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List of verbs

Simple present Simple past Participle translation

verbs he/she/it
agree agrees agreed agreed concordar
attend attends attended attended assistir (participar)
be is (am, are) was/were been ser, estar
become becomes became become tornar-se
begin begins began begun iniciar
belong belongs belonged belonged pertencer
borrow borrows borrowed borrowed pedir emprestado
bring brings brought brought trazer
brush (teeth, hair) brushes brushed brushed escovar (dentes,cabelo)
buy buys bought bought comprar
call calls called called chamar
call up calls up called up called up telefonar
choose chooses chose chosen escolher
clean up cleans up cleaned up cleaned up faxinar
climb climbs climbed climbed escalar
come (from) comes (from) came (from) come (from) vir (de)
cost costs cost cost custar
cry cries cried cried chorar
depend (on) depends (on) depended depended depender
dislike dislikes disliked disliked não gostar
disagree disagrees disagreed disagreed discordar
do does did done fazer
drink drinks drank drunk beber
drive drives drove driven dirigir
eat eats ate eaten comer
encourage encourages encouraged encouraged encorajar
enjoy enjoys enjoyed enjoyed apreciar
fall falls fell fallen cair
feel feels felt felt sentir
find finds found found encontrar
fix fixes fixed fixed consertar
forget forgets forgot forgotten esquecer
fly flies flew flown voar
get gets got gotten obter, receber, tornar-se, chegar...
get up gets up got up gotten up levantar
give gives gave given dar
give up gives up gave up given up desistir
go (to) goes went gone ir (para)
have has had had ter
have breakfast has breakfast had breakfast had breakfast tomar café da manhã
have lunch has lunch had lunch had lunch almoçar
have dinner has dinner had dinner had dinner jantar
hear hears heard heard escutar (ter audição)
hope hopes hoped hoped ter esperança
keep keeps kept kept manter
know knows knew known saber
learn learns learned/learnt learned/learnt aprender
leave leaves left left deixar, sair, partir
lend lends lent lent emprestar
let lets let let permitir
like likes liked liked gostar de
listen (to) listens (to) listened listened escutar (prestar atenção)
live lives lived lived morar, viver
lose loses lost lost perder
look (at) looks (at) looked looked olhar
love loves loved loved amar
make makes made made fazer
manufacture manufactures manufactured manufactured manufaturar
meet meets met met conhecer, encontrar
mind minds minded minded importar-se
notice notices noticed noticed notar
owe owes owed owed dever
own owns owned owned ser proprietário
pay pays paid paid pagar
pay attention pays attention paid attention paid attention prestar atenção
play plays played played jogar, brincar, tocar instrumento
prefer prefers preferred preferred preferir
put puts put put pôr, colocar
read reads read read ler
realize realizes realized realized dar-se conta (cair a ficha)
relax relaxes relaxed relaxed relaxar
remember remembers remembered remembered lembrar
remind reminds reminded reminded fazer alguém lembrar
rest rests rested rested descansar
run runs ran run correr
say (to) says (to) said said dizer
see sees saw seen ver
seem seems seemed seemed parecer
sell sells sold sold vender
send sends sent sent enviar
sing sings sang sung cantar
sit sits sat sat sentar
sleep sleeps slept slept dormir
speak speaks spoke spoken falar
stay stays stayed stayed permanecer, ficar em um lugar
study studies studied studied estudar
suppose supposes supposed supposed supor
surf the internet surfs surfed surfed navegar na internet
swim swims swam swum nadar
take takes took taken tomar, pegar, ....
take a shower takes a shower took shower taken shower tomar banho (chuveiro)
talk (to/with) talks (to/with) talked talked conversar (com)
teach teaches taught taught ensinar
tell tells told told contar (historias, piadas)
think thinks thought thought pensar
travel travels traveled traveled viajar
type types typed typed digitar
understand understands understood understood compreender, entender
wake up wakes up woke up woken up acordar
walk walks walked walked caminhar
wash washes washed washed lavar
watch watches watched watched assistir
wear wears wore worn vestir
wish wishes wished wished desejar
work works worked worked trabalhar
write writes wrote written escrever
Modal verbs

Modais são um tipo especial de verbos auxiliares, que alteram ou completam o sentido do verbo principal.

