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Section 2 – Appendix 02

Processes and Actions for the

Proper Management of RCDs

Process Actions to Carry Out RCD Management

Harvesting 1. Selective Demolition:
processes  Careful separation at the source to obtain materials with recyclable or reuse potential, taking advantage
of them and reducing the volume of waste generated.
 The separation must be given in coordination with the demolition.
 Mixture of materials and contamination of recyclable materials such as wood, paper, cardboard, iron,
plastic, among others, must be prevented. This eliminates sorting at a recycling plant and saves
transportation and disposal costs.
 For the demolition of a building
o Remove debris and non-fixed moldings.
o Dismantle, remove doors, windows, roofs, water installations, electricity, including internal
cleaning, among others.
o Demolish the structure of the building, (Ortega et al., 2015).
2. Reuse:
 It can be done directly on site or in other types of works.
 When using RCD in a work other than where it was generated, it must be reported in the RCD
Management Plan and previously reported to the corresponding Environmental Secretariat, (Ortega et
al., 2015).
3. Recycling:
 When they are transformed into new materials, they can be reincorporated into production cycles or as
new products or raw materials.
 A comprehensive program must be implemented, taking into account the composition of the waste, the
availability of markets for recycled materials, the economic situation of the region and the participation
of the community.
 Mobile plants can be used, which allow RCD to be processed on site.
4. Hazardous waste management:
 A hazardous waste manager authorized by the environmental authority must be contacted,
 The list of managers of the page of the competent environmental authority must be consulted.
 If there is no list, the plan for the management of RCD waste must be submitted to the corresponding
environmental secretary for its approval, which must include a certified company for the disposal of this
waste, (Ortega et al., 2015).
Management 1. Purchase and storage of raw materials:
measures for  Buy the minimum number of auxiliary products (paints, solvents, grease, etc.) and in returnable
RCDs on site: containers of the largest possible size.
The RCD  Inspect purchased materials prior to acceptance. (Not receive materials that will be discarded due to
management their poor condition)
procedures Plan  Buy auxiliary materials and products based on ecological criteria.
must be  Use the products for their age from the expiration date.
established, which  Clean machinery and different equipment with chemical products that are less aggressive to the
must be environment (empty containers of toxic chemical products must be treated as hazardous waste).
disseminated and  Avoid leaks and spills of dangerous products, keeping the containers properly closed and stored.
socialized on site.  Acquire equipment that is respectful with the environment.
Each project must
 Inform the staff about the existing safety regulations (or elaborate new ones if necessary), the
dangerousness, handling, transport, and correct storage of the substances.
analyze its
 Store the products properly, separating the dangerous ones from the rest and the combustible or
execution, (Ortega
flammable liquids in suitable containers.
et al., 2015).:
 Establish in workplaces and materials storage areas, which will be away from traffic and other areas
intended for the collection of waste, (Ortega et al., 2015)
2. Demolition:
 Carry out selective demolition.
 Carry out an inventory of the elements susceptible to disassembly and their classification between
possible reusable and non-reusable ones.
 Quantify the volume of the elements and structures subject to demolition, discriminating the amounts of
the different classes of materials (masonry, reinforced concrete, veneers, among others), (Ortega et al.,
3. Excavation:
 The field stripping will be carried out as an independent activity to the excavation, in such a way that the
layer of organic material (soil and vegetal layer) can be classified from the inert material (depending on
the characteristics of the work).
 Define the volume that will be generated by the excavation.
 Establish with a soil study, the classes and qualities of soils that will be extracted with the amounts of
each one.
 Carry out the assessment of these materials, define the quantities and where they could be reused,
(Ortega et al., 2015)
4. Construction of the project (Ortega et al., 2015):
 Estimate the amount of RCD that will be generated in each construction activity.
 Perform an assessment of these materials to define what could be reused in the project (if at the time of
reuse, it is not possible, the alternative must be justified and presented for compliance with the
percentage established in the plan).
 Select the spaces within the work to carry out the collection, separation, and classification of the RCD or
"ecological points", with the respective containers and/or spaces destined for this purpose, duly
identified, and labeled.
 Define the quantities and types of materials for final disposal and those that will be taken to treatment
and/or exploitation sites.
 Select the final disposal sites, treatment plants and/or authorized use, where the RCD will be taken.
 Have a minimum information form that is described in resolution 01115 of 2012 (this resolution applies
to the municipality of Bogotá), with the purpose of keeping a daily control of RCD movements.
 Select transporters registered and trained in the correct management of construction and demolition
waste before the Ministry of Environment.
 Socialize the Management Plan with all its collaborators and contractors, (Ortega et al., 2015).
Environmental 1. To reduce the generation of RCD in all construction stages
procedures to  Establish quantity and nature of possible RCD in the demolition and construction stages.
carry out  Know and establish from the project planning the authorized waste managers (ordinary, dangerous,
management: RCD, among others) that are in the environment of the work.
