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Indicators Not evident Building Organizing Developing Applying

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

(1) Apply  The teacher  The teacher  The teacher  The teacher  The teacher
knowledge of demonstrates demonstrat demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
content within substantial es minor content accurate accurate and
and across content errors moderate errors either in knowledge of in-depth
curriculum either in content presenting the key concepts knowledge of
teaching areas. presenting the errors lesson or in both in most concepts
lesson or in related to responding to presenting the in presenting
responding to lesson learners’ lesson and in the lesson and
learners’ concepts questions or responding to in responding
questions or either in comments. learners’ to learners’
comments. presenting questions or questions in a
the lesson  The lesson comments. manner that
or in content attempts to be
responding displays  The lesson responsive to
to learners’ simple content student
questions coherence. displays developmental
or coherence. learning
comments. needs.
 The teacher
 The lesson attempts to  The teacher
content make makes
does not connections connections
display across across
coherence. curriculum curriculum
teaching areas, teaching areas,
if appropriate. if appropriate.
(2) Use a range of  The teacher  The teacher  The teacher  The teacher  The teacher
teaching does not use uses uses loosely- occasionally frequently
strategies that teaching disconnect connected applies applies
enhance strategies that ed teaching teaching teaching relevant
learner address strategies strategies to strategies that strategies that
achievement learners’ to address address address enhance
in literacy and literacy and/or literacy learners’ learners’ learners’
numeracy numeracy and/or literacy and/or literacy and/or literacy and/or
skills needs. numeracy numeracy numeracy numeracy
needs. needs. needs. skills.
(3) Apply a range  The teacher  The teacher  The teacher  The teacher  The teacher
of teaching does not use asks mostly provides uses questions employs a
strategies to teaching low-order straightforwar and activities range of
develop strategies to questions d questions that mostly targeted
critical and develop that require and activities require the follow-up
creative critical and simple which lead learners to questions and
thinking, as creative factual learners interpret, activities that
well as other thinking or responses through a explain, or encourage
higher-order other higher- and/ or single path of describe ideas learners to
thinking skills. order thinking provides inquiry learned. explain,
skills. activities demonstrate,
that are and use ideas
routine. learned.
(4) Plan, manage  The teacher  The teacher  The teacher  The teacher  The teacher
and implement does not implements implements implements implements
developmental implement a a poorly the lesson but the lesson but the lesson with
ly sequenced developmental sequenced only with with appropriate
teaching and ly sequenced teaching some elements inappropriate elements of a
learning teaching and and of a elements of a developmental
processes to learning learning developmental developmental ly sequenced
meet processes to processes ly sequenced ly sequenced teaching and
curriculum meet to meet teaching and teaching and learning
requirements curriculum curriculum learning learning processes to
and varied requirements requiremen processes to processes to meet
teaching and varied ts and meet meet curriculum
contexts. teaching varied curriculum curriculum requirements
contexts. teaching requirements requirements and varied
contexts. and varied and varied teaching
teaching teaching contexts.
contexts. contexts.
(5) Design, select,  The teacher  The teacher  The teacher  The teacher  The teacher
organize and does not attempts to provides a provides a provides a
use diagnostic, provide any incorporate limited range range of range of
formative and form of assessment of assessment assessment assessment
summative assessment in the strategies but strategies but strategies that
assessment during the lesson fails to only some are address most
strategies lesson. without set address the aligned with of the learning
consistent criteria. learning goals. the learning goals.
with goals.

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