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A Complete Season of Soccer Practices

For Youth Teams

Over 80 unopposed, opposed and game related soccer practices

complete with diagrams, organization and coaching points

Passing & Control

Dribbling & Turning
Conditioned Games
A Complete Season of Practices ~ Contents

2 Introduction
3 Passing 1 - Passing Warm up
4 Passing 1 - Pairs Passing
5 Passing 1 - Pass & Move
6 Passing 1 - Six v One
7 Passing 2 - Gate Pass
8 Passing 2 - Dribble & Pass
9 Passing 2 - Pivot Passing
10 Passing 2 - Six v Two
11 Shooting 1 - Two Way Shooting
12 Shooting 1 - Give & Go Shooting
13 Shooting 1 - Goals, Goals, Goals
14 Shooting 1 - Two Goal Game
15 Shooting 2 - Can’t Miss Shooting
16 Shooting 2 - Shoot Out
17 Shooting 2 - Four Goal Game
18 Shooting 2 - Change Soccer
19 Dribbling & Turning 1 - Dribble Tag
20 Dribbling & Turning 1 - Triangle Dribble
21 Dribbling & Turning 1 - Cross Over Dribble
22 Dribbling & Turning 1 - Bull Dogs
23 Dribbling & Turning 2 - Dribble Stop Dribble
24 Dribbling & Turning 2 - One v One Dribble
25 Dribbling & Turning 2 - Gate Dribble
26 Dribbling & Turning 2 - Four v Four to End Line
27 Defending - Front Tackle
28 Defending - One v One Defending
29 Defending - Two v two Defending
30 Defending - Two Goal Defending Game
31 Attacking - Handball
32 Attacking - Crossing & Finishing
33 Attacking - Four v Two Attack
34 Attacking - Two Goal Attack
35 Conditioned Games - Counter Attack Game
36 Conditioned Games - Shooting Game
37 Conditioned Games - Combinations Game
38 Conditioned Games - Wingers Game

Created by: Peter Arch US Soccer A Licensed Coach, VP Challenger Sports

All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be photocopied, duplicated or scanned without the written
permission of Challenger Sports Corporation.

© 2005 Challenger Sports Corp. 8022 Flint, Lenexa, KS 66214 800-878-2167 www.challengersports.com
A Complete Season of Practices ~ Introduction

The purpose of this book is to give coaches of youth soccer teams an

idea of what should be covered throughout a typical season. The sample
sessions provide a structure that will provide development of techniques
in a progressive manner allowing players to learn and refine skills in an
unopposed setting before adding defenders and competitive game

The material is divided into eight separate practice sessions, each

session based around one specific technique e.g. passing, shooting,
dribbling etc. Each session contains four practices each with a number of
progressive levels which will provide sufficient variety and content for
practices lasting one, to one and a half hours in length. These different
levels within each practice will also allow you to use many of the same
practices with players throughout the age range.

The sessions do not necessarily need to be followed in order and more

experienced coaches will undoubtedly select individual practices from
throughout the book to apply to the particular needs of their players and
team. The book also contains blank sheets for coaches to create their
own practice session.

The diagram at the top of each page clearly shows the set up of the
practice, the position of the players and the orientation of the grid and

The organization section will explain the instructions for the base level
of each practice. In many of the practices we have specified a suggested
size of grid or playing area, however this will vary according to the age
and number of the players. The golden rule is that if the practice is not
working – make the space larger.

The Progressions section contains progressively more advanced

variations of the base level practice. These progressions will allow your
players to learn, repeat and understand a technique or skill before being
forced to apply it in a more competitive and pressured setting.

The Coaching Points section contains the key elements of each

technical practice and are written in brief direct terms that a coach could
use with their players.

Each coaching session should conclude with a game.

Session 1 ~ Passing & Control

1.1 Passing Warm Up

Half of the team dribble around a grid using all surfaces of the foot. The
other half of the team jog throughout the grid at the same time. After 5
seconds of dribbling they must look to pass to one of their teammates.
The players continue to dribble and exchange passes every 5 seconds.


1. Place restrictions on the passes – must be made with weak foot,

must be at least 5 yards, must be flicked with the outside of the
foot etc.
2. Reduce the amount of time each player may dribble between

3. Players must now combine to make 3 consecutive passes back

and forth each time.

Coaching Points:
Players should maintain a light jog and take gentle touches on the ball.
Keep looking up between touches.
Both passer and received should make eye contact.
Roll the ball smoothly with the inside of the foot.

