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The FIN-WIN club of Mittal School of Business organized an event on the occasion of Global
Money Week. The main objective of the event was to spread financial awareness regarding
being financially independent. In this event, we showcased a movie named “One Idiot”
which is an IDFC initiative.
The movie aimed at motivating the audience to start investing early and being financially
independent. The students deliberated wonderfully regarding the various alternate
measures that can be adopted to be financially independent which includes the use of
various elements like investing, savings, etc.
It was a very unique and intriguing experience to organize and conduct this intellectual
event. Though while organizing this event, we faced several issues but the team managed it
very calmly and smoothly. Thus, with the help and support of all the team members it was a
successful event. The audience gained huge inspiration to start early their investing journey.
They also learned the importance of savings and being financially independent. Hence, over
all it was an over-whelming experience to conduct this event and spread financial literacy
among the youth.

Organized by:
Riyan Gangani
Utkarsh Varshney
Prabhdeep Singh

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