2024 Predictions Jnana

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2024 Is a Nunber 8 Year because (2+0+2+4 =8)

But the year will be influenced by all the numbers that make it up as follows:

Number 2:

Ruled by the moon

The moon influences or gives high emotional imbalance

Creating unstable mood swings

People become very intuitive and imaginative.

People also becomes lonely.

Number 4:

Ruled by Rahu, the "Head Only Planet"

Creates fruitlessness

People become Stubborn and resistant to change.

Causes People to lack tolerance and become rebellious.

Instills a good sense of leadership and good at keeping secrets.

Promotes a sense of hardworking.

People become ambitious and illusional.

Many become become very worldly or have high wordly desires resulting in insatiable cravings.

There are many sudden events.

People become very ambitious, obsessive and materialistic.


Ruled By Saturn

Saturn adores and creates discipline, making people show more responsibility.

Saturn creates restrictions and limitations and acts like a fathet figure.

It likes structure, perseverance and endurance.

People will have to show wisdom, work hard and be very ambitious.

Karmic Lessons will be learnt and it will be a year of justice.




1. The stars predict a dangerous alliance of China, Russia and Iran to break the dominance
of the Western World

2. The stars predict Russia to secretly supply Iran with advanced weapon technology for
Hamas to use in fight against Israel. This is to take attention away from Russia Ukraine
War which is still raging.

3. There will be a significant cyber attack against a Japan Gaming software, which will
affect some banksand other companies.

4. The stars predict an increased tension of the China-Taiwan conflict around October to

5. The stars predict India to drift away from Russia deals and move more towards its
western partners.

6. The stars predict a new form os spirituality rising up in the world, causing many people
to seek spiritrual awakening.

7. After 2026 many good situations will emerge in the world, even with climate change.

8. The stars predict an earthquake occuring in the far West Coast of America reaching as
far as Mexico City

9. The stars predict a serious flooding in London and Europe( espexially Germany)

10. The stars also predictserious flooding in the Middle East.

11. The stars predict River Nile to break its boundary, causing terrible flooding in the middle
in the middle East.

12. The stars predict Australia to also suffer serious fires, especially in Canberra.

13. The stars predict an Earthquake in Italy

14. There will be great social change worldwide. Transgenders may be barred from
participating in the Olympics.

15. The stars also predicts Islamic and Religious extremism world. It predicts about 4-5
sporting events to suffer possible bomb attacks.

16. A whole new meanimg to human rights law will emerge, leading to a possibility of
citizenship being graded to have various levels or classes of citizens.

17. The stars predict world economy to continue to be gloomy.

18. All should expect a very weak dollar in 2024.

19. The stars also predict a very colatile stock market

20. The stars also predicta big oil shortage, that will lead to high oil/gas prices worldwide.

21. The stars warn of crypto currencies suffering set backs, because many countries will
enact laws to regulate cryptos. Becareful with crypto investments. Many crypto
platforms will shutdown.

22. The stars predict series of blackouts happening in California.

23. The Stars still say Yrump is suppose to win 2024 US elwcrions. Its unbelievable, but the
stars says so.

24. The stars predict, possible legal challenges of the US electoral system, that may lead to
postponement of the elections.

25. Crisis around Joe Biden. He will be whisked away from a stage or crowd.

26. US elections will be closely contested

27. Blacks will vote more in support of Donald Trump

28. The usual US digital voting system might face serious challenges, leading to manual
voting by papers and cards. These challenges will be mostly caused by AI manipulations
against the system.

29. The stars predict Donald Trump will not be jailed for his many court case challenges.

30. The stars also predict Donald Trump to face major/Serious health problems.

31. The stars also predict, Joe Biden to be whisked from a crowd or stage in an event,
probably due to a health issue or a security threat.

32. Hunter Biden may go to jail, but the predictions indicate, it will not be in 2024.

33. The stars predict news will come of a huge bribe given to the Biden Family.

34. Nancy Pelosi to loose her California "11th congressional district seat"

35. Series of power outages to be experienced in the US.

36. Hurricanes will be causing alot of power outages in the US

37. Massive earthquake in the West Coast and North of US affecting Mexico City.

38. Huge Backlash against immigrants and Islam, leading to uprisings.

39. Lots of terrorist attacks especially in the US

40. The stars predict sporting events attacks in Las Vegas and Europe.

41. Immigrants influx will cause democrats to loose US elections.

42. Shop Lootings in Texas and New York.

43. The stars predict a possibilty of a resurgence of an existing or already known disease.

44. Bad weather ocurrences to continue through 2024.

45. Serious flooding to be experienced in Chicago

46. The stars predict a female celebrity to die in a fire outbreak

47. Depression levels to rise due to high cost of living

48. Chinese use of AI attacks to affect series of US banks

49. Elon Musk will introduce AI in X (formerly Twitter) as a means of warning the world
about how bad AI can be.

50. Some Big Popular brands in the US to collapse

51. NASA will send a woman to the moon and also give hints about aliens on other planets.
52. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will be pulled down by october, it will most likely
be related to a chinese bribery case.