Session 1 ~ Passing & Control

1.2 Pairs Passing

Pair up the players and practice passing the ball across a 10 x 10 grid.
Each player must first cushion the ball and then pass back with the inside
of the foot.


1. Upon receiving a pass, the players should use the inside or

outside of their foot to control the ball to one side, and then
return the pass to their partner.
2. Now when passing the ball, the players should aim a few yards
to the side of their partners, forcing them to first move into the
line of the ball before controlling and returning the pass.

3. The receiver now moves towards the pass as it is made, forcing

them to cushion the ball on the move before passing back.

Coaching Points:
Move towards each pass, do not pass from a standing position.
Lock the ankle and turn the toes outward.
Plant the non kicking foot along side the ball.
Bend the standing knee slightly.
Push through the ball and finish with your foot in the air – ankle locked.
Cushion the ball so that it rests in front of you, not directly at your feet.
Session 1 ~ Passing & Control

1.3 Pass & Move

Four players move around a 20 x 20 yd grid passing and moving. Each
player may use one or two touches. Players should not stop moving
during the duration of the drill. Encourage all of the players to call for the


1. Now, after making a pass to a teammate, the passer must run

around any cone before they can re enter the grid and receive
another pass.
2. Once the players have the idea, add restrictions such as running
backwards around a cone or making a double pass with a player
before heading for the cone.

3. One of the players now hops and attempts to get the ball while
the other three pass.

Coaching Points:
Each player should know where their teammates are.
Use the first touch to position the ball in the direction you wish to pass.
Position your hips to face the inside of the grid when you receive a ball.
Communicate with the passer before they receive the ball.

Session 1 ~ Passing & Control

1.4 Six v One Keep Away

Players are divided into two groups, with one half inside the 15 x 25 grid,
and the other half around the perimeter. The inside players pass and
move around the grid. Each perimeter player takes a turn defending the
inside players for 15 seconds. Points are scored if the defender touches
the ball or if the passers complete five passes.


1. Make the player who passed the ball run around one of the
perimeter players.
2. Make the drill more challenging by limiting the offensive players
to two touches. More than two touches results in a loss of
possession and a point for the defense.

Coaching Points:
Continually move and communicate so that the player on the ball has at
least two wide passing angles.
Be aware of where the defender is positioned and use your first touch to
control the ball away from their pressure.
Move the ball quickly to avoid be caught in possession.


Session 2 ~ Passing & Control

2.1 Gate Pass

The players are divided into pairs with one ball between two. They must
dribble throughout the grid and make as many passes through the cone
gates as possible in the given time.


1. Restrict passes to weak foot only and adjust the distance which
players may pass over.
2. Players must make two consecutive passes before moving on to
the next gate

3. After passing through three gates players the pair split up and
must each find another partner.

Coaching Points:
Communicate with your partner.
Roll the ball smoothly with the inside of the foot.
Look up as soon as you receive the ball.
Accelerate away towards the next gate.

Session 2 ~ Passing & Control

2.2 Dribble and Pass

Divide the players into groups of 4, two players at each end of the 20
yard long grid. The first player in line dribbles ¾ of the distance across
the grid and passes to the next player in line and follows their pass.


1. Once the players have a good grasp of the short pass, progress
to a pass made from twice the distance. Encourage them to use
their momentum to provide weight behind the pass.
2. Allow the players to experiment with passing off the front foot.
This is a more advanced technique where the player will pass
the ball directly ahead with the laces of foot that is leading.

3. Now have the player dribble to the right hand side of the grid and
make a diagonal pass back across to the left corner of the
receiver end line. The next player passes to the other side.

Coaching Points:
Watch the ball carefully as it approaches you, then look in the direction
that you will pass.
Lock the ankle throughout the pass & Use your arms to balance.
Roll the ball with the inside of the foot.
Turn your body slightly sideways and keep your knees bent.
Session 2 ~ Passing & Control

2.3 Pivot Passing

Players are divided into two groups, with one man positioned in the
middle of each smaller group. The players form a circle approximately 15
yards diameter. The players on the outside pass to the middleman, who
must redirect the pass with the first touch and pass to an open player
with the second. Each player works for 30 seconds.

1. Add a second ball, which is passed as soon as the middle player
has laid of the previous pass. The passer must call to the middle
player and wait for them to turn and face them before passing.

