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We achieve Sustainability when everyone... Takes responsibility for the health, safety and welfare of self and others and takes the necessary action to minimise environmental
impacts. Identifies and understands relevant health, safety, environment and community risks. Builds and maintains meaningful, long-term relationships with internal and
external stakeholders.

Example Team Member Charter Values in Action Example Team Leader Charter Values in Action

We are successful when every team member: We are successful when every team leader:
 Takes personal ownership of HSEC performance and adheres to our  Ensures HSEC considerations are applied to every decision made
mandatory controls and procedures  Spends time with the team to describe a compelling picture of what the future will look like
 Makes decisions that contribute to positive and enduring outcomes for  Frequently talks about HSEC issues with energy and passion and role models behaviours consistent
business and communities with a commitment to excellence in HSEC performance
 Identifies and always stops to check and correct if something does not look  Commits time to ensure appropriate planning, scheduling, training and tools have been provided to
right or does not comply with HSEC standards improve HSEC and business practices
 Reports any accident, illness, injury, unsafe or unhealthy condition, incident,  Engages people in conversations about health, safety, environment and community issues
spill or release of hazardous material to the environment
 Asks questions and verifies controls are in place to make sure risks are controlled
 Takes steps to control HSEC risks and hazards associated with their work
 Celebrates health, safety, environment and community successes
 Verifies variations in HSEC, production and maintenance metrics and follows
up on deviations  Verifies that all team members are trained to do their job and know what is expected of them
Examples of behaviours that do not support Sustainability: Examples of behaviours that do not support Sustainability:

 Fails to report or challenge unsafe behaviours  Allows team members to be complacent or do things they are not competent to do
 Blames others for HSEC incidents  Does not explain targets and plans for the team
 Undertakes work for which they are not trained, competent, medically fit or  Prioritises production over HSEC
sufficiently rested and alert to perform  Prioritises production over maintenance schedules
 Does not follow established standards and procedures  Does not spend time developing meaningful, long-term stakeholder relationships
 Does not ask the right questions to diagnose potential risks or search for the root cause of an issue
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We act with Integrity when everyone…Acts in a way that is consistent with Our Charter values. Builds trust, can be relied on, stands by commitments and delivers on what is
expected for their role, even when faced with difficult or adverse situations.

Example Team Member Charter Values in Action Example Team Leader Charter Values in Action

We are successful when every team member: We are successful when every team leader:
 Follows through on commitments  Communicates openly and frequently
 Identifies and has the courage to stand up to any behaviour  Creates an environment that fosters transparency and doing the right thing
that is not in line with Our Charter  Recognises others for having the courage to stand up when Our Charter values are not being
 Follows correct procedures followed
 Is honest, forthright and transparent in communications  Demonstrates the courage to make tough decisions and have challenging conversations in
 Acts with humility and looks to learn from everyone in the order to achieve a positive business outcome
team  Admits when they are wrong, seeks feedback and strives to improve by learning from others
Examples of behaviours that do not support Integrity: Examples of behaviours that do not support Integrity:
 Does not keep promises or deliver what has been  Withholds information, does not identify and discuss issues or concerns and is inconsistent in
committed to communications
 Performs an act, even at the direction of a manager, that  Does not demonstrate the courage and conviction to stand up for what is right
compromises Our Charter values  Creates a siloed environment that does not promote learning or collaboration across
 Takes shortcuts and does not admit mistakes or fault the business
 Engages in counterproductive or political behaviours
 Does not identify and discuss concerns
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We act with Respect when everyone... Works collaboratively with others within and across teams. Listens first and values the views of others. Demonstrates openness by
encouraging transparent discussions and promotes the diversity of ideas, gender, experience and ethnicity. Earns the trust of colleagues by treating them with care and courtesy,
even in difficult situations.

Example Team Member Charter Values in Action Example Team Leader Charter Values in Action

We are successful when every team member: We are successful when every team leader:
 Actively listens, learns from and respects others by  Creates an environment of teamwork by proactively sharing knowledge, information and own
encouraging open expression of thought or ideas expertise and showing genuine interest when interacting with others
 Treats colleagues with dignity and courtesy  Delegates appropriately to create opportunities that help others achieve their goals
 Asks questions to seek understanding  Openly encourages and role models sharing of information, removes obstacles and
 Values the contribution of a diverse workforce and recognises success
encourages inclusion by providing people with an opportunity  Engages and enrols others in ideas and plans
to provide input  Encourages input from people on issues that will affect them when implementing changes
 Builds and maintains relationships  Debates the issue or problem, not the person
Examples of behaviours that do not support Respect: Examples of behaviours that do not support Respect:
 Creates barriers that limit input and discussion  Creates an environment that allows fear or intimidation to persist
 Does not listen to or incorporate people’s perspectives  Does not get “out and about” to gather and share information
 Does not take a stand with others or address issues  Ignores conflicts or issues within the team without talking about them openly and honestly
 Does not regularly ask for feedback  Does not seek or consider the input of others
 Calls other team members names, swears or shouts  Dominates or cuts off conversations
 Uses or tolerates threats or intimidation at work  Gives negative feedback in front of others or is condescending
 Does not help out team mates
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We achieve superior Performance when everyone... Delivers results through structured and rigorous planning, monitoring and execution. Drives to consistently improve and
learns through effective feedback and coaching. Shows passion for their work.

