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Good morning/afternoon, my name is Leonardo Nicolás González, I’m 23 years old. I’m
applying for the buffet steward position, and I’m really, really grateful to be part of this
interview, so thank you so much for this oportunity

Well, I would like to talk about my expierence on the position applied, if you’re agree.

I have been worked on gastronomy sector for a Little bit more than 3 years to date, as a waiter
and kitchen assistant in 3 diferents places. My main activities and responsabilities are
customer attendant, table organization, cleaning, arrange the cutlery, delivering dishes, take
reservations, stock control, manage the cash and charge with posnet. Also I’m in charge to
keep my team work motivated implemeting diferents activities and objetives, trying to
estimulate the comunication, resilience and support, and most important fact: trying to do our
work much better to keep the clients satisfied.

As in all work I’ve had dificult situations, working in gastronomy sector means deal with a lot of
pressure and sometimes that makes you wrong. But after all I always try to keep calm and find
the best solution to each problem. For example, last week arrived to the bar a couple asking
for a reservation, we were really full all the weekend, no empty table, They were really sad
because it was their weeding aniversary and didn’t find a place to celebrate, so I asked them to
wait, I talked with my manager and my team work to explain the situation, finally we found a
solution: re organized all the table to find a new place for that couple, we did it and we could
attend to all costumers (including the couple).

I consider myself a very organized person to work, always willing to learn and prepare to any
objetive. I enjoy to work alone and with a team, I got a lot of patient, resilience and
expierence, also I’m so proactive and I always try to find new ways to give my best at work.

I wanna let it clear: I’m completely agree with the fact of beeing so far from home, living new
experiences that will help me to grow up personally and professionally

Before this interview finishes I would like to ask you some questions:

 Wich Company will hire me?

 How long does the boating process take?
 How long does the contract last?
 How much will my sallary be?

Once again: thank you so much for this opportunity and for your time! I’ll be waiting for your
answer. Have a nice day!

In Dolce Batita we have a varied menu offering some kind of pizzas (mozzarela, nevada, with
anchovies, with red peppers, with ham, with fries and fried eggs, etc), Sándwiches (jam and
cheese with toast bread, with rye bread, with tenderloin beef, milanese,etc), some
hamburguers (with cheese, with bacon, vegetarian, etc), some salads (Ceaser Salad, lettuce
and tomato, Russian Salad (chikpeas/arvejas), onions and tomato, eggs and carrots, etc). But
we try to focus on breakfasts and after teas/snacks because in the beggining the bar was a café
and we want to keep that essence: our most famous breakfasts are brunch fit, french,
american toast, pink toast, green toast, light toast and the american breakfast

• Bruch fit: homemade yogurth with granola and fruits, coffe, toasted homemade bread,
white cheese with seeds, jam and cheese

• French: coffe with milk, croissant and natural orange juice

• American toast: coffe, natural orange juice and toasts with scrambled eggs and bacon

• Pink toast: toasted homemade bread with sour cream, candied cherry tomatoes,
avocado, salmon, gravlax and lemon zest

• Green toast: toasted homemade bread with sautéed spinach, white cream with
parmesan, poached egg and seeds

• Light toast: toasted homemade bread with white cheese, candied tomato, avocado,
olives, poached egg and a mix seed

• American breakfast: coffe, scrambled eggs, white toasted bread, hotcakes with fruits
(peaches, watermelon, kiwi, banana) topped with honey, bacon and natural orange juice

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