2. The middle player can fake a pass in one direction, and then
pass to a free player on the opposite side of the group.

3. The outside and middle player can complete three passes before
the middleman redirects and passes to the next player. If
possible, use only one touch when completing the three passes.

Coaching Points:
Develop a soft first touch with the inside or outside of the foot
Look up at the player you are going to pass to, to ensure they are ready
Move slightly towards the ball and redirect it without stopping
Session 2 ~ Passing & Control

2.4 Six v Two Possession

Players are divided into two groups, with one half inside the 20 x 30 grid,
and the other half around the perimeter. The inside players pass and
move around the grid. The perimeter players come into the grid in pairs
for 30 seconds. If the two defenders get the ball they attempt to clear it
over either end line to win the game.

1. Limit the offensive players to two touches. More than two
touches results in a loss of possession and the ball is given to
the two defenders.

2. Offensive players must try to make four consecutive passes to

score a point.

Coaching Points:
Players should move into supporting positions and call.
Be aware of where the defender is positioned and use your first touch to
control the ball away from their pressure.
Move the ball quickly to avoid be caught in possession.
Look for split passes when defenders cover both supporting angles.


Session 3 ~ Shooting

3.1 Two way shooting

Split the players into four groups of three and have each group work in a
10 x 30 yard grid. Each group should have one player on each end line,
and one keeper defending a goal in the middle of the grid. Players take it
in turns to shoot at the goal in the middle of the grid. If the keeper saves
the ball he turns and feeds the other shooter


1. Push the ball diagonally forwards before shooting

2. Repeat the drill using the weak foot.

3. Try shooting from 1 yard further back.

Coaching Points:
Approach the ball on a curved run from the side.
Make the last stride a big one before planting non kicking foot along side
the ball – this will ensure a good backswing.
Strike the ball with the laces and keep the toes pointed and locked
Follow through towards the goal.

Session 3 ~ Shooting

3.2 Give and Go Shooting

Set the players up in two groups at either end of the 20 x 30 yd grid. Two
players are in the middle and there is one goalkeeper at each end. The
first player completes a give and go with the middle player, controls the
ball and then shoots at the goal. This is repeated by the other line of
players on the other side of the grid.

1. Pass and shoot with the weaker foot. Players need to take the
time to develop their less dominant foot.

2. Throw the ball to the middle man who drops it for the players to
run on to and volley. Players need to get a shot off despite
possible bad bounces.

Coaching Points:
Play a firm ball into the passer.
After passing, delay your run until you see the lay off before accelerating
towards the ball.
Shoot the ball with your laces with your toes pointed firmly down.
Follow through towards the goal.

Session 3 ~ Shooting

3.3 Goals, Goals, Goals

Divide the team into four smaller teams of 3 or 4 per side. Set up 20 x 30
yard grid with three goals on each end. Two teams play while the other
two wait behind opposite goals. Clearly mark off the halfway line. Each
team of 3 players is only allowed in their own half. Players can either
pass to set up a teammate or shoot from anywhere in their own half. The
opponents may not use their hands, but are allowed to block shots with
other parts of their bodies. If a team lets a goal in they are replaced by
the team behind their goal.

1. The 3 players must shoot in order, the ball must be passed to the
correct player to shoot.

2. Allow one player on each team to go into the opponents half.

This player can put defensive pressure on the offensive team
and can also score.

Coaching Points:
Take the kicking leg back as far as you can, strike the ball with the laces.
Take early shots if there is an opening.
Your first touch should be used to give you an opportunity to shoot.
Make quick passes and do not stay in one area for too long.

Session 3 ~ Shooting

3.4 Two Goal Game

Set up a playing field with two goals at each end, and each goal with a
keeper. Two teams play against each other and are permitted to score in
either of the two goals that they are attacking. Players are encouraged to
shoot at either goal as soon as they have an opening.


1. Teams score one point for a shot on target and three points for a
2. Award double points for goals scored off a pass or with their
weak foot.

Coaching Points:
Switch the point of attack to set up teammates in front of open goals.
Look to shoot off the dribble by attacking one goal and the cutting
towards the other goal.
If you are forced to your weak side, shoot with that foot.


Session 4 ~ Shooting

4.1 Can’t Miss Shooting

You will need a full sized goal with a net for this exercise. The players are
divided into two groups of shooters on the edge of the penalty area, and
two groups of feeders on the outside of each goalpost. The first feeders
in each line roll a ball out slowly ahead of themselves, at the same time
the first two shooters begin running towards the goal. The shooters
should meet the ball just out side of the goal area and have a free shot at
goal. The players switch lines and the next passer immediately feeds the
next shooter.

