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Discussion 08: Thursday, 23. April 2020.

The readings for today's class were Medieval History Textbook PDF and Concise History of
the Crusades PDF. Think about and answer some of the following questions in a thoughtful
and complete manner (at least one solid paragraph). Please also respond to at least two other
Those who were set to present today should also write a longer post that details a thorough
summary, and pose at least two of their own questions in their posts.
I. With the invasion of these "barbarian" tribes, how did this change daily life in
II. The textbook mentions that there were "Repeated invasions and constant warfare that
caused a series of changes that altered the economy, government, and culture". What
were some of these disruptions and changes?
III. What happened to many of the cities that had previously been used as Roman
administrative cities?
IV. What sorts of empires/kingdoms developed after the decline of the Roman Empire?
V. Who was Charlemagne? What did he do for religion?
VI. Who were the Vikings, and what did they do?
VII. How did the introduction of feudalism transform society?
VIII. What is the Age of Chivalry? This time period is often represented by movies with
knights and princesses, and high castles. How was reality different from fiction?
IX. What began to happen to literature and forms of entertainment? How was this
influenced by the violence and warring going on at the time?
X. How was the Church used to control the people?
XI. Why did so many people turn to the Church during the Medieval Age?
XII. How did the Roman Emperor interact with the Pope? Was their ill will? Did they get
along? Why or why not?
XIII. What were the Crusades?
XIV. How did the Crusades start? Why did they start?
XV. When did religion come into contact with the state and government?
XVI. When the Roman Empire collapsed, did the spread and belief of Christianity also
XVII. Why was Christianity threatened by Islam?
XVIII. What role did Pope Gregory VII play in the Crusades?
XIX. What did Pope Urban II declare at the Council of Clermont?
XX. In Concise History of the Crusades, the author states, "For medieval people,
Jerusalem lay at the very center of the universe". Why is that?
XXI. Who were the people in society who were fighting the Crusades? Was it the rich? The
XXII. What was the cost (both figuratively and literally) of the Crusades on the people of
both Europe and the Middle East? What influence did it have on religion?
Question I: With the invasion of these “barbarian” tribes, how did this change daily life in
Question II: The textbook mentions that there were “Repeated invasions and constant warfare
that caused a series of changes that altered the economy, government, and culture”. What
were some of these disruptions and changes?
Question III: What happened to many of the cities that had previously been used as Roman
administrative cities?
Question IV: What sorts of empires/kingdoms developed after the decline of the Roman
Question V: Who was Charlemagne? What did he do for religion?
Question VI: Who were the Vikings, and what did they do?
Question VII: How did the introduction of feudalism transform society?
Question VIII: What is the Age of Chivalry? This time period is often represented by movies
with knights and princesses, and high castles. How was the reality different from fiction?
Question IX: What began to happen to literature and forms of entertainment? How was this
influenced by the violence and warring going on at the time?
Question X: How was the Church used to control the people?
Question XI: Why did so many people turn to the Church during the Medieval age?
Question XII: How did the Roman Emperor interact with the Pope? Was there ill will? Did
they get along? Why or why not?
Question XIII: What were the Crusades?
Question XIV: How did the Crusades start? Why did they start?
Question XV: When did religion come into contact with the state and government?
Question XVI: When the Roman Empire collapsed, did the spread and belief of Christianity
also collapse?
Question XVII: Why was Christianity threatened by Islam?
Question XVIII: What role did Pope Gregory VII play in the Crusades?
Question XIX: What did Pope Urban II declare at the Council of Clermont?
Question XX: In Concise History of the Crusades, the author states, “For medieval people,
Jerusalem lay at the very center of the universe”. Why is that?
Question XXI: Who were the people in society who were fighting the Crusades? Was it the
rich? The poor?
Question XXII: What was the cost (both figuratively and literally) of the Crusades on the
people of both Europe and the Middle East? What influence did it have on religion?

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