Example Team Member Charter Values in Action Example Team Leader Charter Values in Action

We are successful when every team member: We are successful when every team leader:
 Sets challenging goals to enable ongoing improvement  Inspires and motivates their team to high performance in line with the strategy
 Applies process discipline by consistently planning well in advance  Conducts regular and transparent reviews of performance
 Considers who should be involved, who will be affected, sets  Provides ongoing feedback and develops people for current and future roles
realistic targets, builds in regular reviews, identifies and closes  Creates an environment that fosters operating discipline and functional excellence
gaps early, and measures progress
 Sets clear KPIs regularly and tracks performance against KPIs
 Works to solve a problem
 Makes time to provide recognition to others in formal and informal situations
 Learns from experiences
 Influences and persuades through discussion and content versus positional power
 Acts in ways that promote operating discipline
 Delivers business communications in a practical and empowering way
Examples of behaviours that do not support Performance:
 Creates a positive environment that motivates the team; congratulates team members
 Is not proactive and allows problems to continue when they have done a good job
 Does not learn from mistakes  Makes good decisions by conditioning out what is not important
 Does not seek out further information or support when unable to Examples of behaviours that do not support Performance:
progress a task
 Does not take interest in the development of the team
 Does not hold peers accountable for performance
 Fosters poor morale by not addressing issues and concerns as they arise
 Is not structured or rigorous in planning
 Does not identify or align people to what is required to execute on time and to a superior
 Fails to search for and consider facts when making decisions
 Does not provide clear and actionable feedback
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We achieve Simplicity when everyone... Identifies and focuses on the critical few things that add the most value by making fact-based choices and prioritising effort. Adheres
to the prescribed method to do the work. Identifies ways to reduce complexity through standardisation and stopping low-value work.

Example Team Member Charter Values in Action Example Team Leader Charter Values in Action

We are successful when every team member: We are successful when every team leader:
 Identifies the critical few things that add maximum value and focuses on  Organises work according to the prescribed organisation model
doing them well  Knows the business and executes in a standardised way by collaborating across
 Executes in line with the proven work method or approach teams
 Can determine what is not important during decision making  Organises work in line with the proven work method or approach
 Manages and reduces complexity  Creates systems that enable simplicity and stops things that do not work in a
 Shows courage to challenge and remove processes that do not add the responsible way
most value  Actively manages those things that really make a difference to team results
 Prioritises their time and effort well  Understands where complexity or bureaucracy occurs and takes action to
Examples of behaviours that do not support Simplicity: simplify
 Empowers others to stop activities that waste time, resources or materials
 Uses complex language unnecessarily
Examples of behaviours that do not support Simplicity:
 Does not look to learn from other areas of the business or make processes
more efficient or effective  Does not provide clear instruction or direction
 Does not provide others with the information they need to complete tasks  Is unable to effectively prioritise
right the first time  Does not identify or seize opportunities for improvement, or encourage others to
 Does not support change and defends things on the basis of the status quo do so, when they arise
 Focuses on activities that are not core to their role  Wastes people’s time with unnecessary meetings or inappropriate channels of
 Does not simplify things for others, or ensure that they understand
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We are Accountable when everyone.... Establishes clear purpose and accountabilities. Holds self and others accountable to deliver on commitments. Demonstrates sound
judgement that enables positive business outcomes.

Example Team Member Charter Values in Action Example Team Leader Charter Values in Action

We are successful when every team member: We are successful when every team leader:
 Takes personal responsibility by being clear on what needs to be  Creates an environment where people take accountability
achieved, when and who is accountable for delivery  Communicates clear accountabilities and measurable goals for individuals and the
 Uses initiative to ensure things get done team
 Delivers on commitments  Encourages and supports people to take responsibility for their own performance
 If unable to deliver, proactively gains agreement on new deliverables and the performance of the team
 Demonstrates good judgement based on a solid understanding of the  Challenges individuals constructively about performance in a firm, but fair way
business  Fosters a sense that people are responsible for the level of performance in their
Examples of behaviours that do not support Accountability: business area
Is sought out by others for advice and solutions
 Does not deliver on time, blames others for mistakes or does not take
responsibility for actions Examples of behaviours that do not support Accountability:
 Does not report errors or take responsibility for seeing things through  Does not clearly communicate expectations of what people are accountable for
to completion delivering
 Does not follow up with others and hold them accountable for agreed  Does not hold people accountable for commitments
 Does not make himself/ herself regularly available to the team
 Does not have a clear understanding about what they are accountable
for and does not seek to clarify
 Takes credit for the work of others

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