1. Vary the distance of the pass, from extremely close for

inexperienced players to about 12 yards out for strong players.
No player should miss the goal.

2. The feeders can lob the ball into the air so that the shooters
either volley or half volley the ball.

Coaching Points:
Approach the ball on a curve.
Make the last stride before shooting longer than normal – this should
force you to have a big backswing.
Concentrate on making a solid contact with the toes pointed down.
Follow through with your toes pointed.
Session 4 ~ Shooting

4.2 Shoot out

A goal is set up inside a 10 yard semi circle. Only the goalkeeper is
allowed inside this area. The players are paired up and compete against
each other to try and score past the goalkeeper.


1. When players score they run to the coach who pairs them up
with another partner.
2. The players can play in a knockout competition where they
qualify for the next round by scoring.

3. The players now compete in teams of two and try to combine

with their partner to create goal scoring chances.

Coaching Points:
Look to create early shooting opportunities by quick changes of direction
and speed.
Shoot as soon as you see clear route to goal.
Follow your shot in case the goalkeeper does not hold on to it.

Session 4 ~ Shooting

4.3 Four Goal Shooting

Divide the group into three teams. Two of the teams compete against
each other, trying to score a goal in any of the sides of the four sided
goal which stands in the center of the grid. The third team are
goalkeepers who defend each side of the four sided goal. Teams score
one point for each shot on target and double points for a goal. Rotate
teams every two minutes.

1. Bonus points can be awarded for a team who score with a first
time shot off a pass or with their weaker foot.

2. A soon as a goal is scored the Goalkeepers change quickly with

the team that allows the goal and the coach feeds a new ball in
at once.

Coaching Points:
Follow up all of your teammates shots and finish the rebounds
If you cannot get a shot off before the route to goal is closed down, turn
and attack one of the other goals.

Session 4 ~ Shooting

4.4 Change Soccer

Set up two full size goals 20 yards apart. Divide the group into two red
teams and two white teams. One team of each color competes on the
field and the other two teams wait behind their own goal net. Each team
has a floating goalkeeper. The teams simply try to score as soon as
possible against their opponents. Shots are taken from all distances,
including from the goalkeeper.


1. If your team scores, you must run back and touch your own
goalposts before you can continue. The team that lets the goal
in, is replaced by the team behind their goal, who can
immediately enter the field and attack as their opponents retreat.

2. Change the activity that the team who scores must do before
continuing: Run around a corner flag, Do 3 push ups, Give a
teammate a high five

Coaching Points:
React quickly when your team first attacks and look to get early shots.
Always follow up for rebounds.
Shoot for the corners.


Session 5 ~ Dribbling

5.1 Dribble tag

Using a 30 yard square, break the group into six dribblers and six statue
players. The six dribblers attempt to go around as many of the statues
as possible during a set time period.


1. The statues stand so that a ball may be played between their

feet. The players dribble around the grid and make passes
through the statues feet.
2. Ten players dribble around the grid while two players attempt to
tag them. Once tagged, the player becomes a statue and can
only move once someone has passed a ball through their feet.

3. All players dribble and try and tag other players, while
maintaining control of the ball. A player is out once they have
been tagged. A tag does not count if the does not have
possession of the ball.

Coaching Points:
Get your head up and look around in between touches.
Keep low to the ground when changing direction.
Use rapid changes of direction and pace to avoid being tagged.

Session 5 ~ Dribbling

5.2 Triangle Dribble

The group works in a circle 20 yards in diameter. Three players have
soccer balls and begin by dribbling towards the three cones in the center
of the circle. The dribblers must exit the triangle through a different side
to the one that they came in through. Once they exit the triangle they look
up and make a pass to a teammate on the perimeter.

1. Add further restrictions so that the players are forced to
experiment with their own ideas:

2. Players must enter the triangle forwards but leave backwards

3. Players must enter dribbling with their right foot and exit using
their left

4. Players must dribble completely around two cones

Coaching Points:
Use gentle touches with the inside, outside and top of the foot.
Keep the knees slightly bent.
Get your head up to look for other players dribbling close to you.

Session 5 ~ Dribbling

5.3 Cross Over Dribble

Divide the players into four groups and station each group on the four
sides of a 20 yard square. Each player has a ball. One player from each
line begins by dribbling across the grid to the opposite side. They must
dribble through the middle of the grid, forcing them to have to have
negotiate their way through the three other players.

