ussves (927, Production of Folicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH) from the Druiary gland of female is controlled by: N Ovany C. Stinulated flies 8 Gera BL ypotalamas (228, The term menopause means: ‘Star of menstruation 8. Star of ovlaton op of evap Degeneration of varies page 30f22 Mocar 2023, Scanned with CamScanner

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