Modais nas perguntas:

Modal verb translation
can poder, conseguir question word auxiliary
could poderia (futuro, passado) What should
may poder (permissão, possibilidade) Could
might talvez
must deve
ought to deveria (similar ao should)
shall deve / substitui o will em alguns casos
should deveria
will "rei" (ex.: I will travel = eu viajarei)
would "ria" (ex.: I would travel = eu viajaria)

ought to= não usar em perguntas. Usar o "should"
shall= usado normalmente com I e WE

1. verbos modais não são conjugados (na terceira pessoa do sing no presente, por exemplo);
2. eles são os próprios auxiliares nas perguntas (não usar "do, does, did" ou outros)
3. eles são seguidos direto pelo infinitive sem "to" do outro verbo (chamado "bare infinitive")
4. forma a negativa acrescentando "not" a ele mesmo. Ex.: shouldn't, couldn't, may not, etc

Eles são classificados como:

probabilidade: might
possibilidade: may
capacidade: can, could
suposição: must
sugestão: shall
convite: should
obrigação: must
aconselhamento: should, ought to
permissão: can, could, may
hábitos: will, would
do verbo principal.

subject action verb complement Answer

I do to improve my English? You should study more.
she come with us? Yes, she could
Stative verbs

Verbos estáticos são usados somente em tempos simples, não aceitam formas no gerúndio (-ing), diferente dos demais, que
Ex.: Eu like chocolate (não: I'm liking chocolate- eu estou gostando de chocolate)

Verb Correct
agree She didn't agree with us
appear It appears to be raining
believe I don’t believe the news.
belong This book belonged to my father
concern This concerns you.
consist Bread consists of flour, water and yeast
contain This box contains a cake.
depend It depends on the weather.
deserve He deserves to pass the exam.
disagree I disagree with you.
dislike I have disliked mushrooms for years
doubt I doubt what you are saying.
feel (have na opinion) I don’t feel that this is a good idea
fit This shirt fits me well.
hate Julie’s always hated dogs.
hear Do you hear the noise?
imagine I imagine you must be tired.
impress He impressed me with his story.
include This cookbook includes a recipe for bread
involve The job involves a lot of traveling
know I’ve known Julie for ten years.
like I like reading detective stories.
love I love chocolate.
matter It doesn’t matter.
mean ‘Enormous’ means ‘very big’.
measure (be long) This window measures 150cm
mind She doesn’t mind the noise.
need At three o’clock yesterday I needed a taxi
owe I owe you R$20,00
own She owns two cars.
prefer I prefer chocolate ice cream.
promise I promise to help you tomorrow.
realize I didn’t realize the problem.
recognize I didn’t recognize my old friend.
remember He didn’t remember my name.
seem The weather seems to be improving
sound Your idea sounds great.
suppose I suppose John will be late.
surprise The noise surprised me.
understand I don’t understand this question.
want I want to go to the movies tonight
weigh This cake weighs 450g.
wish wish I had studied more.
s, não aceitam formas no gerúndio (-ing), diferente dos demais, que são chamados verbos dinâmicos.
u gostando de chocolate)

Not correct (não existe!!!!!)
She wasn’t agreeing with us.
It´s appearing to be raining
I am not believing the news.
This book was belonging to my father
This is concerning you.
Bread is consisting of flour, water and yeast
This box is containing a cake
It’s depending on the weather.
He is deserving to pass the exam.
I am disagreeing with you.
I have been disliking mushrooms for years
I am doubting what you are saying
I am not feeling that this is a good idea
This shirt is fitting me well.
Julie’s always been hating dogs.
Are you hearing the noise?
I am imagining you must be tired.
He was impressing me with his story
This cookbook is including a recipe for bread
The job is involving a lot of traveling
I’ve been knowing Julie for ten years
I am liking reading detective stories
I’m loving chocolate
It isn’t mattering
‘Enormous’ is meaning ‘very big’.
This window is measuring 150cm
She isn’t minding the noise.
At three o’clock yesterday I was needing a taxi
I am owing you R$20,00
She is owning two cars
I am preferring chocolate ice cream
I am promising to help you tomorrow
I wasn’t realising the problem.
I wasn’t recognising my old friend
He wasn’t remembering my name.
The weather is seeming to be improving
Your idea is sounding great.
I’m supposing John will be late.
The noise was surprising me.
I’m not understanding this question
I am wanting to go to the movies tonight
This cake is weighing 450g.
I am wishing I had studied more
Verbs followed by gerunds or infinitives

Há alguns verbos em inglês que só podem ser seguidos por outros verbos dentro de um categoria específica.
Ex.: I dislike waking up early (dislike= sempre seguido por outro verbo no gerúndio)
I want to be a successfull person (want= sempre seguido por outro verbo no infinitivo)
I started studying or I started to study (study= aceita ambas as formas).