These are the  Establish the characteristics (admission conditions, distance, and rates) of final disposal sites, recyclers,
activities for the classification centers, among others, define an external and adequate management scenario.
reduction,  Have the necessary tools and equipment for each activity on site.
separation, reuse,  Use the necessary material already standardized and adjusted to the civil and architectural lines
recycling, designed and planned.
recovery and final  Organize and optimize work sites for the functions they provide.
disposal of  Optimize the supply of materials, through standardized systems.
construction and
 Coordinate supplies and transportation of materials, to avoid losses and undesirable mix-ups.
demolition waste
 Unload in an orderly manner and organize the materials and elements correctly.
(Ortega et al.,
2015).  • Prevent materials that can be used from being mixed with other types of materials, especially those
classified as dangerous. (See Decree 4741 of 2005), (Ortega et al., 2015).
2. For the commercialization of waste, it is necessary:
 Check that leftover materials from on-site activities are not contaminated with other hazardous materials.
If they are contaminated, they should be managed as hazardous waste.
 Depending on the characteristics of the work, sites must be adapted for the temporary storage of RCD,
they must be marked and covered with materials that prevent water and wind, they must have perimeter
channels and sediment control structures. The areas designated for this purpose must be defined from
the design of the Management Plan.
 The waste will be in containers or areas clearly identified as "Clean Point or Ecological Point".
 The materials in the collection areas must remain covered to avoid particulate material, dragging
material, offensive odors, and proliferation of vectors.
 Remaining solid waste must be classified into different categories such as: ordinary, recyclable, and
hazardous waste (such as absorbent materials or cleaners used to remove oils, grease, chemical product
containers, paints, and others).
 If during the project hazardous and/or polluting waste (lubricants, oils, fuels, chemical substances,
among others) is generated, the provisions of Decree 4741 of 2005 must be complied with, they will be
monitored by the Environmental Secretariat.
 When the separation process ends, the recoverable materials must be integrated into the reuse or
recycling circuit, those that cannot be sent to authorized final disposal sites, (Ortega et al., 2015)
3. For the reuse of RCD:
 The RCDs can be reused when they are not mixed with organic matter, plastics, wood, paper, iron or
dangerous substances. The on-site reuse of RCD without its prior classification (ordinary, special and
dangerous) is prohibited.
 The materials that can be reused are beams, pillars, trusses, prefabricated elements, doors, windows,
prefabricated cladding, tiles, light structures, screeds, skylights and sheets, railings, false ceilings,
superimposed pavements, finishing pieces and kitchen furniture.
 Land that cannot be reused in the same work must be removed by a duly registered and trained
transporter, as determined by the Environmental Secretariat.
 Sand, gravel, and other aggregates, stone, ceramic, concrete, and cement can be reused as a base for
roads and to level and stabilize soil and embankments. The materials with a high probability of being
recycled according to research are: concrete, ceramics, cement, and bricks, which can be reused for the
production of paving stones, facades, column bases, mortar production, and cement manufacturing,
(Ortega et al., 2015)
4. For RCD recycling:
 Once the previous processes have been completed, the RCD must be removed from the public space,
within a period not exceeding 24 hours after being generated, (in Bogotá according to the provisions of
paragraph 1 of article 2 of Resolution 357 of 1997). Surplus materials that can be used temporarily stored
on the work fronts cannot interfere with pedestrian and/or vehicular traffic and must be protected from
the erosive action of water, air or contamination with other types of substances.
 They must be classified according to their recycling process, their physicochemical properties and the
destination that they will have in the market.
 It is recommended to consult different recycling alternatives for each material that is separated from the
final construction and demolition waste.
 Materials of stone origin can be reincorporated into their production cycle through crushing and
screening, locating a mobile plant on site. In the Bogota market, the provisions of Resolution 1115 of
2012 are complied with, which provides for an initial use of 5% of RCD as of August 2013; Each year
mentioned percentage will increase by five (5) percentage units until reaching a minimum of 25% of the
Volume or weight of the material used in the work for its construction, (Ortega et al., 2015)
5. For the final disposal of the RCD:
 Avoid as much as possible the impacts to the environment
 The unusable surplus RCD must go to the final disposal authorized by the Environmental Secretariat or
the corresponding Regional Autonomous Corporation - CAR, according to its geographical location.
 The RCD generator must accredit the legality of the final disposal site, likewise it is obliged to have a
certification of the volumes disposed of in said site, indicating the date, project to which the RCDs are
received; These documents must always remain at the construction site and will be requested at any
time by the competent environmental authority (Ortega et al., 2015).
 When the work does not have space for the temporary parking of dump trucks, the builder must
coordinate the exit of the RCD, without there being parking on public roads, or traffic, vehicular and
pedestrian obstruction. It must have signage. All above in accordance with the Traffic Management Plan
– PMT, approved by the competent entity, (Ortega et al., 2015).
Note: Adapted from Ortega et al. (2015)
Construction’s Summary Technical
Generator Data (Company in charge of the work)