53. Justin Trudeau could suffer a serious car crush and loose a loved one through it.

54. Terror attack in Montreal Canada at a sporting event

55. Canadian troops to be sent to a dustyforeign land. Most likely for peace keeping

56. Huge Oil/Gas Field discovery in canada territory.

57. The stars predict a new. Health care system improvement in canada.

58. There will e a pause in the electric car agenda due to energy problems.

59. Serious fire outbreaks in canada predicted in 2024

60. The stars predicts lots of union protests in canada

61. UK Prime Minister will sieze to be prime minister in 2024.

62. Cost of living crisis will be heightened and it will be blamed on immigrants and Islam.

63. The stars predict a big synagogue or Temple to go in flames(fire outbreak) in London

64. UK housing prices to sky rocket

65. There will be serious push against immigrants coming into UK, leading to series of riots.

66. London Olympics may be cancelled in 2024.

67. Citizenship rules to be reviewed or revised, leading to laws that can lead lead to
deportations of many immigrants

68. UK may leave the EU Treaty on Human Rights, to allow it clamp down on immigrants

69. Due to rise in Terror attacks in europe, special ID cards with facial recognition
components will be eolled out.

70. Immigration Boats will be sent to other countries to control immigrant movements to UK
and other European Countries

71. Because of AI influx, there will be a revisit of manual examinations (paper/pen). To

remove the excessive cheating in online examinations.

72. The stars predict a crush of Russian ship or submarine.

73. British troops will strike an Iran missile station outside of Iran

74. The stars predict a court case in the royal family. Possibly between Harry and the
Meghan family.

75. The stars predicts series of social unrests worldwide, especially in Europe.

76. The Stars Predict a terrorist attack in London.

77. The EU will split in ideologies in 2025, but it will start in 2024.

78. Europe/Berlin terrorist attacks and social unrest.

79. Streets of Sweden will be difficult to control

80. Summer Olympics will see multi attempts of attacks.

81. Transgender atthletes may be barred from taking part in the Olympics 2024.

82. Massie social Unrest in France

83. French President Macron may fall in 2024

84. Slowdown in the economy of Germany and it will affect Euro.

85. Italy eonomy will do better, leading many counteies to try finding how Italy did it, so they
can emulate.

86. Europe will try to get involved in Middle East war

87. The stars predict ANC will loose South Africa Elections. But South Africa economy will
see an improvement

88. North of the Sahara will face flooding whiles the South will be very dry.

89. There will be big turn against China in Africa.

90. Earthqiake to be experienced in Mexico

91. The stars predict Argentina to win 2026 Football World Cup

92. The stars predict a possible change in government in Venezuela.

93. The stars predict a kidnap attempt on Brazil President.

94. India will break ties with Russia and move towards its Western Allies more.

95. Confusion between india, Russia and China because of Pakistan

96. India will invent a new solar energy technology

97. Prime Minister Modi will stay in power

98. Serious flooding Pakistan

99. Serious tensions in phillipines over territorial water disputes

100. Chimese economy will suffer greatly, its effect will be felt across the world.

101. A data breach/leakage in china will reveal lots of bad acts of bribery affecting
many world leaders.

102. Chinese property market to crush

103. Chinese president to suffer serious health challenges, but will be hidden feom the
general public.

104. Taiwan will face war with china around November when US will be very buay with
its election.

105. Big uprising in Hong Kong later in the year.

106. Food shortage in hong Kong

107. The stars predict a a big building in Hong Kong going up in flames.

108. The stars predict a huge cyber attack from China, thats going to affect many

109. War in Ukraine to rage on in 2024

110. The stars predict Russia will return some lands to Ukraine as part of a seize fire

111. Putin may leave power

112. Putin hasnt got a long life. A woman may end up becoming president of Russia.

113. Belarus president may suffer an assasnation attempt

114. Big Fire in Canberra Australia

115. A surge in bacterial infections coming from Australia.

116. Everything in Gaza will be destroyed

117. People in Gaza will flee to Egypt

118. Israel with help from the US will strike a nuclear site in Iran.
119. Terrorist attack in a big building in Jerusalem from within Israel.

120. Egypt, Jordan and Turkey will finally be able to bring down the tensions in the
middle East from 2025

121. Resurgence of Women protests in Iran.

122. Environmental problems in rhe Arab world, causing floodings and extreme heat

123. There will be rise in ISIS kind of groups in 2024.




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