1. The dribbler now must make a pass to the next player in line
immediately after crossing the half way point.

2. dribblers now come across two at a time.

3. The dribblers may not stop while dribbling across by may now
kick away any soccer balls that end up directly in front of them

Coaching Points:
Keep the ball moving however keep it close enough to stop or cut quickly
if needed.
Slow down in areas of high traffic and be prepared to cut left or right to
avoid contact.
Look up and around frequently between touches for other players and
the half way line.
Session 5 ~ Dribbling

5.4 Bull Dogs

Two defenders try and prevent the rest of the players from dribbling
across the 20 x 30 yard grid. Once a defender tackles a dribbler they
kick their ball out of the grid and the dribbler who lost the ball player
becomes a defender.

1. For lower level players the defenders must play as crabs, with
both their hands and feet on the ground at all times.

2. Progress to allowing defenders to walk or hop and then to no


3. Make the defenders dribble the ball back over the start line
before they eliminate the player. The offensive players may keep
challenging to prevent the defensive players from getting their
ball over the start line.

Coaching Points:
Chose when, where and how to dribble based upon the position of the
Use a change of direction and change of speed to beat them.


Session 6 ~ Dribbling

6.1 Dribble Stop Dribble

Set up the players in groups of three at one end of a 30 x 40 yard grid.
The first player in each group will dribble at speed down the entire length
of the grid, slowing down and stopping dead at the end line. When they
reach the end, the next player begins. Repeat several times.

1. The players must now stop on the half way line for 1 second and
then continue on again at speed.

2. The players must now stop the ball twice on each run.

3. The players now pretend to stop on the half way line but continue
dribbling at speed.

Coaching Points:
To maintain speed keep pushing the ball 5 yards ahead with the laces of
the front foot.
To stop the ball suddenly, shorten the strides, bend your knees, slow
down, and plant one foot directly on top of the ball.
To fake the stop, bring your foot above the ball as if you are going to
place it on top, but instead quickly bring your foot back behind the ball
and push it forward and accelerate away.

Session 6 ~ Dribbling

6.2 One V One Dribble

Players break up into groups of four and form two person lines across
from each other using a 30 x 40 yard grid. The defender passes to the
dribbler and follows across the grid to take up a defensive position in
front of the dribbler. The dribbler moves forward, cutting the ball from
side to side all the way across the grid. The defender moves backwards
maintain a 2 yd gap between them and the dribbler and may not tackle.
1. At the halfway mark the defender commits their front foot, the
dribbler cuts the ball across this foot and accelerates away.

2. Have the defender apply more pressure on opposite sides of the

ball. The defender still may not tackle the dribbler.

3. The defenders are allowed to tackle in their half only. The

defender shadows the dribbler without tackling until the halfway
mark, once the line is crossed they may tackle.

Coaching Points:
Use soft touches with the inside and outside of the leading foot.
Keep the ball close enough to touch at all times.
Keep looking up to check the defenders position.
Cut the ball directly across the defenders leading foot when you try to
beat them.
Session 6 ~ Dribbling

6.3 Gate Dribble

Play 4 v 2 inside a 30 x 20 yard grid with six players spread out along the
perimeter. The four offensive players score a goal by dribbling the ball
through any of the four gates set up inside the grid. The two defenders
must steal the ball and complete a pass to any of the perimeter players to
score a point

1. Add two more players inside the grid and play 5 v 3.

2. Only allow a goal if the player completes a pass to a teammate

after dribbling through a gate.

3. Finally, try playing the game with two equal teams – make sure
that the space is large enough to allow plenty of room to dribble
before players are challenged

Coaching Points:
Keep looking up when dribbling be aware of where your teammates are
at all times.
Turn quickly away from gates protected by defenders.
As soon as you have scored through one gate accelerate away towards
the next target.
Session 6 ~ Dribbling

6.4 Four v Four to End Line – 13

Divide the group into three teams in a 30 x 40 yard grid. Two teams
compete against each other in a small sided game, a goal is scored
when a player dribbles across the end line. The ball must be under
control when the player crosses the line. Each time a team scores they
change ends, and the next team comes on in place of the defeated team.