Bussines name: ______________________________________________________

VAT: _______________________________________________________________

Address: Phone: ______________

E-mail: _____________________________________________________________

Work Data

Environmental Office Registry: ___________________________________________

Work Name: _________________________________________________________

Work´s Operate mode: _________________________________________________

Work´s Address: Real State Stratum: _____

County: _____________________________________________________________

Land Area Project (m2): ________________________________________________

Building Area: _______________________________________________________

Urbanism and Construction Permit Number: ________________________________

Project’s Execution Estimated Time: _______________________________________

Work’s Starting Date: __________________________________________________

Work’s Finishing Estimated Date: _________________________________________

RCD waste management Budget: _______________________________________

Work´s Budget: ______________________________________________________

Project´s Description: __________________________________________________

Building Type Use: ____________________________________________________

Number of Floors: ____________________________________________________

Number of Basements: ________________________________________________

Building´s Height: _____________________________________________________

Note: Adapted from Ortega et al. (2015).
Follow-up Format for
the Use of RCDs on
Material’s Description 3 Exploitation or treatment 5 Accumulated 6 Monthly Reports
1. Total of Total Work´s Total Work´s
Construction’s Real Real
construction 4 Final used used
Observations RCD Final
Stage Waste Type Components materials Re-use Recycle Other dispose place materials generated Justification materials generated Justification
estimated Dispose volume volume
volume (m3) volume volume
volume (m3) (m3) (m3)
(m3) (m3)
Concrete, ceramics, bricks, sand, gravel, Type of structure for demolition
pebbles, blocks or fragments of rock, tile, mortar, Housing
asphalt, and inert materials Commerce
Civi buildings
Roads- Highways
Water Canals
Stones RCD

Structure’s demolition area

Hight or thickness (if applies) of
Demolition’s Company
Plastics, PVC
Non-stones RCD
Cardboard, Paper
Vegetable Covers Performs separation of plants covers
Yes___ No ___
Dimensions of Retired Material
Excavation and

Lawn waste

Non-expansive fine Lands, Clays (kaolin), silts and inert residues, little Dimensions of Retired Material
waste and or no plastic and expansive that exceed the # 200 Long
expansive fine sieve of granulometry Width
waste Hight
Concrete, ceramics, bricks, sand, gravel,
Stones RCD pebbles, blocks or fragments of rock, tile, mortar,
asphalt, and inert materials
Plastics, PVC
Non-stones RCD
Cardboard, Paper

Metal Waste Steel, Iron, Copper, Aluminum, Tin, and Zinc.
Polystyrene - Styrofoam, plasterboard (drywall),
Special Waste
tires among others
Waste of chemical products, emulsions, tar,
paints, organic solvents, oils, resins, plasticizers,
inks, bitumen, varnish, asbestos tiles, slag, lead,
Dangerous waste
fly ash, lighting fixtures, explosive waste, and
residues or scraps included in the appendix of the
dangerous from Decret 4741 2005
Materials which don’t belong to any of the groups
mentioned before
Note: Adapted from Ortega et al. (2015).
Model Format On-site Reuse Report
Model Format On-site Reuse Report
Project’s name: Address:

1. "Before", Photographic record of the site that is going to be used for reuse, with reference to the area:

2. Area sketch for the reuse of RCD’s:

Hight: H
Width: W
Long: L

3. Material Type to use on the re-use process:

4. Description of processes to do: Set waste origin and the material compact coefficient
Model Format On-site Reuse Report
5. Photographic record during re-use process

6. Photographic record of the ending re-use process:

7. Re-used total volume: _________ (m3) 8. Processes duration: __________ (months)

9. Recovered final area: ____________ (m2)
10. Value % of reuse, with respect to the total material used for the construction of the work:
____________________________ (%)
11. Comments, Conclusions and/or Justification for not reusing:

Project’s manager signature: __________________________________

Note: The photographic record must have the date and time of taking.
Note: Adapted from Ortega et al. (2015).
RCD Treatment Cost
Estimate Format
on Site
Conversion Explanation TOTAL TOTAL
Vegetable hedges
Lands, Clays (kaolin), silts and inert residues, little
or no plastic and expansive that exceed the # 200
sieve of granulometry
Concrete, ceramics, bricks, sand, gravel, pebbles,
blocks or fragments of rock, tile, mortar, asphalt,
and inert materials.
Plastics, PVC
Cardboard, Paper
Steel, Iron, Copper, Aluminum, Tin, and Zinc.
Polystyrene - Styrofoam, plasterboard (drywall),
tires among others
Waste of chemical products, emulsions, tar, paints,
organic solvents, oils, resins, plasticizers, inks,
bitumen, varnish, asbestos tiles, slag, lead, fly ash,
lighting fixtures, explosive waste, and residues or
scraps included in the appendix of the dangerous
from Decret 4741 2005
Materials which don’t belong to any of the groups
mentioned before
Note: Adapted from Ortega et al. (2015).

* Unit of measurement in cubic meters, if it is necessary to carry out a conversion to pass to the units used by the
manager, the conversion must be specified
** Unit of measure used by the manager to make the payment

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