admit afford attempt*
anticipate agree can/can't bear
appreciate appear begin
avoid arrange cease
can't help ask continue
consider attempt dislike
defend beg dread
defer care forget*
delay chance hate
deny choose intend
detest claim like
discuss consent love
dislike conspire neglect
dread dare prefer
enjoy decide propose
excuse demand regret*
fancy deserve remember*
finish endeavor can/can't stand
forgive expect start
imagine fail stop*
involve happen try*
keep (continue) hesitate
mention hope
mind intend
miss learn
pardon manage
postpone mean
prevent need
quit (stop) omit
recall offer
recollect plan
resent prepare
resist pretend
resume promise
risk prove
save (avoid the trouble of) refuse
suggest remain
understand rush

* estes verbos têm significados diferentes quando usados com gerúndio ou infinitivo.
ria específica.
Break into enter forcibly

Break up put a stop to

Call out (for/to) shout

Call up telephone
Cast off get rid of, take away, remove

Clean up organize, make neat

Climb out (of) stand up

Count on depend on
Cut up cut to pieces
Figure (sth) out calculate or think about until one

Fill out add what is needed to make (sth)


Help (sb) out help someone, lend a hand

Leave out omit

Make fun of ridicule, laugh at

Make up invent

Pick up collect (sth) or (sb)

Point out bring to (sb)’s attention

Run into collide with; meet (sb) by chance

Step out go out for fun

Try on put on clothes to see how they fit.

Walk out on leave (sb)

Come across find or meet by chance

Come down with become ill with

Come from originate from

Come in enter
Come off become separated

Come on hurry

Come over visit (a person’s house)

Come up (with) produce

Get across make clear

Get ahead improve (sb)’s position, be successful

Get along (with) be friendly (with)

Get away escape

Get away (with) escape punishment for

Get back at take revenge on

Get by live with a little comfort, survive

Get down discourage or depress

Get in enter (a car, a small boat, or bed)

Get into enter (an argument)

Get off leave or exit from (a train, a ship, or

bus; dismount (a horse)

Get on enter (a train, ship, or bus); mount (a


Get out (of) leave (a car, small boat, bed, room, or


Get over recover from (an illness)

Get through (with) finish

Get up get out of bed

Give away distribute freely, allow sb else to have

Give back return (something)

Give off produce a sensory stimulus, usually a


Give in (to) submit, surrender

Give up stop trying, surrender

Give out be used up or exhausted

Go along with accompany

Go away leave

Go back return

Go by pass
Go down decrease, become lower
Go into investigate or consider in detail
Go on (with) continue
Go over review
Go up increase, raise
Keep away from stay away (from), avoid coming near
Keep back hold back; restrain

Keep off stay at a distance from

Keep on continue
Keep out (of) remain outside or uninvolved

Keep out of avoid entering

Keep up delay a person’s going to bed

Keep up continue, maintain

Look around examine possibilities before deciding;

go sightseeing.
Look down on consider oneself better than

Look for search for, seek

Look forward to participate with pleasure, expect

Look into inspect, investigate
Look like have a similar appearance to
Look over inspect or examine (sth)
Look out (for) be alert (to danger)

Look up to admire

Put away put in its usual storage place

Put down set or place down

Put off delay, postpone

Put on wear
Put out extinguish (a fire), cause to stop
Put up with endure without protest, bear patiently

Take after look or act like another person, be like

Take (sth) back take sth back into possession,

apologize for saying sth.
Take down write notes
Take in understand, assimilate

Take (sth) out on (sb) abuse (sb) by venting (sb)’s anger or

Take off stop working (for a period of time)

Take on undertake, accept responsibility

Take over take control of
Take up begin studying or practicing
Turn down refuse, reject

Turn in hand in; submit

Turn into be transformed or changed into
Turn off stop the flow of (electricity, gas, water)

Turn on start the flow of (electricity, gas, water)

Turn out prove to be

Turn over change positions

Turn up appear
Turn (sth) up make louder
A man broke into the drugstore last night.

Philip tried to break up the argument between Rose and

He was drowning and was calling out for help.
Paulo calls Gloria up when he needs help.
A willingness to consider new ideas and cast off old

Some of the employees probably won’t stay to clean up.

Jaco climbed out of the river.

You can always count on him to do the right thing.
He cut up the ham.
The instructions were complicated and it took me a while to
figure them out.

Could you please fill out this application?

I’m happy to help you out.

He left out the details.

Some people make fun of Ana because she does so

much volunteer work.

He made up a good story.

Can you pick me up at 10? He picked up his coat and left

the room.

He had already pointed out that it was time to change the


The bicycle ran into Ana.

Tim stepped out.

Try on this sweater to see how it looks.

Rose was so upset that she walked out on both of them.

I came across an interesting article in the newspaper

When you come down with a cold, you should stay in
bed and drink lots of water.

I came from Porto Alegre.

Come in and sit down!

A button came off my sweater.

Come on! Let’s get on with the job and finish it quickly.

Come over to my house and have dinner with me.

