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Liderazgo Emprendimiento e innovación

Período Enero – junio 2024

Fundamental Activity 3 - PIA

Nombre Matrícula Carrera

Andrea Elizondo Ocañas 2096175 IB

In today's fast-paced world, continuous personal development and

strategic planning are vital for professional and personal success.
This Personal Development Plan (PDP) outlines my journey of self-
analysis, goal setting, and strategic planning to enhance my
leadership skills and overall personal growth. The plan is divided into
three main sections: the Personal Development Plan, the Personal
Marketing Plan, and the Personal Growth Plan. Each section will
detail specific steps and strategies tailored to my individual needs and
aspirations. Through this comprehensive plan, I aim to identify my
strengths and weaknesses, set actionable goals, and create a
roadmap for achieving my long-term objectives.
Personal Development Plan (3 Stages)

1. Personal Analysis

Through a process of self-reflection, I have identified my core

strengths and weaknesses. My strengths include strong analytical
skills, effective communication, and a high level of adaptability.
However, I recognize areas for improvement, such as time
management, delegation skills, and public speaking. This analysis
provides a foundation for setting realistic and achievable goals.

2. Setting Goals

Based on my personal analysis, I have set the following goals:

- Improve time management skills by utilizing tools such as planners

and time-tracking software.

- Enhance public speaking abilities through regular practice and

attending workshops.

- Develop better delegation skills by learning to trust team members

and assign tasks effectively.
3. Personal Objectives

My personal objectives are:

- To become a more effective leader by focusing on emotional

intelligence and interpersonal relationships.

- To achieve a work-life balance that allows for both professional

success and personal fulfillment.

- To continuously seek opportunities for learning and development in

my field.

Personal Marketing Plan (6 Stages)

1. Vision

My vision is to become a respected leader in my industry, known for

innovation, integrity, and the ability to inspire and motivate others.

2. Marketing Summary

I will leverage my strengths in analytical thinking and communication

to build a strong personal brand. This includes maintaining an active
presence on professional networking sites, sharing industry insights,
and participating in relevant events and forums.

3. Target Markets

My primary target markets include potential employers, industry

peers, and professional networks. I aim to establish myself as a
thought leader within these circles.

4. Positioning Statement

"I am a dedicated professional with a passion for innovation and

leadership. My ability to analyze complex problems and communicate
effectively makes me a valuable asset in any team or organization."

5. Marketing Mix

- Product: My skills, experience, and knowledge.

- Price: The value I bring to organizations through my unique skill set.

- Place: Professional networking sites, industry conferences, and


- Promotion: Regularly updating my professional profiles, writing

articles, and participating in speaking engagements.
6. Implementation

I will implement my marketing plan by creating a schedule for regular

updates to my online profiles, setting goals for networking activities,
and seeking out speaking and writing opportunities to share my

Personal Growth Plan (5 Steps)

1. Find your “Why”

My "Why" is driven by a desire to make a positive impact in my field

and to inspire others through effective leadership and innovative

2. Find your “What”

I aim to become a leader who is not only skilled in strategic planning

and problem-solving but also deeply committed to ethical practices
and continuous learning.
3. Find your “How”

I will achieve my goals through continuous education, seeking

mentorship, and applying learned skills in real-world scenarios.

4. The power of One

Focusing on one key area at a time, such as improving public

speaking, will allow me to make significant progress and build

5. Make it challenging

Setting challenging but achievable goals will push me out of my

comfort zone and encourage growth. For example, committing to
speak at a major industry conference within the next year.

This Personal Development Plan (PDP) serves as a structured roadmap for my

journey toward personal and professional excellence. By conducting a thorough self-
analysis, setting clear goals, and implementing strategic plans, I am committed to
continuous improvement and achieving my vision of becoming a respected leader.

The Personal Marketing Plan supports this vision by enhancing my personal brand
through active participation in professional networks and continuous learning. This
ensures my visibility and relevance in my field, opening new opportunities for career

The Personal Growth Plan focuses on internal development by helping me discover

my "Why," "What," and "How." Setting challenging yet achievable goals fosters
continuous growth and resilience. By concentrating on one key area at a time, such
as improving public speaking, I can make significant progress and build confidence,
enhancing my leadership capabilities.

Through dedication, reflection, and strategic action, I am confident in my ability to

reach my full potential. This PDP is not just a document but a living tool that will guide
and inspire me throughout my career. Adhering to these plans ensures I am prepared
to face challenges, seize opportunities, and make meaningful contributions to my

I am ready to face challenges, leverage opportunities, and evolve into the respected
and effective leader I aspire to be. Through continuous dedication and reflection, I
am confident I will achieve my goals and create a lasting impact in my professional
Apa citations and references

- Covey, S. R. (1989). *The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People:

Powerful Lessons in Personal Change*. Free Press.
- Drucker, P. F. (1999). *Management Challenges for the 21st
Century*. HarperBusiness.
- Goleman, D. (1995). *Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter
More Than IQ*. Bantam Books.
- Maxwell, J. C. (2007). *The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership:
Follow Them and People Will Follow You*. Thomas Nelson.
- Peters, T. J., & Waterman, R. H. (1982). *In Search of Excellence:
Lessons from America's Best-Run Companies*. Harper & Row.

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