1. Players must attempt to use a fake or move to beat their
defender in the attacking half of the field.

2. Divide the players into two equal teams and repeat the game.
There will now be less space and less time on the ball.

Coaching Points:
Have a positive attitude when you dribble at an opponent.
Attack the space behind the defender, not the space immediately to their
Watch the movement of the defender’s feet – if they make a move
towards the ball, dribble past them.


Session 7 ~ Defending

7.1 The Front Tackle

Players stand opposite a partner with a ball between them. Both players
put their left feet next to the ball and place their right foot 1 yard back
away from the ball, on the ground. On the coaches command, they both
bring the inside of their right foot to make contact with the ball at the
same time

1. Begin by having the players work together to make contact with
the ball at the same time/. The players can count 1,2,3 go.

2. Have the players increase the force with which they hit the ball.
Repeat with the weaker foot.

3. Let the players compete to see who can win the ball. Change
partners every few challenges.

Coaching Points:
Keep your ankle locked in the “L” position.
Keep your knees slightly bent but firmly locked.
Hold your arms slightly out to the side for balance.
Keep pushing with your foot once you have made contact with the ball.

Session 7 ~ Defending

7.2 One V One Defending

Begin with two lines of players divided into defenders and attackers
across from each other using a 30 x 40 yard grid. The defender passes
to the dribbler and follows across the grid to take up a defensive position
in front of the dribbler. The dribbler moves forward, cutting the ball from
side to side all the way across the grid. The defender moves backwards
maintain a 2 yd gap between them and the dribbler and may not tackle.

1. The defender takes up a sideways stance and attempts to keep
within tackling distance as he retreats. No tackling is allowed.

2. The defender can now tackle the attacker in their own half and
should look to pass the ball over the end line to win.

3. The defenders are allowed to tackle anywhere in the grid. Once

they win the ball, both players attempt to win the ball and dribble
across the opponents end line.

Coaching Points:
Close the space down quickly and slow down as you near the attacker.
Adopt a sideways stance with your knees bent, stay on your toes.
Make your move to tackle when the dribbler takes their eyes of the ball,
gets a bad bounce or pushes the ball too far ahead.
Session 7 ~ Defending

7.3 Two V Two Defending

Repeat the previous practice now with two attackers and two defenders.
The first defender should delay the attacker and the second defender
should provide cover.

1. The attackers attempt to combine to dribble the ball over the
opposing end line, the defenders attempt to clear the ball back
over the start line.

2. Both pairs now attempt to score over their opponents end line.

Coaching Points:
The first defender takes up a slightly sideways position in front of the
player with the ball.
The second defender drops behind and to the side to create cover.
If the ball is passed from one attacker to the other, the second defender
moves forward and the first defender moves back to cover.

Session 7 ~ Defending

7.4 Two Goal Defening Game

Two equal teams compete on a 30 yard wide by 40 yard long field and
attempt to score in either of the two goals on the opponents end line.
There are no goalkeepers. When a team wins possession the opposing
team must retreat to behind the half way line and may only mark their
opponents as they cross the line.

1. Players must now try and win the ball back as quickly as possible
in the opposing team’s half.

2. Players may now chose to defend in both the attacking half and
their own defensive half.

3. Players may now score a bonus point each time they take the
ball away from the opposing team.

Coaching Points:
Quickly close down the space in front of the player with the ball.
Keep between them and the goal and block them from shooting.
Prevent them from dribbling forward, make your tackle if they take their
eye off the ball or lose control.


Session 8 ~ Attacking

8.1 Warm Up – Handball

Two equal teams play across the width of the field. The object is to get
the ball beyond the opponents end line. The ball is passed from hand to
hand, however players are not permitted to run when they have
possession of the ball. Each time a player receives a pass their
teammates should move into supporting positions which enable the team
to move forward. The defending team are allowed to intercept a pass,
however they are not permitted to take the ball away from a stationary


1. To score an additional point a player may volley the ball to a

team mate.

2. To score two additional points a player may head the ball to a

team mate.

Coaching Points:
Create “triangles of possession” between players to move the ball
Move forward into a good supporting position as soon as you have
thrown the ball.

Session 8 ~ Attacking

8.2 Crossing and Finishing

Set up a goal at each end of a 25 x 30 yard grid, with a keeper in each
goal. Lines are formed on either side of both goals. The keeper rolls the
ball in front of the first attacker who dribbles down the wing. As the
keeper rolls the ball, the second attacker from the other side of the goal
takes off down field. The first attacker crosses the ball backwards to the
second attacker for a shot on goal. Alternate the attacks from each end
of the field.


