Superstition Is The Fear of What Is Unknown and Mysterious

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Pave you ever seen a black caL crosslng your paLh?

1haL means bad luck uo you know

LwlLch on Lhe lefL eye forecasL forLune buL LwlLch on Lhe rlghL eye forecasL dlsasLer?
Superstition is the Iear oI what is unknown and mysterious. It is the belieI that certain events
bring good or bad luck which cannot be explained by reason or science. In short, superstition
means blind belieI. Superstition is a worldwide phenomenon. People in every country believe
in one or the other superstition. Question is; was superstition the real deal or was it a mere
way to keep people`s toe on line?

1hesls sLaLemenL
uesplLe Lhelr wldespread accepLance ln socleLy supersLlLlons are llloglcal ln naLure and
generally lack credlblllLy Lven Lhe very orlglns of supersLlLlons are rarely known by Lhose
who pracLlce Lhem

India is considered as one of the most superstitious country because here many
are ignorant, backward and believes in the power of omens. Ignorance leads to
superstition. People want to achieve all their ambitions without putting the best
efforts. They are interested in performing many ceremonies and follow the
persons who tell them the impact of evil spirits; such people always live in a fear
of ghosts and take each step of daily routine keeping in mind the superstition
associated with it. Superstitions have indeed led the people to believe in the
existence of supernatural beings.
Some superstitions are prevalent not only in India but also in many other
countries. However, the number of superstitions is much higher in India. Actually
there are so many common and small superstitions that at each place, there is a
superstition existing. If one sneezes, it is not considered good to go out. It is
considered an ill-luck if we see a man with an empty pitcher or if a cat crosses
ones way. All these are considered ill-omens and highly inauspicious. Seeing a
one-eyed man early in the morning is considered so bad that people think that
they wont get any meals during the day. If an owl is seen sitting on top of
house, it is taken as a sure sign of coming ruin and destruction to the family of
that house. A guest is predicted if a crow starts crowing early in the morning at
ones rooftop.
Many superstitions are made for betterment based on their inherent advantages.
Such superstitions have a solid reasoning and common sense behind their cause.
It is said that the small babies should not be fed outside, under the open sky,
their food should always be given in covered places. This is perhaps to avoid
exposure of food to possible bacterial infection outside. The grown-up children or
adults should not cross-over small babies. It is usually seen that biggen children
try to cross the little children. But it is not considered a good sign, it is truly sure
that such cross-overs can injure the little babies.
Superstitions also teach science in very common, popular and acceptable ways.
Like plucking of a flower at night is considered a sin. Similarly, the peepal trees
are considered abodes of ghosts at night. The wells which have been closed are
considered as underground houses of evil spirits. This for betterment of people
because a closed well can store various poisonous gases which if leaks can cause
fatal injuries. Similarly some of other superstitions prevent us from doing such
activities which can do harm in terms of scientific approach. Such superstitions
can rightly be told to children for their safeguards.
Man is a social animal and is weak in his conscience. That is why he lives in fear
of unknown dangers that may strike, due to presence of an evil-spirit or ghost in
a lonely or dark corner. All superstitions are signs of human weakness,
particularly with reference to sights of ghosts and evil-spirits. In broad daylight,
no one has ever seen a ghost or gets afraid thinking a ghost is nearby. Actually
we ourselves are causes of such unforeseen misfortunes and accidents. We keep
all such happenings at the back of our minds and go on thinking whenever lonely
or in the dark. We should come out of such ignorant superstitions and try to be
in good humour for good of all.
The increase in awareness and education level can definitely remove most
superstitions associated with various innocent and ignorant people of our
country. Today, most of the educated youth do not pay any attention to such
superstitions and treat it all as nonsense. But in some people, these
superstitions are so deeply rooted that any kind of convincing would do nothing
to remove their superstitious faiths. Even in some other countries the number
thirteen is regarded as very inauspicious. People dont like to be associated with
this number. So we have superstitions not only in India but all over the world
though in varying degrees.

upersLlLlons have come down Lo us from anclenL Llmes rlmlLlve people were lgnoranL abouL Lhe
wonders of sclence 1hey were aL Lhe mercy of naLural elemenLs 1hey dld noL undersLand Lhe
causes of physlcal changes Laklng place around Lhem 1hey respecLed and worshlpped Lhe force of
naLure llke Lhe sun Lhe moon flre wlnd waLer sLorms eLc 1hey belleved LhaL dlseases were
caused by Lhe wraLh of gods as well as evll splrlLs 1hey Lrled Lo saLlsfy Lhe gods wlLh offerlngs
prayers sacrlflces eLc 1hey Lrled Lo ward off evll splrlLs by offerlng sacrlflces acrlflce of blrds and
anlmals Lo please Lhe gods and goddesses and Lo aLone for ones slns ln a common pracLlce 1hus lL
ls fear whlch gave rlse Lo supersLlLlon

1hey belleved LhaL any mlsforLune LhaL befall on Lhem were due

Man is a social animal and is weak in his conscience. That is why he lives in fear
of unknown dangers that may strike, due to presence of an evil-spirit or ghost in
a lonely or dark corner. All superstitions are signs of human weakness,
particularly with reference to sights of ghosts and evil-spirits. In broad daylight,
no one has ever seen a ghost or gets afraid thinking a ghost is nearby. Actually
we ourselves are causes of such unforeseen misfortunes and accidents. We keep
all such happenings at the back of our minds and go on thinking whenever lonely
or in the dark. We should come out of such ignorant superstitions and try to be
in good humour for good of all.
The increase in awareness and education level can definitely remove most
superstitions associated with various innocent and ignorant people of our
country. Today, most of the educated youth do not pay any attention to such
superstitions and treat it all as nonsense. But in some people, these
superstitions are so deeply rooted that any kind of convincing would do nothing
to remove their superstitious faiths. Even in some other countries the number
thirteen is regarded as very inauspicious. People dont like to be associated with
this number. So we have superstitions not only in India but all over the world
though in varying degrees.

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