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International Journal of Computer in

Law & Political Science
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Information Technology Policy through the E-

Government Programs in Improving Public Services
P S Kurniati*, I Sholihin**, R Winarta***, M H Insan****

*,** Departemen Ilmu Pemerintahan, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

***,**** Departemen Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
E-mail: *


Article History:
This paper aims to describe the application of e- Received 16 Aug 2018
Revised 20 Aug 2018
Government in Indonesia in improving the Accepted 25 Aug 2018
performance of public services. The method used in this Available online 09 Sep 2018
research was descriptive, through literature study ___________________
techniques by collecting data in the library, reading, _
taking notes, and processing research materials relevant E-Government,
to the development of information technology through Information Technology
e-government programs in improving the quality of Policy,
public services in Indonesia. The results show that the
human resource factor and leadership support were the
most influential factors. The most dominant factor in
implementing this policy was the consistency of the
implementers' attitude from planning to supervision
starting from the top management level to
implementers to implement policy objectives. The
government is an effort to develop governance-based
using electronics to effectively and efficiently improve
the quality of public services.
Kurniati et al. Information Technology Policy through the E-Government Programs in Improving
Public Services Quality | 2

1. INTRODUCTION established, there are many challenges for

e-government in the Least Developed
The development of information Countries (LDCs). These challenges
technology is currently growing rapidly, include, but are not limited to a
computing and internet networks, significant digital divide, inadequate e-
internet penetration by the government infrastructure and lack of skills and
and Telkom has even reached rural areas. competencies for design,
These technological advances have implementation, use and management of
significantly influenced government e-government systems. This
management that develops public service relationship's mechanism is through the
systems through the internet network use of information technology, which is a
known as e-government (Aritonang, D. combination or combination of
M., 2017). Transforming the work culture computers and communication network
and the mechanism of public service systems. With e-government, it will
provision from conventional to modern is facilitate the interaction and new
one of the fundamental objectives of communication between local
implementing the e-government system. governments with each other, central and
In 2006, the Department of Finance local governments, between government
started the process by introducing the and society, and between government
Bureaucracy Reform Initiative to support and the business world (Arduini, D., et
the ongoing Public Finance Management al., 2010). Innovation as a result of a
reforms. The focus was to reform the process whereby the innovating entities'
organizational structures and procedures competence develops together with the
with an extensive modernization technological environment. In this case,
program that includes a proliferation of we will focus on a specific category of
information and Communications innovators, namely local-level public
Technologies (ICT). The concept of e- administration bodies, called
government can be interpreted as using “municipalities” from now on. We will
data and telecommunications technology use digital front office services to citizens,
for efficient and effective governance and companies, and other institutions (e-
providing transparent and satisfying government) as a measure of urban
services to the public (Twizeyimana, J. D., innovation. Next, consider the relevant
and Andersson, A., 2019). E-Government technological, institutional, and
is commonly conceptualized as economic contexts so that innovation is
governments' use of Information and broadly represented according to the
Communication Technologies (ICTs) "region" in which the municipality is
combined with organizational change to located (Kaliannan, M., and Awang, H.,
improve government structures and 2010). Through e-Government policy
operations. Also, the implementation of innovation, we can realize the benefits
e-government is expected to help could be shared into three categories.
governments deliver services and First, the focus will benefit from the
transform relations with citizens, government for citizens or businesses, it
businesses, and other government arms. requires convenience access between
Nowadays, in contrast to developed government, citizens and private
countries where e-government is well- companies, availability government
3 | International Journal of Computer in Law & Political Science 1 (2020) 1-8

information, services, and electronic service. However, there are still some
products; avoid procrastination in getting shortcomings, namely limited resources
any service; access related product or available, lack of policy dissemination to
service sites, carry out multi-channel the public, and miscommunication
service delivery, for example choosing between leaders and employees. Other
between online or physical channels and research that also examines Information
so on. Technology (IT) innovation has also been
conducted by Wahid et al found that the
The result, new class quality service will adoption of IT by SMEs is still low (AlBar,
come true, as government system will be A. M., and Hoque, M. R, 2019). Many
reduced complicated and, therefore, factors have hampered IT adoption, such
better quality guaranteed service. as the lack of IT support to support
Second, files the benefits made in terms of business processes and a lack of financial
intra-agency means communication support. SMEs that use IT are still at the
between government department or operational or opportunistic level and
agency. Business processes will be have not yet reached the strategic level.
improved as electronic government Rinaldy has also conducted research that
contributes continuous implementation examines the quality of public services.
in handling a large number of agents it is This study suggests the factors that affect
part of the government machine. Indeed, the quality of public services at the
this effort will also contribute to human Regional Secretariat Office of North
resource development. Business process Sumatra Province. Human resource
improvements will help equip quality is still low (lack of awareness and
government staff with skills for the motivation in providing services). Service
information age. Third, we will see the systems and procedures are still long and
benefits between institutions. There will complicated, the absence of Minimum
be a smooth flow of information between Service Standards in obtaining permits in
agencies, a best practice database, and public services that involve procedures,
enhanced information analysis time, and costs (Rinaldi, R, 2012).
capabilities through the use of ICT and
multimedia tools (Cuadrado-Ballesteros, This study aims to describe the
B., et al., 2012). Service quality is the application of e-government in Indonesia
service provided to consumers in in improving the performance of public
accordance with standardized service services by utilizing IT innovation
standards in providing services as a good policies. With e-government ordering, it
service standard. Service quality is an is expected to increase public service
important component that must be transactions that are not based on time
considered in public services. and location and at an affordable cost by
the public. The method used in
Aprianty has also conducted research describing the application of e-
that also examines the application of e- government was literature study by
government found that the application of collecting data in the library, reading,
e-Government policies in improving the taking notes, and processing research
quality of public services in Sambutan materials relevant to the development of
District (Aprianty, D. R., 2016). The sub- information technology through e-
district office of the city of Samarinda has government programs to improve public
begun to experience changes in excellent services quality in Indonesia.
Kurniati et al. Information Technology Policy through the E-Government Programs in Improving
Public Services Quality | 4