She can always come up with a good excuse in these

I was able to get across my most important ideas.

I believe the best way to get ahead at work is to try harder.

I’m getting along with my boss just fine now.

Someone tried to stop him, but he got away.

The police believed his story and he got away with the

Even though Ana gets angry, she never tries to get back
at these people.

She could barely get by on the salary she was making.

That situation got me a little down.

It’s not a good idea to get in a stranger’s car.

It’s better not get into an argument.

When you are on the wrong bus, it’s best to get off.

When you get on a train, you should know where it’s


I won’t be able to get out of the office until seven o’ clock.

She’s getting over a cold

I want to get through with it today.

This morning I got up at five.

Rose gave her old clothes away.

Edward gave the wallet back to the owner.

The flowers gave off such a good smell.

Edward didn’t give in to temptation to keep the wallet.

I’m tired, so I’m giving up doing my homework now.

I’ve been standing here for five hours, so my strength is
giving out.

When you travel, it’s a good idea to ask a friend to go

along with you.

He went away feeling very happy!

I went back to the bookstore hoping that special book was

there yet.
As time goes by, you’ll definitely grow older.
When prices go down we quietly enjoy the decrease.
I didn’t have time to go into the details of that project.
You must go on with your English course.
She goes over her classnotes regularly
When prices go up we complain about the increase.
You should keep away from people who are coughing or
sneezing if you don’t want to catch a cold.
Sometimes it’s difficult for the police to keep back the
crowds who want to see a famous actor or singer.
The sign says: “keep off the grass”.
If you keep on trying, you’ll probably finish it!
The sign said: keep out! She just wanted to keep out of
Everyone had to keep out of the building until the fire had
been put out.
You keep your neighbors up when you listen to such loud
I need to study everyday to keep up.

Look around to see whether you can find the missing

Do some Americans look down on people from Canada?

I’m looking for something special to give him as a present.

She was looking forward to meeting new people.

We looked into the report.
She looks like that famous actress.
Be sure to look over the information carefully.
His mother told him to look out for strong currents. Look
out! She said when she saw a poisonous snake.
I’ve always looked up to people who can control
When I clean off my desk, I put away all my papers in the
files where they belong.
When I find something interesting to read, it’s hard for me
to put it down.
Gloria doesn’t like to put things off until the last minute.
Paulo puts off studying until just before the test.

Put this hat on!

Marcio managed to put the fire out with fire extinguisher.

He just couldn’t put up wito the inconvenience any longer.

She takes after her father.

I want to take back what I said.

I took down a lot of notes about the material.

Two hours was too little for me to take in all the
information I needed.
He took his anger out on her.

She hopes to take off a few weeks this summer for a

relaxing vacation.
I didn’t expect to take on such a large responsibility.
She took over the position of department supervisor.
She has taken up yoga to help her to get her mind off
work in the evening.
If he invites her again, she’ll turn down the invitation
If I turn it in on time, I’ll get a good grade.
That experience had turned into a bad dream.
If the radio is on, Gloria turns it off before she begins to
Paulo turns on the radio and listens to music when he
It turned out to coincide with a disaster.
Sometimes, if I turn over onto my stomach or my back, I
feel more relaxed.
One day Paulo turned up at the club.
I used to turn the volume up very high
Simple present (auxiliar: do, does)

question word auxiliary subject action verb complement

What do you eat on Sundays?
Do you study English?
What time does your mother get up every day?

Simple past (auxiliar: did)

question word auxiliary subject action verb complement

What did you eat yesterday?
Did you study last week?
What time did your mother get up yesterday?

Future WILL (auxiliar: will)

question word auxiliary subject action verb complement

What will you eat tomorrow?

Present perfect (auxiliar: have/has)

question word auxiliary subject action verb complement

What have you eaten recently?
Have you studied lately?
What time has your mother gotten up this week?

Past perfect (auxiliar: had)

question word auxiliary subject action verb complement

before coming
What had she done
to this school?
list of question words
Answer what o que? qual?
I eat barbecue on Sundays what time a que horas?
Yes, I do where onde?
She gets up at 6:30 every day. when quando?
who quem?
how como?
how old? qual anos? (idade)
how tall? qual altura?
how far? quão distante?
how near? quão próximo?
how early? quão cedo?
how late? quão tarde?
how many? quantos?
how much? quanto?
how often? com que frequência?
how fast? quão rápido?
how long? quanto tempo?
why? por que?
Answer whose? de quem?
I ate barbecue yesterday which? qual?
Yes, I did
She got up at 6:30 yesterday

I will eat barbecue tomorrow

I have eaten barbecue
Yes, I have
She has gotten up at 6:30.


She had traveled before coming to this


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