1. Execute the drill the same way as before, but the two attackers
play a give and go before running down field and crossing

2. Add a third attacker who can either shoot or put in rebounds.

Coaching Points: .
Pull the ball backwards for the second attacker.
Time your run so that you are meeting the ball at speed.
The ball should be struck with low to moderate power, focus on hitting
the target before increasing the power.
Experiment with both instep and side foot shoots.

Session 8 ~ Attacking

8.3 Four v Two Attack

Four attackers play against two defenders on a 25 x 30 yard grid. There
is one full size goal at one end of the grid with a goalkeeper. The four
attackers begin at their own end line and attempt to combine to create a
shooting opportunity. The defenders must clear the ball over their
opponents end line to score.

1. Add one additional attacker and one defender.

2. Restrict the number of touches that the attackers can have.

3. Add two counter attack goals on either side of the field, 25 yards
out for the defenders to score in.

Coaching Points:
The four attackers must provide width so that the defenders can be
pulled away from the middle of the field.
Make quick passes from wide players to a middle players to exploit holes
in the defense.
Trail the ball backwards to a free player when the path ahead is blocked
by a defender and the sideline.

Session 8 ~ Attacking

8.4 Two Goal Attack

Set up a playing field with two goals at each end, and each goal with a
keeper. Two teams play against each other and are permitted to score in
either of the two goals that they are attacking. Players are encouraged to
shoot at either goal as soon as they have an opening.

1. Award bonus goals if a team scores following a switch fields


2. Award bonus goals if the goals scored with the player’s weaker

Coaching Points:
Switch the point of attack to set up teammates in front of open goals.
Look to shot off the dribble by attacking one goal and the cutting towards
the other goal.
If you are forced to your weak side by a defender make sure that you
take the shot with that foot.


Section 9 ~ Conditioned Games

9.1 Counter Attack Game

Half Field Game - 16

Divide the group into two teams and play in one half of a field, one team
attacking the main goal and one attacking two small goals set up 10
yards inside the half way line. The team defending the main goal must
dribble the ball through either of the two small goals to score a point.
Change ends after 2 minutes.

1. The team scores an additional point if a player can beat an

opponent with a scissors move.

2. Once one of the players has dribbled through either of the small
goals, their team immediately changes directions and now
attacks the main goal.

Coaching Points:
Always be looking to create a shooting opportunity while you are
dribbling towards the main goal.
Look to take advantage of players being out of position following a
turnover of possession.
As soon as you have dribbled through a small goal, look up and
accelerate into space.

Session 9~ Conditioned Games

9.2 Shooting Game

Set up a small sided game on a 30 x 40 yard grid between two equal
teams with goalkeepers. The teams play normally until you place a
restriction on the game which determines when and how they are
allowed to shoot at goal:

1. Players may only score after a trail pass

2. Players may only score after a give and go

3. Players may only score after a take over

4. Players must shoot within 10 seconds of possession

Coaching Points:
Communicate with your teammates so they know how to combine with
you to create an opening.
Look to get your shot off as soon as you have completed the move.
If you are close to the goal focus on accuracy rather than power.

Session 9~ Conditioned Games

9.3 Combinations Game

Set up a small sided game on a 30 x 40 yard grid between two equal
teams with goalkeepers. The teams then play normally until you place a
restriction on which combinations they must play before they are allowed
to shoot at goal:

1. After a give and go around a defender

2. After a double pass with another player

3. After all team members have touched the ball in succession

4. After five consecutive passes

Coaching Points:
As soon as you win possession, move the ball quickly to prevent
defenders retreating into covering positions.
Move around and communicate.
Use quick short passes to break down the last line of defense.

Session 9~ Conditioned Games

9.4 Wingers Game

Divide the group into two equal teams, with one neutral player positioned
in a 5 yard channel outside of each of the side lines. When a neutral
winger receives the ball they may not be challenged and may dribble into
a position to cross the ball to the team who passed to them. The
attacking players making attacking runs towards the front, middle and
back of the goal.

1. The wingers must first combine with a field player before


2. The neutral wingers are limited to 3 seconds of possession

before an opponent is allowed to enter the channel and
challenge them.

Coaching Points:
Bend your run towards the goal so that you are attacking the path of the
ball as it comes towards you.
Communicate with your teammates if you are positioned well for a
header on goal.
Time your run and your jump to take he ball at the highest point.
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