Current information technology

innovation policies through e-
2. METHOD government and information technology
programs can be seen from several
The research method used in this
aspects: regulations or policies related to
research was descriptive to get an
ICT management, Information Network
overview of the implementation of e-
Infrastructure policies, Information
government. Data collection techniques
Management, Community, and Human
are through literature study, namely by
Resources. These aspects must be
reviewing literature by connecting one
managed. The implementation of e-
literature to another as a basis for
Government can lead to good orderly e-
arguments for finding various written
government so that the services provided
sources, both in books, archives,
through the government website are
magazines, articles, journals, and
supported by effective management of
documents relevant to the problem in
systems and work processes due to the
question. The information obtained from
readiness of regulations, procedures, and
this literature study is used as a reference
adequate human resources to encourage
to strengthen existing arguments.
the use of information and
Validity and reliability tests were carried
communication technology. In public
out through triangulation techniques.
service. The following is an example of an
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION e-government application website in
Indonesia, as shown in Figure 1 below.

Fig. 1. The front page of the Qlue application

5 | International Journal of Computer in Law & Political Science 1 (2020) 1-8

Qlue is a social media application for several application features such as LIVE
reporting city problems to the News, LAKSA, Ready to Work, SEGAR,
government, the private sector, or e-Paper, etc.
sharing information with other residents
in your neighborhood to create a smart E-government initiatives aim to increase
city. Citizen reports that enter through government performance in general,
the Qlue application will be forwarded to where the proper implementation of
related parties and their progress can still these initiatives leads to improving
be monitored in the Qlue application and government services provided to citizens
on the dashboard. One and the private sector and increasing the
more example of an e-government effectiveness of government work
application website in Indonesia in internally and expanding citizen
Tangerang is shown in Figure 2 below. participation in the decision-making
Tangerang LIVE is an android process (Almarabeh, T., and AbuAli, A.,
application portal for the Tangerang City 2010).
Government. Tangerang LIVE contains

Fig. 2. The front page of the Tangerang Live application

Kurniati et al. Information Technology Policy through the E-Government Programs in Improving
Public Services Quality | 6

However, many studies show that most For e-government development policy
initiatives to implement E-Government innovation to be implemented
worldwide fail in achieving this systematically, the formulation of
promised goal. There is a global policies, regulations and legislation,
consensus that deeper study is needed to standardization, and necessary
understand the real reasons behind this guidelines must be consistent and
failure. Still, even though a higher mutually supportive. Therefore, the
percentage of e-government projects fail formulation needs to refer to a complete
to achieve their goals globally, the world framework and is directed at meeting
is witnessing the consensus that it is still public service delivery needs and
possible e-government initiatives. E- strengthening reliable and reliable
government fulfills everything information management and processing
promising, but the potential underlying networks. To improve the quality of
these initiatives will only be achieved by public services through e-government, a
accessing a better understanding of the framework is needed. This framework
obstacles they face and seeking ways to connects all policies, regulations and
overcome them. laws, standardization, and guidelines to
become the basis for encouraging the
The existence of application systems and formation of good governance as
computer network infrastructure has had described in Figure 3 below.
a positive impact on public services.
However, these systems' provision is an
effort of individual institutions, resulting
in several factors such as standardization, Indonesia's e-government innovation
information security, authentication, and policy is still not fully operational, and it
various basic applications that support is still far below the ideal and desired
interaction. Between reliable, safe, and standard (Sabani, A., et al., 2019). The
reliable locations to integrate shortcomings are ideally not only in the
management systems and government local context but also in the global
work processes into integrated public context. The quantitative achievements
services has received less attention. show significant progress, but the quality
Information technology is a new area is insufficient due to shortcomings in
government agency rarely has reliable human resources, infrastructure, and
human resources in information regulations. Therefore, it is necessary to
technology, especially in rural areas. refine the concept and strategy of
Human resources are usually in a implementing EGOV from different
business / industrial environment. The sides. The ads for e-government
lack of human resources is one of the sites development regulations and standards
in the application of government need to be made so that there is no
electronics. Businesspeople often exploit definition and meaning of e-government
the government's weakness in human separately by the organizers, namely the
resources that controls IT by selling local government.
wrong and expensive solutions.
7 | International Journal of Computer in Law & Political Science 1 (2020) 1-8

Fig. 3. Policy Implementation Framework and National Strategy for E-

Government Development

4. CONCLUSION resource limitations severely limits

computerized penetration into
To implement e-government in government management systems and
Indonesia, local governments do not need work processes. Therefore, it is necessary
to create large and complex systems. to refine the concept and strategy of
Careful planning can be developed in the implementing e-government from
future and build e-government various sides. The existence of
gradually. The government does not regulations and standards for e-
need to spend hundreds of millions or government development needs to be
even billions to buy information made so that there is no definition and
technology software. The services meaning of e-government independently
provided through the government by the organizers, namely the regional
website and the available application government.
systems and information technology
infrastructure have not been supported
by an effective management system and
work processes. The readiness of
regulations, procedures, and human
Kurniati et al. Information Technology Policy through the E-Government Programs in Improving
Public Services Quality | 8

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